Signal processing methods based on the combined use of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and zero-crossing technique were applied to the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of perindopril (PER) and indapamide (IND) in tablets. These signal processing methods do not require any priory separation step. Initially, various wavelet families were tested to identify the optimum signal processing giving the best recovery results. From this procedure, the Haar and Biorthogonal1.5 continuous wavelet transform (HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, respectively) were found suitable for the analysis of the related compounds. After transformation of the absorbance vectors by using HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, the CWT-coefficients were drawn as a graph versus wavelength and then the HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT spectra were obtained. Calibration graphs for PER and IND were obtained by measuring the CWT amplitudes at 231.1 and 291.0 nm in the HAAR-CWT spectra and at 228.5 and 246.8 nm in BIOR1.5-CWT spectra, respectively. In order to compare the performance of HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT approaches, derivative spectrophotometric (DS) method and HPLC as comparison methods, were applied to the PER-IND samples. In this DS method, first derivative absorbance values at 221.6 for PER and 282.7 nm for IND were used to obtain the calibration graphs. The validation of the CWT and DS signal processing methods was carried out by using the recovery study and standard addition technique. In the following step, these methods were successfully applied to the commercial tablets containing PER and IND compounds and good accuracy and precision were reported for the experimental results obtained by all proposed signal processing methods.
Determination of free urinary cortisol is a test of choice in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome. In this study, cortisol was quantified using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) in urine samples previously extracted with ether and using triamcinolone acetonide as internal standard (IS). A BDS-Hypersil-C18® column, water-acetonitrile (72:28; v/v), with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and detection at 243 nm were used. This method showed to be both effective and efficient, with sensitivity and linearity ranging from 2.50 to 150 μg/L, and can be used in substitution to the radioimmunoassay technique within this concentration range.
A method employing chitosan as complexant agent in the removal of copper(II) ions generally present in the Brazilian cachaça samples is herein proposed. The efficiency of this method is attributed to its high capacity of metal cations adsorption, mainly due to presence of hydroxyl and amine groups that can serve as chelating sites. The removal of copper(II) ions from this alcoholic beverage was efficient employing either in column and batch system. The analysis were carried out employing the flame atomic absorption spectrometry and the remaining copper(II) concentrations in the treated cachaça were lower than LOD of FAAS technique.
Since the introduction of GC there has been an ongoing interest in reducing time of analysis resulting in new terms and definitions such as ultra fast gas chromatography (UF-GC). One of the most used definitions describes UF-GC as a technique that combines the employment of short narrow bore column with very fast temperature programming rates producing chromatographic peaks in the range of 50 ms and allowing separations times in 1-2 min or less. This paper summarizes the analytical approaches, the main parameters involved and the instrumentation towards UF-GC.
An LC-MS/MS method has been developed for the determination of efavirenz (EFZ) in human plasma using hydrochlorothiazide as internal standard (I.S.). An ESI negative mode with multiple reaction-monitoring was used monitoring the transitions m/z 313.88→69.24 (EFZ) and 296.02→204.76 (I.S.). Samples were extracted using liquid-liquid extraction. The total run time was 2.0 min. The separation was achieved with HPLC-RP using a monolithic column. The assay was linear in the concentration range of 100 - 5000 ng mL-1. The mean recovery was 83%. Intra- and inter-day precision were < 9.5% and < 8.9%, respectively and accuracy was in the range ± 8.33%. The method was successfully applied to a bioequivalence study.
Components in complex matrices can cause variations in chromatographic response during analysis of pesticides by gas chromatography. These variations are related to the competition between analytes and matrix components for adsorption sites in the chromatographic system. The capacity of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and deltamethrin to be adsorbed in the injector and chromatographic column was evaluated by constructing three isotherms and changing the column heating rate to 10 and 30 ºC min-1. By using ANCOVA to compare the slope of calibration graphs, results showed that the higher the injector temperature (310 ºC) the lower the pesticide adsorption. Also, deltamethrin influenced the adsorption of chlorpyrifos on the column chromatographic.
The purpose of this study was to develop a rapid, simple and sensitive quantitation method for pseudoephedrine (PSE), paracetamol (PAR) and loratadine (LOR) in plasma and pharmaceuticals using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with a monolithic column. Separation was achieved using a gradient composition of methanol-0.1% formic acid at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1. Mass spectral transitions were recorded in SRM mode. System validation was evaluated for precision, specificity and linearity. Limit of detection for pseudoephedrine, paracetamol, and loratadine were determined to be 3.14, 1.86 and 1.44 ng mL-1, respectively, allowing easy determination in plasma with % recovery of 93.12 to 101.56%.
An efficient method for the rapid separation and purification of polyphenols from artichoke by polyamide column chromatography in combination with high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was successfully built. The crude ethanol extracts from dry artichoke were first pre-separated by polyamide column chromatography and divided in two parts as sample 1 and sample 2. Then, the samples were further separated by HSCCC and yielded 7.8 mg of chlorogenic acid (compound I), 24.5 mg of luteolin-7-O-β-D-rutinoside (compound II), 18.4 mg of luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucoside (compound III), and 33.4 mg of cynarin (compound IV) with purity levels of 92.0%, 98.2%, 98.5%, and 98.0%, respectively, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The chemical structures of these compounds were identified by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
We developed a simple, rapid, and solventless method for analyzing trihalomethanes in beer samples using headspace solid-phase microextraction. The effects of varying experimental parameters, such as extraction temperature and time, addition of sodium chloride, and agitation speed, on extraction yield were studied using a univariate experimental design. Limits of detection between 0.22 and 0.46 µg L- 1 and wide linear ranges were achieved for trihalomethanes. We measured the trihalomethane recoveries and precision (as the standard deviation of repeat measurements) and demonstrated the applicability of the proposed method by analyzing 32 beer samples.
