995 resultados para Cumulative flow diagram
Existing process mining techniques provide summary views of the overall process performance over a period of time, allowing analysts to identify bottlenecks and associated performance issues. However, these tools are not de- signed to help analysts understand how bottlenecks form and dissolve over time nor how the formation and dissolution of bottlenecks – and associated fluctua- tions in demand and capacity – affect the overall process performance. This paper presents an approach to analyze the evolution of process performance via a notion of Staged Process Flow (SPF). An SPF abstracts a business process as a series of queues corresponding to stages. The paper defines a number of stage character- istics and visualizations that collectively allow process performance evolution to be analyzed from multiple perspectives. The approach has been implemented in the ProM process mining framework. The paper demonstrates the advantages of the SPF approach over state-of-the-art process performance mining tools using two real-life event logs publicly available.
The agar-bearing seaweeds Gracilaria and Gelidium grow abundantly in the Asia-Pacific region. Production and post-harvest techniques and methods for processing Gracilaria to produce agar suitable for local market is necessary to increase the meager income of coastal dwellers. A flow diagram of a village level agar production is provided. A guide is also given for the quality of dried seaweeds, which are divided into 3 classes.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential to summarize evidence relating to efficacy and safety of health care interventions accurately and reliably. The clarity and transparency of these reports, however, is not optimal. Poor reporting of systematic reviews diminishes their value to clinicians, policy makers, and other users. Since the development of the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement-a reporting guideline published in 1999-there have been several conceptual, methodological, and practical advances regarding the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, reviews of published systematic reviews have found that key information about these studies is often poorly reported. Realizing these issues, an international group that included experienced authors and methodologists developed PRISMA ( Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) as an evolution of the original QUOROM guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of evaluations of health care interventions. The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. The checklist includes items deemed essential for transparent reporting of a systematic review. In this Explanation and Elaboration document, we explain the meaning and rationale for each checklist item. For each item, we include an example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature. The PRISMA Statement, this document, and the associated Web site (http://www.prisma-statement.org/) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of systematic reviews and metaanalyses.
IMPORTANCE Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of individual participant data (IPD) aim to collect, check, and reanalyze individual-level data from all studies addressing a particular research question and are therefore considered a gold standard approach to evidence synthesis. They are likely to be used with increasing frequency as current initiatives to share clinical trial data gain momentum and may be particularly important in reviewing controversial therapeutic areas.
OBJECTIVE To develop PRISMA-IPD as a stand-alone extension to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement, tailored to the specific requirements of reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD. Although developed primarily for reviews of randomized trials, many items will apply in other contexts, including reviews of diagnosis and prognosis.
DESIGN Development of PRISMA-IPD followed the EQUATOR Network framework guidance and used the existing standard PRISMA Statement as a starting point to draft additional relevant material. A web-based survey informed discussion at an international workshop that included researchers, clinicians, methodologists experienced in conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD, and journal editors. The statement was drafted and iterative refinements were made by the project, advisory, and development groups. The PRISMA-IPD Development Group reached agreement on the PRISMA-IPD checklist and flow diagram by consensus.
FINDINGS Compared with standard PRISMA, the PRISMA-IPD checklist includes 3 new items that address (1) methods of checking the integrity of the IPD (such as pattern of randomization, data consistency, baseline imbalance, and missing data), (2) reporting any important issues that emerge, and (3) exploring variation (such as whether certain types of individual benefit more from the intervention than others). A further additional item was created by reorganization of standard PRISMA items relating to interpreting results. Wording was modified in 23 items to reflect the IPD approach.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE PRISMA-IPD provides guidelines for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD.
