38 resultados para Literatura Brasileira. Poesia. “Resistência”. Brazilian Poetry. “Resistence”


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Based on the contribuions from Ryngaert (1995); Prado (2009); Magaldi (2008); Faria (1998); Heliodora (2008); Guinsburg, Faria and Lima (2009), refering to the constituion of the theatrical discourse, in studies of Fausto (2012); Cotrim (2005); Gaspari (2002) and Garcia (2008), about the notes Brazilian historical and the theoretical presupposes of Carvalhal (2003, 2006); Nitrini (2000); Nascimento (2006) and Maddaluno (1991) to approach to the study of comparative literature, this work aims to analyze the play Liberdade, liberdade (1965), by Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel whit the Brazilian dictatorship period (1964-1985). This play was written and performed at the beginning of the regime, as it wished to withdraw from the scheme repressor that dominated Brazil. Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel resorted to the use of classical texts and historical preparation for the work, and make use of music to bring up the subject of ceaseless quest for freedom. The play runs from dramatic to comedic, supported by political discourse, which leads, the called Theatre of resistance. For this work, the basic procedure was the literature search. Through the analysis of the dramatic text and the recurrent use of bricolage (collage of historical texts), perceives the practice of intertextuality theme. Thus, one can understand that Liberdade, liberdade is a dramatic text produced in the second half of the twentieth century, which establishes dialogue with texts embodied historical aspect with literary verve.


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Brazilian literature critics’ theorizations concerning feminine emancipation in the modern novel tend to consider a single form of resistance, the exacerbation of sexuality, which leads characters to discrimination and subsequent punishment, often culminates into their deaths. In this sense, a hypothesis to be followed is one to state that this type of criticism underestimates the feminine power, especially in women who reached “respectability” through marriage, i.e., there are other kinds of escape to masculine oppression that do not necessarily include the use of the body. Therefore, the objective of this work is to examine a case study, of sinha Vitória in Barren lives [Vidas secas], a revealing example of empowerment potentialities of married women, through other expedients, such as intellectual superiority. Theoretically, this article dialogs with both canonical studies, including Candido (1992) and Mourão (1971), as well as contemporary ones, like Bueno (2006) and Brunacci (2008). Setting form and arriving at the ambiguity in the name sinha Vitória, the analysis could observe the assumed relevance of the character in the family, as a decision-making authority, representing an intellectual and ideological compass. However, within the unmeasured inequalities of the northeastern society in the first half of the XX Century, this highlighted position in the family and sagacity to read the surrounding world do not prevent the social oppression of her nucleus by the powerful farmers, making her victory a merely partial one.


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Sylvia Orthof (1932-1997) consagrou-se como uma das mais importantes escritoras da literatura infantil brasileira. Entre suas temáticas recorrentes, os animais não humanos figuram em profusão, assim sendo, este estudo objetiva verificar a destacada presença dos gatos na obra da autora arrolada, e mais especificamente os bichanos não domésticos vivenciando momentos de especial cumplicidade com outros seres não humanos. Para tanto, realiza a análise dos seguintes textos zooliterários - o conto de animais História engatada e da fábula poética Gato pra cá, rato pra lá. As formulações críticas e teóricas, nomeadamente, de Jacques Derrida (2011) e (2003), Nelly Novaes Coelho (1991) e Fanny Abramovich (1999) fundamentam a leitura.


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O texto apresenta comentários sobre a importância da reflexividade no mundo das artes, em especial num contexto de novas condições técnicas de produção, distribuição e recepção das produções artísticas no cenário contemporâneo. Para tanto, a análise se concentra na leitura do conto “O Museu Darbot” de autoria do escritor Victor Giúdice. O texto pode ser descrito como exemplo significativo para compreender certas regras do processo de institucionalização das artes.


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Francisco J. C. Dantas, a novelist from Sergipe in Brazil, is seen as the responsible for resurrecting the regionalism in the Brazilian literary scenery. His novels glimpse narrators who see the world always by the bias of bitterness and hopelessness. It is evident in the characters the pessimism and disenchantment. This work aims to present the dramatic condition of the northeastern people alive in Francisco J. C. Dantas. Therefore, it will be analyzed the narrators of both author's first novels: Coivara da Memória and Os Desvalidos.


