9 resultados para Género discursivo
em Línguas
This paper, linked to the Research Project “Linguistic Analysis Contextualized to Practices of Reading and Production of Texts” (UEL), seeks to disseminate a proposal of approaching the speech genre poem, in terms of scientific domain, in the light of bakhtinian concepts, involving vision of ideological sign, aesthetic communication, and speech genres and its dimensions: theme content – object of sense, evaluatively built; compositional structure – elements of structure and meaning; and style – manifestation of linguistic and expressive resources relatively stable of a genre, among others, mobilized by the enunciator (linguistic and enunciation marks). It considers all characteristics are indissolubly related to the context of production. Such a context stabilizes the use of the genre and holds it collectively as long as necessary, ie, society and discourse are organized in genres that, ultimately, are the realization of the living and can be materialized. More specifically, the paper analyzes, in the aspects above mentioned, the poema “O menino que carregava água na peneira”, by Manoel de Barros, in which the author-creator of the poem brings a very particular universe which marks the literary work: childhood, in a kind of craft with the word-image. The poet feels the child’s universe pulsing in his bowels and represents it. In this sense, the study discusses, in pedagogical field, the spread of such a speech genre. It evaluates, as a result, the getting through of the poem in the school sphere – mainly via textbook. Finally, it points to the possibility of a new attitude regarding the teaching-learning process of the genre.
In this text I argue, by means of contrast, about two different and opposite ways of understanding the process of teaching a mother tongue: one that focuses on the product of the objectifying thinking over language, basing the teaching process in the development of the capacity to recognize linguistic structures of different levels, which can range from recognition of the discourse genre to the minimum signifying units in the inner structure (phoneme) or, taking the opposite way, from minimum units to the higher levels; the other one focuses on language practices, taking the role of intuitive thinking over the language expressive resources as one of these practices, and among them we can find the discursive genres, but not having as a goal the product recognition of the objectifying scientific activity
Working with comic strips in the classroom for teaching languages requires scientific knowledge which are able to subsidize the understanding of the language as a socio-historical nature, constituted in interactive and discursive entanglements socially conveyed. For that, we aim in this paper, to present the speech genre comic strip in order to analyze it from the Sociological Method proposed by Bakhtin, which points out the thematic content, the compositional construction and style as elements for the study of language. To theoretically support our study, as well as Bakhtin (1998, 2000) and Bakhtin / Voloshinov (2004), we will discuss authors such Brait (2013); Silveira, Rohling and Rodrigues (2012), among others.
This work aims at reflecting on possible implications of working with pedagogical projects for teacher education through the presentation of a pedagogical project proposal that is based on the genre poem and that is thought for the disciplines of Portuguese and Literature and for the higher grades of middle school. Firstly, we present the theoretical basis that lies behind the pedagogical project proposal and the discussion about its possible implications for teacher education. Thus we present and discuss the concepts of language use (CLARK, 2000), discourse genres (BAKHTIN, 2003), pedagogical project (HERNÁNDEZ, 2004; LEITE; MENDES, 2004; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012) and teacher education (NÓVOA, 1992). Next we treat the project based on the theoretical basis presented more fully, justifying the choice for its theme – urban life – and for its main genre – poem – and elucidating its objectives and possible final products. Based on that, we present and analyze its different steps. Considering the discussions about the theoretical basis used and the project, we then talk about how this way of working at school can influence teacher education, more specifically how the axis use-reflection-use and the concept of discourse genre can hold implications for teacher education, as well as we discuss about some of the roles of the teacher who works with pedagogical projects. Therefore, we bring to light a reflection and discussion that elucidate the issue of the development of pedagogical projects at school and its influence on the teacher's education and performance, taking into consideration that this approach is based on certain conceptions regarding what is understood by language, teaching and learning, pedagogical project, discourse genre and teacher's roles.
The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This feature allows each advertisement reaches the public in a different way, generating empathy, moving reviews, discussions etc. Because of this social relevance, this study aims to analyze two advertisements of Havaianas sandals, aired on television and the internet, in the months of August and September 2009. These pieces had as main character an elderly: (i) in the first interaction situation with his granddaughter; and (ii) the second to the viewer. In the latter, referred to the answer given by the public on the contents of the first piece. The interest in these parts is related to the controversy generated about the old character and his speech. From the interactionist perspective, based on the conceptual framework of Bakhtin and his Circle, proposes to examine the discursive process initiated by the enunciation of these parts in order to describe elements rooted in shared social knowledge about the elderly. Thus, we mobilized the concepts of dialogism, interaction and axiological concepts of discourse. The analysis of the specimens shows that the representation of the elderly as a partner responsible for a more liberal discourse on emotional and sexual life is not yet part of the social horizon of the Brazilian public. His appearance generates dialogue with the public (albeit to receive criticism) that concerns this brand interactions.
