9 resultados para aspectos Teórico-metodológicos

em Línguas


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O ensino da gramática, na última década, vem sendo amplamente discutido por pesquisadores da linguagem que preocupam-se com os resultados negativos que tal ensino vem revelando. Tendo em vista essa preocupação, o que nos propomos, nesse artigo, é refletir sobre o trabalho gramatical docente do ensino fundamental e suas relações com a leitura e a escrita no que tange às concepções de linguagem e de gramática adotadas. Para isso, pretendemos discutir os procedimentos didáticos adotados por professores do ensino fundamental no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de atividades relacionadas à escrita e ao ensino da gramática e o processo de interação na relação professor/aluno. Além disso, analisar até que ponto  o livro didático interfere no encaminhamento dado pelo professor ao ensino da gramática. A nossa proposta é, na realidade, discutir a postura adotada para o ensino da gramática na escola diante das pesquisas e teorias vigentes sobre o ensino da língua materna e de que forma essa atitude está interferindo no ensino/aprendizagem do educando.


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Este texto procura abordar a narrativa de A Selva, romance histórico do escritor luso-brasileiro José Maria Ferreira de Castro, publicado em Portugal, no ano de 1930. Trata--se de um dos mais representativos relatos do seringal amazonense bem como sobre sua vinculação ao tema do regionalismo crítico, que justificam e fazem merecer o olhar contemporâneo, ainda mais pelo fato de evocar confluências entre história, literatura e memória enquanto lugares de resistência, deixando entrever vários contextos fronteiriços, na medida em que visa a relatar um dos mais vivos arquivos da historiografia brasileira e da região amazônica, em particular. Ainda, como várias outras narrativas similares do regionalismo brasileiro, A Selva guarda restrito interesse no âmbito dos estudos literários contemporâneos, o que tornam narrativas deste porte um dos mais produtivos e representativos objetos de análise no contexto das literaturas regionais e de fronteiras. Nosso trabalho visa a pôr em discussão o lugar que obras como A Selva acabaram assumindo, mais como um descaso do destino do que por uma meticulosa apreciação, que, felizmente, já vem alterando o quadro da historiografia contemporânea. Principalmente quando pensamos em aspectos teórico-críticos próprios às literaturas das margens, contextos de fronteiras, sucesso e fortuna crítica, cânone e anticânone, dentre outros aspectos que remodelam o referido quadro.


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Considering this thematic dossier, which aims to establish an overview of theoretical and methodological studies of various theories of discourse, we present in this paper the main theoretical foundations of tensive semiotics. Current development of French semiotics, such theoretical approach, developed mostly by the French semiotician Claude Zilberberg, it can be characterized by, in general, grant privileged place for the continuity and affection in discourse. Semiotics, discipline whose object of study is the meaning, has an interdisciplinary basis making it one of the most advanced theories of text/discourse presently. One of the subjects that drew to configure itself as a discipline was phenomenology, which has been rescued in recent decades by semiotic studies. This phenomenological turn, into which fits the tensive semiotics, implies a change in which the sensitive aspect of meaning overlaps the intelligible. Thus, this paper presents firstly the relationship between semiotics and phenomenology, highlighting the Merleau-Ponty’s concept of the presence field. Secondly, it addresses the question of continuity and affection in theory and, finally, presents its main theoretical and methodological foundations, whose most important analytical tool is the tensive space, a result of the intensity axis projection (sensible) on the axis of extent (intelligible). Therefore, the tensive semiotics, which has is in France and Brazil its prominent poles of development, progressively emerges as a solid theoretical perspective to analyze textual and discursive phenomena, characterized by instability, affection, by chance, in short, by event.


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Increasingly, social areas traditionally reserved for only a portion of the population have been open to participation by a variety of subjects. The political domain is exemplary in this regard. For a variety of reasons, positions of both the legislature as the Executive have been busy not only for individuals from urban cultures where there is a predominance of practices and literacy events, but also of rural cultures where these practices and events are not so frequent - or even that between. Using theoretical and methodological assumptions of Sociolinguistics, specifically the so-called Ethnography of Communication approach, is analyzed in this article, the communicative competence of the heterogeneous group of councilors of the Municipality of São Domingos - BA, focusing on their varying skills stylistic. It also notes it is the relationship between the socio-cultural characteristics of political leaders and their linguistic performance in the Ordinary Session, a communication event that requires a high degree of stylistic monitoring.


