999 resultados para Educative action
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de ação educativa sobre o conhecimento de familiares de crianças a respeito de queimaduras em ambiente doméstico. Participaram 40 familiares de crianças menores de quatro anos, divididos igualmente em grupos intervenção e controle. Foram realizadas entrevista inicial, ação educativa com folder de queimaduras e entrevista após uma semana. As respostas foram comparadas, utilizando-se teste estatístico de Fisher. Na primeira entrevista, registrou-se 60 respostas de situações de risco no grupo controle e 62 no grupo intervenção; na segunda, aumentou para 61 e 80 indicações, respectivamente. Na primeira entrevista, 90% dos participantes do grupo controle e 80% do grupo intervenção verbalizaram acreditar que a queimadura infantil pode ser evitada; na segunda, a indicação diminuiu para 84% e aumentou para 100%, respectivamente. Este estudo mostrou a importância da orientação com folder de queimaduras em ambiente doméstico.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
O presente relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pretende refletir o percurso realizado em dois momentos de estágio, um desenvolvido em contexto de educação pré-escolar, com um grupo de crianças entre o 4 e os 5 anos, e o outro no ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, com uma turma do 3.º ano de escolaridade. A opção metodológica recaiu sobre a investigação-ação, que implica uma atitude de reflexão constante, tendo em vista a melhoria da ação educativa e o desenvolvimento profissional da formanda. Esta metodologia é cíclica, integrando diferentes fases, como a observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação. De forma a apoiar esta metodologia foram utilizadas estratégias formativas, como o estágio em díade, os guiões de pré-observação, a grelha de observação do ambiente educativo, as narrativas colaborativas e individuais, as planificações, a supervisão institucional e a avaliação reguladora. O presente relatório encontra-se dividido em três capítulos, sendo o primeiro de enquadramento teórico e conceptual, no qual se convocam autores e documentos legais para fundamentar a componente prática, o segundo de caracterização da instituição e meio envolvente e o terceiro de apresentação e análise das práticas desenvolvidas em contexto de estágio, enfatizando o desenvolvimento das competências profissionais. Em suma, a realização dos estágios em contextos distintos permitiu um desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, que deverá continuar a ser um enfoque através da formação contínua
Una eficaz acción educativa obliga necesariamente a plantearse en profundidad la autoevaluación como modelo de cambio y la participación de todos los estamentos de la comunidad educativa. Un mayor o menor grado de participación viene a ser un indicador que nos permite valorar cualquier propuesta de «calidad», «reforma» o «innovación». El modelo B.A.D.I. yen especial su instrumento modular, responde a las exigencias particulares de reflexión, análisis y toma de decisiones que se realiza en cada centro para responder adecuadamente a cualquier planteamiento innovador. Los principios fundamentales de este modelo se resumen en: A. Es un modelo de concepción organicista, estamental, con definición ideológica. B. Responde a un enfoque fundamentalmente rogeriano. C. Participa de los enfoques social, abierto, dinámico, cultural y positivo. Comparte la teoría moderna de la organización y sus indicadores se agrupan en cuatro fases: Criterial, presupuestaria, metodológica e informativa. D. Se identifica con los modelos centrados en la evaluación de cambio, de forma especial con la autoevaluación. La flexibilidad que caracteriza al modelo viene dado por el instrumento modular de área o de criterio, como resultado de la participación y el consenso de todos los estamentos de la institución educativa.
