23 resultados para imaginário

em Línguas


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Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar o universo poético e imaginário do poeta brasileiro João Manuel Simões. A pesquisa apresenta imagens em que se constata a relação entre poesia e imaginário, tais como o sonho, a inspiração, a imaginação, a memória e a infância, de tal forma que as construções do imaginário tornam-se mais evidentes no plano das construções poéticas.


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RESUMO: Este artigo representa uma tentativa de legitimar os estudos de literatura, tendo como base os estudos de Wolfgang Iser, sobre o fictício e o imaginário. Partindo de conceitos sobre realidade e ficção, almejou-se identificar a função do imaginário e dos textos ficcionais na constituição das sociedades e da vida humanas. Por uma visão da literatura além de determinações culturais, históricas ou psicológicas, que poderiam reduzi-la a mera cópia, este texto buscou romper a dicotomia ficção / realidade, realçando a interdependência desses conceitos. Para isso foi efetuada uma analogia entre o processo de criação textual e de leitura e o de realização do imaginário como fundamento da realidade.


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Este estudo busca fundamentar a inter-relação entre dois aspectos pertinentes à mediação da leitura de textos infantojuvenis no cenário escolar: a adaptação e o imaginário arquetípico. O primeiro é temporal, sempre ajustado a determinado público ou contexto, a fim de obter aceitação. O segundo, atemporal, pois diz respeito ao grande reservatório de imagens ou conjunto de imagens oníricas ou oriundas da mente primitiva, que alicerça nosso modo de viver, pensar e agir. Dessa forma, este texto objetiva mostrar como esses dois tópicos estão dispostos na literatura infantojuvenil. Para tanto, discorremos sobre esses temas em três obras adaptadas em cordel para crianças e jovens: O pequeno Polegar, Pinóquio e O Soldadinho de Chumbo à luz dos estudos da adaptação, da literatura fantástica e dos estudos do imaginário arquetípico, amparo teórico elencado para este estudo bibliográfico. Esta proposta surgiu da necessidade de fundamentação de um trabalho de mediação de leitores no contexto de formação de professores, na vivência do componente curricular Literatura Infantil, do curso de graduação em pedagogia em uma universidade pública no Nordeste brasileiro. A partir do olhar hermenêutico das obras da literatura infantojuvenil adaptadas em cordel, conclui-se que os elementos em análise se revelam potencialmente significativos para dinamizar o processo de mediação da leitura no contexto escolar.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir os principais aspectos do processo de colonização de Moçambique, os embates que culminaram na guerra colonial na segunda metade do século e como esses conflitos estão representados na obra do escritor moçambicano Mia Couto. Também analisa como se dá a construção dentro da ficção de uma narrativa marcada pelo trauma das guerras e como as memórias dos personagens se entrelaçam com um imaginário coletivo e do autor sobre as guerras.


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From the 70's, Africa was a massive wave of independence process. However, such processes are not meant processes of decolonization. According with Fanon (1961) also decolonization is based not only on the territorial and political, but mostly mental. While some former colonies resist colonial hegemony still visible in the local culture, others are colluding with the colonizing process. Thus, it will analyze the subservience and resistance to colonization in Lusophone African poetry, especially with the Angolan Viriato da Cruz, with the poem MaKézú (1961) and Cape Verdian Jorge Barbosa with Prelude (1956).


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This article approaches the image of the house and its possible nuances of habitation by Bachelard phenomenology, figured in Patativa do Assaré’s poetry, a poet from Ceara who brings in his literary writing the popular backcountry culture. Stresses the importance of the sertão as a dream place for the lyrical subject represented in the poems and the security that the space offers to the voices that enunciate. In this space, the traumas are revived and reinterpreted from a movement of atmospheric production of meaning, which means that the locus enunciated by the memory raises, itself and from itself, a framed effect sense of the subject who comforts and enables the dream.


