Contents, partition, and isotopic composition of sulphur in sediments from ODP Sites 680 and 686

Autoria(s): Mossmann, Jean-Remi; Aplin, Andrew C; Curtis, Charles D; Coleman, Max L

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -12.272580 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -77.484665 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -13.480160 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -78.077830 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -11.065000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -76.891500 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-11-05T07:15:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1986-12-04T00:30:00




We have determined (1) the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite, monosulphide, elemental sulphur, organically bound sulphur, and dissolved sulphide; (2) the partition of ferric and ferrous iron; (3) the organic carbon contents of sediments recovered at two sites drilled on the Peru Margin during Leg 112 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sediments at both sites are characterised by high levels of organically bound sulphur (OBS). OBS comprises up to 50% of total sedimentary sulphur and up to 1% of bulk sediment. The weight ratio of S to C in organic matter varies from 0.03 to 0.15 (mean = 0.10). Such ratios are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried petroleum source rocks of the Monterey and Sisquoc formations in California. The sulphur content of organic matter is not limited by the availability of porewater sulphide. Isotopic data suggest that sulphur is incorporated into organic matter within a metre of the sediment surface, at least partly by reaction with polysulphides. Most inorganic Sulphur occurs as pyrite. Pyrite formation occurred within surface sediments and was limited by the availability of reactive iron. But despite highly reducing sulphidic conditions, only 35-65% of the total iron was converted to sulphide; 10-30% of the total iron still occurs as Fe(III). In surface sediments, the isotopic composition of pyrite is similar to that of both iron monosulphide and dissolved sulphide. Either pyrite, like monosulphide, formed by direct reaction between dissolved sulphide and detrital iron, and/or the sulphur species responsible for converting FeS to FeS2 is isotopically similar to dissolved sulphide. Likely stoichiometries for the reaction between ferric iron and excess sulphide imply a maximum resulting FeS2:FeS ratio of 1:1. Where pyrite dominates the pool of iron sulphides, at least some pyrite must have formed by reaction between monosulphide and elemental sulphur and/or polysulphide. Elemental sulphur (S°) is most abundant in surface sediments and probably formed by oxidation of sulphide diffusing across the sediment-water interface. In surface sediments, S° is isotopically heavier than dissolved sulphide, FeS and FeS2 and is unlikely to have been involved in the conversion of FeS to FeS2. Polysulphides are thus implicated as the link between FeS and FeS2.


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Supplement to: Mossmann, Jean-Remi; Aplin, Andrew C; Curtis, Charles D; Coleman, Max L (1991): Geochemistry of inorganic and organic sulphur in organic-rich sediments from the Peru margin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 55(12), 3581-3595, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(91)90057-C

Palavras-Chave #[SO4]2-; 112-680A; 112-680B; 112-680C; 112-686B; 6N HCl + 20% SnCl2 soluble iron; Calculated; Carbon, organic, total; d34S; d34S H2S; d34S Py; d34S S°; delta 34S; delta 34S, elemental; delta 34S, pyrite; delta 34S, sulphide; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Event; Fe; Fe(III); Fe Py; Iron; Iron III, ferric iron; Iron of pyrite; iron sulphides soluble in cold 6N HCl + 20% SnCl2; Joides Resolution; Leg112; Mass spectrometer VG Micromass 903; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of iron sulphides soluble in cold 6N HCl + 20% SnCl2; of organic S; Pyritization; S°; S2-; Sample code/label; S org; South Pacific Ocean; S Py; Sulph; Sulphate; Sulphide; Sulphides; Sulphur, elemental; Sulphur, organic; Sulphur, total; Sulphurisation; Sulphur of pyrite; TOC; total; TS; Wet chemistry; X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