A concretização deste estágio na INCBIO teve como principal objetivo o projeto e dimensionamento de uma unidade de produção de biodiesel por transesterificação nãocatalítica num reator ultrassónico com condições supercríticas de pressão e temperatura. Com vista à concretização do trabalho, iniciou-se a realização do estudo do estado da arte relativo à produção de biodiesel, com particular enfoque na produção de biodiesel por via catalítica e por via supercrítica e na produção de biodiesel com uso de tecnologia ultrassónica. Conclui-se que nenhum estudo contempla a combinação simultânea da produção de biodiesel por via supercrítica através da tecnologia ultrassónica. Este estudo do estado da arte permitiu ainda definir as condições de temperatura, pressão e rácio mássico (250 °C, 95 bar e 1:1 respetivamente) a considerar no projeto da unidade de produção de biodiesel deste trabalho. Com base no estudo do estado da arte efetuado e com base nas características da matéria procedeu-se à definição do processo de produção de biodiesel. Para a definição do processo começou-se por elaborar o diagrama de blocos do processo (BFD) e o diagrama de fluxo do processo (PFD). Com base nos diagramas e na composição da matéria-prima, procedeu-se à quantificação dos reagentes (metanol) com base na estequiometria das reações envolvidas e ao cálculo do balanço de massa. O balanço de massa foi calculado com base na estequiometria das reações envolvidas e foi também calculado através do software de simulação ASPEN PLUS. Após o cálculo do balanço de massa elaborou-se o diagrama de tubulação e instrumentação (P&ID), que contém todos os equipamentos, válvulas, instrumentação e tubagens existentes na unidade. Após a definição do processo e cálculo do balanço de massa procedeu-se ao dimensionamento mecânico e cálculo hidráulico dos tanques, tubagem, bombas, permutador de calor, reator ultrassónico, válvulas de controlo e instrumentação de acordo com as normas ASME. Nesta fase do trabalho foram consultados diversos fornecedores possíveis para a compra de todo o material necessário. O dimensionamento mecânico e cálculo hidráulico efetuados permitiram, entre outras informações relevantes, obter as dimensões necessárias à construção do layout e à elaboração do desenho 3D. Com os resultados obtidos e desenhos elaborados, é possível avançar com a construção da unidade, pelo que pode-se inferir que o objetivo de projetar uma unidade de produção de biodiesel num reator ultrassónico com condições supercríticas foi alcançado. Por fim, efetuou-se uma análise económica detalhada que possibilita a comparação de uma unidade de produção de biodiesel por via catalítica (unidade de produção da INCBIO) com a unidade de produção de biodiesel num reator ultrassónico com condições supercríticas (unidade projetada neste trabalho). Por questões de confidencialidade, não foram revelados maior parte dos resultados da análise económica efetuada. No entanto, conclui-se que os custos de construção da unidade de produção de biodiesel num reator ultrassónico com condições supercríticas são mais baixos cerca de 35 a 40%, quando comparados com os custos de construção da unidade de produção de biodiesel por via catalítica, evidenciando assim que a combinação em simultâneo das condições supercríticas com a tecnologia ultrassónica possibilita a diminuição dos custos de produção.
Introducción: la pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido es el efecto nocivo del ruido más comúnmente estudiado, sin embargo, el ruido también produce trastornos digestivos y del sueño, cambios en los niveles de cortisol, efectos cardiovasculares e hipertensión arterial (HTA), entre otros. Objetivo: determinar si la exposición laboral a ruido induce hipertensión arterial. Materiales y métodos: se siguieron las recomendaciones del método PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas. Se hizo una búsqueda de estudios en PUBMED utilizando los términos “occupational and noise and hypertension” y aplicando los filtros: 1) publicaciones incluidas entre 2005-2015; 2) estudios publicados en inglés; 3) revisión de títulos y resúmenes; 4) revisión completa de los textos para un total final de 32 estudios. Se hizo la revisión, análisis y resumen de todos los estudios. Resultados: los estudios concluyeron que aquellos portadores de los polimorfismos de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina expuestos a ruido, tuvieron una mayor susceptibilidad genética a tener HTA. Los estudios reportaron una asociación positiva entre ruido e HTA. Hay controversia acerca de la relación que existe entre HTA, ruido y coexposición a otros factores como calor, trabajo por turnos, presencia de solventes o plomo en el lugar de trabajo y carga física. Conclusiones: Se presume que solo los niveles de ruido ≥ 85 dBA tienen efectos negativos sobre la salud, pero se ha encontrado que los efectos no auditivos del ruido se producen por debajo de este parámetro. Recomendaciones: se sugiere el uso de la pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido entre población trabajadora como un método de tamizaje para detectar personas prehipertensas, con el fin prevenir la generación de HTA.
