335 resultados para 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (FADH2)


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We have studied the cardiac chronotropic responses to the Valsalva maneuver and to dynamic exercise of twenty chronic chagasic patients with normal left ventricular function and no segmental wall abnormalities by two-dimensional echocardiogram. The absolute increase in heart rate of the patients (Δ = 21.5 ± 10 bpm, M±SD) during the maneuver was significantly diminished when compared to controls (Δ = 31.30 ± 70, M±SD, p = 0.03). The minimum heart rate (58.24 ± 8.90 vs. 62.80 ± 10, p = 0.68) and the absolute decrease in heart rate at the end of the maneuver (Δ = 38.30 ± 13 vs. Δ = 31.47 ± 17, p = 0.10) were not different from controls. The initial heart rate acceleration during dynamic exercise (Δ = 12 ± 7.55 vs. Δ = 19 ± 7.27, M±SD, p = 0.01) was also diminished, but the heart rate recovery during the first ten seconds was more prominent in the sero-positive patients (Median: 14, Interquartile range: (9.75-17.50 vs. 5(0-8.75, p = 0.001). The serum levels of muscarinic cardiac auto-antibodies were significantly higher in the chagasic patients (Median: 34.58, Interquartile Range: 17-46.5, Optical Density) than in controls (Median: 0, Interquartile Range: 0-22.25, p = 0.001) and correlated significantly and directly (r = 0.68, p = 0.002) with early heart rate recovery during dynamic exercise. The results of this investigation indirectly suggest that, the cardiac muscarinic auto-antibodies may have positive agonist effects on parasympathetic heart rate control of chagasic patients.


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Cem portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas, com xenodiagnóstico e sorologia positivos, foram tratados no período de 1965 a 1985. Destes, metade, com nifurtimox (Bayer) e os outros cinqüenta, com benzonidazol(Roche). Após 24 meses de acompanhamento, dos tratados com nifurtimox, o xenodiagnóstico mostrou-se negativo em 25 (50%) e as reações sorológicas tomaram-se não reagentes em 3 (6%) pacientes. Entre os medicados com benzonidazol, no mesmo espaço de tempo, o xenodiagnóstico e a sorologia negativaram-se, respectivamente, em 35 (70%) e em 5 (10%) casos. Os 8 pacientes com xenodiagnóstico negativo também apresentaram reações sorológicas não reagentes. Os tratados com nifurtimox foram acompanhados por tempo médio de 17,3 anos e os medicados com benzonidazol, em média, por 7 anos, e considerados curados.


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Dos trinta e dois macacos capturados no interior do Estado de São Paulo e mantidos em laboratório em gaiolas individuais (24 a 25 C° e 70% de umidificação) após vários xenodiagnósticos negativos, 12 foram infectados por via intraperitoneal com diferentes cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi, cujas formas tripomastigotas injetadas variaram de 1.10(5) a 5.10(6) Os 20 macacos restantes foram mantidos como controle. No período de 1 a 6 anos tanto os animais inoculados como os não inoculados, foram submetidos axenodiagnóstico e teste soro lógico de aglutinação direta, exame clínico e o eletrocardiograma. Posteriormente os macacos foram necropsiados e todos os órgãos submetidos a exame macro e microscópico. O exame clínico e o eletrocardiograma não revelaram alterações. Dos 12 macacos infectados, 4 apresentaram evidências de infecção ao exame histopatológico: utn com formas amastigotas nos tecidos e 3 com miocardite crônica de grau leve. A parasitemiafoi comprovada em 66,66% dos animais na fase aguda e a sorologia em 91,66% na fase crônica. Concluiu-se que os macacos Cebus não expressaram susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento das lesões que caracterizam a fase . crônica da doença de Chagas mas poderiam ser usados para manter as cepas de T. cruzi e estudos de pesquisa sorológico a longo termo.


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To evaluate the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to reveal known number of trypomastigote in the blood of mice, three separate experiments were done. First: To eight samples of 500mul of normal mice blood, one aliquot of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 50 trypomastigotes respectively, were added. Second and third: 10 aliquots with 1 and 10 with 2 trypomastigotes were added to samples of 500mul of normal mice blood. Positive control: 500mul of blood containing 100,000 trypomastigotes. For kDNA minicircles amplification by PCR the primers:S35 and S36 were used. PCR revealed products of 330 b.p in the positive controls. When only one sample with the aliquots of 1 or 2 trypomastigotes was examined, results were negative; results were positive with aliquots of 3 to 50 trypomastigotes. In the 2nd and 3rd experiments, 9/10 aliquots with one parasite and 9/10 with 2 trypomastigotes were positive revealing a high sensitivity of this reaction. In conclusion, the presence of one single parasite in 500mul of blood, is enough for a positive PCR. This method could be used as a complement to the various parasitological cure tests in treated mice, when low volumes of blood are individually examined.


