153 resultados para Cake filtration
Jehova's witeness patients deny to receive heterologous blood transfusion even under life risk. They also neither agree with auto transfusion when the their own blood is stored days or weeks before surgery procedures. Percutaneous renal surgery can have complications and, among them, intense hemorrhage that can demand for open surgery. The authors report a case of a 32 year old patient with complete coralliform lithiasis in the right kidney who was submitted to percutaneous renal surgery with removing 400 ml of total blood accompanied subsequently of hemodilution and blood reinfusion by the end of the procedure. A Compact Advanced from Dideco, an italian company, was used for blood recovering during surgery and reinfusing it after the filtration process, centrifugation and washing of red globules. In this particular, the authors describe a technical adaption for blood collection. Both procedures are accepted by Jehova's witness patients, once that the blood is not stored and there is contact with your veined system. This article aim to show a blood capture technical variant in the percutaneous renal surgery, as well as to present a method in similar procedures, once that is not used routinely in urological surgeries.
The objective is to reinforce the importance of blood reinfusion as a cheap, safe and simple method, which can be used in small hospitals, especially those in which there is no blood bank. Moreover, even with the use of devices that perform the collection and filtration of blood, more recent studies show that the cost-benefit ratio is much better when autologous transfusion is compared with blood transfusions, even when there is injury to hollow viscera and blood contamination. It is known that the allogeneic blood transfusion carries a number of risks to patients, among them are the coagulation disorders mediated by excess enzymes in the conserved blood, and deficiency in clotting factors, mainly the Factor V, the proacelerin. Another factor would be the risk of contamination with still unknown pathogens or that are not investigated during screening for selection of donors, such as the West Nile Fever and Creutzfeldt-Jacob, better known as "Mad Cow" disease. Comparing both methods, we conclude that blood autotransfusion has numerous advantages over heterologous transfusion, even in large hospitals. We are not against blood transfusions, just do not agree that the patient's own blood is discarded without making sure there will be enough blood in stock to get him out of the hemorrhagic shock.
The objective of this work was to determine the coefficients of sorption and desorption of picloram in Ultisol (PVA) and Oxisol (LVA), displaying different physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of soil were collected at the 0 20 cm depth in degraded pasture areas in Viçosa-MG. Firstly, the equilibrium time between the herbicide in solution and the herbicide which was sorbed in the soil was determined by the Batch Equilibrium method. The time required was 24 hours. Sorption and desorption studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions; the sorption evaluation consisted in adding 10.0 mL of herbicide solutions at different concentrations to tubes containing 2.00 g of soil, with vertical rotary agitation being maintained during the pre-determined equilibrium time. After centrifugation, supernatant extract cleaning and filtration, herbicide concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 254 nm. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the sorption tests. The Freundlich model was used for interpretation of the sorption process. Ultisol showed higher adsorption coefficient (Kf a) compared with Oxisol, which may be attributed to the lower pH of the soil and its higher organic matter content. Desorption process occurred in both soils; the LVA allowed greater release of the previously sorbed molecules.
A lectin present in the marine red alga Pterocladiella capillacea was purified and characterised by extraction of soluble proteins (crude extract) in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5. Among the analysed erythrocytes (human blood group A, B and O and the animals ox, goat, chicken and rabbit) the lectin agglutinated specifically rabbit erythrocytes. The hemagglutinating activity assay showed that the lectin was not dependent on divalent cations and was shown to be inhibited by the glycoproteins avidin and mucin. The purification procedure was conduced by precipitation of the crude extract with 80% saturation ammonium sulfate (F0/80) followed by affinity chromatography on guar-gum column. The lectin of P. capillacea was purified 14.5 fold and had a recovery of 27.4% of the original total specific activity present in the crude extract. The absence of carbohydrate suggested that the lectin is not a glycoprotein. The molecular mass of P. capillacea lectin, determined by gel filtration, was 5.8 kDa. SDS-PAGE in the presence of ß-mercaptoethanol gave one band, indicating that the native lectin is a monomeric protein. The activation energy of denaturation process (D G') was calculated to be 106.87 kJ . mol-1 at 70 ºC.
