Geochemistry of surface sediment samples from the South Atlantic Ocean

Autoria(s): Pfeifer, Kerstin; Kasten, Sabine; Hensen, Christian; Schulz, Horst D

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -19.692404 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -19.341230 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -48.386667 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -60.091667 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 7.343333 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 15.480000 * DATE/TIME START: 1988-02-24T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-04-01T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.003 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m




The aim of the present study is an evaluation of the applicability of biogenic barium as a proxy for productivity. For this purpose, 190 surface sediment samples from the South Atlantic Ocean were analysed for their barium and aluminium concentrations. Biogenic barium is estimated by subtracting the calculated terrigenous barium (obtained from the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio and the amount of Al in the sample) from the total Ba content in the sample. Based on the accumulation rates of biogenic barium, export production is estimated using three different algorithms proposed by [Paleoceanography 7 (1992) 163, doi:10.1029/92PA00181; Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9 (1995) 289, doi:10.1029/95GB00021; Geomar. Report 38 (1995) 105]. Primary productivity was calculated from these different export productions and compared with measurements of recent primary productivity in the overlying surface waters. Only the primary productions calculated on the basis of the algorithm of [Paleoceanography 7 (1992) 163, doi:10.1029/92PA00181] yield productivity values comparable to those existing in ocean surface waters. This study further reveals that it is not sufficient to use a constant, generally applicable organic carbon/biogenic barium ratio, as is postulated by [Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9 (1995) 289, doi:10.1029/95GB00021]. This ratio has to be assessed regionally. For the sediments of the Cape Basin in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean, a new algorithm is developed which gives plausible primary productivities for the overlying surface waters.


text/tab-separated-values, 840 data points








Pfeifer, Kerstin (2003): Auswirkungen frühdiagenetischer Prozesse auf Calcit- und Barytgehalten in marinen Oberflächensedimenten: Modellierung von Lösung und Erhaltung. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 208, 110 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103296

Pfeifer, Kerstin (1998): Rekonstruktion der Primärproduktion aus Bariumgehalten in Oberflächensedimenten des Südatlantiks. Diploma Thesis, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Germany


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Pfeifer, Kerstin; Kasten, Sabine; Hensen, Christian; Schulz, Horst D (2001): Reconstruction of primary productivity from the barium contents in surface sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean. Marine Geology, 177(1-2), 13-24, doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(01)00121-9

