998 resultados para Binary images


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In this paper we present a tool to carry out the multifractal analysis of binary, two-dimensional images through the calculation of the Rényi D(q) dimensions and associated statistical regressions. The estimation of a (mono)fractal dimension corresponds to the special case where the moment order is q = 0.


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The objective of this paper is to develop a method to hide information inside a binary image. An algorithm to embed data in scanned text or figures is proposed, based on the detection of suitable pixels, which verify some conditions in order to be not detected. In broad terms, the algorithm locates those pixels placed at the contours of the figures or in those areas where some scattering of the two colors can be found. The hidden information is independent from the values of the pixels where this information is embedded. Notice that, depending on the sequence of bits to be hidden, around half of the used pixels to keep bits of data will not be modified. The other basic characteristic of the proposed scheme is that it is necessary to take into consideration the bits that are modified, in order to perform the recovering process of the information, which consists on recovering the sequence of bits placed in the proper positions. An application to banking sector is proposed for hidding some information in signatures.


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Communication has become an essential function in our civilization. With the increasing demand for communication channels, it is now necessary to find ways to optimize the use of their bandwidth. One way to achieve this is by transforming the information before it is transmitted. This transformation can be performed by several techniques. One of the newest of these techniques is the use of wavelets. Wavelet transformation refers to the act of breaking down a signal into components called details and trends by using small waveforms that have a zero average in the time domain. After this transformation the data can be compressed by discarding the details, transmitting the trends. In the receiving end, the trends are used to reconstruct the image. In this work, the wavelet used for the transformation of an image will be selected from a library of available bases. The accuracy of the reconstruction, after the details are discarded, is dependent on the wavelets chosen from the wavelet basis library. The system developed in this thesis takes a 2-D image and decomposes it using a wavelet bank. A digital signal processor is used to achieve near real-time performance in this transformation task. A contribution of this thesis project is the development of DSP-based test bed for the future development of new real-time wavelet transformation algorithms.


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This paper presents a multi-class AdaBoost based on incorporating an ensemble of binary AdaBoosts which is organized as Binary Decision Tree (BDT). It is proved that binary AdaBoost is extremely successful in producing accurate classification but it does not perform very well for multi-class problems. To avoid this performance degradation, the multi-class problem is divided into a number of binary problems and binary AdaBoost classifiers are invoked to solve these classification problems. This approach is tested with a dataset consisting of 6500 binary images of traffic signs. Haar-like features of these images are computed and the multi-class AdaBoost classifier is invoked to classify them. A classification rate of 96.7% and 95.7% is achieved for the traffic sign boarders and pictograms, respectively. The proposed approach is also evaluated using a number of standard datasets such as Iris, Wine, Yeast, etc. The performance of the proposed BDT classifier is quite high as compared with the state of the art and it converges very fast to a solution which indicates it as a reliable classifier.


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Many images consist of two or more 'phases', where a phase is a collection of homogeneous zones. For example, the phases may represent the presence of different sulphides in an ore sample. Frequently, these phases exhibit very little structure, though all connected components of a given phase may be similar in some sense. As a consequence, random set models are commonly used to model such images. The Boolean model and models derived from the Boolean model are often chosen. An alternative approach to modelling such images is to use the excursion sets of random fields to model each phase. In this paper, the properties of excursion sets will be firstly discussed in terms of modelling binary images. Ways of extending these models to multi-phase images will then be explored. A desirable feature of any model is to be able to fit it to data reasonably well. Different methods for fitting random set models based on excursion sets will be presented and some of the difficulties with these methods will be discussed.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)


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The ability to recognize a shape is linked to figure-ground (FG) organization. Cell preferences appear to be correlated across contrast-polarity reversals and mirror reversals of polygon displays, but not so much across FG reversals. Here we present a network structure which explains both shape-coding by simulated IT cells and suppression of responses to FG reversed stimuli. In our model FG segregation is achieved before shape discrimination, which is itself evidenced by the difference in spiking onsets of a pair of output cells. The studied example also includes feature extraction and illustrates a classification of binary images depending on the dominance of vertical or horizontal borders.


