6 resultados para coletânea

em Línguas


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ABSTRACT: This article talks about the female contemporary poetry, specifically in the era of blogs. It explores the idea that female poetry, in the contemporary production, surpasses the value of phallocentric tradition and religious mysticism that previously contributed to suffocate voices, referring women, as for their practices of reading and writing, the expansion of a silent poetry. This text develops some elements of the current female creation, placing poetry written by women in the virtual world defined by the diversity of environment, theme and languages. Thus, this paper presents data from a literary experience on the internet by twelve writers from all over Brazil. They differ in their professional and educational daily practices. Once the article discusses the multiplicity of forms of contemporary poetics on feminine writing production, it presents the case study “Maria Clara: universos femininos” - a collection born in a new genre and context -, in the realm of gender and poetry. KEYWORKS: Gender and poetry. Era blog. Maria Clara: uniVersos femininos.


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This paper proposes a reflection on the lyrics Eye to eye, written by Chico Buarque, and the tale nude Eyes: Eye of the Mozambican writer Mia Couto, writing to compose the collection This story is different: for ten thousand songs by Chico Buarque, organized by journalist Ronaldo Bressane in 2010. this book ten writers recreate Songbook carioca composer, with total freedom to reinvent prose the song they chose. In the work there are tales that are based on stories faithfully to music by Chico Buarque, others use them as soundtrack, scenery, atmosphere, some of the songs lend their structures and there are those who only use it as a theme. This paper then turns to the relationship built between fiction and music, watching the narrative dialogue established between the lyrics by Chico Buarque and the short story by Mia Couto, the fidelity pact established with the source text and the whole narrative structure that comes to life under the eye of Mia Couto. Finally, throughout the article we use the theoretical assumptions discussed as Silviano Santiago, Umberto Eco, Costa Lima, Leonor Arfuch among others so as to exploit the full context of this engaging narrative.


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This short story collection situates itself like possibility of interpretation and understanding of aspects of the Brazilian contemporary literature and the situations of perplexity that originate from it. The improbable relations in an unequal universe compete for the signification of verisimilitude confounds itself with the concept of reality. These short stories perceive the limit of the human conflicts without suggest to them whatever solution.


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This article presents an analysis of identity and representations of black women in the tales Keep Secret Esmeralda Ribeiro, Rosa and Fusilier and Voices d'Rachel de Queiroz Africa. The story of Esmeralda Ribeiro black author, published in Cadernos Negros: the best short stories (1998) reexamines Clara dos Anjos, Lima Barreto's novel character written between 1904 and 1922. In this work, the author lays bare, in a confessional tone, the daily life of Rio suburbs, from the perspective of racial prejudice, and is the protagonist as a passive woman, submissive, an object. Emerald, black writer, gives Clara a condition of the subject, building an identity as a woman and as a black. It is the chronicle of belonging. Rosa and the Marine and Voices of Africa Rose protagonist appointing chronic-tale first is the outcome of its history in the second text, both published in the first Rachel de Queiroz of chronic compilation entitled The Maiden and Moura Pie (1948 ). Rachel is the text representation of black women because they can not as white women have the lived experience as black to build identity and can do it in generalizing way considering his wife condition and his experience in the feminine universe. There are relations between the texts that go beyond the theme, Space Rio suburb and similarities between Rosa and Clara, Cassi and the Marines. You can see the works a dialogue between sex and race interests, identities and stereotypes, relationships that materialize in Literature.


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Apesar do reconhecimento da importância da atividade crítica do escritor austro-brasileiro Otto Maria Carpeaux (1900-1978) na literatura brasileira, sua obra permanece ainda pouco estudada em muitos aspectos. Reconhece-se a sua dívida para com a crítica alemã e italiana, mas quanto a esta última não se passou muito além da mera menção ao fato. Através da leitura da sua obra, vê-se o quanto são profundas estas relações: suas principais influências na crítica literária são os críticos italianos Francesco De Sanctis e Benedetto Croce, entre outros. Também à literatura de criação o crítico austro-brasileiro foi bastante atento, e podem-se notar alguns “topos” constantes nas suas análises, principalmente a caracterização da literatura italiana como literatura de resistência, e a sua importância no conceito de “literatura européia”, que parece essencial para se compreender a obra de Carpeaux. As inúmeras epopéias (obras pouco comuns na literatura moderna) na literatura italiana servem a Carpeaux de indícios para conclusões acerca do caráter do povo italiano, e vários autores, como Dante, Maquiavel e Manzoni retornam constantemente no interesse do crítico. Considerando que Carpeaux escreveu uma História da literaturaocidental, poder-se-ia estudar, comparativamente, sua visão histórica da literatura italiana com aquela apresentada em outras obras do gênero. Um estudo de literatura comparada poderia esclarecer aspectos importantes na obra crítica e historiográfica do escritor austro-brasleiro, e a compilação deste material seria útil do ponto de vista didático, colocando à disposição do público brasileiro um “desentranhamento” de uma história da literatura italiana de dentro da sua História da literatura ocidental e uma coletânea dos principais ensaios de Carpeaux a respeito de escritores italianos.


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This text is a review about João Roberto Faria’s book, Machado de Assis: do teatro, published by Perspectiva in 2008. Our aim with this review is to discuss the referred book observing relevant aspects of the text, which establishes a discussion about Machado de Assis as a theatre critic and shows a reunion of theatre critics that he wrote during his career.