66 resultados para experimental evolution


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A reinfecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii foi estudada, experimentalmente, em 27 camundongos albinos e 25 gatos domésticos. A infecção e a reinfecção foram comprovadas por sinais clínicos, anticorpos sangüíneos à reação de Sabin & Feldman > 1/4, recuperação do parasita e, nos gatos, também pela eliminação de oocistos. Nos camundongos a mortalidade foi de 56%. A primo-infecção por cepa de baixa virulência ou a infecção por cepa mais virulenta, atenuada pela sulfamonometoxina, deram proteção à reinfecção por cepa mais virulenta, mortal em poucos dias. Esta proteção foi demonstrada pela sobrevivência de camundongos e menor mortalidade, 12,5'%. Nos gatos a mortalidade foi de 28%, A resposta sorológica à primo-infecção ocorreu em todos. Após a reinfecção houve elevação de títulos em 64% dos gatos, permanência em 32% e queda em 4%. A eliminação de oocistos foi observada em 60% dos gatos e só após inoculação de cistos, por via digestiva. A reeliminação após reinfecção, ocorreu em 25% dos gatos. Não foi observada eliminação após a 3.ª inoculação. Em 88,2% dos gatos houve recuperação do parasita em camundongo, mais freqüente nos linfonodos mesentéricos e no intestino delgado, persistindo neste cerca de 14 meses. Foi constatada certa relação entre o bom estado físico dos gatos e a resposta sorológica, a eliminação e a reeliminação de oocistos. Apesar da persistência de anticorpos sangüíneos a reinfecção experimental dos gatos foi observada, porém a reeliminação de oocistos foi pouco freqüente e em pequena quantidade.


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Amostras de sangue de animais infectados com cepa Y de Trypanosoma cruzi foram submetidas, respectivamente, a 200 e 300 krad de radiação gama. Para verificar a eficácia do método na eliminação do parasita, o material foi inoculado em camundongos e os parâmetros utilizados na avaliação foram: parasitemia, cultura, xenodiagnóstico, subinoculação, reinoculação com cepa virulenta e exame anátomo-patológico das vísceras. Os sangues expostos às duas diferentes intensidades de radiação e inoculados em dois períodos após o processo, mostraram-se inócuos quanto a capacidade de produzir infecção nos animais


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In the western part of the State of Bahia Biomphalaria straminea and B. glabrata both occur, but in the majority of cases they do not share the same habitat. In the State of Ceará, however, B. straminea is the sole snail host of Schistosoma mansoni. In this survey, no naturally infected B. straminea was found among snails collected from Bahia and Ceará, evidently because of the very low infection rates. The susceptibility of laboratory-reared specimens to infection with a Puerto Rican strain of S. mansoni was then tested experimentally. In general, the snails showed very low susceptibility. The infection rates were 1.1% among snails from Redenção (Ceará); 2.3% in those from Pentecoste (Ceará); 2.9% in snails from São Desidério (Bahia), while they were very high among an albino strain (NIH) of B. glabrata used as control. Another group of B. straminea from São Desidério was exposed to a Bahian strain of S. mansoni and the infection rate was still very low (3.6%) Apparently, the very low susceptibility of B. straminea, despite high snail density, is correlated with moderate infection rates with S. mansoni among humans, as shown by the results of stool examinations conducted by SUCAM in the municipalities of Redenção and Pentecoste, in Ceará.


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Neste artigo descrevemos a contaminação acidental de uma cepa de malária de roedor (Plasmodium berghei) por um hemoparasita (Eperythrozoon coccoides), levando a alterações importantes no comportamento da malária experimental. A demonstração do parasita foi feita por microscopia óptica e eletrônica e a fonte de contaminação foi detectada em roedores normalmente utilizados na manutenção da cepa, obtidos do mesmo biotério. As medidas disponíveis para o controle deste tipo de infecção são discutidas propondo se a utilização de tetra-ciclina em matrizes e posterior utilização de animais Fl não tratados. Comenta-se a importância deste tipo de contaminação experimental.


