9 resultados para Trabalho de investigação

em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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No dia três de fevereiro, tivemos o prazer de entrevistar o Dr. André Novo. Este jovem e promissor investigador – que adquiriu uma relevância além-fronteiras depois de ter recebido um prémio atribuído pela European Federation of Sports Medicine Association, no âmbito do seu inovador trabalho de investigação sobre a capacidade funcional de pacientes em hemodiálise - nasceu a 21 de Abril de 1983 e, para além de ser licenciado em Enfermagem especializou-se em Enfermagem de Reabilitação e possui um doutoramento em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. André Novo, atualmente, é docente do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e apesar de, como assumiu, o seu trabalho lhe deixar muito pouco tempo disponível, aceitou encontrar-se connosco, para nos esclarecer sobre algumas questões relativas ao seu excecional percurso académico e profissional. Ao longo de todo o diálogo, mostrou-se sempre bastante simpático, divertido e recetivo às nossas perguntas.


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O estado nutricional dos idosos, nomeadamente a malnutrição constitui um dos principais determinantes de doença e diminuição da qualidade de vida (Elia & Stratton, 2005). A malnutrição deve ser encarada como uma das maiores ameaças para a saúde, bem-estar e autonomia dos idosos; prejudica a saúde física e psicológica predispondo-os ao desenvolvimento de doenças, ao mesmo tempo que condiciona negativamente o seu prognóstico (Cowan, Roberts, Fitzpatrick, While & Baldwin, 2004; Elia & Stratton, 2005). O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido pretende conhecer o estado nutricional dos idosos inscritos no centro de saúde Santa Maria de Bragança. Definem-se como objetivos principais: caracterizar o estado nutricional, identificar a prevalência de malnutrição e relacionar o estado nutricional com variáveis socioeconómicas demográficas, comportamentais e clínicas. Face aos objetivos delineados opta-se por um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra é composta por 385 idosos, representativos da população alvo com distribuição por sexo e faixa etária da população. Para a colheita de dados utiliza-se um formulário, no qual é incluído o MNA® e o Índice de Barthel. Como principais resultados e segundo o IMC, evidencia-se uma acentuada prevalência de malnutrição (57,66%), rastreando-se 43,11% dos idosos como sobrenutridos e 14.54% desnutridos. Através da aplicação do MNA® identificam-se 25% de situações de risco nutricional. Conclui-se que o estado nutricional segundo o MNA® está significativamente associado com o estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, solidão, consumo de álcool, polimedicação, existência de hospitalizações recorrentes, estado de dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso. Segundo o IMC está significativamente associado ao estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, estado da dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso.


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O objetivo principal do trabalho de investigação foi desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional que possa ser usada por professores e alunos no ensino dos Métodos Numéricos. A ferramenta, designada por GraSMA (Graphical Simulator of Mathematical Algorithms), permite visualizar no ecrã a execução dos correspondentes algoritmos. Esta ferramenta integra vários softwares open source e baseia-se na anotação automática de código Octave com funções de inspeção que permitem captar a sucessão de valores e produzir uma animação do funcionamento do método. A validação do GraSMA como ferramenta de apoio à lecionação destes métodos foi feita através de uma experiência feita em contexto de sala de aula que obteve resultados muito positivos conforme será descrito neste artigo.


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This research work aims to discuss the gender issue concerning entrepreneurship in European Union countries in a period of nine years, from 2007 to 2015, identifying the factors which drive individuals to be entrepreneurs. The study mainly concentrates on identifying and quantifying the personal, social, political and economic features which are motivating individuals, especially women, to be entrepreneurs, as well as the main difficulties they feel during the process of business creation. In order to explore the entrepreneurial activity across a set of developed countries the econometric methodology of panel data (in particular the fixed effects and random effects models) is applied to a data set of entrepreneurial statistical indicators calculated and made available by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The results show that the knowledge of other start-up entrepreneurs, a desired career choice, the governmental support and the existence of public policies that promote entrepreneurship (specially within the framework of small and medium sized firms) and the transfer of R&D are factors influencing negatively on the rate of female entrepreneurship. None of the observed variables are barriers for male entrepreneurs. The perceived capabilities and opportunities, the entrepreneurial intention, the policies to lower taxes and bureaucracy and the social and cultural norms are identified drives for women for engaging in a process of running their own ventures. These findings offer a set of valid knowledge to understand which measures could be implemented or should be changed and improved at a political and managerial level for stimulating entrepreneurship, especially for women.


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Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. Entrepreneurship includes creativity, innovation, risk taking, planning and management and is described as transferring ideas into action. Female entrepreneurship, in particular, is considered an important tool in enabling female empowerment and emancipation. In the light of recent world events, this has become a crucial area to study and understand, especially with respect to motivations, obstacles, constraints and consequences of female entrepreneurship. Having the previous framework in attention, this thesis focuses on female entrepreneurship in a developing country - Armenia – and proposes a conceptual framework of the phenomenon. A joint cooperation between the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allowed to conduct an enterprise survey in the country and from that survey a microeconomic dataset was released and applied in this research study. A logistic regression econometric method is applied to the dataset to identify and measure the relationship between female entrepreneurship and several factors such as the location, size, legal status, market and obstacles faced by Armenian firms. The study concludes that women entrepreneurs in Armenia share many common features and obstacles with their male counterparts. Moreover, gender of the top managers, the firm’s location, size, main market type, the number of competitors and full-time employees, the adoption of new marketing methods, the access to land, the tax administration system and an inadequately educated workforce are found to be statistical significant factors in the explanation of female entrepreneurship in Armenia.