A process for purifying bovine pancreatic glucagon as a by-product of insulin production is described. The glucagon-containing supernatant from the alkaline crystallization of insulin was precipitated using ammonium sulfate and isoelectric precipitation. The isoelectric precipitate containing glucagon was then purified by ion-exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose FF, gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 and ion-exchange chromatography on S-Sepharose FF. A pilot scale test was performed with a recovery of 87.6% and a purification factor of 8.78 for the first chromatographic step, a recovery of 75.1% and a purification factor of 3.90 for the second, and a recovery of 76.2% and a purification factor of 2.36 for the last one. The overall yield was 50%, a purification factor of 80.8 was obtained and the fraction containing active glucagon (suitable for pharmaceutical preparations) was 84% pure as analyzed by HPLC
We describe here the isolation and characterization of a major albumin from the seeds of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae). This protein has a molecular mass of 6.5 kDa and was isolated by a combination of gel filtration chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. The amino acid composition of this protein was determined and it was shown to have similarities with the amino acid composition of several proteins from the 2S albumin storage protein family. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of this protein is Asp-Pro-Tyr-Trp-Glu-Gln-Arg.
The severe bleeding diathesis produced by intoxication with the venom of Lonomia achelous caterpillars is characterized by prolonged bleeding from superficial skin wounds as well as massive hemorrhage into body cavities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the crude venom and its fibrinolytic fractions on in vitro lysis of whole blood clots. Venom fractions with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G75 using imidazole buffer, pH 7.4, at a flow rate of 24 ml/h. Four peaks with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by this method. The highest activity was found in the first two peaks (both peaks were used for the experiments). The results show that the caterpillar venom degraded the preformed clots at a slower rate than plasmin. In addition, plasma protease inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system (a2-antiplasmin, a2-macroglobulin, PAI, etc.) only weakly inhibited the lytic effect of the caterpillar venom. These characteristics, as well as the pattern of fibrinogen degradation products, the delay period on fibrin plate lysis and amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrate, reported previously, indicate that the caterpillar enzymes are different from plasmin and trypsin.
Patients with sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) or sickle cell trait (Hb AS) may present several types of renal dysfunction; however, comparison of the prevalence of these abnormalities between these two groups and correlation with the duration of disease in a large number of patients have not been thoroughly investigated. In a cross-sectional study using immunoenzymometric assays to measure tubular proteinuria, microalbuminuria, measurement of creatinine clearance, urinary osmolality and analysis of urine sediment, we evaluated glomerular and tubular renal function in 106 adults and children with Hb SS (N = 66) or Hb AS (N = 40) with no renal failure (glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >85 ml/min). The percentage of individuals with microalbuminuria was higher among Hb SS than among Hb AS patients (30 vs 8%, P<0.0001). The prevalence of microhematuria was similar in both groups (26 vs 30%, respectively). Increased urinary levels of retinol-binding protein or ß2-microglobulin were detected in only 3 Hb SS and 2 Hb AS patients. Urinary osmolality was reduced in patients with Hb SS or with Hb AS; however, it was particularly evident in Hb SS patients older than 15 years (median = 393 mOsm/kg, range = 366-469) compared with Hb AS patients (median = 541 mOsm/kg, range = 406-722). Thus, in addition to the frequently reported early reduction of urinary osmolality and increased GFR, nondysmorphic hematuria was found in 26 and 30% of patients with Hb SS or Hb AS, respectively. Microalbuminuria is an important marker of glomerular injury in patients with Hb SS and may also be demonstrated in some Hb AS individuals. Significant proximal tubular dysfunction is not a common feature in Hb SS and Hb AS population at this stage of the disease (i.e., GFR >85 ml/min).
A chromatographic method for the production of a human immunoglobulin G solution for intravenous use
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) of excellent quality for intravenous use was obtained from the cryosupernatant of human plasma by a chromatographic method based on a mixture of ion-exchange, DEAE-Sepharose FF and arginine Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography and a final purification step by Sephacryl S-300 HR gel filtration. The yield of 10 experimental batches produced was 3.5 g IgG per liter of plasma. A solvent/detergent combination of 1% Tri (n-butyl) phosphate and 1% Triton X-100 was used to inactivate lipid-coated viruses. Analysis of the final product (5% liquid IgG) based on the mean for 10 batches showed 94% monomers, 5.5% dimers and 0.5% polymers and aggregates. Anticomplementary activity was 0.3 CH50/mg IgG and prekallikrein activator levels were less than 5 IU/ml. Stability at 37ºC for 30 days in the liquid state was satisfactory. IgG was stored in flasks (2.5 g/flask) at 4 to 8ºC. All the characteristics of the product were consistent with the requirements of the 1997 Pharmacopée Européenne.
