286 resultados para education research
The United States Constitution did not give the federal government the power to regulate education. Consequently there is a lack of cohesion and standardization within the United States in teacher certification. The differences and quantity of teacher training and certification leads to inconsistency in teacher certification.
The purpose of the paper is to seek further understanding of professional developments from current literature. To accomplish a meaningful session, various components must be taken into consideration in creating and implementing professional developments.
Is there a monopoly in public education? This paper discusses some current literature and information on school choice and voucher programs. This paper specifically looks at school choice in Florida.
A pilot study posits that conducting a number of literacy workshops with teenage mothers translated into a greater number of appropriate booksharing skills implemented while reading to the child. The results of one- and two-way ANOVAs and of a contingency table with crosstabs are included.
This paper examines kinds of parental involvement for student achievement. It draws on current literature concerning each kind of involvement’s effect on student achievement. The perspectives of educators on parental involvement are explored, as are communication between home and school and roadblocks encountered in parental involvement initiatives.
This paper explores the impact of a lack of sensitivity to the ethical issues that surfaced in a specific welfare-to-work program on participants’ perceptions, self-esteem, and motivation. Ethical issues in three areas were identified and discussed: (a) professionalism and accountability, (b) participant and provider relationships, and (c) shared responsibilities.
The present paper investigates post-Soviet non-state and state higher educational institutions in terms of students’ perceptions of school curriculum, quality of teaching, available educational resources and overall organization in their higher educational institutions.
We present a case study of an adolescent football player who suffered from severe full body muscle cramping after supplementing with creatine for two months. A paucity of data exists regarding the safety of creatine supplementation and its side effects on dehydration, body fluid/electrolyte balance, and other heat illnesses.
Employee orientation problems for a resort chain were studied and addressed through action research. The implemented solution leveraged experiential learning to foster employee initiative and problem solving to instill a culture of learning, improve customer satisfaction and increase employee retention. Business results were achieved but learner/ management reaction was mixed.
We present a unique athletic injury witnessed by the primary investigator who was compelled to convey the details of the incident to other Certified Athletic Trainers. This case is presented to increase awareness and ensure proper recognition, evaluation, and treatment of this potentially life-threatening injury.
This paper introduces a new construct that we term Math Mediated Language (MML) focusing on the notion that common or everyday terms with mathematical meanings are important building blocks for students’ mathematical reasoning. A survey given to 96 pre-service early childhood educators indicated clear patterns of perceptions of these terms.
This ethnographic case study of ten students and their teachers concludes that the state writing test had a negative impact on students’ and teachers’ perceptions of writing in four categories: strengths and weaknesses in student writing, self-assessment of writing skills, factors impacting test scores, and motivation and attitudes toward writing.
A sound performance appraisal process for school administrators contains key components in accordance with legislation, board policy and contractual agreements. This paper examines the performance appraisal process for administrators in one Canadian school district that may serve as a guideline for individual educators who are committed with on-going professional development.
Due to the impending shortage of qualified candidates for administrator positions, school districts are faced with the challenge of attracting and preparing candidates for the administrator role. This empirical study focused on leadership succession planning and leadership development in response to meeting the demands of the social preoccupation of accountability.
Furthering the understanding of and exploring the literature on moral leadership models is the purpose of this research paper. A review the literature was undertaken, synthesizing concepts and offering a new paradigm for educational leaders.