10 resultados para Veja
em Línguas
Objetivamos investigar a manifestação do ethos, produzido pelo orador no discurso, a partir da abordagem referente à modificação proverbial, denominada por Maingueneau e Grésillon (1984) de détournement proverbial por ‘captação’ e détournement proverbial por ‘subversão’. A primeira classificação evidencia um artifício persuasivo de mudança na apropriação do provérbio; entretanto, mesmo com a “desconstrução” aplicada, o détournement proverbial mantém-se dentro de sua estrutura semântica original. A segunda classificação procura subverter o détournement proverbial, discordando do teor semântico subjacente na composição do provérbio original. No título publicitário em questão, observamos a existência de uma nova estratégia na qual o enunciador, em um harmonioso jogo de palavras, capta e, ao mesmo tempo, subverte o provérbio, resultando em uma eficaz técnica argumentativa. Assim, à categorização dos pesquisadores, adicionamos o détournement proverbial de ‘entremeio’.
Neste artigo, objetivamos analisar um texto publicitário de Veja intitulado E o que é do homem o bicho não come?, à luz da Teoria Retórica do Discurso (TRD) proposta por Dittrich (2005), cuja sistematização epistemológica agrega novos valores aos estudos da Retórica Clássica fundamentada por Aristóteles e aos da Nova Retórica, elaborada por Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958). Assim, mediante os pressupostos da TRD, verificamos que no discurso retórico dessa propaganda, o locutor do anúncio apresenta seus argumentos organizando-os, simultaneamente, em ordem técnica (objetiva), emotiva (afetiva) e representacional (legitimidade), concentrando seus esforços, porém, na ordem dos sentimentos, da emoção, com a finalidade de impressionar o leitor com o título-provérbio que projeta a ideia do medo e, assim, angariar absoluta atenção. Concluímos que o estudo realizado apresenta uma base metodológica potencial para a descrição das configurações retóricas de discursos, mas, sobretudo, amplia a noção do escopo da argumentação ao situar o triplo (tridimensional) do argumento retórico no âmago das linguísticas enunciativas.
The present paper, based on the concept of surplus of vision discussed in some works of the bakhtinian Circle, as, mainly Bakhtin (2010a) and Bakhtin (2010b), has the main aim to analyse the image of evangelicals in a cover delivered by Veja magazine from the bakhtinian categories of exotopy, otherness and expressive intonation and, consequently, the meaning effects resulting from them. Therefore, anchored by the perspective of Bakhtinian Studies (BS), we analysed the magazine cover, seeking to apprehend the meanings constructed by this genre of verb-visual basis. To the constitution of the corpus of analysis, we selected the cover of the edition 1555, published on July, 15, 1998, entitled A fé contra o crime: Numa cruzada em presídios e redutos de traficantes, os evangélicos estão convertendo bandidos em soldados de Jesus, to analyse in which way the magazine, from its discursive place, appropriates the image of the evangelicals and represents it with its intonations in its statements. From the analysis, we can state that Veja constructs an image that tends to the homogenization of the evangelicals in Brazil, from its surplus of vision, with its tone of sarcasm, prejudice and vilification of this group, attempting to position the consumer/reader of Veja against the protestant sphere. The conclusion of this research, therefore, is that the exotopic position assumed by Veja with regard to its otherness, the evangelical discursive sphere, articulates axiologic aprehensions materialized in the form of intonation on the cover of the magazine that we analysed, disseminating, with the character of truth, the protestant group as integrant of mere dualities. Although the cover figures the group as an agent of change in society, this change gets the intonation by the magazine so that it seems false or, at least, incomplete, which equips the Veja readers of mistrust and, therefore, discredit to the actions of the discussed discursive sphere.
Este artigo discute a concepção de autoria no gênero entrevista pingue-pongue, do jornalismo de revista. A fundamentação teórico-medotodológica insere-se na teoria de gêneros do discurso e da análise dialógica do discurso do Círculo de Bakhtin. Os dados de pesquisa são compostos por 52 entrevistas pingue-pongues, publicadas nas revistas semanais CartaCapital, ISTOÉ e Veja, no período de 4 de outubro a 8 de novembro de 2006. A pesquisa mostrou um complexo processo de co-autoria entre jornalista e editoria. Nesse processo, cabe à editoria a responsabilidade de realizar o acabamento do enunciado; dar o "tom" apreciativo à entrevista ao escolher, dentre as perguntas realizadas na entrevista face a face, quais serão, de fato, publicadas; é ela quem tem autonomia para decidir sobre os "cortes" mais importantes, em outras palavras, é a editoria que define o que tem validade ou não, fazendo, assim, o enquadramento do discurso do entrevistado.
