119 resultados para Biographies of Spanish mathematicians


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Pavel Azalov - Recursion is a powerful technique for producing simple algorithms. It is a main topics in almost every introductory programming course. However, educators often refer to difficulties in learning recursion, and suggest methods for teaching recursion. This paper offers a possible solutions to the problem by (1) expressing the recursive definitions through base operations, which have been predefined as a set of base functions and (2) practising recursion by solving sequences of problems. The base operations are specific for each sequence of problems, resulting in a smooth transitions from recursive definitions to recursive functions. Base functions hide the particularities of the concrete programming language and allows the students to focus solely on the formulation of recursive definitions.


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Silvia Baeva - In the Ministry of Education and Science’s system it has been talked about optimization of the school network; this optimization can be carried out in different directions and be supported by laws. An important aspect in the optimization of the school network is to reduce costs and increase overall efficiency in each school. We will formulate this aspect as a problem of the multicriteria decisions making and by appropriate numbers of methods and criteria it can be transformed to the problem of unicriterion optimization. This problem is separated into two stages: 1-th stage – determining the minimum number of classes in a school under certain statutory provisions for the size of each of them; 2-th stage – the appointment of a minimum number of teachers and achievement of maximal effectiveness of teaching and acquiring of knowledge and skills by students according to certain statutory provisions for teachers’ annual norms of subjects and number of hours in a particular subject area and the salaries of teachers. The achievement of maximum overall efficiency is a priority in all schools.


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Dimitar Belev, Vasilka Ignatova-Beleva - We present a generalization of the Napoleon triangles and investigate some of their properties.


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Kliment Vasilev - The trigonometry formulas are given in the form of mathematical problems. Some of these problems are solved, and it is shown how the others can be solved with the help of adequate guidance that includes the previous problems. This method is suitable for revision in the secondary school, as well as for preparation for school-leaving exams and matriculation.


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Evgenia Velikova-Bandova, Denitsa Grigorova, Maroussia Slavtchova-Bojkova - The aim of this work is to evaluate the quality of the preliminary exam of candidate students in Mathematics held on April 12, 2009. We also sought to highlight advantages and disadvantages of new approaches for application and admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at the “St. Kl. Ohridski” Sofia University (SU) in 2009. In this connection, the data by the candidate students’ examinations and assessments of matriculation were analyzed, a comparative analysis of these assessments were done and a relationship between them has been sought.


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Veselina Valkanova, Stanimir Stoyanov, Hussein Zedan, Ivan Popchev - In the paper a theoretical model for investigation of creative thinking and action of student is presented. The model extends the formal system called Creativity Map. Furthermore, an experiment for applying this model in the secondary school is explained. Although the experiment will be implemented during the mathematics lessons, the theoretical model can be applied in different subjects.


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Stojanka Valcheva, Vladimir Todorov - In the present talk we discuss some problems that arise out of the limiting the time designed for teaching Mathematics in the secondary school in Bulgaria.


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Vladimir Georgiev, Donka Darakchieva, Stoyan Kapralov - The 2009 edition of the International Mathematics Team Competition “Galilei” is presented.


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Kalin Georgiev, Dimitrina Stavrova - We consider two approaches for introducing topological notions in a course of Computational Topology. One is an intuitive inductive introduction of a notion; the other is theoretical-analytical one. As an example we treat the notions of interior, closure and boundary of a set in a topological space. We analyze several visual representations as well as analytical ones. Examples of tests and quiz problems are considered. Comparisons of student’s achievement on different type of problems are presented.


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Irina Goranova - The author shares his experience with rising the creativity of students in informatics classes using role-playing games. The paper contains the methods of preparation and taking role-playing games and examples of role-playing games, used in informatics classes.


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Sava Grozdev, Vesselin Nenkov - By the software THE GEOMETER’S SKETCHPAD some generalizations of a problem from the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2008 are realized.


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Kosta Andreev Garov, Stefka Iordanova Aneva, Elena Hristova Todorova - This paper concerns the formulation and systematization of basic educational activities in training in Information Technologies. Educational activities are demonstrated throughout the performance of a specific Information technology lesson. The paper is meant for teachers in Information Technologies.


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Daniela Ivanova Dureva–Tuparova In this paper 3 pedagogical scenarios of e-learning courses are performed. The courses have been implemented in blended mode with the students in Master program “ICT in primary schools”. The courses apply different didactical methods such as “Jigsaw” interactive technique, on-line simulations, project based learning, etc. Some results from study of students’ attitude to the used didactical methods and technology enhanced educational activities are presented and discussed.


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Kiril Ivanov - Four criteria for estimating the degree of fundamental programming knowledge acquisition are formulated. The specificity of the proof-oriented thinking in object- oriented programming and its role in the learning of fundamentals are pointed. Two ways of reasoning are distinguished: with an only possible conclusion and with a multiple choice by search of balance between contradictory requirements. Examples of arguments that help considerably the students to understand the basic ideas related to the use of objects and classes in different stages of the software system development are given. Particular attention is paid to the influence of the proof-oriented thinking on the learners’ motivation and hence – on their fundamental knowledge acquisition.


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Bahsen Ismailova-Isufova, Ridvan Isufov - In this paper it is described the birth and the growth during the last 50 years of the idea for the systematization of definitions and theorems based on the activities which can be done with them. Also there are methods to include the personal computers in this activity and to continue the research of the role for extending the heuristics abilities of students.