Chemical, isotope and mineral composition of hydrothermally altered upper oceanic crust drilled at ODP Site 129-801C

Autoria(s): Alt, Jeffrey C; Teagle, Damon AH

LATITUDE: 18.642300 * LONGITUDE: 156.359800 * DATE/TIME START: 1990-01-06T11:48:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1990-01-16T07:15:00




ODP Hole 801C penetrates >400 m into 170-Ma oceanic basement formed at a fast-spreading ridge. Most basalts are slightly (10-20%) recrystallized to saponite, calcite, minor celadonite and iron oxyhydroxides, and trace pyrite. Temperatures estimated from oxygen isotope data for secondary minerals are 5-100°C, increasing downward. At the earliest stage, dark celadonitic alteration halos formed along fractures and celadonite, and quartz and chalcedony formed in veins from low-temperature (<100°C) hydrothermal fluids. Iron oxyhydroxides subsequently formed in alteration halos along fractures where seawater circulated, and saponite and pyrite developed in the host rock and in zones of restricted seawater flow under more reducing conditions. Chemical changes include variably elevated K, Rb, Cs, and H2O; local increases in FeT, Ba, Th, and U; and local losses of Mg and Ni. Secondary carbonate veins have 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706337 - 0.707046, and a negative correlation with d18O results from seawater-basalt interaction. Carbonates could have formed at any time since the formation of Site 801 crust. Variable d13C values (-11.2? to 2.9?) reflect the incorporation of oxidized organic carbon from intercalated sediments and changes in the d13C of seawater over time. Compared to other oceanic basements, a major difference at Site 801 is the presence of two hydrothermal silica-iron deposits that formed from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids at the spreading axis. Basalts associated with these horizons are intensely altered (60-100%) to phyllosilicates, calcite, K-feldspar, and titanite; and exhibit large increases in K, Rb, Cs, Ba, H2O, and CO2, and losses of FeT, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, and Sr. These effects may be common in crust formed at fast-spreading rates, but are not ubiquitous. A second important difference is that the abundance of brown oxidation halos along fractures at Site 801 is an order of magnitude less than at some other sites (2% vs. 20-30%). Relatively smooth basement topography (<100 m) and high sedimentation rate (8 m/Ma) probably restricted the access of oxygenated seawater. Basement lithostratigraphy and early low-temperature hydrothermal alteration and mineral precipitation in fractures at the spreading axis controlled permeability and limited later flow of oxygenated seawater to restricted depth intervals.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Alt, Jeffrey C; Teagle, Damon AH (2003): Hydrothermal alteration of upper oceanic crust formed at a fast-spreading ridge: mineral, chemical, and isotopic evidence from ODP Site 801. Chemical Geology, 201(3-4), 191-211, doi:10.1016/S0009-2541(03)00201-8

Palavras-Chave #0per mil fluid; 129-801C; 2 sigma; 87Sr/86Sr; 87Sr/86Sr e; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; associated; Ba; Barium; by assuming equilibrium with seawater; Caesium; Calcium oxide; Calculated; CaO; Chromium; Comment; Copper; Cr; Cs; Cu; d13C; d18O; delta 13C, adjusted/corrected; delta 18O; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; FeO; Hafnium; Hf; ICP-AES, Inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy; ICP-MS, Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry; in vein/vug sequence; Iron oxide, FeO; Joides Resolution; K2O; Lead; Leg129; Magnesium; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; Mass spectrometer multicollector VG Sector II; Mg; MgO; Minerals; MnO; Na2O; Nb; Ni; Nickel; Niobium; North Pacific Ocean; Occur; Occurrence; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; P2O5; Pb; Phosphorus oxide; Positioning type/details; Pos type; Potassium oxide; Rb; Rock; Rock type; Rubidium; Sample code/label; Sc; Scandium; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; SMOW; Sodium oxide; Sr; Strontium; Strontium 87/Strontium 86; Strontium 87/Strontium 86, error; Sum; T; T cal; Temperature, calculated; Texture; Th; Thorium; TiO2; Titanium oxide; U; Uranium; X-ray fluorescence (XRF); Y; Yttrium; Zinc; Zirconium; Zn; Zr
