15 resultados para OA repository landscape study
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Ocean acidification (OA) and its associated decline in calcium carbonate saturation states is one of the major threats that tropical coral reefs face this century. Previous studies of the effect of OA on coral reef calcifiers have described a wide variety of outcomes for studies using comparable partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) ranges, suggesting that key questions remain unresolved. One unresolved hypothesis posits that heterogeneity in the response of reef calcifiers to high pCO2 is a result of regional-scale variation in the responses to OA. To test this hypothesis, we incubated two coral taxa (Pocillopora damicornis and massive Porites) and two calcified algae (Porolithon onkodes and Halimeda macroloba) under 400, 700 and 1000 µatm pCO2 levels in experiments in Moorea (French Polynesia), Hawaii (USA) and Okinawa (Japan), where environmental conditions differ. Both corals and H. macroloba were insensitive to OA at all three locations, while the effects of OA on P. onkodes were location-specific. In Moorea and Hawaii, calcification of P. onkodes was depressed by high pCO2, but for specimens in Okinawa, there was no effect of OA. Using a study of large geographical scale, we show that resistance to OA of some reef species is a constitutive character expressed across the Pacific.
Climate change with increasing temperature and ocean acidification (OA) poses risks for marine ecosystems. According to Pörtner and Farrell [1], synergistic effects of elevated temperature and CO2-induced OA on energy metabolism will narrow the thermal tolerance window of marine ectothermal animals. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effect of an acute temperature rise on energy metabolism of the oyster, Crassostrea gigas chronically exposed to elevated CO2 levels (partial pressure of CO2 in the seawater ~0.15 kPa, seawater pH ~ 7.7). Within one month of incubation at elevated PCO2 and 15 °C hemolymph pH fell (pHe = 7.1 ± 0.2 (CO2-group) vs. 7.6 ± 0.1 (control)) and PeCO2 values in hemolymph increased (0.5 ± 0.2 kPa (CO2-group) vs. 0.2 ± 0.04 kPa (control)). Slightly but significantly elevated bicarbonate concentrations in the hemolymph of CO2-incubated oysters ([HCO-3]e = 1.8 ± 0.3 mM (CO2-group) vs. 1.3 ± 0.1 mM (control)) indicate only minimal regulation of extracellular acid-base status. At the acclimation temperature of 15 °C the OA-induced decrease in pHe did not lead to metabolic depression in oysters as standard metabolism rates (SMR) of CO2-exposed oysters were similar to controls. Upon acute warming SMR rose in both groups, but displayed a stronger increase in the CO2-incubated group. Investigation in isolated gill cells revealed a similar temperature-dependence of respiration between groups. Furthermore, the fraction of cellular energy demand for ion regulation via Na+/K+-ATPase was not affected by chronic hypercapnia or temperature. Metabolic profiling using 1H-NMR spectroscopy revealed substantial changes in some tissues following OA exposure at 15 °C. In mantle tissue alanine and ATP levels decreased significantly whereas an increase in succinate levels was observed in gill tissue. These findings suggest shifts in metabolic pathways following OA-exposure. Our study confirms that OA affects energy metabolism in oysters and suggests that climate change may affect populations of sessile coastal invertebrates such as mollusks
Permafrost-related processes drive regional landscape dynamics in the Arctic terrestrial system. A better understanding of past periods indicative of permafrost degradation and aggradation is important for predicting the future response of Arctic landscapes to climate change. Here, we used a multi-proxy approach to analyze a ~4 m long sediment core from a drained thermokarst lake basin on the northern Seward Peninsula in western Arctic Alaska (USA). Sedimentological, biogeochemistical, geochronological, micropaleontological (ostracoda, testate amoeba) and tephra analyses were used to determine the long-term environmental Early-Wisconsin to Holocene history preserved in our core for Central Beringia. Yedoma accumulation dominated throughout the Early to Late-Wisconsin but was interrupted by wetland formation from 44.5 to 41.5 ka BP. The latter was terminated by deposition of 1 m of volcanic tephra, most likely originating from the South Killeak Maar eruption at about 42 ka BP. Yedoma deposition continued until 22.5 ka BP and was followed by a depositional hiatus in the sediment core between 22.5 and 0.23 ka BP. We interpret this hiatus as due to intense thermokarst activity in the areas surrounding the site, which served as a sediment source during the Late-Wisconsin to Holocene climate transition. The lake forming the modern basin on the upland initiated around 0.23 ka BP, which drained catastrophically in spring 2005. The present study emphasizes that Arctic lake systems and periglacial landscapes are highly dynamic and permafrost formation as well as degradation in Central Beringia was controlled by regional to global climate patterns and as well as by local disturbances.
