723 resultados para Conspicuous consumption


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In this paper we assume that for some commodities individuals may wish to adjust their levels of consumption from their normal Marshallian levels so as to match the consumption levels of a group of other individuals, in order to signal that they conform to the consumption norms of that group. Unlike Veblen’s concept of conspicuous consumption this can mean that some individuals may reduce their consumption of the relevant commodities. We model this as a three-stage game in which individuals first decide whether or not they wish to adhere to a norm, then decide which norm they wish to adhere to, and finally decide their actual consumption. We present a number of examples of the resulting equilibria, and then discuss the potential policy implications of this model.


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The main objective of this study is to find out why people buy luxury brands and which factors influence their decisions. The elements of luxury brands as well as motivation, culture and self-concept is researched as being the main factors behind luxury consumption. It was important to conduct this study because the luxury market is growing with a fast pace and it has hardly been research before. This study was conducted as a qualitative research. Theoretical part is based on the literature and on researches conducted before about the matter. Purposeful sampling method was used in empirical part by interviewing designers Jukka Rintala and Hanna Sarén as well as consumers of luxury brands, who work in the fashion industry. Two different viewpoints were chosen in order to research if designers’ and consumers’ thoughts differed. This study shows that the elements of luxury brands are deemed pretty much the same all around the world and also between the designers and consumers interviewed. Exclusivity referring to unique design and “hard to get” as well as good quality meaning superior materials, were mentioned as the most important elements of luxury brands. According to this study motivation behind luxury consumption is to a great extent dependent on the culture where the luxuries are consumed. However, self-concept has the biggest effect on luxury consumption. This study shows that people in individualistic cultures buy luxuries because they want to. People tend to spoil themselves and show off, thus making them feel good when buying luxuries. However, uniqueness is appreciated. On contrast, in collectivistic cultures people buy luxuries because they have to. Social pressure is much greater in Eastern than in Western culture that being the reason wealth is expected show. This study shows that in some cases designers' and consumers' thoughts about luxury consumption differ. Especially, a big gap was found when talking about materialism behind luxury consumption. The designers did not believe it to be the reason behind luxury consumption where consumers strongly did.


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Do relative concerns on visible consumption give rise to economic distortions? We re-examine the question posited by Arrow and Dasgupta (2009) building upon their general framework but recognizing that relative concerns can only apply to visible goods (e.g., cars, clothing, jewelry) and that households consume both visible and non-visible goods. Contrary to Arrow and Dasgupta (2009), the answer to this question turns to be always affirmative: the competitive equilibrium will always be different than the socially optimal one, since individuals do not take into account the negative externality they exert on others through the consumption of the visible good, while the social planner does. If one invokes separability assumptions, then the steady state competitive equilibrium consumption of non-visible goods will be strictly lower than the socially optimal one.