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Estudou-se clínica e parasitologicamente, durante 13 anos, 190 indivíduos com infecção chagásica objetivando investigar a relação entre parasitemia e a evolução da doença de Chagas crônica. Comparou-se a parasitemia de 56 indivíduos xenopositivos e 134 xenonegativos, em 1988/91 com a evolução clínica encontrado-se 22 (39,3%) e 50 (37,3%), respectivamente, com evolução progressiva. Estratificou-se a parasitemia em 1988/91, em alta, média e baixa e a correlação clínica mostrou que 5 (62,5%), 10 (41,7%) e 57 (36.1%) indivíduos, respectivamente, apresentaram evolução progressiva, sem diferença estatística significante, (p>0,05). No período de 1976/91, houve 20 pacientes com parasitemia constante e 59 sem parasitemia, observando-se evolução progressiva em 6 (30%) e 17 (28,8%), respectivamente. Houve seis pacientes com alta parasitemia e, 59 sem parasitemia, verificado-se que 3 (50%) e 17 (28,8%), respectivamente, apresentaram evolução progressiva, sem diferença estatística significante, (p>0,05). As médias das idades daqueles com alta, média e baixa parasitemias foram 39,6; 45,3 e 41,5 anos, respectivamente, (p>0,05). As médias das idades dos pacientes com evolução progressiva, inalterada e regressiva foram respectivamente, 46,4; 39,8 e 32,6 anos, com diferença estatística significante entre aqueles com evolução progressiva e regressiva, (p<0,05). Sugere-se que a alta parasitemia não influenciou na evolução da doença crônica.


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The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of intestinal parasites and commensals among children in four peripheral districts located in the northern, southern, eastern and western sectors of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, using the Baermann methods as modified by Moraes and Lutz. Out of 160 individuals studied, 93 (58.1% CI: 50.4-65.7) were infected, distributed among the sectors as follows: northern (72.5%), southern (47.5%), eastern (57.5%) and western (55%). The positive findings according to age groups were: 0-5 years (26.9%), 5-10 years (21.2%) and 10-15 years (10%). Male children presented 2.7 times higher risk of infection than females did (OR: 2.7; CI: 1052-7001). The parasites and commensals identified were: Giardia lamblia (27.5%), Entamoeba coli (20.6%), Ascaris lumbricoides (14.4%), Enterobius vermicularis (8.8%), Hymenolepis nana (7.5%), Hymenolepis diminuta (5%), hookworms (3.1%), Trichuris trichiura (2.5%), Endolimax nana (2.5%), Entamoeba hartmanni (2.5%), Strongyloides stercoralis (1.3%), Iodamoeba butschlii (1.3%) and Capillaria hepatica (0.6%). The infection rate in these children was high and showed the need to implement prophylactic education programs in the community.


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Tatus têm sido envolvidos na transmissão da hanseníase e considerados como fonte de Mycobacterium leprae em muitas publicações. Médicos de partes dos EUA consideram o contato com tatus um fator de risco para hanseníase. Entretanto, há um desafio associado ao papel do tatu na perpetuação da hanseníase no Continente Americano. Foi pesquisada a presença de anticorpos anti-PGL-I em tatus selvagens de áreas endêmicas em hanseníase do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil, através de ELISA realizado em amostras de soro de 47 animais. Elisa positivo foi encontrado em 5 (10.6%) tatus. Tatus infectados podem ter algum papel na transmissão da hanseníase disseminando bacilos no meio ambiente, talvez tornando mais difícil a interrupção da cadeia de transmissão e redução do número de casos novos de hanseníase. A técnica de ELISA é um eficiente método para investigação soroepidemiológica da presença do Mycobacterium leprae em tatus.


