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In northeastern Siberia, Russia, a 1.2 m sediment core was retrieved and radiocarbon dated from a small and shallow lake located at the western side of the lower Lena River (N 69°24', E 123°50', 81 m a.s.l.). The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental variability and to infer major palaeoclimate trends that have occurred since ~ 13.3 cal. kyrs BP. We analysed the diatom assemblages, sedimentology (grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN)), and the elemental and mineralogical composition using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) of the sediment core. Our results show parallel changes in the diatom species composition and sediment characteristics. Enhanced minerogenic sediment input and the occurrence of pyrite is indicative of a cold period between ~ 12.7-11.6 cal. kyrs BP. The diatom data enable a qualitative inference about the local ecological conditions to be made, and reveal an oligotrophic lake system with alkaline and cold conditions during the earliest Holocene. Moderately warmer climates are inferred for the period from ~ 9.1 to 5.7 cal. kyrs BP. The major shift in the diatom assemblage, from dominance of small benthic fragilarioid taxa to a more complex diatom flora with an influx of several achnanthoid and naviculoid diatom species, occurred after a transitional period of about 1400 years (7.1 to 5.7 cal. kyrs BP) at ~ 5.7 cal. kyrs BP, indicating a circumneutral and warmer hydrological regime during the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM). Diatom valve concentrations declined starting ~ 2.8 cal. kyrs BP, but have been rising again since less than or equalt to 600 cal. years BP. This has occurred in parallel to the increased presence of acidophilous diatom taxa (e.g. Eunotia spp.) and decreased presence of small benthic fragilarioid species in the most recent sediments, which is interpreted as the result of neoglacial cooling and subsequent recent climate warming. Our findings are compared to other lake-inferred climate reconstructions along the Lena River. We conclude that the timing and spatial variability of the HTM in the lower Lena River area reveal a temporal delay from north to south.
The transition from the last Glacial to the current Interglacial, the Holocene, represents an important period with climatic and environmental changes impacting ecosystems. In this study, we examined the interplay between the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon (IOSM) and the Westerlies at lake Nam Co, southern Tibet to understand the climatic effects on the ecosystem. Different organic geochemical proxies (n-alkanes, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, dD, d13Corg, d15N) are applied to reconstruct the environmental and hydrological changes on one of the longest available paleorecords at the Tibetan Plateau. Based on our paleohydrological dD proxies, the aquatic signal lags the terrestrial one due to specific ecological thresholds, which, in addition to climatic changes, can influence aquatic organisms. The aquatic organisms' response strongly depends on temperature and associated lake size, as well as pH and nutrient availability. Because the terrestrial vegetation reacts faster and more sensitively to changes in the monsoonal and climatic system, the dD of n-C29 and the reconstructed inflow water signal represent an appropriate IOSM proxy. In general, the interplay of the different air masses seems to be primarily controlled by solar insolation. In the Holocene, the high insolation generates a large land-ocean pressure gradient associated with strong monsoonal winds and the strongest IOSM. In the last glacial period, however, the weak insolation promoted the Westerlies, thereby increasing their influence at the Tibetan Plateau. Our results help to elucidate the variable IOSM, and they illustrate a remarkable shift in the lake system regarding pH, d13Corg and d15N from the last glacial to the Holocene interglacial period.
Stable d13C and d15N isotopes, diet and parasites demonstrated that the prey consumed by ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius in a small lake on Baffin Island changed during the summer and also revealed intraspecific variation in their ecological niche. In July, there were differences in the diets of male and female ninespine stickleback as indicated by the stable isotopes, differences corroborated by the data on diet composition and the parasite fauna. Differences suggested that the sexes occupied different habitats during spawning. During July, females utilise the shallower littoral areas consuming zooplankton and benthic organisms, while males occupy deeper areas of the littoral zone feeding mainly on pelagic zooplankton. Parasite data support these observations as males had higher infections of copepod-transmitted parasites than females. There appeared to be no segregation of resources between males and females in late August, although the diet of both male and female ninespine stickleback shifted towards more benthic organisms, compared with July. Differences in d13C isotope, diet composition and infections of co-occurring parasites demonstrated that sympatric ninespine stickleback and Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus captured in the littoral zone occupied separate niches. Ninespine stickleback preyed mainly on zooplankton and chironomids, while Arctic char consumed a greater variety of prey items, including zooplankton and larger-sized prey such as insects and ninespine stickleback. The multifaceted approach improved our understanding of the trophic ecology of ninespine stickleback in southern Baffin Island and quantified resource use and dietary overlap with Arctic char.
Die Sandergebiete sind von 5 Zentren her geschüttet, den Gletschertoren bei Flensburg, Frörup/Översee, Idstedt/Lürschau, Schleswig, Owschlag. Die Körnung der Schmelzwassersande nimmt mit zunehmender Entfernung von den Gletschertoren zunächst schnell, von Medianwerten über 1 mm auf Medianwerte um 0,4 mm in 10 km, dann langsam bis auf Medianwerte unter 0,2 mm in 30 km Entfernung ab. Sortierung und Symmetrie der Sande steigen entsprechend. Aus den Kornverteilungen lassen sich die Fließgeschwindigkeiten bei der Ablagerung ablesen. Sie sind geringer gewesen, als es die mächtigen und verbreiteten Akkumulationen erscheinen lassen. Bereits in 6 km Entfernung vom Eisrand flossen die Schmelzwässer als träge Bäche (0,3 m/sec) ab. In den Gletschertoren traten stoßweise extreme Fließgeschwindigkeiten auf, waren aber nur in geringem Maße am Gesamtaufbau der Sander beteiligt. Die Verbreitung der Würmsande paßt sich den Formen einer älteren Landschaft an. Sie läßt sich im behandelten Gebiet mit Hilfe der Schwermineralanalyse deutlich gegenüber den rißzeitlichen Ablagerungen abgrenzen, da die Verteilungen in den verschiedenaltrigen Sedimenten unterschiedlich sind. Vor Allem das Hornblende/Epidotverhältnis (Hornblendezahl nach STEINERT) ist ein gutes Kriterium. Da rißzeitliche Ablagerungen von den Schmelzwässern aufgearbeitet wurden, und zudem die Hornblenden im Laufe des Transportes stark abrollen, verwischen sich die Unterschiede in weiter Entfernung vom Eisrand. Schmelzwassersande der Würmvereisung sind vor Allem im Norden des Arbeitsgebietes weit nach Westen, bis an die nordfriesischen Inseln, geschüttet worden. Die Schmelzwässer benutzten als Durchlässe zu den Senken des Eemmeeres an der Westküste Täler in rißzeitlichen Hochgebieten. Die Wassermengen wurden hier gebündelt, sodaß sich auf den Eemablagerungen im Anschluß an die Durchlässe "Sekundärsander" ausbreiteten. Die Mächtigkeit der anstehenden Würm-Sandergebiete beträgt bis zu 20 m, meistens zwischen 10 und 15 m. An der Westküste sind die Schmelzwasserablagerungen von marinem Alluvium überdeckt. Teile der morphographisch als junge Sanderebenen erscheinenden Gebiete bestehen in Wirklichkeit aus rißzeitlichen, von jungen Schmelzwässern allenfalls oberflächlich umgearbeiteten Ablagerungen der älteren Vereisung. So ist der westliche und südwestliche Teil des Schleisanders schon während der Rißvereisung aufgeschüttet.