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This thesis deals with distance transforms which are a fundamental issue in image processing and computer vision. In this thesis, two new distance transforms for gray level images are presented. As a new application for distance transforms, they are applied to gray level image compression. The new distance transforms are both new extensions of the well known distance transform algorithm developed by Rosenfeld, Pfaltz and Lay. With some modification their algorithm which calculates a distance transform on binary images with a chosen kernel has been made to calculate a chessboard like distance transform with integer numbers (DTOCS) and a real value distance transform (EDTOCS) on gray level images. Both distance transforms, the DTOCS and EDTOCS, require only two passes over the graylevel image and are extremely simple to implement. Only two image buffers are needed: The original gray level image and the binary image which defines the region(s) of calculation. No other image buffers are needed even if more than one iteration round is performed. For large neighborhoods and complicated images the two pass distance algorithm has to be applied to the image more than once, typically 3 10 times. Different types of kernels can be adopted. It is important to notice that no other existing transform calculates the same kind of distance map as the DTOCS. All the other gray weighted distance function, GRAYMAT etc. algorithms find the minimum path joining two points by the smallest sum of gray levels or weighting the distance values directly by the gray levels in some manner. The DTOCS does not weight them that way. The DTOCS gives a weighted version of the chessboard distance map. The weights are not constant, but gray value differences of the original image. The difference between the DTOCS map and other distance transforms for gray level images is shown. The difference between the DTOCS and EDTOCS is that the EDTOCS calculates these gray level differences in a different way. It propagates local Euclidean distances inside a kernel. Analytical derivations of some results concerning the DTOCS and the EDTOCS are presented. Commonly distance transforms are used for feature extraction in pattern recognition and learning. Their use in image compression is very rare. This thesis introduces a new application area for distance transforms. Three new image compression algorithms based on the DTOCS and one based on the EDTOCS are presented. Control points, i.e. points that are considered fundamental for the reconstruction of the image, are selected from the gray level image using the DTOCS and the EDTOCS. The first group of methods select the maximas of the distance image to new control points and the second group of methods compare the DTOCS distance to binary image chessboard distance. The effect of applying threshold masks of different sizes along the threshold boundaries is studied. The time complexity of the compression algorithms is analyzed both analytically and experimentally. It is shown that the time complexity of the algorithms is independent of the number of control points, i.e. the compression ratio. Also a new morphological image decompression scheme is presented, the 8 kernels' method. Several decompressed images are presented. The best results are obtained using the Delaunay triangulation. The obtained image quality equals that of the DCT images with a 4 x 4


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L’apprentissage machine est un vaste domaine où l’on cherche à apprendre les paramètres de modèles à partir de données concrètes. Ce sera pour effectuer des tâches demandant des aptitudes attribuées à l’intelligence humaine, comme la capacité à traiter des don- nées de haute dimensionnalité présentant beaucoup de variations. Les réseaux de neu- rones artificiels sont un exemple de tels modèles. Dans certains réseaux de neurones dits profonds, des concepts "abstraits" sont appris automatiquement. Les travaux présentés ici prennent leur inspiration de réseaux de neurones profonds, de réseaux récurrents et de neuroscience du système visuel. Nos tâches de test sont la classification et le débruitement d’images quasi binaires. On permettra une rétroac- tion où des représentations de haut niveau (plus "abstraites") influencent des représentations à bas niveau. Cette influence s’effectuera au cours de ce qu’on nomme relaxation, des itérations où les différents niveaux (ou couches) du modèle s’interinfluencent. Nous présentons deux familles d’architectures, l’une, l’architecture complètement connectée, pouvant en principe traiter des données générales et une autre, l’architecture convolutionnelle, plus spécifiquement adaptée aux images. Dans tous les cas, les données utilisées sont des images, principalement des images de chiffres manuscrits. Dans un type d’expérience, nous cherchons à reconstruire des données qui ont été corrompues. On a pu y observer le phénomène d’influence décrit précédemment en comparant le résultat avec et sans la relaxation. On note aussi certains gains numériques et visuels en terme de performance de reconstruction en ajoutant l’influence des couches supérieures. Dans un autre type de tâche, la classification, peu de gains ont été observés. On a tout de même pu constater que dans certains cas la relaxation aiderait à apprendre des représentations utiles pour classifier des images corrompues. L’architecture convolutionnelle développée, plus incertaine au départ, permet malgré tout d’obtenir des reconstructions numériquement et visuellement semblables à celles obtenues avec l’autre architecture, même si sa connectivité est contrainte.