ABSTRACT: In this study, I bring aspects that are related to the constitution of subjects and meanings, according to the French Discourse Analysis approach. As for that, I use four discursive sequences – corpus – taken from articles about quotas for black people published in Veja magazine. The main objective in this study is to discuss and relate theoretical propositions of the French Discourse Analysis about the constitution of the subject and of the meaning with the corpus for analysis, which composes a research recently concluded. The work is mainly based in the studies of Pêcheux (2009 [1988]). Under the theoretical perspective of the French Discourse Analysis, we may affirm that the subject is considered an effect of external processes which constitute him and which, meanwhile, erase this mechanism. The referred constitution results in the evidence that the subject is the origin, the controller of the meanings he expresses, or that are produced through his saying. Thus, it will be possible to ask “how or why is the subject an effect?” and “how can he not be the origin and the source of what is enunciated, if every person can only think about himself as being a subject (I am… I think…)?”. It is guided by these questions that I develop the observations of the referred approach. KEYWORDS: subject; meaning effects; discourse.
This study has the objective of analyzing, based on the theoretical and methodological device of the French Discourse Analysis, the meanings that (are) produce(d) (in) the photographs that compose the special report entitled “Cidades médias” (“Medium-sized cities”), published by Veja magazine in September, 2010. This report aims, according to the magazine, at highlighting which are the Brazilian cities that are considered “metropolis of the future”, for making possible, amongst other elements, also the obtainment of financial success. If the photographs in the media act as supports of the linguistic materiality, as representations of reality, I intend in this study: work with the effect of evidence produced by the photograph; reflect about the ideological crossing, which determines what can and must be said and, therefore, what cannot and must not be said; analyze in what way this crossing passes by the image and what is its representation in the journalistic discourse; and analyze which are the meanings produced by the photographs that compose the special report on Veja magazine; also in their relation to the subjects introduced there. For my investigation, I was based on the contributions of Barthes (1984) and Dubois (1993) and in some important concepts for the Discourse Analysis field found in Pêcheux (2009 [1988]) and Orlandi (2007 [1992]; 1995).
The present paper aims at analyzing the representation of criminality and the government's action to fight crime trough the study of the discursive role of referenciation as a lexicalization process and the theoretical and methodological procedures of Critical Discourse Analysis developed by van Dijk. For that reason, we analyzed two articles on criminality, published in 2007 by two magazines: Veja and Carta Capital. The analysis of these articles revealed two kinds of positioning about crime and its combat, based on visions about the event from different social groups.
A proposta deste trabalho é discutir algumas representações deidosos que aparecem na mídia impressa (revista Veja), através da análise da materialidade linguística de recortes discursivos selecionados. Nosso objetivo é levantar questionamentos sobre a identidade do idoso na sociedade contemporânea, através do imaginário que é construído por esses meios de comunicação, numa perspectiva teórica dos discursos e dos estudos da identidade. Tal problemática se põe em relevância no momento em que a população envelhece e denega esse envelhecimento, em nome da busca de um imaginário da eterna juventude. Propomo-nos, com a análise, revelar um pouco do imaginário social do idoso veiculado por essa mídia e problematizar as identidades propostas aos idosos por esses veículos deinformação, buscando desconstruir estereótipos e produzir novos olhares sobre a velhice, de forma a disseminar tal debate em outras instâncias discursivas, como o discurso pedagógico.
Part of the work of the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño, who died in 2003, seemsto be articulated from certain aspects of his self. In other words, the way he writes his ownname on the text, or, how do we answer the question: “who is “I” in this text?”. Many of hisshort-stories and novels, not to mention the poems, operate strategies of hide and exposure ofthat “I” that speaks. Those strategies point to an uneven reading of his works, according to theinscription of the given name. Using the short-stories “Detectives” (1997) and “Muerte deUlises” (2007), the novel Los Detectives Salvajes (1998) and the compendium EntreParéntesis (2004), this article articulates an analysis that compares Bolaño’s aestheticsstrategies regarding his own personal history. We’ll investigate the consequences of choosingthe signature Roberto Bolaño, or Arturo Belano, his alter-ego, to the essays, the interviews orthe fiction work. The question is not the verification of the truth within the fiction, but, moreprofoundly, pose the exam in the effect of reality that comes from the subject-effect. Writing,as it is, is considered as a vehicle to the construction of the “self”, that leads to the unstableoverflow of a identity that ultimately can never be Roberto Bolaño.
This article deals with the functioning of images in the press media discourse. For so, we take the French Discourse Analysis proposed by Pêcheux as theoretical support and make use of the notions of subject, meaning, intericonicity and policromy. Problems of the analysis at this level in the French Discourse Analysis are pointed out, especially because of the need for new theoretical devices which are able to analyze the image objects adequately. After this contextualization, a brief analysis of the article The Agony of a Political Party, published by Veja Magazine in 2005, will be done and which deals with the supposed kickback crisis and the Brazilian Labor Party. It is impossible, in our understanding, to make any analysis of the verbal text adequately and pertinently separating it from the non-verbal text; thus, both the linguistic and non-linguistic plans will be analyzed together in this proposition.