924 resultados para Effective teaching -- Computer network resources


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Como consecuencia de la realización del curso 'Aplicaciones de la Web 2.0 en la Investigación y la Docencia' organizado por La Fundación General Universidad de Granada-Empresa en el curso académico 2009-2010, los autores del presente trabajo presentamos el Proyecto de Innovación Docente concedido por el Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la calidad de la Universidad de Granada,titulado 'Utilización de la herramienta “Google Docs” en la Docencia Universitaria dentro del marco del EEES. Creemos que el proyecto tiene un diseño aplicable a cualquier asignatura de la actual Licenciatura y/o Grado de Farmacia. En este trabajo se expone la experiencia piloto llevada a cabo en la asignatura de Química Farmacéutica, incluyendo el desarrollo, objetivos, metodología, resultados y las conclusiones que se están obteniendo en el trascurso del mismo


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Nuestro propósito es explorar el aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado de Educación Superior y argumentar como este método de trabajo debe ser incorporado a las nuevas metodologías didácticas del profesorado a fin de contribuir a la formación de profesionales más independientes, autónomos y generadores de conocimiento a lo largo de la vida. Además nos gustaría abrir el debate, hasta el momento tan particularista, de la semipresencialidad en la Universidad pues cada vez es mayor el número de alumnos/as que reingresan a la Universidad una vez que están desempeñando un rol como profesionales en activo. Este regreso pretende mejorar, ampliar y/o actualizar su formación, lo cual es positivo pero implica que han de compatibilizar trabajo y estudios y esa realidad crea nuevas demandas a las Universidades que no siempre saben asumir


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Hi ha dos tipus d'interrogants que ens plantegem en aquesta presentació: En primer lloc exposem un seguit de realitats que afecten directament al disseny de la nostra assignatura: els professors assumim habilitats apreses en tècniques de treball dels nostres estudiants: treball en equip, presentacions, debats.... Els uns i els altres entenem el mateix, del què i el com s'ha de treballar? Ho comprovarem. Alhora, ens preguntarem si els estudiants assumim habilitats tecnològiques del professorat? Moodle, wikis, Twitter, xats..... tots entenem el mateix i els fem servir de la mateixa manera? Fixem-nos en les dues perspectives, la del professor i la de l'estudiant, tant referent a dinamiques com a recursos, i ens adonarem que cal tenir en compte tant la una com l'altra. Aquestes reflexions afecten al plantejament de l'assignatura i ens deixen clar que hi ha molta feina a fer per trobar les respostes (conèixer als estudiants que tenim a les aules, explicar convenientment el que esperem dels estudiants, com plantegem l'assignatura i com l'avaluarem... ) No ens referim exclusivament a tenir un pla docent detallat a la maxima expresió, sinó que ens referim a reconèixer el com, el quan i el que expliquem als nostres estudiants, de manera que les regles del joc quedin enteses de la mateixa manera per una part i per l'altra. A partir d'aquí, i com a segon interrogant, ens plantejarem l'estructura que combina la part presencial i la part no presencial de l'assignatura: Quines són les activitats de les que puc treure més rendiment en la part presencial de l'assignatura i quines en la part no presencial? Quant temps i com calcular-lo, cal invertir en les activitats, tant per part dels estudiants com per part del professorat? Com podem avaluar una activitat que ha estat realitzada en part presencial i en part no presencial


