372 resultados para Política farmacéutica
The Brazilian industrialisation process, which occurred from World War II up to the early eighties, was almost totally based on imported technology and has thus not demanded local S&T capability. National S&T expenditures were limited to 0.7 % of the GNP, covering mainly expenses with basic research and training of scientists and engineers. Federal Government was then responsible for 90% of the national S&T expenditures. The globalisation of the economy, associated with the reduction of tariff barriers, has, since the early nineties, exposed Brazilian industries to international competition and, thus, forced them to invest in research and development. S&T policy fosters research activities, provides research infrastructure and human resources training. The goal is to raise national expenditures to 1.5% of GDP by 1999, with a share of the private sector of about 40%. In 1996, national S&T expenditures have already attained 1.1% of the GDP and private sector investments in this area reached a share of 30%.
Molecular Modeling is an important tool in drug design and it is very useful to predict biological activity from a library of compounds. A wide variety of computer programs and methods have been developed to visualize the tridimensional geometry and calculate physical properties of drugs. In this work, we describe a practical approach of molecular modeling as a powerful tool to study structure-activity relationships of drugs, including some antibacterials, hormones, cholinergic and adrenergic agents. At first, the students learn how to draw 3D structures and use them to perform conformational and molecular analysis. Thus, they compare drugs with similar pharmacological activity by superimposing one structure on the top of another and evaluate the geometry and physical properties.
The development of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric (LC-MS) techniques in the last few decades has made possible the analysis of trace amounts of analytes from complex matrices. With LC, the analytes of interest can be separated from each other as well as from the interfering matrix, after which they can be reliably identified thanks to the sensitivity and specificity of MS. LC-MS has become an irreplaceable tool for many applications, ranging from the analysis of proteins or pharmaceuticals in biological fluids to the analysis of toxic substances in environmental samples. In different segments of Brazilian Industry mass spectrometry has an important role, e.g. in the pharmaceutical industry in the development of generic formulations, contributing to the growth of Industry and social inclusion. However, the Brazilian chemists until this moment don't have an effective role in this new segment of the analytical chemistry in Brazil. The present paper shows the actual scenario for mass spectrometry in the pharmaceutical industry, emphasizing the need of a revision of graduation courses to attend the needs of this growing market.
The aim of this work was the single-laboratory validation of a quantitative method for the determination of amoxicillin residues in support of cleaning control and validation. Linearity was demonstrated between 2.5 and 17.5 μg/mL, without matrix effects. Mean recoveries ranged from 84.00 to 103.74% and the relative standard deviation under repetitivity and within-reproducibility conditions were from 0.58 to 4.20% and from 0.79 to 4.39%, respectively. The theoretical limits of detection and quantification were 0.133 and 0.442 μg/mL, respectively. The studied method was suitable for cleaning control purpose within good manufacturing practices.
Several matters of the pharmaceutical demonstrate the great importance of thermal analysis application, especially TG and DSC for the pharmaceutical industry future, namely: characterization of the drugs with the thermal events definition, in studies of drug purity, in the polymorphs identification, in compatibility studies of solid dosage pharmaceutical formulations, in drugs and pharmaceutical formulations thermal stability, and in determination of shelf life for isothermal degradation kinetics by extrapolation using the Arrhenius equation. Thus, the test results obtained from thermal analysis are directly related to the quality of a pharmaceutical product, whether the stability or bioavailability of the pharmaceutical product.
In December 2004, Brazil's President signed Law number 10.973, which provides for incentives toward innovation, scientific and technological research in the production environment and other measures, also known as the Law of Innovation. Although Brazil has advanced greatly in the number of scientific articles published, currently accounting for about 3% of world scientific output, this progress has not been replicated in the production of patents. This article presents a discussion on the importance of introducing patent issues into national undergraduate courses.
The paper traces a panorama of the development of new drugs and hopes to contribute for Brazil to become a player in the discovery of new drugs. Brazil is the sixth world market retail consumer of medicines prone to expansion, has a pharmaceutical industry focused on the production of generics and a very large number of undergraduate courses in Pharmacy. The national industry has grown over the last decade after the Generics Act 9787/99. Despite these positive aspects, a number of bottlenecks prevent Brazilian pharmaceutical industry to invest in the development of new drugs. There are, however, a number of initiatives to reduce the dependence on imported generic drugs. It is a very good start for the development of new pharmaceutical drugs.
No décimo livro das Leis, Platão inaugura uma nova maneira de falar da divindade, mas o faz a contragosto e endereçando-se a uma minoria de indivíduos, a saber, jovens ateus que não foram convencidos pelos mitos que lhes foram contados desde a infância nem pelas práticas cultuais que testemunharam. Não podendo invocar a religião tradicional, Platão tenta dar uma demonstração da existência dos deuses, bem como de sua providência e incorruptibilidade, tomando por testemunho a regularidade e a permanência do movimento dos corpos celestes. Esse novo tipo de discurso sobre os deuses, que, mesmo se fundando sobre a religião tradicional, procura superá-la através da reflexão filosófica, é destinado a dar uma base ao governo da sociedade em seu conjunto.
O presente ensaio analisa a relação entre arte e política a partir da sua autonomia recíproca, definida como um pressuposto epistemológico para o estudo daquela relação. Analisaremos como as especificidades ontológicas da arte (nos planos da recepção, da produção e do seu entrelaçamento entre semântica e sensorialidade) podem propiciar acontecimentos de caráter político, e também como tais especificidades podem se conciliar com a atividade crítica ou judicativa de vocação política, de maneira que elas sejam respeitadas, e não agredidas. Conforme argumentaremos, uma filosofia que bem se presta a esta função é a de Deleuze e Guattari. Porém, para que a sua importância fique clara, este ensaio será quase integralmente dedicado a expor os estilemas conceituais, cuja longa vigência na tradição filosófica dificultou, ao fim e ao cabo, que a reflexão sobre arte e política escapasse à ação normativa (que se revela na posição tutorial do filósofo quanto à ação do receptor e, muitas vezes, também na compreensão que ele faz do objeto "arte"). Pretendemos que o contraste entre o rigor destes estilemas, e a flexibilização que eles recebem em Deleuze e Guattari, sugira a obra destes últimos como uma via para a reversão do quadro normativo.
Para Maquiavel, o que confere valor a uma religião não é a importância de seu fundador, o conteúdo dos ensinamentos, a verdade dos dogmas ou a significação dos mistérios e ritos. Importa não a essência da religião e sim sua função e importância para a vida coletiva. A religião ensina a reconhecer e a respeitar as regras políticas a partir do mandamento religioso. Essa norma coletiva pode assumir tanto o aspecto coercivo exterior da disciplina militar ou da autoridade política quanto o caráter persuasivo interior da educação moral e cívica para a produção do consenso coletivo.
Como figure destacada en el complejo escenario político de la transición entre la dinastía Tudor y la dinastía Estuardo de Inglaterra, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) adoptó la teoría de los dos cuerpos del rey en sus textos políticos y jurídicos. Su uso de esta teoría tiene una estrecha conexión con conceptos centrales de su filosofía natural que testimonia la profunda conexión que Bacon encuentra entre la política y la naturaleza. En este trabajo, analizaré su utilización de la teoría medieval de los dos cuerpos del rey y la vinculación que esta tiene con el resto de la filosofía baconiana. Tomaré como eje para el análisis su discurso sobre la naturalización de los escoceses nacidos después de la subida al trono de James I, donde Bacon trata el concepto de los dos cuerpos del rey con más profundidad.