200 resultados para South African War, 1899-1902

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Few studies exist reporting on long-term exposure of crustaceans to hypercapnia. We exposed juvenile South African rock lobsters, Jasus lalandii, to hypercapnic conditions of pH 7.3 for 28 weeks and subsequently analysed changes in the extracellular fluid (haemolymph). Results revealed, for the first time, adjustments in the haemolymph of a palinurid crustacean during chronic hypercapnic exposure: 1) acid-base balance was adjusted and sustained by increased bicarbonate and 2) quantity and oxygen binding properties of haemocyanin changed. Compared with lobsters kept under normocapnic conditions (pH 8.0), during prolonged hypercapnia, juvenile lobsters increased bicarbonate buffering of haemolymph. This is necessary to provide optimum pH conditions for oxygen binding of haemocyanin and functioning of respiration in the presence of a strong Bohr Effect. Furthermore, modification of the intrinsic structure of the haemocyanin molecule, and not the presence of molecular modulators, seems to improve oxygen affinity under conditions of elevated pCO2.


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This is part 2 of a study examining southwest African continental margin sediments from nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) representing two glacial (MIS 2 and 6a) and two interglacial stages (MIS 1 and 5e). Contents, distribution patterns, and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) as indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types were correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in sediments of the same time horizons. Selected single pollen type data reveal details of vegetation changes, but the overall picture is best illustrated by summing pollen known to predominantly derive from C4 plants or C4 plus CAM plants. The C4 plant signals in the biomarkers are recorded in the delta13C data and in the abundances of C31 and C33 n-alkanes, and the C32 n-alkanol. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories for austral summer and winter situations for the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen and their transport pathways to the ocean. This multidisciplinary approach provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in leaf wax lipid and pollen composition, with the Holocene sedimentary data paralleling the current major phytogeographic zonations. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin) get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands dominated by C3 plants. Airborne particulates derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semideserts, and savannah regions are rich in organic matter from C4 plants. As can be expected from the present and glacial positions of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. In the northern part of the transect the relative importance of C4 plant indicators is higher during the glacials than in the interglacials, indicating a northward extension of arid zones favoring grass vegetation. In the south, where grass-rich vegetation merges into semidesert and desert, the difference in C4 plant indicators is small.


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We report down-core sedimentary Nd isotope (epsilon Nd) records from two South Atlantic sediment cores, MD02-2594 and GeoB3603-2, located on the western South African continental margin. The core sites are positioned downstream of the present-day flow path of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and close to the Southern Ocean, which makes them suitable for reconstructing past variability in NADW circulation over the last glacial cycle. The Fe-Mn leachates epsilon Nd records show a coherent decreasing trend from glacial radiogenic values towards less radiogenic values during the Holocene. This trend is confirmed by epsilon Nd in fish debris and mixed planktonic foraminifera, albeit with an offset during the Holocene to lower values relative to the leachates, matching the present-day composition of NADW in the Cape Basin. We interpret the epsilon Nd changes as reflecting the glacial shoaling of Southern Ocean waters to shallower depths combined with the admixing of southward flowing Northern Component Water (NCW). A compilation of Atlantic epsilon Nd records reveals increasing radiogenic isotope signatures towards the south and with increasing depth. This signal is most prominent during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and of similar amplitude across the Atlantic basin, suggesting continuous deep water production in the North Atlantic and export to the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. The amplitude of the epsilon Nd change from the LGM to Holocene is largest in the southernmost cores, implying a greater sensitivity to the deglacial strengthening of NADW at these sites. This signal impacted most prominently the South Atlantic deep and bottom water layers that were particularly deprived of NCW during the LGM. The epsilon Nd variations correlate with changes in 231Pa/230Th ratios and benthic d13C across the deglacial transition. Together with the contrasting 231Pa/230Th: epsilon Nd pattern of the North and South Atlantic, this indicates a progressive reorganization of the AMOC to full strength during the Holocene.


