192 resultados para Teoria nebular


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Tem se disseminado no Brasil o atrelamento da remuneração de professores ao desempenho de alunos em testes padronizados, políticas que não encontram fundamento teórico no campo da educação, mas sim na literatura econômico-administrativa, especialmente no chamado "modelo principal-agente". Se por alguns são vistas como peça-chave da melhoria da educação, costumam sofrer forte oposição, sobretudo de não economistas. A avaliação de experiências concretas não resolve a questão, pois tem revelado efeitos positivos, nulos e negativos. A contribuição deste artigo consiste no escrutínio do marco teórico em que se assentam as políticas de responsabilização de professores, a fim de se testar a hipótese de que os resultados inconclusivos encontrariam explicação na própria literatura econômica. Complementarmente, investiga-se se a teoria lança luz sobre razões para a forte rejeição a tais programas em certos círculos. Responde-se afirmativamente a ambas as questões.


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Este artigo discute a importância da teoria do currículo e de seus especialistas no debate contemporâneo sobre currículo escolar. Após um breve relato sobre a evolução no campo dos estudos curriculares, o autor discorre sobre os papéis crítico e normativo da teoria do currículo, sugerindo que esses dois objetivos têm sido separados, em detrimento de ambos. Em seguida, ao defender que a educação é uma atividade prática e especializada, o autor sugere que a teoria do currículo una esses dois papéis e enxergue o currículo como forma de conhecimento especializado. Finalmente, postula que os teóricos do currículo se debrucem sobre como desenvolver currículos que ampliem - e não somente reproduzam - as oportunidades de aprendizagem.


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Este trabalho é uma tentativa de compreensão dos processos de subjetivação (e seus efeitos políticos) envolvidos nos modos de conhecimento dos saberes psi. Para tal, será levantado um conjunto de definições quanto à subjetividade e a seus modos de produção. Em seguida, serão analisadas as contribuições sobre o tema por parte da teoria ator-rede. Mais adiante, serão tomadas dessa teoria algumas diretrizes para possíveis estudos sobre modos de subjetivação engendrados pelos saberes e práticas psi. De modo mais específico, serão trabalhadas as formas com que as pesquisas psi engendram mundos e sujeitos por meio de políticas ontológicas específicas, gerando formas extorsivas ou recalcitrantes de articulação. É nesse aspecto que será feita a discussão dos modos políticos dessas formas de subjetivação.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar como o valor pode ser agregado à informação. A atual situação de sobrecarga de informação vivenciada por todos nós no trabalho será descrita. Descrever-se-á também um modelo teórico para agregar valor à informação, assim como os modos de aplicação do modelo no DTI Market Service/Dinamarca.


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Several authors in the 17th century used the atomic hypothesis to explain observable phenomena. This paper analyzes some ideas about chemical transformation proposed by the English physician Walter Charleton. In Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana (London, 1654), Charleton examined philosophical aspects of the atomic theory, and suggested that the best explanation for all natural phenomena would be only in terms of atoms and their motions. Sometimes, however, he had to attribute to the atoms some kind of "internal virtue", to explain more complex properties of the matter. His idea of "element", and the little use of experimentation and quantification, also limited the range of Charleton's theory.


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A new approach for teaching in basic experimental organic chemistry is presented. Experimental work goes on parallel to theoretical lectures leading to an immediate application of theoretical concepts transmitted therein. One day/week is dedicated exclusively to the organic laboratory. Reactions are proposed as problems to be solved; the student has to deduce the structure of the product on the basis of his observations, the analytical data and his mechanistical knowledge. 70 different experiments, divided in 7 thematical chapters, are presented. All experiments require the analysis and discussion of 1H and 13C NMR, IR and UV spectra. Additional questions about each reaction have to be answered by the student in his written report. Laboratory safety is garanteed by the exclusion or substitution of hazardous and toxic reagents. Microscale preparations are adopted in most cases to lower the cost of materials and the amount of waste. Recycling of many reaction products as starting materials in other experiments reduces the need for commercial reagents and allows the execution of longer reaction sequences. Only unexpensive standard laboratory equipment and simple glassware are required. All experiments include instructions for the save treatment or disposal of chemical waste.


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In this article are presented some fundamental elements of the conventional and of the variational transition state theories which are needed to carried out calculations of semi-classical chemical dynamics. Some important bottlenecks in building reliable potential energy surfaces using electronic structure calculations are also discussed. It is put emphasis on the methodology of the variational transition state theory with interpolated corrections (VTST-IC), and its application in the calculations of the rate constants and of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of CH4 + Cl « CH3 + HCl reaction.


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The adsorption of H and S2- species on Pd (100) has been studied with ab initio, density-functional calculations and electrochemical methods. A cluster of five Pd atoms with a frozen geometry described the surface. The computational calculations were performed through the GAUSSIAN94 program, and the basis functions adapted to a pseudo-potential obtained by using the Generator Coordinate Method adapted to the this program. Using the cyclic voltammetry technique through a Model 283 Potentiostat/Galvanostat E.G.&G-PAR obtained the electrochemical results. The calculated chemisorption geometry has a Pd-H distance of 1.55Å, and the potential energy surface was calculated using the Becke3P86//(GCM/DFT/SBK) methodology. The adsorption of S2- ions on Pd surface obtained both through comparison between the experimental and theoretical results, at MP2 level, suggest a S2- absorption into the metallic cluster. The produced Pd-(S2-) system was show to be very stable under the employed experimental conditions. The paper has shows the powerful aid of computational methods to interpret adsorption experimental data.


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The fundaments of the modern Density Functional Theory (DFT), its basic theorems, principles and methodology are presented. This review also discuss important and widely used concepts in chemistry but that had not been precisely defined until the development of the DFT. These concepts were proposed and used from an empirical base, but now their precise definition are well established in the DFT formalism. Concepts such as chemical potential (electronegativity), hardness, softness and Fukui function are presented and their consequences to the understanding of chemical reactivity are discussed.


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In this paper a methodology for the computation of Raman scattering cross-sections and depolarization ratios within the Placzek Polarizability Theory is described. The polarizability gradients are derived from the values of the dynamic polarizabilities computed at the excitation frequencies using ab initio Linear Response Theory. A sample application of the computational program, at the HF, MP2 and CCSD levels of theory, is presented for H2O and NH3. The results show that high correlated levels of theory are needed to achieve good agreement with experimental data.


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Calculations based on density functional theory at the B3LYP hybrid functional level applied to periodic models have been performed to characterize the structural and electronic properties of PbTiO3. Two different slab terminations (PbO and TiO2) have been considered to obtain and discuss the results of band structure, density of states, charge distribution on bulk and surface relaxation. It is observed that the relaxation processes are most prominent for the Ti and Pb surface atoms. The electron density maps confirm the partial covalent character of the Ti-O bonds. The calculated optical band gap and other results are in agreement with experimental data.


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The experiment introduces the undergraduate students to the crystal field theory. The electronic spectra of the octahedral complexes of [Ni(L)n]2+ (L = H2O, dmso, NH3 and en) obtained in the experiment are used to calculate 10Dq and B parameters. The experiment shows how the parameters can be calculated and correlated with the nature of the ligands and the field intensities produced.