6 resultados para polifonia
em Línguas
José María Arguedas was a privileged peruvian writer for knowing two worlds, two cultures. His book El Zorro de arriba y el Zorro de abajo is one of the most unique and emblematic of Latin American literature. As a cultural mediator, Arguedas chronicles the changes in Chimbote. This microcosm is recognized by the reader through the polyphony of voices and records of their marginal characters. His cultural translation excels revealing their heterogeneity. In the book of Arguedas, as in life, is exposed the impossibility of harmonious coexistence between the two cultures. Through the position of Arguedas and opinions Moreiras, question the Rama theory of transculturation. Through an ethical stance, Arguedas is considered one of the most representative writers of the Andean context and Latin América.
In this paper, aims to verify how to happen the argumentative and polyphonic function of the narrative text, from the analysis of the tale A moça tecelã (The weaver girl) from Marina Colasanti. Therefore, the article is based in presuppositions of the Semantic Theory of the Blocks and in concepts taken from the Enunciation Polyphonic Theory, proposed by Ducrot (1984a, 1988). We defend the hypotheses: a) the narrative of the tale A moça tecelã is determined by meanings of “time”, while element responsible to bring and take away events; b) the narrative texts are crossed by the argumentation constituent of the viewpoint expressed by the enunciator, put in scene by the speaker; c) the argumentative function of the tale mobilizes two discourses about marriage. As a result, it was noted that in the narrative texts are found argumentative discourses, that were formalized in utterances produced from the semantic analysis of the tale A moça tecelã and by which function in this tale two concepts of time e two discourses about marriage.
This paper seeks to problematize the contradiction as constitutive sense of the language, from the studies developed by Ducrot (1987) and Bakhtin/Voloshinov (2006). We asked ourselves to what extent it would be possible to control the clarity of expression of ideas, and how you can delete any problem that risks a logical and coherent organization of saying. In the case of this work, we want to ask which place the contradiction takes on as well as the relation that it establishes with the coherence and incoherence. From the analysis of sustained statements in concepts of the Argumentation Theory and the Polyphony, from the authors mentioned before, it was possible to establish a contrastive relation between the two perspectives of analysis, bearing in mind the proposed question. What allowed us to say the discourse’s senses cannot be limited to the materiality of the language and a methodology of textual logic does not account for countless possibilities of organizing a text – it is necessary to involve other forms of analysis, in a study that takes advantage of the internal structures as contribution of external determinants than mean jointly.
This work aims to analyze the discourses and discursive formation about education, materialized in the following comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson, Mafalda by Quino and Chico Bento, by Maurício de Sousa, and also establish some possible connections among them. The theoretical background is linked to the French orientation on Discourse Analysis focused on Michel Pêcheux’s works (1990a; 1990b; 1999; 2006; 2009), taking into account the notions of meaning’s effect, conditions for production as well as discursive formation. It is also taken conceptions of historicization by Maldidier (2003); concepts of theoretical and analytical device of interpretation by Orlandi (2002) and also the contributions for the concept of discursive formation by Foucault (2004). It is also added the notions of ideology, polyphony and heterogeneity according to Bakhtin (1997; 2003) and Authier-Revuz (2004), as they contribute for the A.D theory. For the comic strips theorization it is used Eisner’s works (2001; 2005), focused on the concepts of sequential and graphic narrative art; as well as Ramos’ (2009a; 2009b; 2010) with contributions for the language in comic strips. The theory about education is based on the synthesis/work by Mizukami (1986) and the limits for the teaching/learning approach. To problematize the discourses and discursive formations materialized in comic strips about school education the focus is on Paulo Freire’s works (1979; 1987; 1991; 1996; 1997). From the analysis of the discourses and, specially, discursive formations, in Calvin and Hobbes, Mafalda, and Chico Bento’s comic strips, we come to the conclusion that there is approximation among them, as the critics on the traditional teaching/learning approach. It is built up a rejection to the oppressive education, based on the repetition and on teacher’s authority; to an education merely utilitarian and capitalist; to the rigid lesson planning that don’t allow interdisciplinarity; to the evaluation methodology; to a teaching/ learning approach far from students’ reality; to the linguistic prejudice, and others.
This paper has the objective to analyze the novel “A Gentle Creature”, of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, using the theoretical concepts covered in the text “1874 – Three Novellas, or ‘What Happened?’” (1996), which makes up the volume 3 of the work A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. These concepts can be triggered to realize the approach of the question about the segmentarity lines, which make it possible to make the observation of the changes of state that have occurred with the characters in a literary work, of the ways how undertake movements of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization in development of such segmentarity lines, which are termed as hard or molar, molecular or malleable, and trail, having the view that it is through them that these characters go through this transformation process. Starting from this analysis, will pick up, too, to connect the theory of these two French philosophers with polyphonic theory presented by Russian philosopher and theorist of language Mikhail Bakhtin in the book Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics (1997), which investigate the concept of polyphony, from Dostoevsky's work, being, among other texts analyzed the Russian novelist, novel to be studied in this work. And the perspective that arises in the analysis proposed in this article, what is sought is to conduct a parallel investigation of how both theories have the possibility of development work in the observation of the characteristics of a literary work, and these characteristics likely to these concepts are related to the lines of segmentarity deleuzo-guattarianas and Bakhtin's polyphony.
Dialética Polifônica em A Cartomante , de Machado de Assis, é um estudo sobre polifonia e dialogismo, que tem como base teoria Mikhail Bakhtin e a analise do Discurso. Neste artigo analisamos a relação das personagens Rita e Camilo em oposição com a personagem da cartomante. Esta, representa o mundo profano e marginal e aquelas, o mundo aristocrático e instituído socialmente. Nesta relação, temos o cruzamento destes dois mundos, que coexistem mutuamente, ainda que às escondidas. Neste trabalho, fazemos, pois, a análise das diversas vozes existentes no conto e principalmente a voz da cartomante, que embora pertença ao mundo profano, dita o comportamento daqueles que pertencem à sociedade aristocrática.