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Twitter y otras redes sociales de microblogging ofrecen la posibilidad de comunicarse con todo el planeta, haciendo uso de tan sólo 140 caracteres, esta aparente limitación obliga al usuario a compartir lo esencial, a mostrar los enlaces del mundo con el que interactúa. El eje principal de este trabajo se basa en que las redes sociales de microblogging suponen una ventana al conocimiento informal, al autoaprendizaje y a la creación de redes aplicadas al conocimiento, útiles para la orientación en las aulas. Estas y otras plataformas poseen la característica de motivar a los estudiantes reduciendo las distancias físicas y psicológicas entre alumno y profesor, incrementando la confianza en el alumno e implicándolo en su propio aprendizaje. Para ello implementamos el uso de estas redes sociales, antes, durante y después de cada clase de tipo teórico-práctico. El material de presentación utilizado para las clases posee la posibilidad de transmitir y seguir en directo la actividad realizada durante las clases, tanto del docente como del alumnado. El uso de etiquetas que permitan clasificar, indexar y finalmente recuperar lo expuesto o generado en clase mediante búsquedas, convierten las clases convencionales de tipo unidireccional, en una conversación más interactiva de todos a todos, que permite generar ideas, repasar contenidos y sobretodo recuperar esta información siempre que se desee. El uso de redes sociales y más concretamente redes sociales de microblogging tienen un gran potencial, por ser algo novedoso, que implica la participación y la conversación con el alumnado, rompiendo barreras y generando aprendizaje informal y sobre todo permite ayudar a la autogestión del aprendizaje. Varios millones de personas en todo el mundo utilizan y comparten información en estas plataformas. Al ser herramientas nacidas en entornos TIC permiten ser integradas, agregadas y controladas por parte del docente con mucha flexibilidad y su carácter de ubicuidad espacio-temporal las hacen idóneas para resumir lo expuesto en clase, aportar ejemplos, conversar, compartir, consultar y sobretodo implicar al alumno en la dinámica de aprendizaje y en la creación de su propio material de trabajo. Además resulta relativamente fácil integrar redes sociales de microblogging en el aula, sólo es necesaria una conexión a internet y hacer uso de los servicios generales gratuitos ya existentes. Su facilidad de consulta e integración con servicios como la telefonía móvil o entornos de e-Learning, convirtiendo a estas redes sociales en la conversación que dinamizará las aulas. En este contexto, el presente trabajo parte del modelo de aceptación tecnológica (TAM) de Davis et al. (1989) al que se incorporan algunos de los constructos más utilizados en la literatura científica. Estos constructos son el papel relevante de las normas subjetivas (NS) y de la imagen social (IMAGE) en el uso de tecnologías de la información estructuradas en redes sociales. Para ello un cuestionario fue aplicado a 135 alumnos de diversas titulaciones de Grado y Diplomatura de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Granada. Los datos obtenidos permitieron desarrollar un modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales con los anteriores constructos. Del análisis resulta un modelo de comportamiento de uso de las redes sociales muy robusto y parsimonioso que demuestra las hipótesis de investigación planteadas, poniendo de manifiesto que la adecuación del uso de modelos TAM ampliados (como el presente) para explicar la aceptación de instrumentos metodológicos basados en tecnologías de la información


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This folio presents three studies (a dissertation and two electives) which use qualitative case study methodologies to investigate technology adoption from three perspectives. Central to all three studies is the study context of Monash University. The Dissertation explores adoption of web-based learning and teaching approaches from the perspective of teaching academics as they incorporate these to facilitate their students’ learning. The study investigates teaching academics’ reasons for adopting these new technologies, the factors that influenced their adoption decisions, and the challenges they were confronted with, including the contributing factors that impacted on their adoption decisions. The study shows that while contextual factors such as power and politics of the school, department, faculty and the institution impact on adoption, supportive organisational infrastructures and policy frameworks are necessary to encourage adoption, including wider adoption. In turn, on going staff development, adoption of new work practices and being adaptive to changing work environments are key demands made on teaching academics as a result of adopting web-based teaching approaches. Elective 1, a smaller study, leads on from the dissertation and examines the impact of technology adoption on the evolving role of educational designers. The study identifies the educational designers’ role change in assisting teaching academics to move from more conventional forms of teaching to more technology based learner-centred collaborative models. An important aspect of the study is the managers’ perspectives of this role in a university that has adopted a strong flexible learning and technology policy. The findings show that educational designers now work as project managers in larger teams consisting of a wider range of professionals, their expanded role in introducing technology into learning designs, providing staff development in the area, and giving technical help including advice on copyright and intellectual property issues. Elective 2 explores student readiness to adopt these technologies for learning. The study is designed to achieve an understanding of three broad categories of learners from a first year design unit: (1) South East Asian and East Asian students, (2) all other international students, and (3) local Australian students are studied to examine their readiness for modes of learning that are flexible; their approaches to study in a creative discipline area; and their openness to using technology. Findings of the study are discussed under the key themes – dependence on the teacher and classroom environment, flexible learning and working alone, structure, communication and work patterns. The study concludes by discussing the possible cultural attributes that have an impact on the learning. The three studies found that the institution, its people, structures and processes must all adapt, evolve and grow in order to provide effective, engaging, student-centred web-based learning environments. Students in turn must be enabled to manage their study, make use of the technologies and maximise their learning experience. The findings revealed the stage of technology use reached at Monash University at the time of the study through the voices of the teaching academics, educational designers and students.