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Language is essential to mankind and it is a means to interact with nature. Another important element in the discursive constitution of the subject is labour; through it men transform themselves and the surrounding society and this is one of the most ontologically salient features of it. In this sense, this article analysis the literary representation of language and labor world in Quarto de despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus. As a theoretical framework to discuss concepts of labour it is adopted Marx (1996); Engels (1990) and Lukács (2004) whose works investigate that universe.  Bakhtin/Volochínov (1986), to reflect on language; Bosi (2002), to analyze literature as a field of resistance and Candido (1976), to consider the interactions between text and context. As a result of this investigation, it was concluded that language, represented by the work of a writer, has a central role in the life of Carolina, because it is through language that the author develops a social critique of the oppressive scenario in which she lives, transcending it in a certain measure. Carolina's work, garbage collector, is not an element of satisfaction in her life, but a meaningless activity and worthless human. However it is through the precarious work universe that language constitutes itself, unfolding as a hybrid between the material world and literary expedients.


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This work is a reflection on black women’s writing, which has been and yet, sometimes, is marginalized and reduced to invisibly in our literary field due to several factors . Therefore, it becomes important to give visibility to this writing so as to discuss the marks of feminism, race and gender that it brings, showing its contributions for the construction of a new and empowered discourse on black women, which represents a differential for literary discourse and affects the canon, since it t promotes the construction of a new perspective, a differentiated representation of black women, emphasizing their forms of struggle and resistance, front the exclusionary sociocultural systems.  In order to do that, I bring up some theoretical voices such as that, of Guacira Lopes Louro (1997); Abdias do Nascimento (2000); Tatau Godinho (2008), among others that deal with the theme, as well as texts written by  black women writers such as Alzira Rufino, Esmeralda Ribeiro e Cristiane Sobral to argue and think about a literature that deals with black women autonomy,  and challenges the dominant power systems, a literature that gives emphasis to women and ethnic-racial issues from perspective of the black person herself , since this project was relegated to oblivion for too long or portrayed in as stereotyped way by other voices, other discourses guided by a masculine and eurocentric bias. In this way, we hope to show how it is relevant to black women's literature, because makes us reflect and face the mechanisms of oppression, subalternization against women, especially black women, and race and gender prejudice, and its effects, that still can be seen daily in different social and cultural contexts.  


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This short story collection situates itself like possibility of interpretation and understanding of aspects of the Brazilian contemporary literature and the situations of perplexity that originate from it. The improbable relations in an unequal universe compete for the signification of verisimilitude confounds itself with the concept of reality. These short stories perceive the limit of the human conflicts without suggest to them whatever solution.


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The name Godofredo Rangel has been fixed itself in the history of Brazilian literature mainly as Monteiro Lobato's eternal friend and correspondent. Nevertheless, his memory is revered by writers of the same strain as Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Autran Dourado. The latter, above all, in more than one occasion, declared having had in Rangel a master in writing, whose guidance had been fundamental to the development of his literary vocation. In the novel Um artista aprendiz (n.t.: An apprentice artist), from 1989, Dourado narrates the trajectory of a novice writer, whose  encounter with the literary personality of Godofredo Rangel, fictionalized by the author in the character of Sílvio sousa, is also decisive. This study consists of the comparison between the testimony of Autran Dourado about Godofredo Rangel and the fictional matter of the novel, searching in them the elements to understand what Dourado and others considered as being a work of mastery in the literary art.