Due to their low metabolism and apparent poor ion regulation ability, sea urchins could be particularly sensitive to ocean acidification resulting from increased dissolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Therefore, we evaluated the acid-base regulation ability of the coral reef sea urchin Echinometra mathaei and the impact of decreased pH on its growth and respiration activity. The study was conducted in two identical artificial reef mesocosms during seven weeks. Experimental tanks were maintained respectively at mean pHT 7.7 and 8.05 (with field-like night and day variations). The major physico-chemical parameters were identical, only pCO2 and pHT differed. Results indicate that E. mathaei can regulate the pH of its coelomic fluid in the considered range of pH, allowing a sustainable growth and ensuring an unaffected respiratory metabolism, at least at short term.
The relative contribution of soft bottoms to the community metabolism (primary production, respiration and net calcification) of a barrier reef flat has been investigated at Moorea (French Polynesia). Community metabolism of the sedimentary area was estimated using in situ incubations in perspex chambers, and compared with estimates of community metabolism of the whole reef flat obtained using a Lagrangian technique (Gattuso et al., 1996. Carbon flux in coral reefs. 1. Lagrangian measurement of community metabolism and resulting air-sea CO2 disequilibrium. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 145, 109-121). Net organic carbon production (E), respiration (R) and net calcification (G) of sediments were measured by seven incubations performed in triplicate at different irradiance. Respiration and environmental parameters were also measured at four randomly selected additional stations. A model of Photosynthesis-irradiance allowed to calculate oxygen (O2), organic carbon (CO2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) evolution from surface irradiance during a diel cycle. As chlorophyll a content of the sediment was not significantly different between stations, primary production of the sediment was considered as homogeneous for the whole lagoon. Thus, carbon production at the test station can be modelled from surface light irradiance. The modelled respiration was two times higher at the test station than the mean respiration of the barrier reef, and thus underestimated sediment contribution to excess production. Sediments cover 40-60% of the surface and accounted for 2.8-4.1% of organic carbon excess production estimated with the modelled R and 21-32% when mean R value was considered. The sedimentary CaCO3 budget was a very minor component of the whole reef budget.
Ocean acidification (OA), caused by the dissolution of increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, is projected to cause significant changes to marine ecology and biogeochemistry. Potential impacts on the microbially driven cycling of nitrogen are of particular concern. Specifically, under seawater pH levels approximating future OA scenarios, rates of ammonia oxidation (the rate-limiting first step of the nitrification pathway) have been shown to dramatically decrease in seawater, but not in underlying sediments. However, no prior study has considered the interactive effects of microbial ammonia oxidation and macrofaunal bioturbation activity, which can enhance nitrogen transformation rates. Using experimental mesocosms, we investigated the responses to OA of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms inhabiting surface sediments and sediments within burrow walls of the mud shrimp Upogebia deltaura. Seawater was acidified to one of four target pH values (pHT 7.90, 7.70, 7.35 and 6.80) in comparison with a control (pHT 8.10). At pHT 8.10, ammonia oxidation rates in burrow wall sediments were, on average, fivefold greater than in surface sediments. However, at all acidified pH values (pH < = 7.90), ammonia oxidation rates in burrow sediments were significantly inhibited (by 79-97%; p < 0.01), whereas rates in surface sediments were unaffected. Both bacterial and archaeal abundances increased significantly as pHT declined; by contrast, relative abundances of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation (amoA) genes did not vary. This research suggests that OA could cause substantial reductions in total benthic ammonia oxidation rates in coastal bioturbated sediments, leading to corresponding changes in coupled nitrogen cycling between the benthic and pelagic realms.
The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE I.
The severity of the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 to coral reef ecosystems depends, in part, on how seawater pCO2 affects the balance between calcification and dissolution of carbonate sediments. Presently, there are insufficient published data that relate concentrations of pCO2 and CO3 to in situ rates of reef calcification in natural settings to accurately predict the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on calcification and dissolution processes. Rates of net calcification and dissolution, CO3 concentrations, and pCO2 were measured, in situ, on patch reefs, bare sand, and coral rubble on the Molokai reef flat in Hawaii. Rates of calcification ranged from 0.03 to 2.30 mmol CaCO3 m**-2 h**-1 and dissolution ranged from -0.05 to -3.3 mmol CaCO3 m**-2 h**-1. Calcification and dissolution varied diurnally with net calcification primarily occurring during the day and net dissolution occurring at night. These data were used to calculate threshold values for pCO2 and CO3 at which rates of calcification and dissolution are equivalent. Results indicate that calcification and dissolution are linearly correlated with both CO3 and pCO2. Threshold pCO2 and CO3 values for individual substrate types showed considerable variation. The average pCO2 threshold value for all substrate types was 654±195 µatm and ranged from 467 to 1003 µatm. The average CO3 threshold value was 152±24 µmol/kg, ranging from 113 to 184 µmol/kg. Ambient seawater measurements of pCO2 and CO3 indicate that CO3 and pCO2 threshold values for all substrate types were both exceeded, simultaneously, 13% of the time at present day atmospheric pCO2 concentrations. It is predicted that atmospheric pCO2 will exceed the average pCO2 threshold value for calcification and dissolution on the Molokai reef flat by the year 2100.