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This study, which sought to determine the potential of an online community of practice among biology teachers in Botswana, has identified teacher level, school level and systemic influences as shaping the process and outcome of an online intervention into a teacher professional development programme run by the University of Botswana.


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This paper analyzes the learning experiences and opinions obtained from a group of undergraduate students in their interaction with several on-line multimedia resources included in a free on-line course about Computer Networks. These new educational resources employed are based on the Web 2.0 approach such as blogs, videos and virtual labs which have been added in a web-site for distance self-learning.


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Dynamics is an essential core engineering subject and it is considered as one of the hardest subjects in the engineering discipline. Many students acknowledged that Dynamics is very hard to understand and comprehend the abstract concepts through traditional teaching methods with normal tutorials and assignments. In this study, we conducted an investigation on the application of visualization technique to help students learning the unit with the fundamental theory displayed in the physical space. The research was conducted based on the following five basic steps of Action Learning Cycle including: Identifying problem, Planning action, Implementing, Evaluating, and Reporting. Through our studies, we have concluded that visualization technique can definitely help students in learning and comprehending the abstract theories and concepts of Dynamics.


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This project addressed the need for more insightful, current, and applicable resources for intermediate math teachers in Canadian classrooms. A need for a handbook in this division seemed warranted by a lack of government resource support. Throughout an extensive review of the literature, themes and topics for the handbook emerged. The handbook was designed to not only provide educators with examples of effective teaching strategies within the mathematics classroom but to also inform them about the ways in which their personal characteristics and personality type could affect their students and their own pedagogical practices. Three teaching professionals who had each taught in an intermediate math class within the past year evaluated the handbook. The feedback received from these educators was directly applied to the first draft of the handbook in order to make it more accessible and applicable to other math teachers. Although the handbook was written with teachers in mind, the language and format used throughout the manual also make it accessible to parents, tutors, preservice education students, and educational administrators. Essentially, any individual who is hoping to inspire and educate intermediate math students could make use of the content within the handbook.


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In 2000 a consortium headed by Deakin University was funded by the Victorian Department of Education, Employment and Training to develop a model of effective teaching and learning for science in schools from P-10. Initially working with 27 study schools, the Project has continued in 2001 with 126 participating schools. This paper will discuss the model for school and classroom change that we have been developing, with a particular focus on the change strategies being used by the research team and in the participating schools. Central to the model has been the appointment in each school of a SiS (Science in Schools) coordinator with time release and additional funding for resources. The Coordinator has used strategies including mapping each participating teacher against the eight components of effective teaching and learning (the SiS components); student preferences surveying; auditing of curriculum, resources and school policy; and team planning of priorities, actions, implementation and monitoring strategies. The emphasis has been on school ownership of the change process and the school leadership has been identified as central to its success. As well as focusing on actions in schools the paper will also discuss the research process from the research team's perspective.
--Session data-->


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Thesis (M. S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


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Induction programs largely focus on informing the beginning teacher about the school culture and infrastructure yet the core business of education is teaching and learning. This qualitative study uses a survey, questionnaire, and interviews to investigate 10 beginning teachers’ needs towards becoming effective teachers in their first year of teaching. Findings were synonymous with studies in other countries that showed they required more support in the induction process, particularly around the school context, networking, managing people, and creating work-life balances. It also found that these beginning teachers required more support in school culture and infrastructure with stronger consideration of developing teaching practices, such as: pedagogical knowledge development and behaviour management. It highlighted willing and capable assigned mentors who can model practices and provide feedback on the beginning teachers’ practices as pivotal to induction and mentoring processes.