In this research, we have found that, besides the literature in educational area presents the politic-pedagogical project as a pedagogical component that is able to promote changes in educational practices and to consolidate the school autonomy, some researches point to an opposite view-point, mainly due to the fact that these researches verify that several schools have elaborated their project just to comply with a formal exigency of the Brazilian educational reform implemented from the 1990 decade. Despite of the neoliberal and neoconservative forces (that guide this reform) understand the politic-pedagogical project as a way of stimulating scholar organizations, in order to put in practice the educational politics of this decade, we understand that this project can, in fact, promote changes in the scholar practices in the sense of overcoming the bureaucratic scholar culture historically developed in this environment. This research presumes that the process of planning, implementation and evaluation of school actions that is excited by the politic-pedagogical project can stimulate the subjects to develop practices, values, and senses, bypassing in some aspects the culture that is traditionally instituted in school, what will certainly favor the construction of its autonomy. The research that we have done in Professor Ascendino de Almeida Municipal School situated in the South Zone of Natal, RN, Brazil, was developed according to the following methodological procedures: document analysis, semi-structured interview, and participative observation. In the focused school we evidence that the politic-pedagogical project is a product of interpersonal and professional relations that are marked by shared powers, by dialogical action, by participation, and by equality, that (all of them) mediate decisional processes, what makes it possible the construction of common senses in order to guide the educative action. We yet evidence the existence, between the professionals that integrate this institution, of a culture for valuation of planning, of collective reflection, and of theoretical support, besides a commitment with the formation of the student with who they work, this making possible that the politic-pedagogical project constitutes in an orientation for the process of reflection, action, and evaluation of the school work. In these conditions, this project propitiates the consolidation of the school autonomy, what, in its turn, prints higher quality to the educative work developed in the institution
The present study comes from inquietudes of an investigative posture assumed by a Physical Education Graduation Professor, before her educative action with undergraduate teachers. The research was done with 16 (sixteen) Kindergarten and Elementary School teachers, who teach at public schools. The referred teachers are undergraduate students of the Graduating Normal Course at Superior Educational Institute President Kennedy, in Natal/RN. The analysis and discussion of the intertwining of knowledge, within the four Pillars of Education, at the Fountain of Knowledge , is a metaphor, especially created for this study, as for its epistemological and methodological structure, guiding all the investigative process. It provided to show up the repercussion of bathing and drinking these humanizing waters of a pedagogical practice that values the Being, aiming his self-transcendence. The conclusions obtained were the following: 1) The professor, while bathing himself in the Fountain of Life Knowledge, reflects his personal and professional life, recalling feelings and emotions that through time were forgotten, but as they were remembered and lived again, impulse people towards humanity. 2) While bathing himself at the Fountain of Life Knowledge, the professor realizes he is awoken to humane knowledge, caring about his practices, which he develops in the classroom. Practices he considers the learning of knowing, of doing, of living together, and of learning how to be, having and integrated form on the Being. 3) When the worries about the developing of the Being exist coming from the undergraduate teacher there is a practice the shows up the web of corporeity knowledge knowing how to play, how to create, how to feel, how to think, and how to humanize. 4) The presence of the professional of Physical Education, with knowledge and experience of the budgets of corporeity, is essential in the process of graduating the Kindergarten and first years of Elementary School undergraduate teacher, for he, the former, has a huge responsibility as to the learning and developing of the educational process the humanizing developing of the Being In a proposal of education that occurs through the whole life. 5) The Professional of Physical Education has positions to conquer, for the existent gap in the educational process, as for the understanding of the body and of corporeity in the perspective of totality, urges to be modified in name of another mankind, with full humanity
In this dissertation, we investigate the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project in the Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida , situated in the west zone of Natal city, in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. We performed a qualitative research, using information provided by several sources as: interviews carried out in the Municipal Department of Education and also in the mentioned School, document analysis, and literature reviews, mainly with the objective of knowing more about the complexity of this particular reality. This was done in order to establish a mediation between the actual reality and the social, political, and economic context that surrounds it. We analyze the Political-Pedagogical Project according to the visions of Education theoreticians, under the political-normative plan, and also as a process of educational planning that can collaborate significantly for the introduction of changes in school Education. This instrument of the educative action, as a fruit of the participation of the school community, may constitute itself in an important learning instrument of the participation in the social sphere, demanding from the educators the development of complex abilities so that they can construct the Project. In the data analysis, we describe and analyze the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the mentioned School. We also determine how participation of the school community was constructed as well as the consequences of this envolvement. We also discuss the abilities they needed to develop, the process of studies and dialogues that gave support to the whole process, and the democratic participation in the school decisions, including a dialogical interaction