The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE II.
Ocean acidification influences sediment/water nitrogen fluxes, possibly by impacting on the microbial process of ammonia oxidation. To investigate this further, undisturbed sediment cores collected from Ny Alesund harbour (Svalbard) were incubated with seawater adjusted to CO2 concentrations of 380, 540, 760, 1,120 and 3,000 µatm. DNA and RNA were extracted from the sediment surface after 14 days' exposure and the abundance of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidising (amoA) genes and transcripts quantified using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. While there was no change to the abundance of bacterial amoA genes, an increase to 760 µatm pCO2 reduced the abundance of bacterial amoA transcripts by 65 %, and this was accompanied by a shift in the composition of the active community. In contrast, archaeal amoA gene and transcript abundance both doubled at 3,000 µatm, with an increase in species richness also apparent. This suggests that ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in marine sediments have different pH optima, and the impact of elevated CO2 on N cycling may be dependent on the relative abundances of these two major microbial groups. Further evidence of a shift in the balance of key N cycling groups was also evident: the abundance of nirS-type denitrifier transcripts decreased alongside bacterial amoA transcripts, indicating that NO3 ? produced by bacterial nitrification fuelled denitrification. An increase in the abundance of Planctomycete-specific 16S rRNA, the vast majority of which grouped with known anammox bacteria, was also apparent at 3,000 µatm pCO2. This could indicate a possible shift from coupled nitrification-denitrification to anammox activity at elevated CO2.
The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE III.
A selective chemical photosynthesis inhibitor, DCMU (Dichorophenyl-dimethylurea), dissolved in DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) was substituted for the dark incubation method commonly used to measure the oxygen consumption in metabolic and primary production studies. We compared oxygen fluxes during light incubations with DCMU and dark incubations procedure, on soft bottom benthos. For this purpose, we studied the effects of different DCMU concentrations. A concentration of 5 · 10-5 mol l-1 inside a clear incubation enclosure completely inhibits photosynthesis without affecting the metabolism of soft bottom benthos.
To assess the contribution of soft-bottoms to the carbon cycle in coral reefs, the net community production (p) was measured in winter at 3 stations on La Saline inner reef flat (Reunion Island). Changes in pH and total alkalinity at different irradiances (I) were assessed using benthic chambers (0.2 m2) during a 1-h incubation. Mean grain size, the silt and clay load and chlorophyll a content of the sediments were analysed in each chamber. Daily community production (P), gross community production (Pg) and community respiration (R) were estimated from p-I curves and daily irradiance variations (PAR, 400-700 nm). Sediment characteristics and chlorophyll a contents did not differ between the three sites, except for the silt and clay fraction at one station. R being higher than Pg (84.88 ± 7.36 and -62.29 ± 3.34 mmolC m-2 d-1 respectively), P value reached 22.59 ± 5.66 mmolC m-2 d-1. The sediments were therefore heterotrophic with a mean Pg/R lower than 1 (0.74 ± 0.05) and appear to be a carbon source. Our data suggested the importance of the degradation process in the functioning of near-reef sediments.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen fluxes were measured in 0.2 m2 enclosures placed at the water sediment interface in the SW lagoon of New Caledonia. Experiments, performed at several stations in a wide range of environments, were carried out both in darkness to estimate respiration and at ambient light, to assess the effects of primary production. The community respiratory quotient (CRQ = CO2 production rate/02 consumption rate) and the community photosynthetic quotient (CPQ= gross O2 production rate/gross CO2 consumption rate) were calculated by functional regressions. The CRQ value, calculated from 61 incubations, was 1.14 (S.E. 0.05) and the CPQ value, obtained from 18 incubations, was 1.03 (S.E. 0.08). The linearity of the relationship between the O2 and the CO2 fluxes suggests that these values are representative for the whole lagoon