806 resultados para Employment expectations


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Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos


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Nous avons développé un modèle qui cherche à identifier les déterminants des trajectoires scolaires des élèves universitaires en articulant deux perspectives théoriques et en utilisant une approche méthodologique mixte en deux phases : quantitative et qualitative. La première phase est basée sur le modèle de Tinto (1992) avec l'incorporation d'autres variables de Crespo et Houle (1995). Cette étape a atteint deux objectifs. Dans le premier, on a identifié les différences entre les variables exogènes (indice économique, l'éducation parentale, moyen au lycée et moyenne dans l’examen d'entrée) et trois types de trajectoires: la persévérante, de décalage et d’abandon. Cette phase était basée sur les données d'un sondage administré à 800 étudiants à l'Université de Sonora (Mexique). Les résultats montrent que ceux qui ont quitté l'institution ont obtenu des scores significativement plus bas sur les variables exogènes. Le deuxième objectif a été atteint pour les trajectoires persévérantes et de décalage, en établissant que les étudiants ont une plus grande chance d’être persévérants lorsqu’ils présentent de meilleurs scores dans deux variables exogènes (l'examen d'entrée et être de genre féminin) et quatre viable endogènes (haute intégration académique, de meilleures perspectives d'emploi, ont une bourse). Dans la deuxième phase nous avons approfondi la compréhension (Verstehen) des processus d'articulation entre l'intégration scolaire et sociale à travers de trois registres proposés par Dubet (2005): l'intégration, le projet et la vocation. Cette phase a consisté dans 30 interviews avec étudiantes appartenant aux trois types de trajectoire. À partir du travail de Bourdages (1994) et Guzman (2004), nous avons cherché le sens de l'expérience attribuée par les étudiants au processus éducatif. Les résultats révèlent cinq groupes d’étudiantes avec des expériences universitaires identifiables : ceux qui ont une intégration académique et sociale plus grande, les femmes travailleuses intégrées académiquement, ceux qui ont les plus grandes désavantages économiques et d’intégration scolaire, ceux qui ont cherché leur vocation dans un autre établissement et ceux qui n'ont pas poursuivi leurs études. L'utilisation de différents outils statistiques (analyse de corrélation, analyse de régression logistique et analyse des conglomérats) dans la première phase a permis d’identifier des variables clés dans chaque type de trajectoire, lesquelles ont été validées avec les résultats de la phase qualitative. Cette thèse, en plus de montrer l'utilité d'une approche méthodologique mixte, étend le modèle de Tinto (1987) et confirme l'importance de l'intégration scolaire pour la persévérance à l'université.


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A university degree is effectively a prerequisite for entering the archaeological workforce in the UK. Archaeological employers consider that new entrants to the profession are insufficiently skilled, and hold university training to blame. But university archaeology departments do not consider it their responsibility to deliver fully formed archaeological professionals, but rather to provide an education that can then be applied in different workplaces, within and outside archaeology. The number of individuals studying archaeology at university exceeds the total number working in professional practice, with many more new graduates emerging than archaeological jobs advertised annually. Over-supply of practitioners is also a contributing factor to low pay in archaeology. Steps are being made to provide opportunities for vocational training, both within and outside the university system, but archaeological training and education within the universities and subsequently the archaeological labour market may be adversely impacted upon by the introduction of variable top-up student fees.


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Se han realizado muchos estudios que analizan el efecto de la estricta legislación de protección del empleo. Sin embargo, casi todos ellos se han enfocado en un impacto a posteriori; dejando de lado un segundo canal, pero igualmente importante: las expectativas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de las expectativas en el mercado laboral formal e informal peruano.