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Criada em agosto de 2008, a revista em quadrinhos “Turma da Mônica Jovem”, ou TMJ, como é conhecida por seus leitores, tem estilo mangá e traz os mesmos personagens moradores do bairro Limoeiro, agora, adolescentes e com características bem distintas da turma tradicional. A presente pesquisa procurou desenvolver uma análise crítica de TMJ, dentro dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da semiótica discursiva, buscando responder as questões: como a problemática do consumo é apropriada pela revista? Que estratégias enunciativas são utilizadas para inscrever o público infantojuvenil em seu discurso? A revisão de literatura faz uma triangulação dos conceitos norteadores do estudo: Quadrinhos, Consumo Infantil e Semiótica, trazendo, no centro do triângulo, a Educação, área de conhecimento principal da pesquisa e conectora dos três outros campos. Realizamos uma análise semiótica de um corpus composto por sete edições de TMJ que trouxeram como tema principal problemática relacionada à sociedade de consumo contemporânea, a partir de um universo de revistas publicadas, no período de 2012 a 2014. Dentre as categorias de consumo pré-estabelecidas ou que emergiram do discurso de TMJ, contemplamos: o consumo consciente, o consumo conspícuo, o consumo moralista e o consumo de cultura midiática. Por meio da técnica do grupo focal, desenvolvemos uma conversa com os leitores de TMJ, buscando entender como se dá a apreensão da problemática do consumo por eles, bem como que impactos essa apreensão tem para uma maior atratividade da publicação, dentre outros objetivos específicos investigados, nesse encontro. Durante a realização de três grupos, intitulados Leitores Iniciantes, Leitores Assíduos e Leitores Esporádicos, os agrupamos em duas categorias relacionadas ao campo do consumo e, também, da semiótica. O grupo do Pertencimento conhece e interage com a revista, em profundidade, promovendo um ajuste de sensibilidade entre o enunciatário (leitor) e o enunciador (revista), com características do “parecer ser e ser”. O grupo da Emulação deseja pertencer ao grupo dos leitores assíduos, mas como não possui as características para tal, as busca por meio da imitação, dentro de um regime do “parecer ser, mas não ser”. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o consumo está muito presente em TMJ, tendo aparecido como temática principal, em mais da metade das revistas analisadas. Ainda, ele pode ser considerado como tema central das histórias da turma, principalmente, no momento em que a revista utiliza sua plasticidade, na figurativização dos personagens e ambientes das histórias, para difundir um mundo de consumo a essas crianças e adolescentes leitores. Embora as revistas que se enquadraram nas categorias de consumo consciente e consumo moralista busquem passar alguns conselhos e ensinamentos para seus leitores, são as categorias de consumo conspícuo e consumo de cultura midiática, tratadas de forma pouco crítica e, por vezes, irresponsável que possuem maior grau de apreensão por parte do leitor, conferindo atratividade à revista. Entre outras conclusões, podemos afirmar que o discurso de TMJ se utiliza de narrativas simples (lineares e pouco complexas), bem como de uma figuratividade e de temáticas repetitivas, oferecendo a seus leitores pouco debate e reflexão, sendo um discurso da reprodução, sem aprofundamento, do dia-a-dia dessas crianças e adolescentes que, apesar de falar delas e para elas, não inclui muitas temáticas relevantes ao seu universo.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 20 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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This thesis explores the importance of literary New York City in the urban narratives of Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska. It specifically looks at the Empire City of the Progressive Period when the concept of the city was not only a new theme but also very much a typical American one which was as central to the American experience as had been the Western frontier. It could be argued, in fact, that the American city had become the new frontier where modern experiences like urbanization, industrialization, immigration, and also women's emancipation and suffrage, caused all kinds of sensations on the human scale from smoothly lived assimilation and acculturation to deeply felt alienation because of the constantly shifting urban landscape. The developing urban space made possible the emergence of new female literary protagonists like the working girl, the reformer, the prostitute, and the upper class lady dedicating her life to 'conspicuous consumption'. Industrialization opened up city space to female exploration: on the one hand, upper and middle class ladies ventured out of the home because of the many novel urban possibilities, and on the other, lower class and immigrant girls also left their domestic sphere to look for paid jobs outside the home. New York City at the time was not only considered the epicenter of the world at large, it was also a city of great extremes. Everything was constantly in flux: small brownstones made way for ever taller skyscrapers and huge waves of immigrants from Europe pushed native New Yorkers further uptown on the island, adding to the crowdedness and intensity of the urban experience. The city became a polarized urban space with Fifth Avenue representing one end of the spectrum and the Lower East Side the other. Questions of space and the urban home greatly mattered. It has been pointed out that the city setting functions as an ideal means for the display of human nature as well as social processes. Narrative representations of urban space, therefore, provide a similar canvas for a protagonist's journey and development. From widely diverging vantage points both Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska thus create a polarized city where domesticity is a primal concern. Looking at all of their New York narratives by close readings of exterior and interior city representations, this thesis shows how urban space greatly affects questions of identity, assimilation, and alienation in literary protagonists who cannot escape the influence of their respective urban settings. Edith Wharton's upper class "millionaire" heroines are framed and contained by the city interiors of "old" New York, making it impossible for them to truly participate in the urban landscape in order to develop outside of their 'Gilt Cages'. On the other side are Anzia Yezierska's struggling "immigrant" protagonists who, against all odds, never give up in their urban context of streets, rooftops, and stoops. Their New York City, while always challenging and perpetually changing, at least allows them perspectives of hope for a 'Promised Land' in the making. Central for both urban narrative approaches is the quest for a home as an architectural structure, a spiritual resting place, and a locus for identity forming. But just as the actual city embraces change, urban protagonists must embrace change also if they desire to find fulfillment and success. That this turns out to be much easier for Anzia Yezierska's driven immigrants rather than for Edith Wharton's well established native New Yorkers is a surprising conclusion to this urban theme.


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In this paper we summarise some of our recent work on consumer behaviour, drawing on recent developments in behavioural economics, in which consumers are embedded in a social context, so their behaviour is shaped by their interactions with other consumers. For the purpose of this paper we also allow consumption to cause environmental damage. Analysing the social context of consumption naturally lends itself to the use of game theoretic tools, and indicates that we seek to develop links between economics and sociology rather than economics and psychology, which has been the more predominant field for work in behavioural economics. We shall be concerned with three sets of issues: conspicuous consumption, consumption norms and altruistic behaviour. Our aim is to show that building links between sociological and economic approaches to the study of consumer behaviour can lead to significant and surprising implications for conventional economic policy prescriptions, especially with respect to environmental policy.