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Public participation is an integral part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and as such, has been incorporated into regulatory norms. Assessment of the effectiveness of public participation has remained elusive however. This is partly due to the difficulty in identifying appropriate effectiveness criteria. This research uses Q methodology to discover and analyze stakeholder's social perspectives of the effectiveness of EIAs in the Western Cape, South Africa. It considers two case studies (Main Road and Saldanha Bay EIAs) for contextual participant perspectives of the effectiveness based on their experience. It further considers the more general opinion of provincial consent regulator staff at the Department of Environmental Affairs and the Department of Planning (DEA&DP). Two main themes of investigation are drawn from the South African National Environmental Management Act imperative for effectiveness: firstly, the participation procedure, and secondly, the stakeholder capabilities necessary for effective participation. Four theoretical frameworks drawn from planning, politics and EIA theory are adapted to public participation and used to triangulate the analysis and discussion of the revealed social perspectives. They consider citizen power in deliberation, Habermas' preconditions for the Ideal Speech Situation (ISS), a Foucauldian perspective of knowledge, power and politics, and a Capabilities Approach to public participation effectiveness. The empirical evidence from this research shows that the capacity and contextual constraints faced by participants demand the legislative imperatives for effective participation set out in the NEMA. The implementation of effective public participation has been shown to be a complex, dynamic and sometimes nebulous practice. The functional level of participant understanding of the process was found to be significantly wide-ranging with consequences of unequal and dissatisfied stakeholder engagements. Furthermore, the considerable variance of stakeholder capabilities in the South African social context, resulted in inequalities in deliberation. The social perspectives revealed significant differences in participant experience in terms of citizen power in deliberation. The ISS preconditions are highly contested in both the Saldanha EIA case study and the DEA&DP social perspectives. Only one Main Road EIA case study social perspective considered Foucault's notion of governmentality as a reality in EIA public participation. The freedom of control of ones environment, based on a Capabilities approach, is a highly contested notion. Although agreed with in principle, all of the social perspectives indicate that contextual and capacity realities constrain its realisation. This research has shown that Q method can be applied to EIA public participation in South Africa and, with the appropriate research or monitoring applications it could serve as a useful feedback tool to inform best practice public participation.


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Surface sediment samples representative for the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic (15°N to 40°S) were investigated by isothermal magnetic methods to delineate magnetic mineral distribution patterns and to identify their predominant Holocene climatic and oceanographic controls. Individual parameters reveal distinct, yet frequently overlapping, regional sedimentation characteristics. A probabilistic ('fuzzy c-means') cluster analysis was applied to five concentration independent magnetic properties assessing magnetite to hematite ratios and diagnostic of bulk and fine-particle magnetite grain size and coercivity spectra. The resultant 10 cluster structures establish an oceanwide magnetic sediment classification scheme tracing the major terrigenous eolian and fluvial fluxes, authigenic biogenic magnetite accumulation in high-productivity areas, transport by ocean current systems, and effects of bottom water velocity on depositional regimes. Distinct dissimilarities in magnetic mineral inventories between the eastern and western basins of the South Atlantic reflect prominent contrasts of both oceanic and continental influences.


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Changes in surface water hydrography in the Southern Ocean (eastern Atlantic sector) could be reconstructed on the basis of isotope-geochemical and micropaleontological studies. A total of 75 high quality multicorer sediment surface samples from the southern South Atlantic Ocean and three Quaternary sediment cores, taken on a meridional transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, have been investigated. The results of examining stable oxygen isotope compositions of 24 foraminiferal species and morphotypes were compared to the near-surface hydrography. The different foraminifera have been divided into four groups living at different depths in the upper water column. The 8180 differences between shallow-living (e.g. G. bulloides, N. pachyderma) and deeper-dwelling (e. g. G. inflata) species reflect the measured temperature gradient of the upper 250 m in the water column. Thus, the 6180 difference between shallow-living and deeper-living foraminifera can be used as an indicator for the vertical temperature gradient in the surface water of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which is independent of ice volume. All planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediment samples have been counted. 27 species and morphotypes have been selected, to form a reference data Set for statistical purposes. By using R- and Q-mode principal component analysis these planktonic foraminifera have been divided into four and five assemblages, respectively. The geographic distribution of these assemblages is mainly linked to the temperature of sea-surface waters. The five assemblages (factors) of the Q-mode principal component analysis account for 97.l % of the variance of original data. Following the transferfunction- technique a multiple regression between the Q-mode factors and the actual mean sea-surface environmental parameters resulted in a set of equations. The new transfer function can be used to estimate past sea-surface seasonal temperatures for paleoassemblages of planktonic foraminifera with a precision of approximately ±1.2°C. This transfer function F75-27-5 encompasses in particular the environmental conditions in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the last 140,000 years reconstructed sea-surface temperatures fluctuated in the present northern Subantarctic Zone (PS2076-1/3) at an amplitude of up to 7.5°C in summer and of up to 8.5°C in winter. In the present Polarfrontal Zone (PS1754-1) these fluctuations between glacials and interglacials show lower temperatures from 2.5 to 8.5°C in summer and from 1.0 to 5.0°C in winter, respectively. Compared to today, calculated oxygen isotope temperature gradients in the present Subantarctic Zone were lower during the last 140,000 years. This is an indicator for a good mixing of the upper water column. In the Polarfrontal Zone also lower oxygen isotope temperature gradients were found for the glacials 6, 4 and 2. But almost similar temperature gradients as today were found during the interglacial stages 5, 3 and the Holocene, which implicates a mixing of the upper water column compared to present. Paleosalinities were reconstructed by combining d18O-data and the evaluated transfer function paleotemperatures. Especially in the present Polarfrontal Zone (PS1754-1) and in the Antarctic Zone (PS1768-8), a short-term reduction of salinity up to 4 %o, could be detected. This significant reduction in sea-surface water salinity indicates the increased influx of melt-water at the beginning of deglaciation in the southern hemisphere at the end of the last glacial, approximately 16,500-13,000 years ago. The reconstruction of environmental Parameters indicates only small changes in the position of the frontal Systems in the eastern sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during the last 140,000 years. The average position of the Subtropical Front and Subantarctic Front shifted approximately three latitudes between interglacials and glacials. The Antarctic Polar Front shifted approximately four latitudes. But substantial modifications of this scenario have been interpreted for the reconstruction of cold sea-surface temperatures at 41Â S during the oxygen isotope stages 16 and 14 to 12. During these times the Subtropical Front was probably shified up to seven latitudes northwards.