This thesis concerns the problem about the pedagogue actuation in the social education into no scholars places. It search to understand the context and the social pedagogue role to his praxis and formation that enlarger the possibilities of the social educative practices into no scholars places. In this direction, we developed an investigation about the actuation of the pedagogues-educators in Natal city, in the 2007-2010 periods, into Municipal Secretary of the Labor and Social Assistance (SEMTAS). Considering that pedagogues are regularly attached in social educators profession as municipals public employees, we re the objective to evaluate their role into the social executed in the no scholars places, with the focus in the environmental dimensions of theirs work s places, pedagogical organization, institutional management and the professional formation. It privileged in this research the Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance II (CREAS II), the Passages Houses I, II and III, the Social-Educative Measures in Open Environment Execution Program of Natal city (PENSEMA) and the Pitimbú Educational Center (CEDUC-Pitimbú). To realize this study it developed a research with qualitative nature by critic ethnography approach privileging those information collected with the social pedagogue-educators of the mentioned places. Through the methodological procedures adopted; beyond the bibliographical review we remarked the documental research, the semi-structured interview, the questionnaires-routes and the field observations. The analytical results revealed that the politics to the social education in Brazil historically came been dimensioned by the fight of social movements demanding the fundamental rights to the excluded people; that the SEMTAS politics of social education present a relative basic social protection to the excluded children and young people specially into law view; that the politics of social education in Natal city it s close of the logic of sanitarian attention about the disadvantaged groups; that the conceptual, methodological and formatives fragilities needs to the social pedagogues-educators praxis into non scholars places made difficult the operation capacity of a educative proposition anchored in a institutional action guided by the idea of emancipator education; that the SEMTAS take face several difficulties to developed a web assistance as preview in the reception proposition elaborated by the social pedagogues-educators. However in despite the tensions we remarked the value of this potentiality to the non scholar social education in her attempt to constitute herself in a legitimate space to the pedagogue professional actuation. In despite the obstacles to work and formation quotidian, across those non scholar spaces in the municipalities institutes to the social politics, it demonstrated personal sensibility and professional creativity in learning mediations and educative action to the children and younger derived from exclusion process and the social iniquities
This paper gives clues for the educative action in nutrition subjects. It deals about the professors experiences deployments lived in 2003 e 2004, both in Nutrition undergraduate course of the Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Nutrition Education and Supervised Internship in Social Nutrition academic disciplines, as well as in the II Update Course in Nutrition Practices for Health Basic Care , offered to the supervisors nutritionists of internship, in this same department, being able to be characterized as an action-research, with interventionism purpose. The study stands out the importance of a new point of view about the nutritionist formation to overcome the limits imposed by the scientism, and the adoption of a complex and reflexive reference about the educational practice in this area. The corpus is made up by 81 undergraduate students alimentary autobiography (source of generating subjects for interventions with the nutritionists), 17 questionnaires and 05 interviews, being 03 of them biography (the start up for an initial dialogue with the nutritionists). The data found and the professors experiences allied to a theoretic reference, by the light of the education proposals for the XXI century were used as establishment elements for the proposition of five guidance axles used to build a complex and reflexive nutrition education, which are: 1) Take the cookery and the culture of eating together as significant elements for the human being integral formation; 2) Conceive the religion manifestations associated to feeding process as relevant elements of the human food culture; 3) Discuss the rupture nature/culture aiming the preservation of live in earth; 4) Search for the overcoming of the identity conflicts by a higher inclosing conscience degrees of being part of this process. 5) Face the limits of fragmented formation. The presented thesis stands that the autobiography method, allied to the freirean pedagogy and to a complex reference, could be taken as an important tool to the health educative subjects, contributing to the formation of reflective individuals able to transform themselves and the world.
