4 resultados para Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia
em Línguas
Abstract This article aims to show an overview about how the elementary schools are working on reading in school environment in the last decades in Mato Grosso do Sul. To achieve this goal, twenty three students´ reports enrolled in the second year of Languages at a Federal University were analyzed. The reports were prepared by the students after they have read the Irandé Antunes text "The reading and its functions", this text was used as mainstay of corpus establishment on this study because Antunes discusses about the problems related to reading in school environment. This work is justified because, although several searches related to reading theme developed in many universities in the country, we noticed that old practices prevail in most schools regarding Portuguese lessons. Based on the reports in which students describe their reading histories in the period they were enrolled in the elementary and secondary school, it was possible to describe the problems that arise in school environment related to reading work. We use as theoretical assumptions Irandé Antunes, Sírio Possenti, João Wanderlei Geraldi and Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva´s words. We brought to the fore matters involving the reading and its relation to the family, grammar supremacy in favor of reading, the neglect of reading in school environment, the textbook presence, and last, indications of reading strategies that we consider successful in school where Portuguese lessons happened according to the Languages´ students in the period they studied elementary and secondary school. KEY-WORDS: Reading; School; Teacher
This article aims to reflect on language teaching in academic education in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at the University of Mato Grosso (Unemat), Campus Colider held in the Practice of English Language Teaching. Search illustrate the approach of the educational reality with the use of technology through the English language, where their theoretical knowledge underlie actual practices in the construction of knowledge necessary for teacher education. The methodological procedures contemplated primarily a literature search, following the presentation of teaching experience of teaching English Language in Higher Education and its reflections that comprised a search field. The practices were entered into the Continuing Extension Project of Graduates and Graduates of the Computer Science Department of the University Campus Valley of Teles Pires (Colider), located in the northern region of Mato Grosso. The interdisciplinary approach encompassing the Practice Teaching and Extension Project was to develop activities that involve observation and reflection of the school reality, aiming at the performance in context, in this case the integration of educational games in the discipline of English Instrumental. The enrolled data indicated that the theoretical and practical knowledge, in view of literacies, new literacies, multiliteracies and critical literacies, enhances the quality of education. Finally, it is possible to signal that this practice, as a curriculum component of a degree course, offered analytical reflections on the educational space, using games as a tool for meaningful learning. This highlights the importance of the relationship between theory and practice in teacher training. Thus, Teaching Practices were a space of transformative praxis that sought to promote autonomy and preparation of critical-reflective teachers who are committed to their professional development.
O presente artigo é um recorte dos resultados de uma pesquisa em Linguística Aplicada relacionada com o letramento dos alunos de um curso de licenciatura em Ensino de Línguas Bantu e Metodologias de Educação Bilingue em curso na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), em Moçambique. O curso forma os formadores de professores primários para a área da Educação Bilingue em contextos rurais, nos Institutos de Formação de Professores Primários (IFPs). Os 31 alunos participantes da pesquisa, dos quais 6 do sexo feminino, eram falantes bilingues em uma língua moçambicana e em português, como língua segunda (L2) e, na sua maioria, provenientes de zonas rurais. O presente trabalho poderá contribuir para se iniciar, nas das instituições educacionais e na academia, uma reflexão sobre as políticas e estratégias para a formação de professores e de formadores que inclua novas abordagens sobre os letramento como práticas sociais abrangentes que tenham em conta a diversidade social, linguística e étnica.
Intercultura nas escolas: o italiano como língua e cultura na rede pública de ensino é um dos projetos de iniciação à docência vinculados ao Licenciar, um programa institucional cujo objetivo é apoiar as Licenciaturas da Universidade Federal do Paraná por meio da oferta de bolsas aos alunos, da orientação aos coordenadores, do acompanhamento pedagógico dos projetos e da organização e promoção de eventos para discussão e socialização dos conhecimentos gerados a partir de projetos. O projeto do italiano, coordenado por mim há oito anos, procura promover uma formação de professores fundamentada desde os primeiros semestres do curso, possibilitando aos graduandos o desenvolvimento da própria competência intercultural e a de crianças da rede municipal de Curitiba, parceira do projeto. No ano de 2017, foram oferecidas Oficinas de sensibilização à língua e à cultura italiana em duas escolas da cidade, cujos planejamento, andamento e resultados são relatados neste trabalho. Apresento também algumas considerações sobre o meu processo de amadurecimento na formação de professores de italiano como língua estrangeira.