50 resultados para Differential equations, Partial -- Numerical solutions -- Computer programs
Атанаска Георгиева, Стела Глухчева, Снежана Христова - Изследвана е устойчивостта на нелинейни диференциални уравнения с “максимуми” по отношение на две мерки. Приложени са две различни мерки за началните условия и за решението. Използван е методът на Разумихин, а също така и методът на сравнението на обикновени скаларни диференциални уравнения. Приложението на получените резултати и достатъчни условия за устойчивост е илюстрирано с пример.
Л. И. Каранджулов, Н. Д. Сиракова - В работата се прилага методът на Поанкаре за решаване на почти регулярни нелинейни гранични задачи при общи гранични условия. Предполага се, че диференциалната система съдържа сингулярна функция по отношение на малкия параметър. При определени условия се доказва асимптотичност на решението на поставената задача.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K15, 34C10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C10, 34C15.
MSC 2010: 34A08, 34A37, 49N70
We consider the existence and uniqueness problem for partial differential-functional equations of the first order with the initial condition for which the right-hand side depends on the derivative of unknown function with deviating argument.
This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Direct Operational Methods in the Environment of a Computer Algebra System” by Margarita Spiridonova (Institute of mathematics and Informatics, BAS), successfully defended before the Specialised Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 23 March, 2009.
MSC 2010: 44A35, 44A45, 44A40, 35K20, 35K05
In this article on quasidifferential equation with non-fixed time of impulses we consider the continuous dependence of the solutions on the initial conditions as well as the mappings defined by these equations. We prove general theorems for quasidifferential equations from which follows corresponding results for differential equations, differential inclusion and equations with Hukuhara derivative.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 47A60, 30C15.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 76M35, 82B31
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 74J30, 34L30.
An algorithm is produced for the symbolic solving of systems of partial differential equations by means of multivariate Laplace–Carson transform. A system of K equations with M as the greatest order of partial derivatives and right-hand parts of a special type is considered. Initial conditions are input. As a result of a Laplace–Carson transform of the system according to initial condition we obtain an algebraic system of equations. A method to obtain compatibility conditions is discussed.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35R60, 60H15, 74H35.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (main), 44A40, 44A35, 33E30, 45J05, 45D05