O texto levanta os perfis epistemológico e socianalítico da questão paradigmática. Mauss evidenciara o moule affectif das noções científicas de força e causa. Posteriormente Baudouin falaria na indução arquetípica das noções e a antropologia do imaginário de Durand concluiria pela indução arquetipal do conceito pela imagem. Chegava-se, assim, ao desvendamento do substrato inconsciente das ideações, de um substrato regido pela catexis vetorializada, traduzindo-se nos valores como cerne das ideações. É o famoso a priori emotivo. Portanto, no texto, questionam-se dois mitos, esteios da ciência clássica: o mito da objetividade científica e o da neutralidade axiológica. Destaca, assim, a falácia da existência de uma ruptura epistemológica entre ciência e ideologia. A partir daí, as ideações tornam-se ideologias, sobretudo nas ciências do homem e nas ciências da educação que, ademais, tornam-se suporte de uma disfarçada luta ideológica, na qual, num colonialismo cognitivo, as estratégias de conhecimento dissimulam as de preconceito. Entretanto, assumir a realidade desse suporte fantasmanalítico e ideológico propicia uma tarefa educativa salutar: os paradigmas tornam-se fantasias e, nessa relativização crítica, podem ser usados como um campo de objetos transicionais coletivos num ludismo cultural e educativo. No policulturalismo da sociedade contemporânea, o politeísmo de valores de Weber transforma-se num politeísmo epistemológico, regido pelo relativismo ontológico de Feyerabend e por uma ética do pragmatismo. Articulando cultura, organização e educação, a antropologia das organizações educativas e a culturanálise de grupos de Paula Carvalho traduzem as heurísticas dessa dialética transicional.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o potencial informativo de uma ação educativa sobre queimaduras infantis com responsáveis por crianças internadas em ambiente hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Foram aplicados questionários estruturados, antes e imediatamente após a ação educativa, que incluiu intervenções verbais e folheto educativo, em 37 acompanhantes de crianças e adolescentes internados no Setor Público de Pediatria de dois hospitais de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo. As informações obtidas antes e após a ação educativa foram comparadas, utilizando-se o teste estatístico do quiquadrado e considerando-se significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Na comparação pré- e pós-ação educativa, notou-se aumento de 95% para 100% na indicação da residência como local mais propício para ocorrência de queimaduras infantis; de 46% para 78% na indicação da faixa etária mais acometida (zero a três anos); de 76% para 78% no gênero mais acometido (masculino); de 43% para 78% na indicação do principal agente agressor (água quente); de 32% para 78% na região corporal mais atingida (tórax); e de 89% para 97% na possibilidade de prevenção da queimadura infantil. CONCLUSÕES: A ação educativa mostrou bom potencial informativo pela elevação do percentual de respostas corretas em todos os aspectos apresentados, sugerindo sua utilidade no contexto hospitalar e em outros locais, como unidades de atenção primária e secundária à saúde e instituições de educação infantil e superior.
Construção coletiva de uma trilha ecológica no cerrado: pesquisa participativa em educação ambiental
Dentre os muitos temas ambientais que podem ser problematizados pela Educação Ambiental encontra-se a proteção aos ecossistemas. Definiu-se como tema, num projeto de Educação Ambiental, o Cerrado, bioma amplamente degradado por ações antrópicas e que faz parte do ambiente natural de Botucatu, interior de São Paulo. Com o objetivo de despertar um olhar crítico-ambiental, visando a integração do ambiente natural e urbano, o projeto, realizado com alunos da 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental, teve como eixo a construção de uma Trilha Ecológica no Cerrado. Todo o processo de planejamento, realização e avaliação da trilha foi participativo: os participantes estudaram as características do Cerrado; identificaram, na área, as espécies remanescentes; discutiram as condições de conservação da área, e tomaram decisões sobre a construção da trilha como recurso educativo. Problematizaram, coletivamente, a interação comunidade-ambiente, articulando consciência ambiental e ação educativa, concluindo sobre o potencial desencadeador deste recurso para reflexões sobre temas socioambientais. O grupo teve a oportunidade de vivenciar um trabalho educativo com crianças da educação infantil, concretizando a trilha como recurso didático-pedagógico na aproximação visitantes-educandos-ambiente.
Unir produção de conhecimentos à ação educativa é a grande responsabilidade da pesquisa em educação ambiental na perspectiva crítica e emancipatória. Percepções e conhecimentos coletivos são essenciais na construção desse novo saber ambiental. Neste artigo, a qualidade de vida é colocada no centro da discussão, mais do que para reivindicar melhorias para o ambiente, mas buscando demonstrar como a participação é seu fundamento e constrói os mecanismos necessários para a ação educativa ambiental.
The central theme of this article is the research in education. The aim is to bring up the contribution developed by Mirian Limoeiro Cardoso in Brazil for the production of knowledge in education, besides the propositions of foreign authors, often used as references to base of the research. The starting point, here described, is the statement that the empirical real is not the object of knowledge, but what is presented as an object to be known, is always the real that, in different forms, is an object involved by theory. Thinking about the research in this view the necessecity of revision of the meaning of the object to be known, the object that is also an educative action in its different and several manifestations and the discussion of its importance for the teachers? and researchers? formation.