Large volumes of plasma can be fractionated by the method of Cohn at low cost. However, liquid chromatography is superior in terms of the quality of the product obtained. In order to combine the advantages of each method, we developed an integrated method for the production of human albumin and immunoglobulin G (IgG). The cryoprecipitate was first removed from plasma for the production of factor VIII and the supernatant of the cryoprecipitate was fractionated by the method of Cohn. The first precipitate, containing fractions (F)-I + II + III, was used for the production of IgG by the chromatographic method (see Tanaka K et al. (1998) Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 31: 1375-1381). The supernatant of F-I + II + III was submitted to a second precipitation and F-IV was obtained and discarded. Albumin was obtained from the supernatant of the precipitate F-IV by liquid chromatography, ion-exchange on DEAE-Sepharose FF, filtration through Sephacryl S-200 HR and introduction of heat treatment for fatty acid precipitation. Viral inactivation was performed by pasteurization at 60ºC for 10 h. The albumin product obtained by the proposed procedure was more than 99% pure for the 15 lots of albumin produced, with a mean yield of 25.0 ± 0.5 g/l plasma, containing 99.0 to 99.3% monomer, 0.7 to 1.0% dimers, and no polymers. Prekallikrein activator levels were <=5 IU/ml. This product satisfies the requirements of the 1997 Pharmacopée Européenne.
In previous studies we have shown stimulation of renal acid excretion in the proximal tubules of rats with diabetes of short duration, with no important alterations in glomerular hemodynamics; on the other hand, in thyroparathyroidectomized rats (TPTX model), a significant decrease in renal acid excretion, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF) was detected. Since important changes in the parathyroid hormone-vitamin D-Ca axis are observed in the diabetic state, the present study was undertaken to investigate the renal repercussions of thyroparathyroidectomy in rats previously made diabetic by streptozotocin (45 mg/kg). Four to 6 days after the induction of diabetes (DM), a group of rats were thyroparathyroidectomized (DM + TPTX). Renal functional parameters were evaluated by measuring the inulin and sodium para-aminohippurate clearance on the tenth day. The decrease in the GFR and RPF observed in TPTX was not reversed by diabetes since the same alterations were observed in DM + TPTX. Net acid (NA) excretion was unchanged in DM (6.19 ± 0.54), decreased in TPTX (3.76 ± 0.25) and returned to normal levels in DM + TPTX (5.54 ± 0.72) when compared to the control group (6.34 ± 0.14 µmol min-1 kg-1). The results suggest that PTH plays an important vasodilator role regarding glomerular hemodynamics, since in its absence the impairment in GFR and RPF was not reversed by the diabetic state. However, with respect to acid excretion, the presence of diabetes was able to overcome the negative stimulus represented by TPTX.
Microcystin is a hepatotoxic peptide which inhibits protein phosphatase types 1 and 2A. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiopathologic effects of microcystin-LR in isolated perfused rat kidney. Adult Wistar rats (N = 5) of both sexes (240-280 g) were utilized. Microcystin-LR (1 µg/ml) was perfused over a period of 120 min, during which samples of urine and perfusate were collected at 10-min intervals to determine the levels of inulin, sodium, potassium and osmolality. We observed a significant increase in urinary flow with a peak effect at 90 min (control (C) = 0.20 ± 0.01 and treated (T) = 0.32 ± 0.01 ml g-1 min-1, P<0.05). At 90 min there was a significant increase in perfusate pressure (C = 129.7 ± 4.81 and T = 175.0 ± 1.15 mmHg) and glomerular filtration rate (C = 0.66 ± 0.07 and T = 1.10 ± 0.04 ml g-1 min-1) and there was a significant reduction in fractional sodium tubular transport at 120 min (C = 78.6 ± 0.98 and T = 73.9 ± 0.95%). Histopathologic analysis of the perfused kidneys showed protein material in the urinary space, suggestive of renal toxicity. These data demonstrate renal vascular, glomerular and urinary effects of microcystin-LR, indicating that microcystin acts directly on the kidney by probable inhibition of protein phosphatases.