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Tutkimuksessa keskitytään tutkimaan kuluttamista elämäntavan ja identiteetin muovaajana yhden yksilön elämän kautta. Kuluttamista tutkitaan statuskuluttamisen (conspicious consumption), tilallisuuden ja sukupuolihistorian käsitteistöä hyväksi käyttäen. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty liikekirjeitä ja tilikirjoja, yksityistä kirjeenvaihtoa, päiväkirjoja ja sanomalehtiä sekä aikalaismuistelmia. Naista lähdemateriaaleista on koottu sekä tilastollista aineistoa että kvalitatiivista, lähilukuun ja mikrohistorialliseen tutkimusotteeseen nojautuvaa tutkimusta. Tutkimus alkaa vuodesta 1799 ja päättyy 1830-luvulle, jolloin seuraava sukupolvi otti vastuun liiketoimista ja lähdeaineistossa tapahtui muutoksia kuluttamisen kirjaamisen suhteen. Tutkimuksen keskeiset käsitteet ovat statuskuluttaminen ja identiteetti. Näitä käsitteitä lähestytään Thorstein Veblenin, Norbert Eliaksen ja Pierre Bourdieun tutkimuksia apuna käyttäen. Tutkimus käsittelee erottautumisen ja jäljittelyn tematiikkaa merkittävimpänä kuluttamisen motivaattoreina. Lisaksi tutkimus nostaa esille hyvän maun ja muodinmukaisuuden kulutusvalintojen taustalla. Statuskuluttaminen kytkeytyy sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen. Kuluttamisen kohteet ovat esineitä ja asioita, joita pidetään esillä seurapiireissä. Kuluttaminen tapahtuu seuraelämän ehdoilla, sen mukavoittamiseksi, aseman osoittamiseksi seurapiireissä tai sosiaalisen paineen vuoksi. Tutkimus osoittaa kotitalouden merkityksen kuluttamisen paikkana ja kohteena. Tutkimus myös osoittaa naisten toimintakentän olleen kytköksissä kotitalouden asemaan yhteisössään sekä osoittaa, että sukupuolta pitää tarkastella suhteessa yksilön sosiaaliseen asemaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Marie Hackmanin kuluttaminen muuttui ikääntymisen myötä. Aseman osoittaminen oli merkittävämpää nuorena ja aseman ollessa vielä vakiintumattomampi.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Esta tese objetiva comprovar que, na sociedade de consumo, indivíduos consumistas transcendem sua relação funcional com as mercadorias, buscando nas marcas de prestígio uma dimensão espiritual, que substitui ou complementa as experiências religiosas tradicionais, e que se revela fetichizada. O consumismo é superlativo de compras, posses e uso, uma dependência de bens não essenciais (supérfluos) para atender aos desejos sem fim. É impossível satisfazer a desejos sem fim: daí a expressão meta transcendental do consumo, posicionada além do alcance e da capacidade de atingi-la. A dimensão transcendente do consumo, por meio do simbolismo das mercadorias potencializado pelas marcas de prestígio, propicia encantamento e sentido ao indivíduo, e se presta a preencher o espaço outrora ocupado pela família, Igreja e comunidade. O sujeito busca, na mercadoria fetichizada pela marca, satisfazer seu desejo mimético, e/ou compensar valores frágeis ou ausentes, o que é reforçado pela propaganda. O sentido último da vida dos indivíduos materialistas produz efeitos imediatos que são positivos para eles e para a economia, mas potencialmente negativos mais à frente para o planeta, para sociedade e para os indivíduos.


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Esta tese objetiva comprovar que, na sociedade de consumo, indivíduos consumistas transcendem sua relação funcional com as mercadorias, buscando nas marcas de prestígio uma dimensão espiritual, que substitui ou complementa as experiências religiosas tradicionais, e que se revela fetichizada. O consumismo é superlativo de compras, posses e uso, uma dependência de bens não essenciais (supérfluos) para atender aos desejos sem fim. É impossível satisfazer a desejos sem fim: daí a expressão meta transcendental do consumo, posicionada além do alcance e da capacidade de atingi-la. A dimensão transcendente do consumo, por meio do simbolismo das mercadorias potencializado pelas marcas de prestígio, propicia encantamento e sentido ao indivíduo, e se presta a preencher o espaço outrora ocupado pela família, Igreja e comunidade. O sujeito busca, na mercadoria fetichizada pela marca, satisfazer seu desejo mimético, e/ou compensar valores frágeis ou ausentes, o que é reforçado pela propaganda. O sentido último da vida dos indivíduos materialistas produz efeitos imediatos que são positivos para eles e para a economia, mas potencialmente negativos mais à frente para o planeta, para sociedade e para os indivíduos.