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This work is part of the result of masters degree research that aims to analyze how the margarine commercials "Qualy", through television, create a particular imagery around the very concept of family. For this purpose, we raise the following question: how are the effects of meaning, concerning this concept, created in the “Qualy” margarine television advertising? To answer this question we focus on the goal of understanding Sadia discourse using a “Qualy” advertise campaign, produced in 2009, which consist of eight commercials. Our theoretical purpose is to seek the light of French Discourse Analysis of Michel Pecheux and Eni Orlandi, trying to understand the workings of these effects of sense on family which come from this advertising intent. The campaign propagation took place through open national television media between 2009 and 2010. In the course of its eight episodes it tells a little story about a particular family dynamic, composed of three members: a mother (Anne), son (Rafa) and grandmother (Theresa), plus a fourth character who does not live with his family but is often around, it is the mother's boyfriend (Beto). With the analysis process it was possible to notice that although the surface of discourse reveal an organization of contemporary family, the relationships established in this family, even if sometimes conflicting, substantially reveal that the traditional family, which has always been present in commercials, above all, the margarine ones. 


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This article intends to perform an analysis related to the female representation in the first texts produced in American soil, in the period of the “discovery” of America and the first contact between cultures. The main texts of chroniclers approached are: Jean de Léry’s Viagem à Terra do Brasil, from 1578; Hans Staden’s Suas viagens e captiveiro entre os selvagens do Brasil, from 1557; João de Azpilcueta Navarro’s Cartas avulsas, from 1551; and Simão de Vasconcelos’, with Cronica da Companhia de Jesus do Estado de Brasil, from 1663. In this approach, our interest is to bring to memory the ways that the Europeans reacted when facing the existing cultural differences in the shock between the cultures, especially when facing the practice of cannibalism by the autochthonous people, and the way that the Europeans transmitted, through writing, these experiences to their compatriots. Highlighting specifically the way the women are presented in the reports at issue, bringing also a few illustrations, produced at the time of the first encounters, which allow the direct link of the autochthonous woman that practices the anthropophagic ritual with the figure of the witch that permeated the European popular imaginary of that time. Supporting the theoretical foundation of the proposed paper: Manuel Fernández Álvarez’s Casadas, monjas, rameras y brujas: la olvidada historia de la mujer española en el renacimiento (2002); Thomas Bonnici’s No limite da feminilidade: assassinas e bruxas – a mulher na sociedade inglesa dos séculos XVI e XVII (2003); e Kramer e Sprenger’s O Martelo das Feiticeiras (1486).


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The underlying imaginary geographical landscapes account from a certain perception of a nation's identity construction processes. It is what we find in the aesthetic design of Os transparentes the Angolan writer's Ondjaki, a work which you can see the boundaries between the territory and the individual who occupies it through constructions and deconstructions mutual processes. We therefore want to develop interpretive analysis of the relations that link the internal and external influences of characters in intense contact with the place they live in a battered building, located in a city in crisis, Luanda. We will analyze exchanges between the characters of this work, marking the movements of the narrators and text structure, movements point to the many ways to represent the heterogeneous space of cultural influences located in the historical and spatial context of contemporaneity. Therefore, we will use the Rita Chaves studies on the break with the fixity that undertake such characters and also the Tania Macêdo, on the relationship between literature, history and identity Angola. Materiality to immateriality, the work is meant to examine the physical dematerialization experienced by the protagonist, along the plot, highlighting a closer relationship between this process and the deterioration of the city, metonymic situation that may be related to poor stability as it flies to national identity Angola.


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This Article invests in the investigative study on the representation of the contention’s effects of words and actions from human beings front of power. Such effects are represented in the testimony of Romance sem palavras by Carlos Heitor Cony. In this text, the author introduces elements of political repression. At a time when the dictatorial regime in force in Brazilian lands. The aim of this article is to highlight a set of fragments of narrative evidenced by the testimony and experience of the protagonist. Although this is a fictional production, as its title implies, there is a real game between the real and imaginary, since the own author lived the reality of dictatorship. KEYWORDS: Representation. Confinement. Dictatorship. Testimony. Real /Imaginary. 


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Inserted in the perspective of literary studies, this paper proposes an analysis of the “Cartas Portuguesas” (Portuguese Letters), a work attributed to Mariana Alcoforado, assuming that this work is constituted within the Lusitanian literature as an important formative element of the imaginary loving Portuguese female voice. Through the study, it is possible to identify the fact that the letters are prefaced, stylistically or thematically, by the songs of love and of friend, and succeeded by works such as “Livro de Sóror Saudade” (Book of Longing Sóror), of Florbela Espanca, and “Novas Cartas Portuguesas” (New Portuguese Letters) by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Velho da Costa and Maria Teresa Horta.


