3 resultados para Literatura e Currículo de Ensino Fundamental. Curitiba. Norbert Elias

em Línguas


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There were various writers came out of a literature field with the different points of view of the Curitiba in the 1990s and at the beginning of the XXI century, come of them criticizing the city's project of the moment.  We study here whether this literature was absorbed somehow either by the Official Curriculum of the municipal educational structure or by the Curriculum Practice of that period. Different curriculum materials accepted by the municipal schools were analyzed as well as the teachers that had taught  at that period were interviewed for the purpose of the present investigation.  In general way we realized that the Official Curriculum represented ideas of the city and a literature that re-enforced the “established” model of the city (established/outsiders, Norbert Elias's concepts), for example, so-called “paranist” literature. As for the Curriculum Practice, data that were collected until now show us that almost all of the interviewed  teachers weren't aware of pro-paranist character of the ideas as well as didn't work with literature possibilities that would contain opposite to oficial interpretation of the city.    


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Abstract: This study is part of my master research, which aimed to investigate the beliefs about  English learning and teaching of students entering to a High School Course integrated to Computer Technician at a Federal High School in the city Ponta Pora / MS , located at the  border  with Paraguay . In the context , great part of the students coming from public schools in the region  had not studied English as a foreign language in elementary school , once it is located  in a region of the border with Paraguay , it offers only Spanish as a foreign language. The interest for this research came up as of conflicting situations between the teacher way of teaching and students ways of learning, especially of those who had not studied English in elementary school. Thus we tried to study the beliefs of these students, analyzing how they process in that context in order to promote reflection of the teacher  to perform actions of intervention in order to reduce the mismatches between the ways of teaching and the ways that the students believe to be the right to learn. Keywords: Beliefs; English Teaching and Learning; Context


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RESUMOO presente texto tem como objetivo discutir a contextualizao da prtica de ensino de Lngua Inglesa para deficientes auditivos brasileiros sob um olhar psicopedaggico. Intenciona tratar das dificuldades de aprendizagem relacionadas ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem desta, bem como, propor a prtica interventiva dentro da sala de aula de Lngua Inglesa, para que se possa, deste modo, contribuir para a incluso e o preparo dos estudantes surdos para a utilizao e compreenso do idioma, o que j oferecido a alunos no portadores destas necessidades. No decorrer deste texto, discutiremos algumas destas estratgias a partir do relato de experincia em sala de aula com uma aluna surda. O desafio de lidar com a situao levou uma professora do ensino mdio a refletir a respeito de sua prtica e a buscar suporte terico sobre o tema ao qual naquele momento lhe era pouco familiar. Acrescenta-se discusso uma proposta pedaggica para o trabalho com futuros docentes de Lngua Inglesa nas universidades, buscando instigar estes futuros profissionais a autonomamente buscar compreender como lidar com as diversas teorias de aquisio de segunda lngua e das metodologias de ensino de lnguas estrangeiras no mbito dos limites de aprendizagem dos alunos de sua prpria comunidade escolar. O profissional psicopedagogo, alm de contribuir para a investigao dos modos de aprender dos estudantes, especialmente os que tiverem alguma necessidade especfica, poder auxiliar o professor de ingls na seleo das atividades que podero ser feitas em favor deles.