A statistical mixture-design technique was used to study the effects of different solvents and their mixtures on the yield, total polyphenol content, and antioxidant capacity of the crude extracts from the bark of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae). The experimental results and their response-surface models showed that ternary mixtures with equal portions of all the three solvents (water, ethanol and acetone) were better than the binary mixtures in generating crude extracts with the highest yield (22.04 ± 0.48%), total polyphenol content (29.39 ± 0.39%), and antioxidant capacity (6.38 ± 0.21). An analytical method was developed and validated for the determination of total polyphenols in the extracts. Optimal conditions for the various parameters in this analytical method, namely, the time for the chromophoric reaction to stabilize, wavelength of the absorption maxima to be monitored, the reference standard and the concentration of sodium carbonate were determined to be 5 min, 780 nm, pyrogallol, and 14.06% w v-1, respectively. UV-Vis spectrophotometric monitoring of the reaction under these conditions proved the method to be linear, specific, precise, accurate, reproducible, robust, and easy to perform.
An effective method for the rapid separation and purification of three stilbenes from the radix of Polygonum cillinerve (Nakai) Ohwl by macroporous resin column chromatography combined with high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was successfully established. In the present study, a two-phase solvent system composed of chloroform-n-butanol-methanol-water (4:1:4:2, v/v/v/v) was used for HSCCC separation. A one-step separation in 4 h from 150 mg of crude extract produced 26.3 mg of trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside, 42.0 mg of pieceid-2"-O-gallate, and 17.9 mg of trans-resveratrol with purities of 99.1%, 97.8%, and 99.4%, respectively, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chemical structures of these compounds were identified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Leaf scald of barley caused by Rhynchosporium secalis is an important disease in Argentina. The fungus is a necrotrophic pathogen which survives in stubble, seeds and weeds. Isolation of R. secalis from seeds on artificial media usually has not been successful due to the slow growth rate of the pathogen and strong inhibition by contaminants. The objective in this work was to detect R. secalis in different genotypes of barley seeds in Argentina using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic assay. Four barley genotypes were tested in 2004: Quilmes Ayelén, Quilmes Alfa, Barke and Maltería Pampa 1004. The previously described RS8 and RS9 primers were used for the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds. A 264-bp single band was obtained for each cultivar showing the presence of R. secalis. The use of specific primers was efficient in the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina and could be used for routine diagnosis, epidemiology and seed transmission studies. This is the first report on the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina.
Silica gel chemically modified with 2-Aminotiazole groups, abbreviated as SiAT, was used for preconcentration of copper, zinc, nickel and iron from kerosene, normally used as a engine fuel for airplanes. Surface characteristics and surface area of the silica gel were obtained before and after chemical modification using FT-IR, Kjeldhal and surface area analysis (B.E.T.). The retention and recovery of the analyte elements were studied by applying batch and column techniques. The experimental parameters, such as shaking time in batch technique, flow rate and concentration of the eluent (HCl- 0.25-2.00 mol L-1) and the amount of silica, on retention and elution, have been investigated. Detection limits of the method for copper, iron, nickel and zinc are 0.77, 2.92, 1.73 and 0.097 mg L-1, respectively. The sorption-desorption of the studied metal ions made possible the development of a preconcentration method for metal ions at trace level in kerosene using flame AAS for their quantification.
Semiempirical calculations at the level of PM3 of theory were carried out to study the structural and electronic properties of C80 and some of its doped derivatives with the elements of group III and V at the level of PM3 of theory. We have selected these elements to be substituted in the fullerene-C80 cage in order to show the effect of such structural change on the electronic properties of the molecules studied. The theoretical IR spectra, some of physical and chemical properties of the molecules studied are obtained and discussed.
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) established in the decree number 54 maximum allowed levels for Ni and Pb in mineral and natural waters at 20 µg L-1 and 10 µg L-1, respectively. For screening analysis purposes, the high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS FAAS) was evaluated for the fast-sequential determination of nickel and lead in mineral waters.Two atomic lines for Ni (232.003 nm - main and 341.477 nm - secondary) and Pb (217.0005 nm - main and 283.306 nm - secondary) at different wavelength integrated absorbance (number of pixels) were evaluated. Sensitivity enhanced with the increase of the number of pixels and with the summation of the atomic lines absorbances. The main figures of merit associated to the HR-CS FAAS technique were compared with that obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry (LS FAAS). Water samples were pre-concentrated about 5-fold by evaporation before analysis. Recoveries of Pb significantly varied with increased wavelength integrated absorbance. Better recoveries (92-93%) were observed for higher number of pixels at the main line or summating the atomic lines (90-92%). This influence was irrelevant for Ni, and recoveries in the 92-104% range were obtained in all situations.