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The research work is devoted to actual problems of development management of industrial enterprises. The general purpose of this work is the choice and justification of rational enterprise development evaluation model and subsequent application of it for assessment of enterprise development level and also forming of recommendations for enterprise management. Theoretical aspects of development management of enterprises were generalized. The approaches to understanding the essence of development enterprise category and its types were considered. It was investigated the evaluation models of enterprise development, their advantages and disadvantages and the difficulties of their implementation. The requirements for formation of the evaluation system of the enterprise development were summarized. It was determined the features of the formation and application of an Index of Enterprise Development. In the empirical part, data about investigated enterprises was collected from their official websites and also complemented with further data from other statistical websites. The analysis was based on the annual financial statements of companies. To assess the level of enterprise development were chosen model proposed by Feshchur and Samulyak (2010). This model involves the calculation of the Index of Enterprise Development using partial indicators, their reference values and weight. It was conducted an analysis of the development of Ukrainian enterprises that produce sauces. OJSC “LZHK” had the highest value of Index of Enterprise Development, in 2013 and 2015, that consisted 0,78 and 0,76 respectively. In 2014 the highest value for the Index belonged to PJSC “Volynholdinh” and amounted 0,74. OJSC “LZHK” had the highest average value of Index of Enterprise Development by the result of 2013-2015 years, and it consisted 0,70. PJSC “Chumak” had the lowest average value of Index of Enterprise Development obtained the result 0,59. In order to raise the enterprise development level, it was suggested to reduce production costs and staff turnover, increase the involvement of employees.


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The present work intends to study Rural Tourism. More specifically: regional policy of Rural Tourism development. Purpose of this research is creation of innovative qualitative model of regional policy of Rural Tourism development for Ukraine. With this aim literature review was made, developed a research methodology and analysis made. It was established a way of creation of qualitative model, based on studied information and scientific papers. Research methodology was described in next part. Decided to do it in three stages: (1) justification of analytical research; (2) data sample collection and analysis; (3) creating of innovative model of regional policy of Rural Tourism development. Each of these stages have sub stages supported by results of previous. In accordance to methodology, analytical part was made in two steps: (1) analysis of statistical information about rural houses availability; (2) analysis of resources needed for successfully Rural Tourism activity. This part gave information about placement of rural houses by geographical regions and defined most attractive geographical regions for Rural Tourism development. The results showed that the highest rural houses availability is in Western geographical region. Other regions have low level of rural houses availability. However, analysis of resources needed for successful Rural Tourism development showed, that all geographical regions are attractive for organizing Rural Tourism activity. Based on this information an innovative qualitative model of Rural Tourism development was created.


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Nowadays entrepreneurship is one of the main key objects in internal policy of each country. More and more women start doing their own business and thus become integral participants of entrepreneurial activities. However, despite of the abundance of various scientific publications, female entrepreneurship is poorly understood phenomenon, which is needed to be carefully scrutinized. The general purpose of this work is to describe and analyse such phenomenon as female entrepreneurship generally in the world and separately and mainly in Belarus. Indeed, it intends to determine the factors that drive women's entrepreneurship in Belarus. The findings are supported by literature, gathered from different scientific researches and actual statistical data. The data used in the empirical part was collected from World Bank Enterprise Surveys and comprises the responses of representatives of 360 companies selected randomly from the population of the Belarus companies. With the help of descriptive statistics and the application of logistic regression simple models to determine which economic, social, fiscal and legal environmental factors impact on female entrepreneurial activity was possible to understand the female involvement in business activities and society of the country.


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Em diferentes áreas da medicina existem processos cirúrgicos que envolvem a furação de tecido ósseo, dependendo o seu sucesso da conjugação de diversos parâmetros. A previsão e o controlo dos parâmetros envolvidos são fundamentais para a redução do dano no tecido ósseo. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo avaliar o estado de tensão gerado durante o processo de furação utilizando materiais sólidos de espumas de poliuretano rígidas com características similares ao osso humano. Durante a furação dos materiais sólidos são utilizados métodos experimentais, baseados na extensometria e na termografia, para análise das deformações e da temperatura na broca. Os parâmetros envolvidos na furação são a velocidade de rotação e a geometria da broca constantes em diferentes testes, sendo variável a velocidade de avanço. Em simultâneo, foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico de formulação explícita, com recurso ao método de elementos finitos, através do programa LS-DYNA. Os resultados permitem obter o campo de tensões nos materiais sólidos em função dos diferentes parâmetros de furação. Para a mesma velocidade de rotação e geometria da broca, a diminuição na velocidade de avanço provoca o aumento do nível de tensão. Em relação à resistência mecânica da espuma de poliuretano rígida utilizada, e para a zona de medição instrumentada, não há registo de dano material. O dano é provocado na zona de furação pela remoção do material.