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No presente trabalho, desenvolveu-se método de infecção de camundongos através da orelha e de recuperação de esquistossômulos resultantes dessas infecções. Cerca de 80% das cercarías postas em contacto com orelhas de camundongos penetraram. Destas, 30% foram recuperadas. como vermes adultos, do sistema porta. Da pele (das orelhas) as maiores recuperações de esquistossômulos ocorreram nos dois primeiros dias após a infecção. Os parasitas permaneceram nesse sítio por dois dias. No terceiro dia, os parasitas foram recuperados tanto da pele como dos pulmões. A partir do 4.° dia, foi predominante a recuperação de esquistossômulos ao nível dos pulmões. Do total de parasitas que potencialmente atingiriam o sistema porta, proporção elevada (73-80%) pode ser recuperada da pele, no segundo dia após a infecção, como esquistossômulos. Revelando-se apropriadas ao acesso, à migração no hospedeiro e às técnicas de recuperação de parasitas, sugere-se que orelhas de camundongos podem ser utilizadas como sítio de infecção para estudos que visem a análise parasitológica dos eventos iniciais da infecção em animais normais ou imunes.


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Chagas'disease has been described as the commonest form of chronic myocarditis. An immunologic pathogenesis has been discribed for this form of the disease. So far, no immunoperoxidase technique has been used for the detection of immunological deposits in chronic experimental Chagas'myocardiopathy. Forty-one Swiss mice, three months old were inoculated intraperitoneally with doses between 10 and 10(5) Tulahuen trypomastigotes. Mice were reinoculated one month after with doses between 10² and 10(5) and sacrificed at 6 (n=21) and 9 months (n=9) after the first inoculation. ECGs were recorded before sacrifice. Immunoperoxidase technique (peroxidase-antiperoxidase method), immunofluorescence (direct and indirect) as well as histological studies were performed in myocardiums and skeletal muscles of the surviving animals. The most sensitive methods for detecting chronic chagasic infection were the routine histologic studies (73%) and the ECGs 83% and 89% on 6 and 9 mo. post-infected mice, respectively. Myocardial involvement varied from interstitial mild focal lymphocyte infiltrates up to replacement of myocytes by loose connective tissue. Atrial myocardiums (21/23, 91%) were more affected than ventricles (9/23, 39%). Typical chagasic nests were rarely found. Skeletal muscle involvement (11/18 and 7/9) varied from mild to extensive lymphocyte and plasmacell infiltrates, and necrotic fibers. The involved antigen were shown in skeletal muscles by the immunoperoxidase technique as diffusely arranged granular intracytoplasmatic deposit for both IgC and total immunoglobulins. The coincidence between this technique and histologic muscle lesions was 11/18 (61(%) in 6 mo. and 6/8 (75%) at 9 mo. post-infection. In heart, delicate granular deposits of total immunoglobulins were seen diffusely arranged within the ventricular myocytes; coincidence between immunoperoxidase technique anl histologic involvement increased from 36 to 66% in animals sacrifeced 6 and 9 mo. post-infection. This strongly stressed the increase of immunologic phenomena with the chronification of infection. Concerning sensitivity, immunoperoxidase and direct immunofluorescence were highly sensitive in skeletal muscle (100%, p < 0.01). Conversely, direct immunofluorescence technique showed poor results in heart while immunoperoxidase increased its sensitivity from 21.4% (at 6 mo.) to 66.6% (at 9 mo.) post-infection (p < 0.001). Considering the necessity of obtaining an adequate vaccine in order to prevent this disease an experimental model like this, rendering immunological reactions as revealed by the immunoperoxidase technique, would be useful.


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Coral snakes, the New World Elapidae, are included in the genera Micniroides and Micrurus. The genus Mlcrurus comprises nearly all coral snake species and those which are responsible for human snake-bite accidents. The following generalizations concerning the effects induced by their venoms, and their venom-properties can be made. Coral snake venoms are neurotoxic, producing loss of muscle strenght and death by respiratory paralysis. Local edema and necrosis are not induced nor blood coagulation or hemorrhages. Proteolysis activity is absent or of very low grade. They display phospholipase A2 activity. Nephrotoxic effects are not evoked. The main toxins from elapid venoms are postsynaptic and presynaptic neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Phospholipases A2 endowed with myonecrotic or cardiotoxin-like properties are important toxic components from some elapid venoms. The mode of action of Micrurus frontalis, M. lemniscatus, M. corallinus and M. fulvius venoms has been investigated in isolated muscle preparations and is here discussed. It is shown that while M. frontalis and M. lemniscatus venoms must contain only neurotoxins that act at the cholinergic end-plate receptor (postsynaptic neurotoxins), M. corallinus venom also inhibits evoked acetylcholine release by the motor nerve endings (presynaptic neurotoxin-like effect) and M. fulvius induces muscle fiber membrane depolarization (cardiotoxin-like effect). The effects produced by M. corallinus and M. fulvius venoms in vivo in dogs and M. frontalis venom in dogs and monkeys are also reported.


