443 resultados para Hydrothermal Alteration


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ODP Hole 801C penetrates >400 m into 170-Ma oceanic basement formed at a fast-spreading ridge. Most basalts are slightly (10-20%) recrystallized to saponite, calcite, minor celadonite and iron oxyhydroxides, and trace pyrite. Temperatures estimated from oxygen isotope data for secondary minerals are 5-100°C, increasing downward. At the earliest stage, dark celadonitic alteration halos formed along fractures and celadonite, and quartz and chalcedony formed in veins from low-temperature (<100°C) hydrothermal fluids. Iron oxyhydroxides subsequently formed in alteration halos along fractures where seawater circulated, and saponite and pyrite developed in the host rock and in zones of restricted seawater flow under more reducing conditions. Chemical changes include variably elevated K, Rb, Cs, and H2O; local increases in FeT, Ba, Th, and U; and local losses of Mg and Ni. Secondary carbonate veins have 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706337 - 0.707046, and a negative correlation with d18O results from seawater-basalt interaction. Carbonates could have formed at any time since the formation of Site 801 crust. Variable d13C values (-11.2? to 2.9?) reflect the incorporation of oxidized organic carbon from intercalated sediments and changes in the d13C of seawater over time. Compared to other oceanic basements, a major difference at Site 801 is the presence of two hydrothermal silica-iron deposits that formed from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids at the spreading axis. Basalts associated with these horizons are intensely altered (60-100%) to phyllosilicates, calcite, K-feldspar, and titanite; and exhibit large increases in K, Rb, Cs, Ba, H2O, and CO2, and losses of FeT, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, and Sr. These effects may be common in crust formed at fast-spreading rates, but are not ubiquitous. A second important difference is that the abundance of brown oxidation halos along fractures at Site 801 is an order of magnitude less than at some other sites (2% vs. 20-30%). Relatively smooth basement topography (<100 m) and high sedimentation rate (8 m/Ma) probably restricted the access of oxygenated seawater. Basement lithostratigraphy and early low-temperature hydrothermal alteration and mineral precipitation in fractures at the spreading axis controlled permeability and limited later flow of oxygenated seawater to restricted depth intervals.


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The conventional model of leaching volcanic rocks as a source of metals in a seafloor hydrothermal systems has been tested by examining the behavior of Pb and other trace elements during hydrothermal alteration. ODP Leg 193 drill sites 1188 (Snowcap) and 1189 (Roman Ruins) on Pual Ridge in the eastern Manus Basin offshore eastern Papua New Guinea provide a unique three-dimensional window into an active back-arc hydrothermal system. We investigate by means of a LA-ICP-MS microbeam technique the capacity of Pb to be leached from a host volcanic rock exposed to various types and intensities of alteration. Our results are in general agreement with previous studies that utilized bulk analytical techniques but provide a more detailed explanation of the processes. Fresh representative dacitic lavas from the Pual Ridge have an average whole rock Pb content of 5.2 ppm, an average interstitial glass Pb content of 5.6 ppm and an average plagioclase Pb content of 1.0 ppm. Altered matrix samples have highly variable Pb values ranging from 0 to 52.4 ppm. High Pb values in altered samples are associated with a low temperature chlorite and clay mineral assemblage, in some cases overprinted by a high temperature (up to 350°C) silica-rich "bleaching" alteration. Only the most highly altered matrix samples have REE patterns that differ from the fresh Pual Ridge dacite. This may represent either different lava histories or alteration characteristics that have affected normally immobile REEs. Altered samples with the highest Pb values have similar REE patterns to those of the local unaltered lavas. They are compositionally similar to typical Pual Ridge dacites indicating a genetic relationship between the main regional volcanic suite and the subseafloor hydrothermally altered, Pb-enriched material. Relative loss/gain for Pb between the analyzed altered samples and a calculated precursor show a maximum relative gain of 901%. Samples with relative Pb gain from both drill sites are associated with lower temperature alteration mineral assemblages characterized by pervasive chloritization. The related lower temperature (220-250°C) neutral to slightly acidic fluids have been ascribed by others to return circulation of hydrothermal fluids that did not interact with seawater. Because altered samples have a higher Pb content than the fresh precursor, leaching of fresh volcanic rocks cannot be the source of Pb in the hydrothermal systems.