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Over 300 surface sediment samples from the Central and South Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea were investigated for the preservation state of the aragonitic test of Limacina inflata. Results are displayed in spatial distribution maps and are plotted against cross-sections of vertical water mass configurations, illustrating the relationship between preservation state, saturation state of the overlying waters, and overall water mass distribution. The microscopic investigation of L. inflata (adults) yielded the Limacina dissolution index (LDX), and revealed three regional dissolution patterns. In the western Atlantic Ocean, sedimentary preservation states correspond to saturation states in the overlying waters. Poor preservation is found within intermediate water masses of southern origin (i.e. Antarctic intermediate water (AAIW), upper circumpolar water (UCDW)), which are distinctly aragonite-corrosive, whereas good preservation is observed within the surface waters above and within the upper North Atlantic deep water (UNADW) beneath the AAIW. In the eastern Atlantic Ocean, in particular along the African continental margin, the LDX fails in most cases (i.e. less than 10 tests of L. inflata per sample were found). This is most probably due to extensive "metabolic" aragonite dissolution at the sediment-water interface combined with a reduced abundance of L. inflata in the surface waters. In the Caribbean Sea, a more complex preservation pattern is observed because of the interaction between different water masses, which invade the Caribbean basins through several channels, and varying input of bank-derived fine aragonite and magnesian calcite material. The solubility of aragonite increases with increasing pressure, but aragonite dissolution in the sediments does not simply increase with water depth. Worse preservation is found in intermediate water depths following an S-shaped curve. As a result, two aragonite lysoclines are observed, one above the other. In four depth transects, we show that the western Atlantic and Caribbean LDX records resemble surficial calcium carbonate data and delta13C and carbonate ion concentration profiles in the water column. Moreover, preservation of L. inflata within AAIW and UCDW improves significantly to the north, whereas carbonate corrosiveness diminishes due to increased mixing of AAIW and UNADW. The close relationship between LDX values and aragonite contents in the sediments shows much promise for the quantification of the aragonite loss under the influence of different water masses. LDX failure and uncertainties may be attributed to (1) aragonite dissolution due to bottom water corrosiveness, (2) aragonite dissolution due to additional CO2 release into the bottom water by the degradation of organic matter based on an enhanced supply of organic matter into the sediment, (3) variations in the distribution of L. inflata and hence a lack of supply into the sediment, (4) dilution of the sediments and hence a lack of tests of L. inflata, or (5) redeposition of sediment particles.


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The aim of the present study is an evaluation of the applicability of biogenic barium as a proxy for productivity. For this purpose, 190 surface sediment samples from the South Atlantic Ocean were analysed for their barium and aluminium concentrations. Biogenic barium is estimated by subtracting the calculated terrigenous barium (obtained from the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio and the amount of Al in the sample) from the total Ba content in the sample. Based on the accumulation rates of biogenic barium, export production is estimated using three different algorithms proposed by [Paleoceanography 7 (1992) 163, doi:10.1029/92PA00181; Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9 (1995) 289, doi:10.1029/95GB00021; Geomar. Report 38 (1995) 105]. Primary productivity was calculated from these different export productions and compared with measurements of recent primary productivity in the overlying surface waters. Only the primary productions calculated on the basis of the algorithm of [Paleoceanography 7 (1992) 163, doi:10.1029/92PA00181] yield productivity values comparable to those existing in ocean surface waters. This study further reveals that it is not sufficient to use a constant, generally applicable organic carbon/biogenic barium ratio, as is postulated by [Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9 (1995) 289, doi:10.1029/95GB00021]. This ratio has to be assessed regionally. For the sediments of the Cape Basin in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean, a new algorithm is developed which gives plausible primary productivities for the overlying surface waters.