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Hamster inoculated intraperitoneally with 1 x 10(7) parasites of L. donovani and L. major-like of the New World were studied in groups of 15, 30, 60 and 90 days of infection. The parasite load and density showed progressive increase with the evolution of the infection and was higher in the L. donovani groups than in the L. major-like groups. The L. major-like groups showed parasite density higher in the spleen than in the liver and was similar in both organs in L. donovani groups. The histopathology showed a diffuse marked hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the reticuloendothelial system with high parasitism in the L. donovani groups while there was focal involvement of these organs in L. major-like groups, forming nodules of macrophages that were scantly parasitised. The biological behaviour could be useful in the preliminary studies of Leishmania strain in regional laboratories and understanding the histopathology of lesions caused by different leishmania species.


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The efficiency of four Leptospira biflexa strains (Buenos Aires, Patoc 1, Rufino and São Paulo) as single antigen in the serodiagnosis in guinea-pigs experimentally infected with seven Leptospira interrogans serovars (canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, tarassovi and wolffi) was evaluated by the microscopic agglutination test. The four saprophytic strains were not able to reveal antibody titres in sera of guinea-pigs experimentally infected with Leptospira interrogans. Serological cross-reactions were observed between strains Patoc 1 and São Paulo and between serovars wolffi and hardjo.


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For the therapy of human strongyloidiasis, are necessary effective drugs to eliminate both larvae and adult worm parasitism, which may also be used by parenteral route, to obviate the particular conditions presented by many patients. A study based on the experimental infection by Strongyloides venezuelensis in rats was done, administering injectable ivermectin or levamizole. Both drugs were shown to be active, when used in single doses of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg of ivermectin, or 26 mg/kg for levamizole. Ivermectin was slightly more effective as far as larval stage of the infection is concerned, and the same happened for levamisole for the adult worm stage. Promising perspectives are visualized to improve the therapy of patients with serious disseminated infection by Strongyloides stercoralis.


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El objetivo del trabajo fue lograr la reproducción experimental del ciclo evolutivo de Diphyllobothrium erinaceieuropei Rudolphi 1819 (Cestoda, Pseudophyllidea) con la intervención de Paracyclops fimbriatus y larvas de Bufo arenarum como hospedadores intermediarios y caninos como hospedadores definitivos. Los huevos del parásito se obtuvieron de heces de caninos infectados naturalmente y se conservaron refrigerados en agua. Se incubaron 7 días a 25°C para que desarrollaran los coracidios y se pusieron en recipientes que contenían a los copépodos mencionados. Al cabo de 12 días a 22,6°C (promedio) se hallaron procercoides maduros en ellos y se agregaron 10 renacuajos de Bufo arenarum. Estos se examinaron por disección 22, 23, 61 y 107 días después, hallándose en todos 1 o más plerocercoides (Temperatura promedio: 24,9°C). El día 23, de 6 renacuajos se obtuvieron 49 plerocercoides, de los cuales se administraron 28, por vía oral, a una perra. El día 107, 3 de 11 plerocercoides obtenidos de un renacuajo se le dieron a otra perra por la misma vía. Se hallaron huevos del cestode en las heces del primer canino a partir del día 22 posterior a la infección (p.i.) y a los 30 días p.i., segmentos de estróbila. En el segundo canino se hallaron huevos a los 30 días p.i..