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The mineralogy and stable (O and C) and Sr isotopic compositions of low-temperature alteration phases were determined in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks in order to understand the processes of low-temperature alteration in this uplifted block of lower oceanic crust. Phyllosilicates include smectite (saponite, Mg montmorillonite, and nontronite), chlorite/smectite, chlorite, talc, and serpentine. Other phases include prehnite, albite, K-feldspar, analcite, natrolite, thompsonite, pyrite, and titanite. The low-grade mineral assemblages mainly represent zeolite facies and lower-temperature "seafloor weathering" processes. Phyllosilicates formed over a range of temperatures but may also reflect variable reaction progress. Alteration temperatures were probably somewhat greater below 1300 meters below seafloor. Mineralogy and isotopic data indicate that conditions were mostly reducing and that seawater solutions were rock dominated. Carbonates formed late from cold and generally oxidizing seawater solution, however, as seawater penetrated downward as the result of fracturing and faulting in the uppermost portion of the uplifted crustal block.


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The Izu-Bonin forearc basement volcanic rocks recovered from Holes 792E and 793B show the same phenocrystic assemblage (i.e., plagioclase, two pyroxenes, and Fe-Ti oxides ±olivine), but they differ in the crystallization sequence and their phenocryst chemistry. All the igneous rocks have suffered low-grade hydrothermal alteration caused by interaction with seawater. As a result, only clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, and oxides have preserved their primary igneous compositions. The Neogene olivine-clinopyroxene diabasic intrusion (Unit II) recovered from Hole 793B differs from the basement basaltic andesites because it lacks Cr-spinels and contains abundant titanomagnetites (Usp38.5-46.4) and uncommon FeO-rich (FeO = 29%) spinels. It displays petrological and geochemical similarities to the Izu Arc volcanoes and, thus, can be considered as related to Izu-Bonin Arc magmatic activity. The titanomagnetites (Usp28.5-33) in the calc-alkaline andesitic fragments of the Oligocene volcaniclastic breccia in Hole 793B (Unit VI) represent an early crystallization phase. The Plagioclase phenocrysts enclosed in these rocks show oscillatory zoning and are less Ca-rich (An78.6-67.8) than the plagioclase phenocrysts of the diabase sill and the basement basaltic andesites. Their clinopyroxenes are Fe-rich augites (Fs ? 19.4; FeO = 12%) and thus, differ significantly from the clinopyroxenes of the Hole 793B arc-tholeiitic igneous rocks. The 30-32 Ma porphyritic, two-pyroxene andesites recovered from Hole 792E are very similar to the andesitic clasts of the Neogene breccia recovered in Hole 793B (Unit VI). Both rocks have the same crystallization sequence, and similar chemistry of the Fe-Ti oxides, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases: that is, Ti-rich (Usp25.5-30.4) magnetites, Fe-rich augites, and intensely oscillatory zoned plagioclases with bytownitic cores (An86-63) and labradorite rims (An73-68). They display a calc-alkaline differentiation trend (Taylor et al., this volume). So, the basement highly porphyritic andesites recovered at Hole 792E, and the Hole 793B andesitic clasts of Unit VI show the same petrological and geochemical characteristics, which are that of calc-alkaline suites. These Oligocene volcanic rocks represent likely the remnants of the Izu-Bonin normal arc magmatic activity, before the forearc rifting and extension. The crystallization sequence in the basaltic andesites recovered from Hole 793B is olivine-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-Fe-Ti oxides, indicating a tholeiitic differentiation trend for these volcanic rocks. Type i is an olivine-and Cr-spinel bearing basaltic andesite whereas Type ii is a porphyritic pyroxene-rich basaltic andesite. The porphyritic plagioclase-rich basaltic andesite (Type iii) is similar, in most respects, to Type ii lavas but contains plagioclase phenocrysts. The last, and least common lava is an aphyric to sparsely phyric andesite (Type iv). Cr-spinels, included either in the olivine pseudomorphs of Type i lavas or in the groundmass of Type ii lavas, are Cr-rich and Mg-rich. In contrast, Cr-spinels included in clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes (Types i and ii lavas) show lower Cr* and Mg* ratios and higher aluminium contents. Orthopyroxenes from all rock types are Mg-rich enstatites. Clinopyroxenes display endiopsidic to augitic compositions and are TiO2 and Al2O3 depleted. All the crystals exhibit strong zoning patterns, usually normal, although, reverse zoning patterns are not uncommon. The plagioclases show compositions within the range of An90-64. The Fe-Ti oxides of the groundmass are TiO2-poor (Usp16-17). The Hole 793B basaltic andesites show, like the Site 458 bronzites from the Mariana forearc, intermediate features between arc tholeiites and boninites: (1) Cr-spinel in olivine, (2) presence of Mg-rich bronzite, Ca-Mg-rich clinopyroxenes, and Ca-plagioclase phenocrysts, and (3) transitional trace element depletion and epsioln-Nd ratios between arc tholeiites and boninites. Thus, the forearc magmatism of the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arcs, linked to rifting and extension, is represented by a depleted tholeiitic suite that displays boninitic affinities.