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INTRODUCTION: to evaluated the type histopathological hepatic lesions and opportunistic agents in Brazilian HIV-infected patients. METHODS: we examined 52 percutaneous liver biopsies of 50 HIV-infected patients who had at least two of the following conditions: fever of unknown origin, unexplained severe emaciation, hepatomegaly or abnormal liver chemistry. The specimens were cultured for mycobacteria and fungi and stained by standard procedures. RESULTS: reactive patterns, granulomatous hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis were verified in 28 (54%), 11 (21%) and 8 (15%) of the patients respectively. Opportunistic infections were diagnosed in 18 (36%) patients: mycobacteria in 12 (24%), Cryptococcus neoformans in 5 (10%) patients and mycobacteria and yeast was isolated from the same liver fragment in one patient. CONCLUSIONS: mycobacteriosis was the most common opportunistic infection and liver tissue culture is an important method to detect opportunistic agents, even in the absence of histological lesions.


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INTRODUCTION: Garlic has a wide range of actions, including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal and anthelmintic actions. This antiparasitic activity has been attributed to allicin, which is the main constituent of garlic. The present study aimed to investigate the in vitro activity of allicin on the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms using scanning electron microscopy. METHODS: Swiss Webster mice were infected with S. mansoni cercariae (100 per mouse) and sacrificed 50 days later to acquire the adult worms. These worms were collected by perfusion and placed in RPMI medium 1,640 at 37°C before transferring to RPMI media containing 0 (control), 5, 10, 15 and 20mg/mL of allicin, where they were incubated for 2h. The worms were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution, washed twice, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, washed twice and then dehydrated with ascending grades of ethanol. The samples were air-dried, mounted on stubs, gold coated in an ion sputtering unit and viewed using a scanning electron microscope. RESULTS: A concentration of 5mg/mL caused wrinkling in the tegument; a concentration of 10mg/mL resulted in changes to tubercles and loss or modification of spines. With 15 and 20mg/mL increasing damage to the tegument could be seen, such as vesicle formation and the presence of ulcers. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate the effect of allicin on adult S. mansoni worms and indicate that most of the changes occur at concentrations greater than that normally indicated for treatment.


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A prospective study was conducted to determine if standardized vancomycin doses could produce adequate serum concentrations in 25 term newborn infants with sepsis. Purpose: The therapeutic response of neonatal sepsis by Staphylococcus sp. treated with vancomycin was evaluated through serum concentrations of vancomycin, serum bactericidal titers (SBT), and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). METHOD: Vancomycin serum concentrations were determined by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay technique , SBT by the macro-broth dilution method, and MIC by diffusion test in agar . RESULTS: Thirteen newborn infants (59.1%) had adequate peak vancomycin serum concentrations (20--40 mg/mL) and one had peak concentration with potential ototoxicity risk (>40 µg/mL). Only 48% had adequate trough concentrations (5--10 mg/mL), and seven (28%) had a potential nephrotoxicity risk (>10 µg/mL). There was no significant agreement regarding normality for peak and trough vancomycin method (McNemar test : p = 0.7905). Peak serum vancomycin concentrations were compared with the clinical evaluation (good or bad clinical evolution) of the infants, with no significant difference found (U=51.5; p=0.1947). There was also no significant difference between the patients' trough concentrations and good or bad clinical evolution (U = 77.0; p=0.1710). All Staphylococcus isolates were sensitive to vancomycin according to the MIC. Half of the patients with adequate trough SBT (1/8), also had adequate trough vancomycin concentrations and satisfactory clinical evolution. CONCLUSIONS: Recommended vancomycin schedules for term newborn infants with neonatal sepsis should be based on the weight and postconceptual age only to start antimicrobial therapy. There is no ideal pattern of vancomycin dosing; vancomycin dosages must be individualized. SBT interpretation should be made in conjunction with the patient's clinical presentation and vancomycin serum concentrations. Those laboratory and clinical data favor elucidation of the probable cause of patient's bad evolution, which would facilitate drug adjustment and reduce the risk of toxicity or failing to achieve therapeutic doses.


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No presente trabalho as sementes de Faveira-arara-tucupi (Parkia decussata Ducke) foram submetidas a vários tratamentos e estudadas quanto ao poder germinativo, por meio da utilização de ácido sulfúrico concentrado por (2,5: 5; 10; 20 e 40 minutos), escari-ficação manual água quente a 8O C durante (10; 20 e 40 minutos) e água a temperatura ambiente durante (12 e 24 horas). Os tratamentos com ácido sulfúrico por 20 e 40 minutos eescarificação manual foram os mais eficientes para aumentar a germinação. Com base nestes resultados, os autores apontam como a causa provável dos problemas de germinação das sementes a impermeabilidade do tegumento ã água.