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The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.


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Garment information tracking is required for clean room garment management. In this paper, we present a camera-based robust system with implementation of Optical Character Reconition (OCR) techniques to fulfill garment label recognition. In the system, a camera is used for image capturing; an adaptive thresholding algorithm is employed to generate binary images; Connected Component Labelling (CCL) is then adopted for object detection in the binary image as a part of finding the ROI (Region of Interest); Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with the BP (Back Propagation) learning algorithm are used for digit recognition; and finally the system is verified by a system database. The system has been tested. The results show that it is capable of coping with variance of lighting, digit twisting, background complexity, and font orientations. The system performance with association to the digit recognition rate has met the design requirement. It has achieved real-time and error-free garment information tracking during the testing.


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This thesis presents a system to recognise and classify road and traffic signs for the purpose of developing an inventory of them which could assist the highway engineers’ tasks of updating and maintaining them. It uses images taken by a camera from a moving vehicle. The system is based on three major stages: colour segmentation, recognition, and classification. Four colour segmentation algorithms are developed and tested. They are a shadow and highlight invariant, a dynamic threshold, a modification of de la Escalera’s algorithm and a Fuzzy colour segmentation algorithm. All algorithms are tested using hundreds of images and the shadow-highlight invariant algorithm is eventually chosen as the best performer. This is because it is immune to shadows and highlights. It is also robust as it was tested in different lighting conditions, weather conditions, and times of the day. Approximately 97% successful segmentation rate was achieved using this algorithm.Recognition of traffic signs is carried out using a fuzzy shape recogniser. Based on four shape measures - the rectangularity, triangularity, ellipticity, and octagonality, fuzzy rules were developed to determine the shape of the sign. Among these shape measures octangonality has been introduced in this research. The final decision of the recogniser is based on the combination of both the colour and shape of the sign. The recogniser was tested in a variety of testing conditions giving an overall performance of approximately 88%.Classification was undertaken using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The classification is carried out in two stages: rim’s shape classification followed by the classification of interior of the sign. The classifier was trained and tested using binary images in addition to five different types of moments which are Geometric moments, Zernike moments, Legendre moments, Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments, and Binary Haar features. The performance of the SVM was tested using different features, kernels, SVM types, SVM parameters, and moment’s orders. The average classification rate achieved is about 97%. Binary images show the best testing results followed by Legendre moments. Linear kernel gives the best testing results followed by RBF. C-SVM shows very good performance, but ?-SVM gives better results in some case.


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This work present a interval approach to deal with images with that contain uncertainties, as well, as treating these uncertainties through morphologic operations. Had been presented two intervals models. For the first, is introduced an algebraic space with three values, that was constructed based in the tri-valorada logic of Lukasiewiecz. With this algebraic structure, the theory of the interval binary images, that extends the classic binary model with the inclusion of the uncertainty information, was introduced. The same one can be applied to represent certain binary images with uncertainty in pixels, that it was originated, for example, during the process of the acquisition of the image. The lattice structure of these images, allow the definition of the morphologic operators, where the uncertainties are treated locally. The second model, extend the classic model to the images in gray levels, where the functions that represent these images are mapping in a finite set of interval values. The algebraic structure belong the complete lattices class, what also it allow the definition of the elementary operators of the mathematical morphology, dilation and erosion for this images. Thus, it is established a interval theory applied to the mathematical morphology to deal with problems of uncertainties in images


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A 3D binary image is considered well-composed if, and only if, the union of the faces shared by the foreground and background voxels of the image is a surface in R3. Wellcomposed images have some desirable topological properties, which allow us to simplify and optimize algorithms that are widely used in computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. These advantages have fostered the development of algorithms to repair bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images that are not well-composed. These algorithms are known as repairing algorithms. In this dissertation, we propose two repairing algorithms, one randomized and one deterministic. Both algorithms are capable of making topological repairs in 3D binary images, producing well-composed images similar to the original images. The key idea behind both algorithms is to iteratively change the assigned color of some points in the input image from 0 (background)to 1 (foreground) until the image becomes well-composed. The points whose colors are changed by the algorithms are chosen according to their values in the fuzzy connectivity map resulting from the image segmentation process. The use of the fuzzy connectivity map ensures that a subset of points chosen by the algorithm at any given iteration is the one with the least affinity with the background among all possible choices