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Tutkimuksella selvitettiin eri tekijöiden merkitystä hammaslääkärien tehdessä uraansa koskevia valintoja lähtien ammatinvalinnasta. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin erilaisissa työpaikoissa toimivien hammaslääkärien sekä hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoiden odotuksia ja kokemuksia. Tutkimus tehtiin kyselynä postitse lähetetyin lomakkein. Kyselyyn osallistui 350 hammaslääkäriä ja 115 opiskelijaa. Kiinnostus lääketieteeseen ja työn konkreettisuus olivat keskeisimmät syyt lähteä hammaslääketiedettä opiskelemaan. Suurin osa sekä hammaslääkäreistä että opiskelijoista valitsisi vähintään todennäköisesti saman ammatin uudelleen, hammaslääkäreistä yksityishammaslääkärit useimmin. 69 % hammaslääkäreistä oli aloittanut työuransa terveyskeskuksessa, opiskelijoista 46 % toivoi työpaikkaa yksityissektorilta ja 37 % terveyskeskuksesta. Hammaslääkärit kokivat työn mielekkyyden, positiivisen kaiun, työn ja elämän reunaehtojen sekä taloudellisen turvallisuuden vaikuttaneen ensimmäiseen työpaikkaan menoon vähemmän kuin opiskelijat arvioivat niiden vaikuttavan. Työssä tärkeänä sekä hammaslääkärit että opiskelijat pitivät hyviä työolosuhteita ja mielekästä työn sisältöä. Toimiva yhteistyö työparin kanssa oli myös erittäin tärkeää. Hammaslääkärit pitivät hyviä työoloja ja autonomiaa tärkeämpinä kuin opiskelijat, joille puolestaan uralla eteneminen ja työajan joustot olivat tärkeämpiä. Hammaslääkärit arvostivat työtä ja työssä suoriutumista sekä hyvää työpaikkaa enemmän kuin opiskelijat. Parhaiten työssään toteutuvana suhteessa asian merkitykseen hammaslääkärit kokivat autonomian ja huonoiten ilmapiirin. Naiset kokivat asioiden toteutumisessa enemmän puutteita kuin miehet. Työpaikkaansa heikosti sitoutuneita oli 8 %, joista valtaosa terveyskeskushammaslääkäreitä. Heikosti sitoutuneet kokivat sitoutuneita huonompina varsinkin työilmapiirin, työolosuhteet ja mahdollisuuden uralla etenemiseen. Hammaslääkärit olivat halukkaampia jatkokoulutukseen kuin kokivat siihen olevanmahdollisuuksia; 25 % oli harkinnut erikoistumista, mutta luopunut ajatuksesta, ja20 % halusi erikoistua, mutta koki siihen käytännön esteitä. Jatkossa tulisi tarkemmin analysoida ja toistettavin tutkimuksin seurata hammaslääkärien urakokemuksia ja valintoja sekä koetun työssä vallitsevan tilanteen ja asioiden merkityksen välistä suhdetta. Myös opiskelijoiden urasuunnitelmia ja arvostuksia tulisi tutkia säännöllisin väliajoin.


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Commitment of employees is relatively low in construction. This problem is exasperated by companies inability to attract, motivate, and retain talent that is then often channelled into other more attractive industrial sectors where the prospects, conditions and rewards are perceived to be much higher. The purpose of this study is thus primarily to develop a generic model to maximise employees' engagement, improve their motivation and increase the retention levels. To achieve this aim, the investigation looks into how perceived employment obligations and expectations impact commitment and through that organisational performance. The study is based on the postulations of Luhmann's theory of social systems with communication viewed as a constitutive element of a social system. Consequently expectations of a particular party in an employment relationship are represented in a communicative space requiring the other party's understanding in order to align expectations of both sides in the relationship. Explicitly, alignment of by an employee perceived manager's expectations determines his/ her commitment to fulfil obligations towards the manager. The result of this first stage of research is a conceptual model developed following the substantial supporting evidence in the literature and it forms the framework for mitigation of low commitment, motivation and retention of employees. The model particularly focuses on factors affecting employees' perceived expectations like reneging, incongruence and the process of communication. In the future the model will be validated using empirical data from a combination of observational and enquiry-based research. Once completed, the model will provide a framework for informing Human Resource Management policies with the aim to improve commitment of employees, increase the levels of retention and consequently improve the performance of construction organisations.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Although the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean grew more slowly in 2011 than in 2010, there were some improvements on the employment front. Workers benefited from the region’s satisfactory economic performance in an increasingly complex international setting. The unemployment rate fell from 7.3% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2011 thanks to a halfpercentage- point gain in the urban employment rate. Both rates are at levels that have not been seen for a long time. The proportion of formal jobs with social benefits rose as well, and underemployment declined. The average wage and the minimum wage both increased in real terms, albeit only moderately. Economic performance and the employment situation varied widely among the subregions. The unemployment rate dropped by 0.6 percentage points in South America but 0.4 percentage points in the countries of the northern part of Latin America. In the countries of the Caribbean, the employment rate was up by 0.2 percentage points. The data show that substantial labour market gaps and serious labour-market insertion issues remain. This is especially the case for women and young people, for whom unemployment rates and other labour indicators are still unfavourable. The second part of this report looks at whether the fruits of economic growth and rising productivity have been distributed equitably between workers and companies. Between 2002 and 2008 (the most recent expansionary economic cycle), wages as a percentage of GDP fell in 13 of the 21 countries of the region for which data are available and rose in just 8. This points to redistribution that is unfavourable to workers, which is worrying in a region which already has the most unequal distribution of income in the world. Underlying this trend is the fact that, worldwide, wages have grown less than productivity. Beyond the ethical dimension of this issue, it jeopardizes the social and economic sustainability of growth. For example, one of the root causes of the recent financial crisis was that households in the United States responded to declining wage income by borrowing more to pay for consumption and housing. This turned out to be unsustainable in the long run. Over time, it undermines the labour market’s contribution to the efficient allocation of resources and its distributive function, too, with negative consequences for democratic governance. Among the triggers of this distributive worsening most often cited in the global debate are market deregulation and its impact on financial globalization, technological change that favours capital over labour, and the weakening of labour institutions. What is needed here is a public policy effort to help keep wage increases from lagging behind increases in productivity. Some countries of the region, especially in South America, saw promising developments during the second half of the 2000s in the form of a positive trend reversal in wages as a percentage of GDP. One example is Brazil, where a minimum wage policy tailored to the dynamics of the domestic market is considered to be one of the factors behind an upturn in the wage share of GDP. The region needs to grow more and better. Productivity must grow at a steady pace, to serve as the basis for sustained improvements in the well-being of the populace and to narrow the gap between the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean and the more advanced economies. And inequality must be decreased; this could be achieved by closing the productivity gap between upgraded companies and the many firms whose productivity is low. As set out in this report, the region made some progress between 2002 and 2010, with labour productivity rising at the rate of 1.5% a year. But this progress falls short of that seen in other regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa (2.1%) and, above all, East Asia (8.3%, not counting Japan and the Republic of Korea). Moreover, in many of the countries of the region these gains have not been distributed equitably. Therein lies a dual challenge that must be addressed: continue to increase productivity while enhancing the mechanisms for distributing gains in a way that will encourage investment and boost worker and household income. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimate that the pace of economic growth in the region will be slightly slower in 2012 than in 2011, in a global economic scenario marked by the cooling of several of the main economic engines and a high degree of uncertainty concerning, above all, prospects for the euro zone. The region is expected to continue to hold up well to this worsening scenario, thanks to policies that leveraged more favourable conditions in the past. This will be felt in the labour markets, as well, so expectations are that unemployment will edge down by as much as two tenths of a decimal point.