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Qualitative and quantitative collections of ants made in the region of Manaus, Brazil (evergreen tropical humid forest), and in western North Carolina, USA (deciduous temperate/wet forest), were undertaken to investigate. latitudinal patterns of ant diversity and community organization on regional and local scales. We have found to date 307 ant species in the Municipality of Manaus. Totals ranging from 134 to 270+ species have been reported in the literature for other tropical regions of less than 10,000km2. In contrast, temperate ant surveys generally report only SO to 150 species in similar or larger areas. Sampling at sardine baits set 10m apart on square grids, we found forest ecosystems near Manaus to be much richer and more diverse in ants than those sampled in North Carolina: 28 species vs. 5-10 species in 50 collections and 16 vs. 3 previously unrecorded species discovered with each doubling of sample size. Room's (1975a) results from climatically simllar Papua New Guinea forest agree closely with those from Manaus. We suggest that one important factor contributing to the increased diversity of tropical, omnivorous ants may be greater variety of nest sites available for specialization.


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RESUMOTestaram-se diferentes tratamentos pré-germinativos com o objetivo de se estabelecer uma metodologia adequada para auxiliar o processo germinativo das sementes de faveira-orelha-de-macaco (Enterolobim schomburgkii). Os tratamentos selecionados foram: desponte do lado oposto ao da emissão da radicula; escarificação manual; escarificação manual seguida pela imersão em água por 24 horas; imersão em ácido sulfúrico por 2, 5, 10 e 20 minutos e imersão em hidróxido de sódio por 15 e 30 minutos. As sementes utilizadas foram coletadas de uma única árvore localizada no Campus do INPA. Os testes de germinação foram realizados no laboratório de sementes do Departamento de Silvicultura tropical, em germinadas durante 14 dias. Com base nos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que os melhores tratamentos para superar a dormência da sementes de Faveira-orelha-de-macaco foram desponte do lado oposto ao da emissão da radicula, escarificação manual e imersão em ácido sulfúrico a partir de 5 minutos de exposição.


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SUMMARYMist-net captures of army ant-following bird were monitored during the isolation of central Amazonian forest fragments of 1 ha (n = 5), 10 ha (n = 4) and 100 ha (n = 1). Post-isolation captures of the three obligate ant-following birds Dendrocinela merula, Pithys albifrons, and Gymnopithys rufigula decreased significantly in all fragments. post-isolation captures of four facultative ant-following species were not significantly different in forest fragments of 1 ha and 10 ha, although two species decreased significantly in the 100 ha fragment. Experimental introductions of obligate species into small forest fragments in the absence and presence of introduced Eciton burchelli army ant colonies resulted in significantly greater recaptures of introduced birds when active army ant colonies were present. Of the 105 birds introduced, 58 ' 55%) crossed 100-320 m od dedorested area an were recaptured in continuous forest.


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Com o objetivo de superar a dormência de sementes de muirajuba (Apuleia leiocarpa(Vog.) Macbride var. molarisSpr. ex Benth), foi conduzido um ensaio experimental com 12 tratamentos pré-germinativos: testemunha (sem tratamento); imersão em ácido sullürico concentrado (96%) por diferentes períodos (5, 10, 15, 20 e 30 minutos), imersão em água quente a 80"C (2 e 10 minutos); desponte do lado oposto ao hilo; escarificação manual por 2 minutos; e escarificação manual seguida por imersão em água (6 e 12 horas). A germinação foi realizada em germinador Jacobsen sob temperatura constante (30"C), e acompanhada por 30 dias. Os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliados através da porcentagem de germinação e do índice de Velocidade de Germinação (I.V.G.). Todos os tratamentos aplicados proporcionaram uma maior germinação em relação a testemunha, cuja germinação foi de somente 13%. Porcentagens de germinação elevadas foram obtidas com as imersões em ácido sulfúrico, desponte do lado oposto ao hilo e escarificação manual por 2 minutos (com e sem imersão em água por 12 horas), os quais não diferiram entre sí. Dentre os tratamentos testados, o maior índice de vigor das sementes (I.V.G.) foi obtido com a escarificação manual por dois minutos, seguida por imersão em água por 12 horas. Os tratamentos onde as sementes foram submetidas a água quente não foram eficientes para estimular a germinação das sementes de muirajuba.