Paleoclimate investiations on sediment core PG1984 from Lake Sysy-Kyuele, northern Siberia

Autoria(s): Biskaborn, Boris Kolumban; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Yu; Savelieva, Larissa A; Diekmann, Bernhard

LATITUDE: 69.404850 * LONGITUDE: 123.827920 * DATE/TIME START: 2009-08-07T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2009-08-07T00:00:00




In northeastern Siberia, Russia, a 1.2 m sediment core was retrieved and radiocarbon dated from a small and shallow lake located at the western side of the lower Lena River (N 69°24', E 123°50', 81 m a.s.l.). The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental variability and to infer major palaeoclimate trends that have occurred since ~ 13.3 cal. kyrs BP. We analysed the diatom assemblages, sedimentology (grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN)), and the elemental and mineralogical composition using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) of the sediment core. Our results show parallel changes in the diatom species composition and sediment characteristics. Enhanced minerogenic sediment input and the occurrence of pyrite is indicative of a cold period between ~ 12.7-11.6 cal. kyrs BP. The diatom data enable a qualitative inference about the local ecological conditions to be made, and reveal an oligotrophic lake system with alkaline and cold conditions during the earliest Holocene. Moderately warmer climates are inferred for the period from ~ 9.1 to 5.7 cal. kyrs BP. The major shift in the diatom assemblage, from dominance of small benthic fragilarioid taxa to a more complex diatom flora with an influx of several achnanthoid and naviculoid diatom species, occurred after a transitional period of about 1400 years (7.1 to 5.7 cal. kyrs BP) at ~ 5.7 cal. kyrs BP, indicating a circumneutral and warmer hydrological regime during the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM). Diatom valve concentrations declined starting ~ 2.8 cal. kyrs BP, but have been rising again since less than or equalt to 600 cal. years BP. This has occurred in parallel to the increased presence of acidophilous diatom taxa (e.g. Eunotia spp.) and decreased presence of small benthic fragilarioid species in the most recent sediments, which is interpreted as the result of neoglacial cooling and subsequent recent climate warming. Our findings are compared to other lake-inferred climate reconstructions along the Lena River. We conclude that the timing and spatial variability of the HTM in the lower Lena River area reveal a temporal delay from north to south.


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Supplement to: Biskaborn, Boris Kolumban; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Yu; Savelieva, Larissa A; Diekmann, Bernhard (2012): Environmental variability in northeastern Siberia during the last ~13300 yr inferred from lake diatoms and sediment-geochemical parameters. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 329-330, 22-36, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.02.003