Tungsten carbide/oxide particles have been prepared by the gel precipitation of tungstic acid in the presence of an organic gelling agent [10% ammonium poly(acrylic acid) in water, supplied by Ciba Specialty Chemicals]. The feed solution; a homogeneous mixture of sodium tungstate and ammonium poly(acrylic acid) in water, was dropped from a 1-mm jet into hydrochloric acid saturated hexanol/concentrated hydrochloric acid to give particles of a mixture of tungstic acid and poly(acrylic acid), which, after drying in air at 100 degrees C and heating to 900 degrees C in argon for 2 h, followed by heating in carbon dioxide for a further 2 h and cooling, gives a mixture of WO, WC, and a trace of NaxWO3, with the carbon for the formation of WC being provided by the thermal carbonization of poly(acrylic acid). The pyrolyzed product is friable and easily broken down in a pestle and mortar to a fine powder or by ultrasonics, in water, to form a stable colloid. The temperature of carbide formation by this process is significantly lower (900 degrees C) than that reported for the commercial preparation of tungsten carbide, typically > 1400 degrees C. In addition, the need for prolonged grinding of the constituents is obviated because the reacting moieties are already in intimate contact on a molecular basis. X-ray diffraction, particle sizing, transmission electron microscopy, surface area, and pore size distribution studies have been carried out, and possible uses are suggested. A flow diagram for the process is described.
In the last decades, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries have registered a series of huge accidents. Influenced by this context, companies have felt the necessity of engaging themselves in processes to protect the external environment, which can be understood as an ecological concern. In the particular case of the nuclear industry, sustainable education and training, which depend too much on the quality and applicability of the knowledge base, have been considered key points on the safely application of this energy source. As a consequence, this research was motivated by the use of the ontology concept as a tool to improve the knowledge management in a refinery, through the representation of a fuel gas sweetening plant, mixing many pieces of information associated with its normal operation mode. In terms of methodology, this research can be classified as an applied and descriptive research, where many pieces of information were analysed, classified and interpreted to create the ontology of a real plant. The DEA plant modeling was performed according to its process flow diagram, piping and instrumentation diagrams, descriptive documents of its normal operation mode, and the list of all the alarms associated to the instruments, which were complemented by a non-structured interview with a specialist in that plant operation. The ontology was verified by comparing its descriptive diagrams with the original plant documents and discussing with other members of the researchers group. All the concepts applied in this research can be expanded to represent other plants in the same refinery or even in other kind of industry. An ontology can be considered a knowledge base that, because of its formal representation nature, can be applied as one of the elements to develop tools to navigate through the plant, simulate its behavior, diagnose faults, among other possibilities
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei is a Neotropical chelid lacking basic natural history studies. Based on a film made in December 2004, we describe the courtship behavior in this species. Field observations were conducted at Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso State, southwestern Brazil, in an oligotrophic stream amidst the savannah like Cerrado formation. We provide a schematic drawing of the behavioral sequences during courtship, as well as a flow diagram describing sequential responses of the female to the male behavioral patterns. Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei courtship behavior is similar to that described for other freshwater chelonians.
The constant search for improvements and the survival of organizations makes the strategic guidelines are deployed and executed at the operational levels. This work is the approach to critical analysis of the equipment of a chemical industry through a case study based on the classification of each equipment manufactures through qualitative and quantitative analysis on the pillars of maintenance costs, loss of production, MTBF, contribution margin, Health Safety and Environment (SHE). From this study and future data collection, along with the flow diagram show the main equipment that should be special attention. To this can be prepared an action plan with deadlines and responsible. With the results one can measure the maintenance costs, loss of production and technical availability of the plant, with future gains
Overwhelming evidence shows the quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is not optimal. Without transparent reporting, readers cannot judge the reliability and validity of trial findings nor extract information for systematic reviews. Recent methodological analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which are considered the gold standard for evaluating interventions because of their ability to minimise or avoid bias. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. It was first published in 1996 and updated in 2001. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have endorsed the CONSORT statement. The statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs. During the 2001 CONSORT revision, it became clear that explanation and elaboration of the principles underlying the CONSORT statement would help investigators and others to write or appraise trial reports. A CONSORT explanation and elaboration article was published in 2001 alongside the 2001 version of the CONSORT statement. After an expert meeting in January 2007, the CONSORT statement has been further revised and is published as the CONSORT 2010 Statement. This update improves the wording and clarity of the previous checklist and incorporates recommendations related to topics that have only recently received recognition, such as selective outcome reporting bias. This explanatory and elaboration document-intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement-has also been extensively revised. It presents the meaning and rationale for each new and updated checklist item providing examples of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT 2010 Statement, this revised explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated website (www.consort-statement.org) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomised trials.