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Esta tese objetiva comprovar que, na sociedade de consumo, indivíduos consumistas transcendem sua relação funcional com as mercadorias, buscando nas marcas de prestígio uma dimensão espiritual, que substitui ou complementa as experiências religiosas tradicionais, e que se revela fetichizada. O consumismo é superlativo de compras, posses e uso, uma dependência de bens não essenciais (supérfluos) para atender aos desejos sem fim. É impossível satisfazer a desejos sem fim: daí a expressão meta transcendental do consumo, posicionada além do alcance e da capacidade de atingi-la. A dimensão transcendente do consumo, por meio do simbolismo das mercadorias potencializado pelas marcas de prestígio, propicia encantamento e sentido ao indivíduo, e se presta a preencher o espaço outrora ocupado pela família, Igreja e comunidade. O sujeito busca, na mercadoria fetichizada pela marca, satisfazer seu desejo mimético, e/ou compensar valores frágeis ou ausentes, o que é reforçado pela propaganda. O sentido último da vida dos indivíduos materialistas produz efeitos imediatos que são positivos para eles e para a economia, mas potencialmente negativos mais à frente para o planeta, para sociedade e para os indivíduos.


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Keynesian policy was quite successful in the post-war decades in Western Europe, but by the late 1960s lost its efficiency due to changes in conditions rather than its mistaken logic. The lesson from the first global crisis erupting in early 1970s and also from the subsequent several crises since then is that the increasing crisis propensity of the world economy is rooted in its inherent disequilibria stemming from deep inequalities, asymmetrical interdependencies and disintegrated socio-economic structures. In view of the failure of the prevailing methods of crisis management, particularly those undifferentiated, antisocial austerity measures corresponding to a neo-liberal monetarist concept which neglects this lesson, many economists prefer the Keynesian recipe. However, since global crises need global solution, and the spread of conspicuous consumption modify the demand constraint, its application must be adjusted to reality, and requires some global governance which may pave the way for a global oeco-social market economy.


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Consumers’ indecisions about the ethical value of their choices are amongst the highest concerns regarding ethical products’ purchasing. This is especially true for Fair Trade certified products where the ethical attribute information provided by the packaging is often unacknowledged by consumers. While well-informed consumers are likely to generate positive consumer reactions to ethical products and increase its ethical consumption, less knowledgeable buyers show different purchasing patterns. In such circumstances, decisions are often driven by socio-cultural beliefs about the low functional performance of ethical or sustainable attributes. For instance, products more congruent with sustainability (e.g., produce) are considered to be simpler but less tasty than less sustainable products. Less sustainable products instead, are considered to be more sophisticated and to provide consumers with more hedonic pleasures (e.g., chocolate mousse). The extent that ethicality is linked with experiences that provide consumers with more pain than pleasure is also manifested in pro-social social behaviors. More specifically through conspicuous self-sacrificial consumption experiences like running for charity in marathons with wide public exposure. The willingness of consumers to engage in such costly initiatives is moderated by gender differences and further, mediated by the chronic productivity orientation of some individuals to use time in a productive manner. Using experimental design studies, I show that consumers (1) use a set of affective and cognitive associations with on-package elements to interpret ethical attributes, (2) implicitly associate ethicality with simplicity, and that (3) men versus women show different preferences in their forms of contribution to pro-social causes.


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This research was undertaken with the primary objective of explaining differences in consumption of personal care products using personality variables. Several streams of research reported were reviewed and a conceptual model was developed. Theories on the relationship between self concept and behaviour was reviewed and the need to use individual difference variables to conceptualize and measure the salient dimensions of the self were emphasized. Theories relating to social comparison, eating disorders, role of idealized media images in shaping the self-concept, evidence on cosmetic surgery and persuasibility were reviewed in the study. These came from diverse fields like social psychology, use of cosmetics, women studies, media studies, self-concept literature in psychology and consumer research, and marketing. From the review three basic dimensions, namely self-evaluation, self-awareness and persuasibility were identified and they were posited to be related to consumption. Several personality variables from these conceptual domains were identified and factor analysis confirmed the expected structure fitting the basic theoretical dimensions. Demographic variables like gender and income were also considered.It was found that self-awareness measured by the variable public self-consciousness explain differences in consumption of personal care products. The relationship between public self-consciousness and consumption was found to be most conspicuous in cases of poor self-, evaluation measured by self-esteem. Susceptibility to advertising also was found to explain differences in consumption.From the research, it may be concluded that personality variables are useful for explaining consumption and they must be used together to explain and understand the process. There may not be obvious and conspicuous links between individual measures and behaviour in marketing. However, when used in proper combination and with the help oftheoretical models personality offers considerable explanatory power as illustrated in the seventy five percent accuracy rate of prediction obtained in binary logistic regression.