Palavras-Chave #[HCO3]-; [PO4]3-; [SO4]2-; <2 µm, >9 phi; 09-TIK-13; A. lanceolatum; A. levanderi; A. minutissimum compl; A. subarctica compl; Achnanthes levanderi; Achnanthidium lanceolatum; Achnanthidium minutissimum complex; Age, 14C AMS; Age, dated; Age, dated, range, maximum; Age, dated, range, minimum; Age, dated material; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age dated max; Age dated min; Age std dev; Al; Al peak area; Aluminium; Aluminium (peak area); Aulacoseira subarctica complex; AWI_PerDyn; Ba; Barium; Beckman Coulter Laser diffraction particle size analyzer LS 200; Bicarbonate ion; BP; BP, modelled, 2 sigma-range; BP, modelled, median; Br-; Bromide; bSiO2; C. ocellata compl; C. silesiaca; Ca2+; Calcium; Calcium (peak area); Calcium oxide; Calculated; Calculated after Hill 1973; Calculated from weight/volume; Calendar years; Calendar years, 2 sigma-range; Cal yrs; CaO; Ca peak area; Carbon, inorganic, total; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total; Chloride; Chlorine (peak area); Chloritoid, Intensity; Chromium (peak area); Chrysophyte cysts/diatoms; Chrysophyte cysts/diatoms ratio; Cl-; Cld; Clinopyroxene, Intensity; Cl peak area; Cond; Conductivity; Counting, diatoms; Cpx; Cr peak area; Cyclotella ocellata complex; Cymbella silesiaca; Dated material; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth of Secchi Disk; Depth top; Depth water; Diatom plank; Diatom plank/sed; Diatoms, planktonic; Diatoms, planktonic per unit sediment mass; Disturbed by organic matter; DZ 1-4; DZ 4; E. incisa; E. minor; E. veneris; Element analyser CNS, Elementar Vario EL III; Element analyser CNS, elementar Vario MAX C; Eunotia incisa; Eunotia minor; Eunotia veneris; F-; Fe; Fe2O3; Fe peak area; Fluoride; form A; form B; G. attenuatum; G. parvulum; Goethite (Intensity, 4.18Å); Gomphonema parvulum; Gth I 4.18Å; Gyrosigma attenuatum; Hand push corer; HSR; IB; ICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry; Ill EI; Ill I 5Å; Illite (Intensity, 5Å); Illite (peak area); Illite 5Å/10Å Esquevin-index; Ill peak area; including Chlorite; Ion chromatography DX-300 (Dionex Corp.); Ionic balance; Iron; Iron (peak area); Iron oxide, Fe2O3; Jacobsite; Jacobsite, Intensity; K. laterostrata; K+; K2O; Kalifeldspar, Intensity; Kaolinite+Chlorite (Intensity, 7Å); Kerayevia laterostrata; Kfs; Kln+Chl I 7Å; K peak area; Label; Lake Sysy-Kyuele; Lena2009; Magnesium; Manganese (peak area); Manganese 2+; Manganese oxide; Mg2+; Mn2+; MnO; Mn peak area; N. cf. fennica; N. cf. submuralis; N. elorantana; N. radiosa compl; N2; Na+; Navicula cf. submuralis; Naviculadicta cf. fennica; Naviculadicta elorantana; Navicula radiosa complex; Nitrate; Nitrogen, total; NO3; Opal, biogenic silica; P; P. brevistriata; P. microstauron compl; PC1; PC2; Periglacial Dynamics @ AWI; PG1984; PG1984_WS; pH; Phosphate; Phosphorus; Phosphorus (peak area); Pinnularia microstauron complex; Pl; Plagioclase, Intensity; Plagioclase (peak area); Pl peak area; Potassium; Potassium (peak area); Potassium oxide; P peak area; Principal component analyses (PCA); Principle component 1; Principle component 2; Pseudostaurosira brevistriata; Py; Py peak area; Pyrite, Intensity; Pyrite (peak area); Quartz (Intensity, 4.26 Å); questionable; Qz I 4.26; R. pusillum; Rhodium (peak area); Rh peak area; Rossithidium pusillum; S; S. binodis; S. construens; S. hantzschii compl; S. pinnata; S. pupula; S. venter; Sample code/label; Sampling/drilling in lake; Sampling on land; Sand; Secchi disc; Sellaphora pupula; Shannon index of diversity, reciprocal; Si; SibLake; Silicon; Silicon (peak area); Silt; Si peak area; Size fraction < 0.002 mm, > 9 phi, clay; Smectite (Intensity, 17Å); Sme I. 17Å; Sodium; S peak area; Sr2+; St. phoenicenteron; Stauroneis phoenicenteron; Staurosira binodis; Staurosira construens; Staurosira venter; Staurosirella pinnata; Stephanodiscus hantzschii complex; Strontium; Sulfate; Sulfur, total; Sulfur (peak area); T. flocculosa compl; Tabellaria flocculosa complex; TC; TIC; Tiksi2009; TiO2; Ti peak area; Titanium (peak area); Titanium oxide; Titration potentiometric, 794 Basic Titrino (Metrohm); TN; TOC; unmodelled median; Water content of wet mass; Water sample; Water wm; WS; X-ray diffractometry (Philips PW1820); X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AWI; z(SD)