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Residents of the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) carried out a survey to explore the expectations and needs of potential employers of ECVPH diplomates and to assess the extent to which the ECVPH post-graduate training program meets those requirements. An online questionnaire was sent to 707 individuals working for universities, government organizations, and private companies active in the field of public health in 16 countries. Details on the structure and activities of the participants' organizations, their current knowledge of the ECVPH, and potential interest in employing veterinary public health (VPH) experts or hosting internships were collected. Participants were requested to rate 22 relevant competencies according to their importance for VPH professionals exiting the ECVPH training. A total of 138 completed questionnaires were included in the analysis. While generic skills such as "problem solving" and "broad horizon and inter-/multidisciplinary thinking" were consistently given high grades by all participants, the importance ascribed to more specialized skills was less homogeneous. The current ECVPH training more closely complies with the profile sought in academia, which may partly explain the lower employment rate of residents and diplomates within government and industry sectors. The study revealed a lack of awareness of the ECVPH among public health institutions and demonstrated the need for greater promotion of this veterinary specialization within Europe, both in terms of its training capacity and the professional skill-set of its diplomates. This study provides input for a critical revision of the ECVPH curriculum and the design of post-graduate training programs in VPH.


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Dua and Miller (1996) created leading and coincident employment indexes for the state of Connecticut, following Moore's (1981) work at the national level. The performance of the Dua-Miller indexes following the recession of the early 1990s fell short of expectations. This paper performs two tasks. First, it describes the process of revising the Connecticut Coincident and Leading Employment Indexes. Second, it analyzes the statistical properties and performance of the new indexes by comparing the lead profiles of the new and old indexes as well as their out-of-sample forecasting performance, using the Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR) method. The new indexes show improved performance in dating employment cycle chronologies. The lead profile test demonstrates that superiority in a rigorous, non-parametric statistic fashion. The mixed evidence on the BVAR forecasting experiments illustrates the truth in the Granger and Newbold (1986) caution that leading indexes properly predict cycle turning points and do not necessarily provide accurate forecasts except at turning points, a view that our results support.


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The link between work and welfare is a key pathway of modern welfare state development in Western Europe. National governments face a constant balancing act between the welfare expectations of the labour forces and the labour market liberalisation demands of the business communities. Facilitating the transit from welfare into employment has therefore become an important tool for the British, German and Swedish governments, providing labour as and when needed while keeping welfare expenditure in check. However, the approaches to organising active labour market policies are quite different, notably with regard to the territorial dimension. Although labour markets are quite diverse in all three cases, the role of local authorities, local agencies and local labour market actors from the private and voluntary sector are generally under-developed and apparently under-appreciated, but in different ways and for different reasons. The article compares current employment-related welfare provisions and approaches to develop active labour market policies in the three countries, and concludes that while certain structural and procedural similarities exist, the basic political priorities and actual support and services provided remain very far apart.


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Based on a multidimensional definition of academic expectations (AEs), the authors examine students’ AE component scores across countries and genders. Two samples (343 Portuguese and 358 Spanish students) completed the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ) six months after enrolling in their universities. Factorial invariance was ensured across countries and genders, allowing us to study AEs using the APQ for both genders and in both countries. No significant differences in factor means were found between countries, indicating that AEs are not an obstacle to student mobility. Gender differences were found in some AE factor means, Training for employment, Personal and social development, Student mobility, Political engagement and citizenship, and Social pressure, with males exhibiting higher scores. Because these differences are not supported by most literature in this domain, further studies are needed to clarify the causes of women’s lower expectations and, therefore, risk of adaptation difficulties.