3 resultados para Writing Variation
em Línguas
This scientific paper presents the results of an ethnographic study and it is aimed at reflect about the development of writing in language contexts in contact through reflective analysis of the interferences of speech in the writing production of children enrolled in the 7th grade of elementary school. The languages contexts in contact pay attention due to the complexity than the teaching of standard variety takes on linguistic diversity that enters the school. In this sense, we base this research on the theory Educational Sociolinguistic, based on authors: Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2005 and 2011) and Damke (1988, 2009 and 2013). The results demonstrate that the marks of the languages in contact that are present in the writing, are regulars and depend on the linguistic contact of the speaker, blending with the linguistic variation of the Portuguese language, and what it allow create pedagogical intervention activities that consider specifics contexts writing.
In this article, we aim to analyse reflexive forms of say in writing the speech about the concepts of variation and change in four dissertations selected portal public domain – CAPES and defended in the years of 1979, 1989, 2000 and 2011. We focus in the theoretical presuppositions of Authier-Revuz (1998, 2004) as regards the enunciative heterogeneity, more specifically in the reflexive forms of say that it refer to the field of not coincidences of say, and that it refers the notion of Interdiscourse, proposed by Pêcheux (2010). The results point to two processes of reflexive writing: one that represents speech of transparent form or opacity and other one who presents a speech fountain of say.
In this article, we discuss the linguistic variation in the coding of relativity in the Portuguese language. The theory of Variation and Change (Labov, 1972) provided the basis for this study. We analyzed 40 texts of legal writing, which contained between 5 and 15 pages, selected by the following criteria: type of activity, age and gender of the lawyers. We obtained 64 pieces of information, of which 34.4% refers to the occurrence of non-standard relative clauses and 65.6% to the forms prescribed by the normative grammar. As aspects of linguistic basis, we controlled the syntactic function of the relative clause, its position in the sentence as well as the presence or absence of intervening material in the sentence. We noted that although the forms considered standard still remain in monitored writing, it is now possible to notice a significant frequency of forms that go against grammatical textbooks, what can point to a linguistic change in progress.