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The compositions, mineralogies, and textures of gabbros recovered in polymict breccias in Hole 453 indicate that they are the cumulus assemblages of calc-alkalic crystal fractional on that occurred beneath the West Mariana Ridge. They are among a class of gabbros known only from other calc-alkalic associations (e.g., the Lesser Antilles and the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Southern California) and differ from gabbros of stratiform complexes, ophiolites, and the ocean crust. Particularly abundant in the Hole 453 breccias are olivine-bearing gabbros with extremely calcic Plagioclase (An94-97) but with fairly iron-rich olivines (Fo76-77). Other gabbros contain biotite and amphibole and occur in breccias with fairly high-grade greenschist facies (amphibole-chlorite-stilpnomelane) metabasalts. One unusual gabbro has experienced almost complete subsolidus recrystallization to an assemblage of aluminous magnesio-hornblende, anorthite, and green hercynitic spinel. This reaction, the extremely calcic Plagioclase, the occurrence of biotite and amphibole, and the association with greenschist facies metamorphic rocks suggest that crystallization of the gabbros occurred at elevated P(H2O). Comparisons with other calc-alkalic gabbro suites suggest pressures in excess of 4 kbar (about 12 km depth). The gabbros were exposed by the early stages of opening of the Mariana Trough and imply that considerable uplift may have attended rifting. They were also subjected to hydrothermal alteration after breccia formation, resulting in formation of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and prehnite. Temperatures of at least 200°C - and probably 350°C - were reached, and most likely could not have been attained without extrusion or intrusion of magmas nearby, even though no such rocks were cored.


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Replacement minerals in olivine record the evolution of hydrothermal alteration between 1600 and 2000 mbsf in the sheeted dike complex in Hole 504B. 1. Talc (+ magnetite) rim on olivine represents the earliest alteration. Talc probably crystallized during initial cooling of the dikes. 2. The partial breakdown of talc to "deweylite", a chaotic mixture of serpentine and Al-free stevensite, was facilitated by further cooling and a somewhat increased fluid:rock interaction in the dikes. 3. The presence of chlorite veins and the replacement of unaltered olivine cores, talc, and deweylite and of other silicates by chlorite suggest fracturing of the rocks during cooling (shrinkage cracks) and local influx of seawater into the dikes. 4. Late amphibole veins and locally extensive amphibole alteration indicate increasing temperature and the development of new sets of fractures, possibly due to the injection of fresh magma. Several generations of chlorite and amphibole veins are present in the dikes. Offset veins and the crack-seal texture within veins in the dikes suggest that the alteration cycle was probably repeated with the injection of each set of new dikes. Presently measured temperatures (195°C) at 2000 m depth in Hole 504B indicate that deweylite, which was previously considered a low-temperature mineral, can form well above its previously estimated crystallization temperature of 50°C.