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Este trabalho apresenta reflexões sobre o pensamento dialético deAntônio Candido e suas contribuições à Literatura Comparada no Brasil. Oestudo caracteriza-se como pesquisa analítica e toma como referência fundamentala obra Formação da Literatura Brasileira: momentos decisivos paradiscutir concepções inerentes à literatura e ao posicionamento crítico doensaísta brasileiro. A obra de Candido é abordada procurando-se compreendero raciocínio apresentado pelo autor em sua tese sobre a constituição daliteratura brasileira, a fim de discutir como o texto do autor relaciona-se aosestudos de literatura baseados em uma concepção comparatista. A obra deCandido, além de constituir avanços significativos na história da crítica literáriano Brasil, colabora na reavaliação de conceitos imanentes aos estudosde literatura, propondo abordagens teóricas próprias e voltadas para a produçãolocal. A investigação salienta que, muito além de referir-se a um métodode estudo do texto literário, a posição de Candido alude a uma perspectivadinâmica de crítica, a da observação à relação entre a obra e o seucondicionamento social, avaliando-se os vínculos entre este e aquela para sechegar a uma interpretação do texto literário, a qual não é mais pautadaexclusivamente na análise da estrutura interna da obra. Candido, ao proporum método de investigação literária, reflete sobre a relação da literaturabrasileira com a européia e introduzir a disciplina literatura comparada naUniversidade de São Paulo, em 1961, já exprime seu interesse e respeito pelosestudos comparatistas, e, além disso, assinala um momento decisivo no campodas pesquisas literárias comparatistas brasileiras.


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This paper aims to confront the chronicles "Telefonema" (1944-54) by Oswald de Andrade and "Confissões" (1967-74) by Nelson Rodrigues and examine the unique manner how they fit in the tradition of the genre in Brazil. This is about checking points of approximation and distancing in the ways by each one of the authors uses idealism and irreverence as a critical style, analyzing their strifes with artists and intellectuals of their times. The aim is to show that both, despite their ideological incompatibilities, supported similar conceptions of national authenticity and stood out as untimely writers in the brazilian chronicle's history.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of Brazilian women’s search for equality, concerning cultural and social areas over five centuries. Oppression, submission and silence used to be common words for women during this period in the history. The extreme patriarchal system and the sexism in different areas of society prevented the female rights from expressing their opinions. This study process involved the research on significant articles, books and magazines related to gender equalities. The present achievements of women in the country are due to the work of feminist movements supported in Cultural Studies and Gender Theories that led women to represent an equal role in the society. As a result, women in the twentieth century got rid of the sexist oppression and besides producing remarkable writings, they improved their identities revealing themselves as skilful people able to contribute to the literary canon as well as diligent professional in education, politics and different areas of society in the postwar period.


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The city is a symbol of human sociability , meeting place and common life - and in this sense , their model is the Greek polis . But it is also a symbol of human diversity , in which masses of people live who do not know , do not recognize or even hostile to , and here the model is not the Greek city , but Babel. The perceptions of the city built in songs and literary texts are in agreement with the adjectives that easily come to mind when one thinks of São Paulo: bumpy, sprawling, dizzying. São Paulo does not provoke admiration, as elsewhere - at least not in the word admiration is benign and gentle . Causes astonishment, this feeling that overcomes the admiration in fright - a result of gigantism, the omnipresent sense of urgency, the unsettling awareness of being in an urban labyrinth that extends to infinity. This research aims to highlight that forms the largest Brazilian metropolis is described both in music and Brazilian literature , at which point it will be possible to establish directions for the different readings of urban space.


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This article aims to analyze the book Bufo & Spallanzani (1985), of the Brazilian writer Ruben Fonseca, in order to observe how it approaches and/or departs from some characteristics attributed to the Detective Novel, particularly in light of Tzvetan Todorov's theory. For that, this reading turns to the study of the multifaceted figure of the narrator, who is, at the same time, writer and murderer. Therefore, it aims to clarify what are the implications, aesthetic and/or otherwise, of the voice given to the killer-writer, as well as what is the role of the detective in the condiction of a secondary character.


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Affiliated with a literary context in which the poet seeks reconciliation between the self and the universe without rejecting the consciousness of the poetic process and the renovation of language, the poems of Guimarães Rosa in his book Ave, Palavra, are close to what Octavio Paz called "poetry of convergence." Such analogical point of view turns into metaphor in the poems through the myth of Narcissus and images that associate a reflexion and the meeting with the Other as a way to know yourself. This work presents a reading of these poetic compositions by examining how the analogy is established, relating those poems to his other works, identifying them, not as an accident in his trajetory, but as a work that carries Guimarães Rosa’s concerns explored in his literary career.