4 resultados para Cuisine and culture
em Línguas
It serves as the object of analysis of this article the representation of the northeastern migrant in the figure of the male character Francisco da Silva, protagonist of the short story "Liberdade", by Ruth Laus, as a fictional character who lives "in an interrogatory, interstitial space between the act of representation [...] and the presence of community itself" (Bhabha, 1998, p. 22) where he comes to enter and to settle. Chico, as he is known, embarks on a crowded truck, and his fate, like that of many other migrants, is the Southeast region of Brazil, where, between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, he chooses the sea. To the same extent, beyond the concept(s) of culture(s), and the need to (re)think the concept of [cultural] human community - here adding the cultural term to the proposal of Bhabha (1998), as a way of thinking about the role of the individual - are taken and analyzed, also, the cultural identity concepts based on the difference itself. It is thought in what way, then, and through what imposing character, the wealth and the values of the Northeast, although managed to be spread on national home soil, yet not are conspicuous by their guarantee of permanence of its inhabitants in their homeland.
This brief article is an introduction to questions as multiculturalism, identity and prejudice, from a specific point of view: a reflection on the importance of didactics in foreign literature and culture, and the role of reading as a meaningful education form in the undergraduating study programs of "Letras Estrangeiras" in Brazil.
1 Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", campus de Araraquara (1998). Professora Associado A, no Departamento de Letras Vernáculas da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa. Atua no Mestrado em Linguagem, Identidade e Subjetividade desde 03/2010. 2 Mestranda em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2012). Bolsista CAPES. Especialista em Língua, Linguística e Literatura pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (2010) e graduada em Letras Português/Inglês pela mesma instituição (2006). As with societies, history and culture, language also evolves, a process which is inherent to it. The Portuguese of Brazil has its own characteristics due to the influence of Indian, African peoples and others who have lived here. This study researched 19th century handwritten letters for the origins of Brazilian Portuguese. The corpus consists of three personal letters collected by the Museu do Tropeiro in Castro. Two of them were written by the Baroness of Guaraúna and one by the Empress Thereza de Bourbon. This textual genre is Revista Línguas & Letras ISSN: 1517-7238 Vol. 13 nº 24 1º Sem. 2012 a valuable source for socio-historical studies because it brings, through the linguistic register, an immeasurable cultural and intellectual legacy. Studying the educated Portuguese Brazilian language, used informally between 1880 and 1893, one is able to notice syntactic phenomena, which are found in forms of treatment and spelling diversity characteristic of the century in which they were written. Our focus was not to exhaust all the possibilities of analysis and observation on the origin of this entire legacy but to contribute towards the studies of the history of Brazilian Portuguese, and in particular, the one from the state of Paraná.
This paper aims, from the work Pele de jambo (1996), of the regionalist writer native from Mato Grosso do Sul Rachel Naveira, to analyze the representations of the Brazil-Paraguay border. Then, the aim is to discuss how the sense of belonging is evoked (NOLASCO, 2011) in the work. Because it is for the infant and young public, Pele de jambo, beyond the question of the representation of the border, gets more singularity because of the urgency in building, early, feelings of appreciation of the locus in which the subjects are inserted. The regional brands present in Naveira’s work (1996) are extremely important for spreading the culture of this specific locus. In this sense, objective of this work is to analyze how some elements are represented that are being transformed into a border situation, such as history, language, cuisine, and the subjects.