Overwhelming evidence shows the quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is not optimal. Without transparent reporting, readers cannot judge the reliability and validity of trial findings nor extract information for systematic reviews. Recent methodological analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which are considered the gold standard for evaluating interventions because of their ability to minimise or avoid bias. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. It was first published in 1996 and updated in 2001. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have endorsed the CONSORT statement. The statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs. During the 2001 CONSORT revision, it became clear that explanation and elaboration of the principles underlying the CONSORT statement would help investigators and others to write or appraise trial reports. A CONSORT explanation and elaboration article was published in 2001 alongside the 2001 version of the CONSORT statement. After an expert meeting in January 2007, the CONSORT statement has been further revised and is published as the CONSORT 2010 Statement. This update improves the wording and clarity of the previous checklist and incorporates recommendations related to topics that have only recently received recognition, such as selective outcome reporting bias. This explanatory and elaboration document-intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement-has also been extensively revised. It presents the meaning and rationale for each new and updated checklist item providing examples of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT 2010 Statement, this revised explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated website (www.consort-statement.org) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomised trials.
This letter presents a new recursive method for computing discrete polynomial transforms. The method is shown for forward and inverse transforms of the Hermite, binomial, and Laguerre transforms. The recursive flow diagrams require only 2 additions, 2( +1) memory units, and +1multipliers for the +1-point Hermite and binomial transforms. The recursive flow diagram for the +1-point Laguerre transform requires 2 additions, 2( +1) memory units, and 2( +1) multipliers. The transform computation time for all of these transforms is ( )
Overwhelming evidence shows the quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is not optimal. Without transparent reporting, readers cannot judge the reliability and validity of trial findings nor extract information for systematic reviews. Recent methodological analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which are considered the gold standard for evaluating interventions because of their ability to minimise or avoid bias. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. It was first published in 1996 and updated in 2001. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have endorsed the CONSORT statement. The statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs. During the 2001 CONSORT revision, it became clear that explanation and elaboration of the principles underlying the CONSORT statement would help investigators and others to write or appraise trial reports. A CONSORT explanation and elaboration article was published in 2001 alongside the 2001 version of the CONSORT statement. After an expert meeting in January 2007, the CONSORT statement has been further revised and is published as the CONSORT 2010 Statement. This update improves the wording and clarity of the previous checklist and incorporates recommendations related to topics that have only recently received recognition, such as selective outcome reporting bias. This explanatory and elaboration document-intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement-has also been extensively revised. It presents the meaning and rationale for each new and updated checklist item providing examples of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT 2010 Statement, this revised explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated website (www.consort-statement.org) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomised trials.
In 2003, the QUADAS tool for systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies was developed. Experience, anecdotal reports, and feedback suggested areas for improvement; therefore, QUADAS-2 was developed. This tool comprises 4 domains: patient selection, index test, reference standard, and flow and timing. Each domain is assessed in terms of risk of bias, and the first 3 domains are also assessed in terms of concerns regarding applicability. Signalling questions are included to help judge risk of bias. The QUADAS-2 tool is applied in 4 phases: summarize the review question, tailor the tool and produce review-specific guidance, construct a flow diagram for the primary study, and judge bias and applicability. This tool will allow for more transparent rating of bias and applicability of primary diagnostic accuracy studies.