150 resultados para Buried pipes
We measured oxygen-isotope compositions of 16 siliceous rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 463, 464, 465, and 466 (Leg 62). Samples are from deposits that range in age from about 40 to 103 m.y. and that occur at sub-bottom depths of 9 to 461 meters. Mean d18O values range from 28.4 to 36.8 per mil and 36.0 ± 0.3 per mil for quartz-rich and opal-CTrich rocks, respectively. d18O values in chert decrease with increasing sub-bottom depth; the slope of the d18O/depth curve is less steep for Site 464 than for the other sites which indicates that chert at Site 464 formed at higher temperatures than chert at Sites 463, 465, and 466. Temperatures of formation of cherts were 7 to 42°C, using the silica-water fractionation factor of Knauth and Epstein (1976), or 19 to 56°C, using the equation of Clayton et al. (1972). Temperatures in the sediment where the cherts now occur are lower than their isotopically determined temperatures of formation, which means that the cherts record an earlier history when temperatures in the sediment section were greater. Estimated sediment temperatures when the cherts formed are comparable to, but generally slightly lower than, those calculated from Knauth and Epstein's equation. The isotopic composition of cherts is more closely related to environment of formation (diagenetic environment) or paleogeothermal gradients, than to paleoclimates (bottom-water temperatures). Opal-CT-rich rocks may better record paleo-bottom-water temperature. In Leg 62 cherts, better crystallinity of quartz corresponds to lower d18O values; this implies progressively higher temperatures of equilibration between quartz and water during maturation of quartz. The interrelationship of d18O and crystallinity is noted also in continental-margin deposits such as the Monterey Formation - but for higher temperatures. The apparent temperature difference between open-ocean and continental-margin deposits can be explained by the dominant control of temperature on silica transformation in the rapidly deposited continental-margin deposits, whereas time, as well as temperature, has a strong influence on the transformations in open-ocean deposits. Comparisons between the chemistry and d18O values of cherts reveal two apparent trends: both boron and SiO2 increase as d18O increases. However, the correspondence between SiO2 and d18O is only apparent, because the two cherts lowest in SiO2 are also the most deeply buried, so the trend actually reflects depth of burial. The correspondence between boron and d18O supports the conclusion that boron is incorporated in the quartz crystal structure during precipitation
Marine biological productivity has been invoked as a possible climate driver during the early Paleogene through its potential influence on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. However, the relationship of export productivity (the flux of organic carbon (C) from the surface ocean to the deep ocean) to organic C burial flux (the flux of organic C from the deep ocean that is buried in marine sediments) is not well understood. We examine the various components involved with atmosphere-to-ocean C transfer by reconstructing early Paleogene carbonate and silica production (using carbonate and silica mass accumulation rates (MARs)); export productivity (using biogenic barium (bio-Ba) MARs); organic C burial flux (using reactive phosphorus (P) MARs); redox conditions (using uranium and manganese contents); and the fraction of organic C buried relative to export productivity (using reactive P to bio-Ba ratios). Our investigations concentrate on Paleocene/Eocene sections of Sites 689/690 from Maud Rise and Site 738 from Kerguelen Plateau. In both regions, export productivity, organic C burial flux, and the fraction of organic C buried relative to export productivity decreased from the Paleocene/early Eocene to the middle Eocene. A shift is indicated from an early Paleogene two-gyre circulation in which nutrients were not efficiently recycled to the surface via upwelling in these regions, to a circulation more like the present day with efficient recycling of nutrients to the surface ocean. Export productivity was enhanced for Kerguelen Plateau relative to Maud Rise throughout the early Paleogene, possibly due to internal waves generated by the plateau regardless of gyre circulation.
We have determined (1) the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite, monosulphide, elemental sulphur, organically bound sulphur, and dissolved sulphide; (2) the partition of ferric and ferrous iron; (3) the organic carbon contents of sediments recovered at two sites drilled on the Peru Margin during Leg 112 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sediments at both sites are characterised by high levels of organically bound sulphur (OBS). OBS comprises up to 50% of total sedimentary sulphur and up to 1% of bulk sediment. The weight ratio of S to C in organic matter varies from 0.03 to 0.15 (mean = 0.10). Such ratios are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried petroleum source rocks of the Monterey and Sisquoc formations in California. The sulphur content of organic matter is not limited by the availability of porewater sulphide. Isotopic data suggest that sulphur is incorporated into organic matter within a metre of the sediment surface, at least partly by reaction with polysulphides. Most inorganic Sulphur occurs as pyrite. Pyrite formation occurred within surface sediments and was limited by the availability of reactive iron. But despite highly reducing sulphidic conditions, only 35-65% of the total iron was converted to sulphide; 10-30% of the total iron still occurs as Fe(III). In surface sediments, the isotopic composition of pyrite is similar to that of both iron monosulphide and dissolved sulphide. Either pyrite, like monosulphide, formed by direct reaction between dissolved sulphide and detrital iron, and/or the sulphur species responsible for converting FeS to FeS2 is isotopically similar to dissolved sulphide. Likely stoichiometries for the reaction between ferric iron and excess sulphide imply a maximum resulting FeS2:FeS ratio of 1:1. Where pyrite dominates the pool of iron sulphides, at least some pyrite must have formed by reaction between monosulphide and elemental sulphur and/or polysulphide. Elemental sulphur (S°) is most abundant in surface sediments and probably formed by oxidation of sulphide diffusing across the sediment-water interface. In surface sediments, S° is isotopically heavier than dissolved sulphide, FeS and FeS2 and is unlikely to have been involved in the conversion of FeS to FeS2. Polysulphides are thus implicated as the link between FeS and FeS2.
Relict sand wedges are ubiquitous in southern Patagonia. At six sites we conducted detailed investigations of stratigraphy, soils, and wedge frequency and characteristics. Some sections contain four or more buried horizons with casts. The cryogenic features are dominantly relict sand wedges with an average depth, maximum apparent width, minimum apparent width, and H/W of 78, 39, 3.8, and 2.9 cm, respectively. The host materials are fine-textured (silt loam, silty clay loam, clay loam) till and the infillings are aeolian sand. The soils are primarily Calciargidic Argixerolls that bear a legacy of climate change. Whereas the sand wedges formed during very cold (-4 to -8 °C or colder) and dry (ca. <=100 mm precipitation/yr) glacial periods, petrocalcic horizons from calcium carbonate contributed by dustfall formed during warmer (7 °C or warmer) and moister (>= 250 mm/yr) interglacial periods. The paleo-argillic (Bt) horizons reflect unusually moist interglacial events where the mean annual precipitation may have been 400 mm/yr. Permafrost was nearly continuous in southern Patagonia during the Illinoian glacial stage (ca. 200 ka), the early to mid-Pleistocene (ca. 800-500 ka), and on two occasions during the early Pleistocene (ca. 1.0-1.1 Ma).
The Holocene Twin Slides form the most recent of recurrent mass wasting events along the NE portion of Gela Basin within the Sicily Channel, central Mediterranean Sea. Here, we present new evidence on the morphological evolution and stratigraphic context of this coeval slide complex based on deepdrilled sediment sequences providing a >100 ka paleo-oceanographic record. Both Northern (NTS) and Southern Twin Slide (STS) involve two failure stages, a debris avalanche and a translational slide, but are strongly affected by distinct preconditioning factors linked to the older and buried Father Slide. Core-acoustic correlations suggest that sliding occurred along sub-horizontal weak layers reflecting abrupt physical changes in lithology or mechanical properties. Our results show further that headwall failure predominantly took place along sub-vertical normal faults, partly through reactivation of buried Father Slide headscarps.