Guanylin and uroguanylin are peptides that bind to and activate guanylate cyclase C and control salt and water transport in many epithelia in vertebrates, mimicking the action of several heat-stable bacteria enterotoxins. In the kidney, both of them have well-documented natriuretic and kaliuretic effects. Since atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) also has a natriuretic effect mediated by cGMP, experiments were designed in the isolated perfused rat kidney to identify possible synergisms between ANP, guanylin and uroguanylin. Inulin was added to the perfusate and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was determined at 10-min intervals. Sodium was also determined. Electrolyte dynamics were measured by the clearance formula. Guanylin (0.5 µg/ml, N = 12) or uroguanylin (0.5 µg/ml, N = 9) was added to the system after 30 min of perfusion with ANP (0.1 ng/ml). The data were compared at 30-min intervals to a control (N = 12) perfused with modified Krebs-Hanseleit solution and to experiments using guanylin and uroguanylin at the same dose (0.5 µg/ml). After previous introduction of ANP in the system, guanylin promoted a reduction in fractional sodium transport (%TNa+, P<0.05) (from 78.46 ± 0.86 to 64.62 ± 1.92, 120 min). In contrast, ANP blocked uroguanylin-induced increase in urine flow (from 0.21 ± 0.01 to 0.15 ± 0.007 ml g-1 min-1, 120 min, P<0.05) and the reduction in fractional sodium transport (from 72.04 ± 0.86 to 85.19 ± 1.48, %TNa+, at 120 min of perfusion, P<0.05). Thus, the synergism between ANP + guanylin and the antagonism between ANP + uroguanylin indicate the existence of different subtypes of receptors mediating the renal actions of guanylins.
Uroguanylin and guanylin are newly discovered endogenous heat-stable peptides that bind to and activate a membrane bound guanylyl cyclase signaling receptor (termed guanylyl cyclase C; GC-C). These peptides are not only found in blood but are secreted into the lumen of the intestine and effect a net secretion of electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3-) and fluid into the intestine via a cyclic guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) mechanism. GC-C is also the receptor for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) and activation by STa results in a diarrheal illness. Employing mouse renal in vivo models, we have demonstrated that uroguanylin, guanylin, and STa elicit natriuretic, kaliuretic, and diuretic effects. These biological responses are time- and dose-dependent. Maximum natriuretic and kaliuretic effects are observed within 30-40 min following infusion with pharmacological doses of the peptides in a sealed-urethra mouse model. Our mouse renal clearance model confirms these results and shows significant natriuresis following a constant infusion of uroguanylin for 30 min, while the glomerular filtration rate, plasma creatinine, urine osmolality, heart rate, and blood pressure remain constant. These data suggest the peptides act through tubular transport mechanisms. Consistent with a tubular mechanism, messenger RNA-differential display PCR of kidney RNA extracted from vehicle- and uroguanylin-treated mice show the message for the Na+/K+ ATPase g-subunit is down-regulated. Interestingly, GC-C knockout mice (Gucy2c -/-) also exhibit significant uroguanylin-induced natriuresis and kaliuresis in vivo, suggesting the presence of an alternate receptor signaling mechanism in the kidney. Thus, uroguanylin and guanylin seem to serve as intestinal and renal natriuretic peptide-hormones influencing salt and water transport in the kidney through GC-C dependent and independent pathways. Furthermore, our recent clinical probe study has revealed a 70-fold increase in levels of urinary uroguanylin in patients with congestive heart failure. In conclusion, our studies support the concept that uroguanylin and guanylin are endogenous effector peptides involved in regulating body salt and water homeostasis.
In order to obtain intravenous immunoglobulin G (iv IgG) of high quality from F-I+II+III or F-II+III pastes prepared by the Cohn method, we developed a chromatography process using ion exchange gels, Q-Sepharose FF and CM-Sepharose FF, and Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration. Viral inactivation was performed by incubating the preparation with pepsin at pH 4.0 at 35oC for 18 h. The characteristics of 28 batches produced by us were: yield 4.3 ± 0.2 g/l plasma, i.e., a recovery of 39.1 ± 1.8%; IgG subclasses distribution: IgG1 = 58.4%, IgG2 = 34.8%, IgG3 = 4.5% and IgG4 = 2.3%; IgG size distribution was 98.4% monomers, 1.2% dimers and 0.4% polymers and protein aggregates; anticomplement activity was less than 0.5 CH50/mg IgG, and prekallikrein activator activity (PKA) was less than 5 IU/ml. These characteristics satisfied the requirements of the European Pharmacopoea edition, and the regulations of the Brazilian Health Ministry (M.S. Portaria No. 2, 30/10/1998).