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 This paper aims to present the results of a study on the translation of the narrative structure of the play Auto da Compadecida, by Ariano Suassuna, into the homonymous TV mini-series, directed by Guel Arraes (Globo,1999). The play has in its structure a representation within another - the auto (designation of the medieval miracle plays in the Latin Culture) is represented as part of a circus presentation, having as its narrator a clown that, in the role of the author, presents the story, its characters and, throughout the play, interferes and interacts with the spectator (reader). Arraes, in turn, establishes a different configuration to the narrative structure of his text, once he changes the circus representation for an audiovisual one. In this perspective, the auto by Arraes presents the film The Passion of Christ within the TV mini-series O Auto da Compadecida. In general, we observe that Arraes brings to his translation the audiovisual language technology of his time, rewriting the sertanejo’s beliefs from the mass media point of view. Within this study, we propose reflections on the adaptation process as a translation act and also on the intertextuality between genres deriving from this intersemiotic process.    KEY WORDS: Intersemiotic Translation; Literature; TV mini-series. 


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ABSTRACT: The present article is an hermeneutic reading of the poem The nausea, written by Felipe Fortuna, with the purpose of exploring the poetic work through a quadridimensional vision of the artistical object, in which the elements – the writer, the society (sociable forms, ideologies, programs, pedagogies, codes and stratification zones), the work and the imaginary (symbol image’s constellations gathered around regimes or postures) – are closely related. Equally, this work intends to demonstrate, using an hermeneutic perspective, guided by the classical hermeneutics, all the elements that compose the poem show themselves as a single and coherent shape, indissoluble association moved by a pathos that stimulates the work.   KEY WORDS: Gratuitousness, pathos, imaginary, Felipe Fortuna.


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A presente investigação tem como objetivo tecer considerações acerca da presença dos rituais simbólicos na lírica da poeta curitibana Adélia Maria Woellner. A opção pelas obras de Woellner justifica-se pela relevância da obra da autora no quadro mais amplo da literatura paranaense e brasileira, além do reconhecimento que sua obra tem atingido no exterior. Serão analisados poemas em que se nota a presença de mitos, imagens e símbolos de povos distintos, como, por exemplo, da cultura judaica, grega e chinesa, buscando demonstrar a influência da memória mítica no fazer poético de Woellner, a partir dos mitemas presentes nos poemas e por meio das imagens e símbolos utilizados na construção poética, salientando que também a retomada dos mitos antigos apresenta-se como uma forma de rememoração do passado. Visa-se, ainda, observar como o tema da memória, na lírica woellneriana, encontra-se ligado à representação simbólica, ou seja, a influência que a memória exerce sobre as imagens e símbolos, alguns de caráter universal, dos quais a poeta se utiliza. A presente pesquisa bibliográfica está embasada na Teoria do imaginário, na Sociologia e na Mitocrítica, amparando-se na perspectiva teórica de autores como Mircea Eliade, Gaston Bachelard, Gilbert Durand, Octavio Paz, e Chevalier & Gheerbrant.


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Edgar Allan Poe foi um dos maiores expoentes da literatura fantástica. Destacou-se ao escrever histórias com fatos insólitos que provocam reações inquietantes em seus personagens e leitores. O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer um estudo crítico do conto O coração delator, de Edgar Allan Poe, à luz da teoria de Tzvetan Todorov. Para tanto, utilizamos as observações sobre a obra de Edgar Allan Poe que Todorov abordou no livro Introdução à literatura fantástica. No conto analisado, um conto de crime com um narrador-protagonista que está no limite entre o real e o imaginário, procuramos identificar alguns elementos marcantes em sua estrutura e conteúdo. Todorov demonstra que a situação presente na literatura fantástica promove uma ‘hesitação’, pois no mundo que conhecemos pode acontecer algo insólito e inesperado e coincidir ou não com o mundo real. Verificamos e apresentamos a junção dos elementos que proporcionam o efeito de estranhamento e ambigüidade, bem como o ‘pandeterminismo’, características dos textos fantásticos de Edgar Allan Poe.