Palavras-Chave #Aluminium; Amazon Fan; Angola Basin; Argentine Basin; Barium; Brazil Basin; Cape Basin; Cardno Seamount; Comment; Continental slope off Brazil; DEPTH, sediment/rock; East Brazil Basin; Elevation of event; Equatorial Atlantic; Event label; GeoB; GeoB1013-2; GeoB1015-3; GeoB1018-2; GeoB1023-2; GeoB1024-3; GeoB1026-3; GeoB1031-3; GeoB1037-2; GeoB1039-1; GeoB1040-3; GeoB1041-1; GeoB1043-2; GeoB1044-3; GeoB1046-2; GeoB1101-4; GeoB1102-3; GeoB1103-3; GeoB1104-5; GeoB1105-3; GeoB1106-5; GeoB1108-3; GeoB1109-4; GeoB1110-3; GeoB1111-5; GeoB1112-3; GeoB1113-7; GeoB1114-3; GeoB1115-4; GeoB1116-1; GeoB1117-3; GeoB1118-2; GeoB1119-2; GeoB1120-3; GeoB1204-3; GeoB1208-1; GeoB1212-2; GeoB1215-1; GeoB1218-1; GeoB1220-2; GeoB1403-2; GeoB1405-7; GeoB1407-7; GeoB1408-2; GeoB1413-2; GeoB1415-1; GeoB1417-2; GeoB1419-1; GeoB1420-1; GeoB1421-1; GeoB1503-2; GeoB1504-1; GeoB1506-1; GeoB1508-1; GeoB1509-2; GeoB1510-1; GeoB1511-6; GeoB1512-2; GeoB1515-2; GeoB1518-1; GeoB1519-2; GeoB1611-1; GeoB1613-10; GeoB1701-1; GeoB1703-7; GeoB1704-1; GeoB1707-2; GeoB1709-3; GeoB1710-2; GeoB1721-5; GeoB1722-2; GeoB1725-1; GeoB1726-3; GeoB1728-2; GeoB1729-2; GeoB1901-1; GeoB1903-1; GeoB1904-1; GeoB1905-1; GeoB1907-1; GeoB1908-1; GeoB2002-2; GeoB2003-1; GeoB2004-1; GeoB2010-1; GeoB2016-3; GeoB2018-1; GeoB2019-2; GeoB2021-4; GeoB2022-3; GeoB2102-1; GeoB2107-5; GeoB2108-1; GeoB2109-3; GeoB2110-1; GeoB2112-1; GeoB2113-3; GeoB2116-3; GeoB2117-4; GeoB2118-1; GeoB2119-1; GeoB2126-1; GeoB2208-1; GeoB2212-1; GeoB2213-1; GeoB2215-8; GeoB2216-2; GeoB2703-7; GeoB2704-1; GeoB2705-7; GeoB2706-5; GeoB2707-3; GeoB2708-5; GeoB2709-7; GeoB2712-2; GeoB2715-1; GeoB2717-8; GeoB2718-1; GeoB2719-2; GeoB2722-2; GeoB2724-7; GeoB2726-3; GeoB2727-1; GeoB2729-1; GeoB2730-1; GeoB2731-1; GeoB2802-2; GeoB2803-1; GeoB2805-1; GeoB2806-6; GeoB2807-1; GeoB2808-3; GeoB2809-2; GeoB2810-2; GeoB2811-1; GeoB2812-3; GeoB2813-1; GeoB2814-3; GeoB2817-3; GeoB2818-1; GeoB2820-1; GeoB2824-1; GeoB2825-3; GeoB2826-1; GeoB2828-1; GeoB2829-3; GeoB2903-1; GeoB2904-11; GeoB2905-1; GeoB2906-3; GeoB2907-1; GeoB2908-8; GeoB3701-1; GeoB3702-2; GeoB3704-2; GeoB3705-3; GeoB3706-3; GeoB3707-3; GeoB3708-1; GeoB3709-1; GeoB3710-1; GeoB3711-1; GeoB3712-2; GeoB3713-1; GeoB3714-3; GeoB3715-2; GeoB3717-1; GeoB3718-4; GeoB3719-2; GeoB3720-1; GeoB3721-4; GeoB3722-1; GeoB3723-3; GeoB3724-3; GeoB3801-5; GeoB3802-2; GeoB3803-1; GeoB3804-2; GeoB3808-7; GeoB3809-1; GeoB3812-2; GeoB3822-1; GeoB3825-1; GeoB3827-1; GeoB3906-9; GeoB3908-11; GeoB3909-1; GeoB3910-3; GeoB3911-1; GeoB3914-3; GeoB3915-1; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Giant box corer; GIK17836-1; GIK17843-1; GIK17851-1; GIK17862-1; GIK17884-1; GIK17912-1; GKG; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Guinea Basin; Hand net; HF/HNO3/H2O2 pressure digestion; HN; KOL; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; M12/1; M16/1; M16/2; M20/1; M20/2; M23/1; M23/2; M23/3; M29/1; M29/2; M29/3; M34/2; M34/3; M34/4; M6/6; M9/4; Manganese; Meteor (1986); Mid Atlantic Ridge; MUC; MultiCorer; Namibia Continental Margin; Namibia continental slope; Northeast Brasilian Margin; Northern Brasil-Basin; Northern Cape Basin; Northern Guinea Basin; off Kunene; Piston corer (Kiel type); Rio Grande Rise; Romanche fracture zone; Santos Plateau; SL; Slope off Argentina; SO84; Sonne; South African margin; Southwest Guinea Basin; ST. HELENA HOTSPOT; Titanium; Uruguay continental margin; Vema Channel; Walvis Ridge; Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean; Water sample; West Angola Basin; Western Equatorial Atlantic; WS