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The lithostratigraphy of Neogene hemipelagic sediments recovered from the Japan Sea during Leg 127 was revised to improve intersite consistency and to remove confusion stemming from diagenetic modification of the lithology through the opal-A to opal-CT transformation. Special emphasis was put on the presence and nature of dark-light cycles in revising the lithostratigraphy. Mineral composition analysis was conducted for samples from Sites 794, 795, and 797. In addition, major element chemical composition analysis was conducted for these same sample sets from Site 794. The result of mineral composition analysis suggests that the detrital component, which consists of such minerals as quartz, plagioclase, illite, and kaolinite plus chlorite, is diluted to various degrees by biogenic silica (opal-A) and its diagenetic equivalents (opal-CT and quartz). Smectite, on the other hand, may be a diagenetic or hydrothermal alteration product of volcanic material, although more study is necessary to confirm its origin. As a whole, vertical variation in the sediment composition is consistent with the revised lithostratigraphy and helps to characterize the redefined lithologic units quantitatively.


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During the Geological Expedition to the Shackleton Range, Antarctica (GEISHA) in 1987/88, samples were taken from twenty-one basaltic dykes for palaeomagnetic investigations. The directions of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) of the dykes were determined by thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of 268 cores drilled from the specimens collected. Moreover, on account of the hydrothermal and sometimes low-grade metamorphism of the dyke rock and the resulting partial modification of the primary magnetization, not only were comprehensive magnetic studies carried out, but also ore-microscopic examination. Only thus was it possible to achieve a reasonable assessment and interpretation of the remanent magnetization. Jurassic and Silurian-Devonian ages were confirmed for the dykes of the northern and northwestern Shackleton Range by comparison of the paleopole positions calculated on the basis of the ChRM of the dykes with the known pole positions for the eastern Antarctic, as well as with polar-wandering curves for Gondwana. Radiometric ages were also determined far some of the dykes. Middle and Late Proterozoic ages are postulated far the dykes in the Read Mountains. Conclusions on the geotectonic relations of the Shackleton Range can also be drawn from the palaeomagnetic data. It has been postulated that the main strike direction, which differs distinctly from that of the Ross orogen, is due to rotation or displacement of the Shackleton Range crustal block; however, this was not corroborated. The pole positions for the Shackleton Range agree with those of rocks of the same age from other areas of East Antarctica and its positions in the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic polar-wandering path for Gondwana are evidence against the idea of rotation and rather suggest that the position of the Shakleton Range crustal block is autochthonous.


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Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.


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Abyssal peridotite from the 15°20'N area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge show complex geochemical variations among the different sites drilled during ODP Leg 209. Major element compositions indicate variable degrees of melt depletion and refertilization as well as local hydrothermal metasomatism. Strongest evidence for melt-rock interactions are correlated Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) and High Field Strength Element (HFSE) additions at Sites 1270 and 1271. In contrast, hydrothermal alteration at Sites 1274, 1272, and 1268 causes LREE mobility associated with minor HFSE variability, reflecting the low solubility of HFSE in aqueous solutions. Site 1274 contains the least-altered, highly refractory, peridotite with strong depletion in LREE and shows a gradual increase in the intensity of isochemical serpentinization; except for the addition of H2O which causes a mass gain of up to 20 g/100 g. The formation of magnetite is reflected in decreasing Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) ratios. This style of alteration is referred to as rock-dominated serpentinization. In contrast, fluid-dominated serpentinization at Site 1268 is characterized by gains in sulfur and development of U-shaped REE pattern with strong positive Eu anomalies which are also characteristic for hot (350 to 400°C) vent-type fluids discharging from black smoker fields. Serpentinites at Site 1268 were overprinted by talc alteration under static conditions due to interaction with high a_SiO2 fluids causing the development of smooth, LREE enriched patterns with pronounced negative Eu anomalies. These results show that hydrothermal fluid-peridotite and fluid-serpentinite interaction processes are an important factor regarding the budget of exchange processes between the lithosphere and the hydrosphere in slow spreading environments.