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Eosinophil dynamics, in bone marrow, blood and peritoneal exudate, of resistant C57B1/6 (C57) and susceptible A/Snell (A/Sn) mice was comparatively studied during the acute phase of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain. A decline was observed in bone marrow eosinophil levels in A/Sn, but not in C57 mice, soon after infection, those of the former remaining significantly below those of the latter up to the 4th day of infection. Bone marrow eosinophil levels of C57 mice declined subsequently to levels comparable to those of A/Sn mice, the number of these cells in this compartment remaining 50% those of non infected controls, in both strains, up to the end of the experiment on the 14th day of infection. The fluctuations in eosinophil levels in blood and peritoneal space were similar in both mice strains studied. Concomitantly with depletion of eosinophils in the marrow, depletion in blood and a marked rise of these cells in the peritoneal space, initial site of infection, occurred in both strains. The difference in eosinophil bone marrow levels, between C57 and A/Sn mice, observed in the first four days of infection, suggests a higher eosinopoiesis capacity of the former in this period, which might contribute to their higher resistance to T. cruzi infection.


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Eighteen Cebus apella monkeys, (juvenile and adult of both sexes) were inoculated five years ago, with three Trypanosoma cruzi strains (CA1, n = 10; Colombian, n=4 and Tulahuen, n=4), either by conjunctival or intraperitoneal route, once or repeatedly. Parasitological, hematological, serological, enzymatic, radiographic, electro and echocardiographic findings have been peviously published15 and they are similar to those observed in human pathology. The most frequent electrocardiographic alteration was right branch bundle block. Six animals, chosen at random, were sacrificed. Those sacrificed 20 to 25 months post-first inoculation showed focal accumuli of leukocytes with myocytolysis. Foci of diffuse interstitial fibrosis with mild infiltrate of leukocytes among fibers were observed in the animals sacrificed 36 to 47 months post-inoculation. No parasites were seen. The lesions were more prominent in the ventricular walls and the septum. The fact that the infiltrates were predominant in the animals sacrificed at a shorter time after first inoculation and that fibrosis was more severe in those sacrificed at a longer time suggests that there is a progression of the infiltrative lesions to fibrosis, with a leukocytic activity indicative of a chronic phase. These lesions are similar to those described in human chronic Chagas' disease. This would demonstrate that this model is useful in evaluating a progress in the knowledge of the pathogenesis which is still a controversial issue, immunology, immunogenesis and chemotherapeutic agents of the chronic and indeterminate phases of this disease.


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Com o intuito de demarcar convenientemente o espectro de atividade do albendazol, no que diz respeito às helmintíases intestinais, foram efetuadas observações referentes à himenolepíase causada por Hymenolepis nana. Nesse contexto, duas ordens de investigações tiveram lugar: a) tratamento de camundongos, renovado depois de transcorridos dez dias, por meio de doses únicas de 25 mg/kg ou 50 mg/kg, sendo que 25 mg/kg de praziquantel e animais que não receberam os antiparasitários, serviram como controles; b) tratamento de crianças e adultos mediante uso de 400 mg cotidianamente, em três oportunidades consecutivas, com repetição após intervalo com duração de dez dias. O estudo concernente aos animais revelou ineficácia do albendazol, pois sistematicamente houve verificação da persistência de vermes vivos no intestino. Por seu turno, só 10% dos indivíduos medicados puderam ser considerados curados. Portanto, pelo menos de acordo com a maneira como procedemos, o albendazol não se afigurou capaz de debelar satisfatoriamente a himenolepíase.


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La descripción macroscópica del proceso de patogénesis en hamsters inoculados subcutáneamente en nariz con Sporothrix schenckii ó Leishmania mexicana spp. proporcionó bases para diferenciar estos dos microorganismos en un modelo animal utilizado comunmente para estudiarlos. Observaciones secuenciales durante 150 días permitieron afirmar que en las infecciones causadas por estos patógenos se presentaron edema y eritema como signos primarios, seguidos de alopecia, necrosis y ulceración. La producción de pus fué una característica distintiva para el S. schenckii. Estos signos clínicos se observaron más temprano en la esporotricosis que en la infección por L. mexicana, mostrando diferencias estadísticas significantes en días promedio de aparición. El presente trabajo muestra que las lesiones producidas tanto por el S. schenckii como la L. mexicana en este modelo experimental comparten signos clínicos, pero el tiempo de aparición de los mismos y su frecuencia relativa permiten diferenciarlas. Las condiciones de inoculación como: cepa de los microorganismos, dosis del inóculo, sitio y vía de inoculación, deben tenerse presentes en la evaluación de su comportamiento experimental.