As mais recentes investigações lingüísticas colocam o texto dentro de uma nova abordagem: a linguagem como produção, isto é, um campo mais abrangente que capte a multiplicidade dos fenômenos instaurados na língua e a partir da língua. O texto, visto como um jogo dinâmico entre os interlocutores, mobiliza os elementos envolvidos no ato de produção de sentidos e as ligações da língua com o homem e a sociedade. Alinguagem está intimamente ligada à realidade da vida cotidiana, uma realidade que busca a interação dos interlocutores, sempre objetivando a consecução de um texto semanticamente satisfatório, e a linguagem da publicidade, mediante sua trama argumentativa, é o simulacro ideal para esse processo. A linguagem publicitária tem sido considerada um gênero discursivo caracterizado pela riqueza lingüística de sua elaboração, valendo-se de mecanismos pertencentes não só ao nível gramatical da língua, mas também ao nível discursivo-argumentativo que direciona os desejos do interlocutor/consumidor. Com base na Semântica Argumentativa, examinaremos determinados procedimentos responsáveis pela estrutura argumental do texto, desvendada por meio de pistas/direções que os referidos elementos lingüísticos oferecem. São eles: operadores argumentativos, figuras de repetição (anáfora, epístrofe, concatenação e paralelismo), adjetivação e homonímia.
This article focuses on the difficulties encountered in text production students of the first phase of an undergraduate distance learning course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina with regard to working with the gender discourse academic review. The research question that drives this study is: In terms of social experiences with written language system, which factors are inferreds in the analysis of problems of adaptation to the visualized gender in textual production reviews in the academic sphere in the course of Portuguese Language distance? The study developed is anchored in theories of literacy based on Street (1984; 2003; 2009), Hamilton (2000), Barton and Hamilton (2004), among other authors who discuss the new studies of literacy through ethnographic perspectives; as well as the theories of genres of Bakhtin and his Circle (2003 [1952/53]). The results show problems (not) appropriate to the genre, both in terms of compositional configuration as in relation to the thematic content and style and signal distinctions between school and family literacy practices and academic literacy practices, demanding methodological resignifications in addressing gender in the academic sphere. The study contributes to the Applied Linguistics area paying attention to the need to undertake a teaching preparation (Halte, 2008) that includes the experiences of students and their weaknesses, so as to focus on them.
A literatura afrofeminina sempre esteve à margem do cânone literário, identificando-se com a literatura “subalterna” excluída pela Tradição, ou seja, o “pensamento heterossexual” (WITTING, 2006) que silencia os grupos marginalizados e não-canônicos, a saber: mulheres, negros, homossexuais, entre outros que não correspondem ao modelo heterossexual-ocidental, representado pela branquitude. Dessa forma, analisar a obra “Olhos d’água”, de Conceição Evaristo, serve de mecanismo para desconstrução e desnormatização da análise literária clássica. A obra de Evaristo é considerada, além de seu destaque literário, como um instrumento de luta da literatura de autoria feminina e negra, dando voz às denúncias da opressão e da violência. Objetivamos com o nosso trabalho problematizar outras óticas do texto com base na análise discursivo-social das personagens femininas da obra de Conceição Evaristo. Através dessa análise podemos interrogar os lugares e a representação de valoração das práticas culturais não-hegemônicas, a fim de perverter a ordem patriarcal heteronormativa e legitimar a estética literária, “desmantelando” a naturalização da violência contra as mulheres negras e pobres.
O profissional da área de linguagem deve ter o compromisso de explorar os aspectos relevantes ao gênero textual selecionado para trabalhar em sala de aula junto aos seus alunos, pois se acredita que a exploração destes aspectos é necessária para se compreender os significados discursivos possíveis na relação texto e contexto. Refletindo sobre esta questão é que este artigo centra-se no estudo da crônica Os Ricos e Pobres, escrita por Martha Medeiros e publicada no caderno Donna, do jornal Zero Hora dominical, de dois de julho de dois mil e seis, tendo por objetivo a análise dos argumentos explorados pela escritora e do ethos discursivo, que gradativamente é construído no desenvolvimento da argumentação. A sustentação teórica desta análise está centrada, principalmente, em Reboul (2000) e Amossy (2005), para estabelecer a identificação dos argumentos e do ethos discursivo a partir das escolhas lexicais apresentadas por quem realiza a produção, neste caso, Martha Medeiros, e que se tornam elementos lingüísticos importantes para quem consome, ou seja, os leitores do caderno Donna, especificamente da coluna produzida por Martha. Assim, acredita-se que tal análise seja de substancial valor para que, a partir dela, se torne possível ao profissional de linguagem, estabelecer propostas de trabalho com os alunos, cujos resultados sejam significantes e funcionalmente relevantes em suas vidas, possibilitando-lhes aguçar sua capacidade crítica diante das leituras realizadas.