997 resultados para AHP méthode
Nos dias que correm cada vez mais a diferença entre o sucesso e o fracasso de uma empresa depende da estratégia que escolhem seguir, sendo de igual forma importante maximizar quer os recursos materiais quer os recursos humanos. Assim sendo, cada vez mais empresas optam por incentivar os seus colaboradores a desempenhar um papel importante no processo de decisão. Para isso a estratégia da empresa tem de estar alinhada com cada actividade desempenhada pelos seus colaboradores. Esta dissertação tem por base uma pesquisa de vários métodos multicritério existentes, tendo sido escolhido o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para determinar o melhor fornecedor de cimento para a empresa Materiais de Construção da Minhoteira, Lda. Foi então necessário desenvolver um software tendo por base o Excel que permitisse fazer a análise das diversas alternativas perante os critérios mencionados. A aplicação informática “Make and Choice” procura contribuir da melhor forma para uma escolha potencialmente mais acertada. Conclui-se que “Make and Choice”, utilizando o método AHP, foi adequada para conseguir responder a todos os objectivos inicialmente propostos, foi ainda possível verificar os benefícios que advêm da sua aplicação. E desta forma, perceber que é possível ter o auxílio na tomada de decisão de ferramentas ou métodos que permitem obter a melhor solução.
Information systems are a foundation key element of modern organizations. Quite often, chief executive officers and managers have to decide about the acquisition of new software solution based in an appropriated set of criteria. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one technique used to support that kind of decisions. This paper proposes the application of AHP method to the selection of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, identifying the set of criteria to be used. A set of criteria was retrieved from the scientific literature and validated through a survey-based approach.
The selection of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most sensitive and highest impact processes in the area of information systems and technologies, because it supports and integrates the whole business of an organization. Hence the importance of deciding the best solution in order to contribute to the organization's competitiveness in a global and increasingly demanding market. Therefore, it is essential to provide tools to support decision making, turning complex and often intangible decisions into simple and quantifiable scenarios. This study addressed the adoption of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) multicriteria decision method to support the selection of an ERP system. The literature review was the source used to obtain the set of the most relevant criteria to be considered in this decision, which were subsequently validated through systematic application of various surveys of experts and people related to the field of ERP systems. To support the application of AHP, according to the model obtained in the study, it was developed a web application that will be available to the general public. The responsible for the acquisition of ERP systems can use it to easily apply the AHP method based on validated decision model. On the other hand, the web application can be used as a validation tool, allowing collecting data for future developments of the decision model.
The painting activity is one of the most complex and important activities in automobile manufacturing. The inherent complexity of the painting activity and the frequent need for repainting usually turn the painting process into a bottleneck in automobile assembly plants, which is reflected in higher operating costs and longer overall cycle times. One possible approach for optimizing the performance of the paint shop is to improve the efficiency of the color planning. This can be accomplished by evaluating the relative merits of a set of vehicle painting plans. Since this problem has a multicriteria nature, we resort to the multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methodology to tackle it. A recent trend in the MCDA field is the development of hybrid approaches that are used to achieve operational synergies between different methods. Here we apply, for the first time, an integrated approach that combines the strengths of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE), aided by Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA), to the problem of assessing alternative vehicle painting plans. The management of the assembly plant found the results of value and is currently using them in order to schedule the painting activities such that an enhancement of the operational efficiency of the paint shop is obtained. This efficiency gain has allowed the management to bid for a new automobile model to be assembled at this specific plant.
Dissertação para a obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
En parallèle à l'avènement des modèles policiers guidés par le renseignement, les méthodes d'analyse criminelle et de renseignement forensique ont connu des développements importants ces dernières années. Des applications ont été proposées dans divers domaines des sciences forensiques afin d'exploiter et de gérer différents types de traces matérielles de façon systématique et plus performante. A cet égard, le domaine des faux documents d'identité n'a été l'objet que de peu d'attention bien qu'il s'agisse d'une criminalité grave dans laquelle le crime organisé est impliqué.La présente étude cherche à combler cette lacune en proposant une méthode de profilage des fausses pièces d'identité simple et généralisable qui vise à découvrir des liens existants sur la base des caractéristiques matérielles analysables visuellement. Ces caractéristiques sont considérées comme constituant la marque de fabrique particulière du faussaire et elle peuvent ainsi être exploitées pour inférer des liens entre fausses pièces d'identité provenant d'une même source.Un collectif de plus de 200 fausses pièces d'identité composé de trois types de faux documents a été récolté auprès des polices de neuf cantons suisses et a été intégré dans une banque de données ad hoc. Les liens détectés de façon systématique et automatique par cette banque de données ont été exploités et analysés afin de produire des renseignements d'ordre stratégique et opérationnel utiles à la lutte contre la fraude documentaire.Les démarches de profilage et de renseignement mises en place pour les trois types de fausses pièces d'identité étudiées se sont révélées efficaces, un fort pourcentage des documents s'avérant liés (de 30 % à 50 %). La fraude documentaire apparaît comme une criminalité structurée et interrégionale, pour laquelle les liens établis entre fausses pièces d'identité peuvent servir d'aide à l'enquête et de soutien aux décisions stratégiques. Les résultats suggèrent le développement d'approches préventives et répressives pour lutter contre la fraude documentaire.
During the past 20 years, therapeutic and rehabilitative modalities in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation have been diversified in becoming more specific. We have the possibility to offer individualized rehabilitation programs as well as in the general field of socio-professional goals as in the clinical field according to the patients' needs and personal assets. The content of these programs associates various forms of specialized medical and paramedical services. The indications are established trough a careful assessment. The rehabilitation unit of the University Department of Psychiatry in Lausanne has developed a multidisciplinary assessment method based on the bio-psychosocial integrative model and the vulnerability-stress model in integrating the level of experience of Wood for the analysis of the psychosocial functioning. This results in a structured assessment program, which leads to a multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment (difficulties versus adaptative resources)
Research and Development in the Professions Allied to Medicine within NI