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This study aims to analyze the alternation of pronouns “te” and “lhe” for the 2nd PESS SING, in personal letters written in Portuguese in the State of Ceará, Brazil, during the twentieth century, in the light of the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1972, 1994). The sample to be analyzed is composed of 186 personal letters. It seeks to investigate the actions of groups of linguistic factors tense and pronoun position in relation to the verb in the alternation of social forms. Then are presented the results of this alternation by senders of the letters, in order to refine the analysis and describe the distribution of these forms by author. Data were submitted to the computer program GoldVarb X (SANKOFF; TAGLIAMONTE; SMITH, 2005) and indicate that the alternation “te”/“lhe” presents percentages rather balanced when considering the analysis of all the letters. In the analysis by sender, the results demonstrate that there are authors who only used “te”, and authors only used “lhe”, and authors that make the alternation “te” / “lhe” in their writing. 


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Tutors´ role in Distance Education is investigated by analyzing and identifying representations built on their work and expressed in their discourses in half-structured interviews (BULEA, 2010). The theoretical and methodological framework is based on Social-Discursive Interactionism (SDI) within its most didactic pathway (BRONCKART, 2003; 2005), Social Interactionism (SI) (BAKHTIN, 1993; 2003). Current paper comprises (a) a synthesis of theoretical and methodological guidelines on the theoretical framework of SDI and on the procedures of human action represented in texts for the construction of a broader perception on tutors´ educational work; (b) theoretical guidelines for a research interview to foreground the better use of such a tool; (c) tutors´ discourse. Data produced in a public university in the state of Paraná, Brazil, are given in the Methodology section. They comprise half-structured interviews with tutors of the Language & Literature Distance Education course. Results of tutors´ deposition evidence the relevance of the tutor in distance education modality in Brazil.  


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In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.  


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This article aimed to analyzed, from statistic results obtained after different rounds of the VARBRUL program, the overlapping factors in a joint analysis of the variables phonic projection, tonicity and verb tense in the study of the variation nós/a gente. The sample consisted of 24 interviews lasting 40-45 minutes each, made between 2007-2010 in Concordia – SC, and stratified according to gender, two age ranges (under 45 years and 50 years and over) and three levels of education (elementary school I, elementary school II and high school). By adopting the theoretical support of the Variation Linguistics we therefore sought to discuss methodological aspects related to overlapping factors of independent variables that are usually taken into account in the analysis of the pronominal variation nós/a gente in the subject position. Data were obtained through analysis of a corpus with 1553 occurrences of the surveyed pronouns: 770 of nós and 783 of a gente. Results showed that a joint analysis of the variables phonic projection, tonicity and verb tense significantly changes results, both with regard to the groups of selected factors and to the relative weight assigned to the analyzed variables. 


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal apresentar e discutir uma proposta de Ensino de Literatura em Língua Inglesa, a partir da análise de um livro didático, elaborado em 2014 para um Curso de Letras-EaD, acrescida de comentários dos alunos postados na plataforma Moodle. O livro contempla os principais gêneros literários (poesia, conto, drama e romance) e exemplos de textos literários desses gêneros que têm sua circulação expandida para canções, adaptações/traduções, telenovelas e filmes. Além disso, há sugestões de atividades para o texto literário em sala de aula do Ensino Básico e questões para a reflexão crítica do professor de literatura de língua inglesa segundo a pedagogia dos multiletramentos. Embora não haja na grade curricular do ensino regular uma disciplina voltada para a literatura em língua inglesa, acreditamos que não podemos ignorar todo esse material na sala de aula de língua inglesa no contexto brasileiro, pois ele pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento crítico e criativo dos alunos. Esta discussão se justifica por possibilitar reflexões sobre o ensino de literatura via outros meios (além do livro escrito) em uma configuração de ensino superior que ainda está galgando degraus para transpor barreiras geográficas, políticas, culturais e sociais – como é o caso da Educação a Distância no Brasil. O aporte teórico deste estudo se fundamenta em teóricos dos multiletramentos (COPE, B; KALANTZIS, M., 2000), das multimodalidades (KRESS, 2000) e da educação a distância (MOORE, 2002).