8 resultados para Hidrelétrica. Discurso. Memória. Imprensa
em Línguas
This article aims to undertake a discursive analysis of the label and advertising material of three beers sold in Brazil: the Cafuza beer, the Mulata beer and Devassa Negra beer. Starting from the regularity that binds and weaves the statements in question - the reference to the African-Brazilian woman - the objective is to present an analysis that considers the semiotic nature of these statements, and bring out their enunciation margins and its historical dimension. The purpose is to analyze the discursive thread that provides conditions of emergence, providing visibility to the scenario of enslavement still perdurable here as historical a priori, in a game of memories that echo through time. What we will see is the body of the black woman (also mulatto and black-indian woman) caught by a discourse that comes from the image of the female sexual slavery and reaches today its exacerbation, especially if we think of the (con)fusion established between the brand names of those beers and the women printed on their labels: products to be consumed? As a theoretical and methodological framework, this article will have as a starting point the discussions made within the French Discourse Analysis in the course of the 1980s. We will bring forward a discussion, although in general, on how emerges, in that decade, the concerns about a semiotic materiality of discourse, beyond the linguistic materiality. Anchored by this panorama, our goal is to work out new perspectives through its analytical application. It is the attempt to take the statement considering the different languages that comprise it, as well as to provide it with the historical density intrinsic to it, making it appear, in the light of the day, what was not visible immediately.
Ao tomar duas peças publicitárias, “menino-sofá” e “seu corpo não foi feito para ficar parado”, discuto, a partir da perspectiva da Análise de Discurso francesa, a contradição presente na discursivização do corpo, naquilo que prefiro chamar de dialética do corpo contemporâneo, marcada por velocidade/lentidão, movimento/estagnação, liberdade/aprisionamento. O discurso midiático, e mais precisamente, neste caso, o discurso publicitário emerge como a atualização de enunciados que remetem ao delineamento dos saberes sobre a sociedade capitalista e os seus impactos sobre o sujeito, interdito em seus movimentos e instigado a não parar pelo excesso de atividades. Assim, pelo trabalho da memória, desenvolvo a relação entre memória discursiva, enquanto rede de reformulações em seus efeitos de repetição, negação, transformação de já-ditos, e a forma-sujeito contemporânea, alcançando, desta forma, uma descrição do movimento de discursivização do corpo contemporâneo interpelado pela ideologia a significar-se como tal.
This paper aims to take a discursive study upon two widely repeated statements in the streets of Brazilian cities in June, 2013, when the rise of urban transportation costs caused popular demonstrations to begin. However, this rise of rates seems to have served as a mere trigger to mobilize citizens to add up other agendas to the demonstrations, such as the right to health, education, good public safety, as well as the corruption installed in the country. Thus, we sought to verify the effects of erupted in the statements “Come to the streets” and “The Giant has woken up”, used to summon the citizens subject to the fight and to leave the state of moral inertia to them history. From our point of view, these statements are a discursive event, because slip of a discursive domain to another and produce effects of citizenship and that another country was possible. In addition, they attest to the ideology material character in the language and operation of discursive memory, which enables not only the memory and repetition, but also the refutation and oblivion. By this bias, we take the city not as territorial extension, but as a large text that is given to read, that is, as a symbolic space in which history and the language are linked producing senses determined by application of the subject in memory networks and that claim by interpreting gestures.
The relationship between verbal and visual materiality in printed infographics is provided. The manner the verbal significant updates certain discursive memories may be understood when related to the visual significant is thus investigated. Whereas the object under investigation is an infographic of the magazine Saúde titled The virus that combats viruses; the analysis, which is based on a materialist theoretical stance, triggers the notions of memory and materiality. Content effect reiterates the functioning of the linguistic sign through the language’s literality within the word-thing relationship and it establishes itself within the visual stance while producing faithful effects with the real. When one investigates the manner discursive memory performs the relationship between the verbal and the visual in infographics, one understands that this relationship is established within the context of incompleteness of the above-mentioned types of materiality. It also occurs within the equivocation that verbal materiality may be complemented by the visual or that the image may faithfully represent the real. The formulation of infographics demands-updates-reaffirms a verbal faithfulness with the visual within a content relationship. Verbal interweaving (in explicatory graphics) with images (the visual) produces meaning effects that project language as an instrument, ideal in its transparency, and literally reveals the thing to which it refers.
RESUMO: Tendo como ponto de partida a organização discursiva da antologia de ensaios Nenhum Brasil existe, organizada por João Cezar de Castro Rocha, buscarei examinar as marcas de heterogeneidade no tocante à voz de Antonio Candido, no ensaio introdutório da antologia. Para tanto, levei em conta o conceito de discurso fundador (ORLANDI, 2003), na medida em que os dizeres fundadores de Candido na ensaística brasileira se constituem como processos de produção de sentidos que possibilitam o surgimento de outros processos discursivos em relação ao Brasil e à identidade nacional, na tensão entre repetição e deslocamento.
Discute-se as concepções de sociedade civil, papel, modelo de Estado, participação e cidadania nos discursos de Conselheiros Gestores focando a memória das lutas pela redemocratização na construção destes conceitos. Discute-se o papel que a memória desempenha no embate entre projetos políticos (neoliberal e democrático-participativo) que têm eco nos Conselhos. O estudo se baseia na memória discursiva, e também nos conceitos de momento, elemento e articulação formulados por Laclau e Mouffe. As perguntas e hipóteses que nos guiam são: Que conhecimento tem os conselheiros sobre o passado e como o significam? Como concebem Sociedade Civil, Estado, democracia e participação? Qual o papel da memória aí? Estão presentes elementos do passado no discurso dos conselheiros com resignificações dos projetos em disputa. A memória tem um papel destacado no sentido de trazer à tona e resignificar o passado.
In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.
Este texto apresenta uma resenha da obra FRONTEIRAS PLATINAS EM MATO GROSSO DO SUL (Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia): biogeografias na arte, crítica biográfica fronteiriça, discurso indígena e literaturas de fronteira, escrita por Marcos Antônio Bessa-Oliveira, Edgar Cézar Nolasco, Vânia Maria Lescano Guerra e Zélia Ramona Nolasco dos S. Freire. O livro, publicado pela Editora Pontes de Campinas, é fruto de reflexões empreendidas ao longo dos anos por esses pesquisadores do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), de diferentes universidades, acerca da crítica do pensamento fronteiriço. A obra é constituída de quatro capítulos, além de um prefácio e uma apresentação, em um total de seis textos. A partir de diferentes lugares enunciativos, os autores fomentam a importância dos estudos que pensam os sujeitos marginalizados, no intuito de destacar as noções-chave que atravessam reflexões de intelectuais fronteiriços e se apoiam, sobretudo, nos estudos pós-coloniais, epistemologias outras que constituem o ponto de partida para os estudos no âmbito das artes, da literatura e da linguística.