Composition of rocks, minerals, water, and gases from uplift areas of the Central Atlantic

Autoria(s): Dvorov, VI; Varentsov, Igor M; Zolotarev, Boris P; Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 22.047239 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -30.652059 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 15.658300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -37.116700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 33.383300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -24.800000 * DATE/TIME START: 1985-07-10T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1985-08-16T00:00:00




Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.


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Dvorov, VI; Bogatyrev, DB; Prilutskaya, TA (1989): Gas and hydrogeochemical studies. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 209-232

Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A; Danil'chenko, AYa (1989): Grain size and mineral compositions of sediments. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 89-95

Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A; Zolotarev, Boris P; Bebeshev, Ivan I; Gutsaki, VA (1989): Phosphorites of the Bezymyannaya-640 Seamount. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 111-115

Varentsov, Igor M; Bebeshev, Ivan I; Zolotarev, Boris P; Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A (1989): Bezymyannaya-640 Seamount Polygon: Fe-Mn crusts and hydrothermal alteration in substratum rocks (phosphatization), mineralogy, geochemistry. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 150-194

Varentsov, Igor M; Drits, Victor A; Gorshkov, Anatoly I (1989): Mn-Fe oxyhydroxide crusts of the Krylov Seamount: geochemistry of the rare earth elements, genesis. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 194-209

Varentsov, Igor M; Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A; Zolotarev, Boris P; Bebeshev, Ivan I (1989): Krylov Seamount Polygon: Fe-Mn crusts and hydrothermal alteration in substratum rocks (palygorskitization), mineralogy, geochemistry. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 115-150

Zolotarev, Boris P; Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A; Gutsaki, VA; Rikhter, Andrey A (1989): Volcanism of the Cruiser and Krylov Seamounts and hydrothermal alterations of rocks. Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 95-111


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Supplement to: Bebeshev, Ivan I; Zolotarev, Boris P; Eroshchev-Shak, Vadim A; et al. (1989): Volcanic Uplifts and Deep-Sea Sediments in the Eastern Central Atlantic. Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 436. Moscow, Nauke Publ. (P.P. Timofeev, Ed.), 247 pp

Palavras-Chave #[CO3]2-; [HCO3]-; [SO4]2-; + H2O; <10 µm; >100 µm; 100-10 µm; Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov; Al; Al2O3; Aluminium; Aluminium oxide; ANS1; ANS1-13-D; ANS1-14-D; ANS1-18-D; ANS1-19-D; ANS1-20-D; ANS1-21-T; ANS1-25-D; ANS1-28-T; ANS1-31-T; ANS1-32-T; ANS1-34-D; ANS1-38-D; ANS1-39-D; ANS1-9-T; ANS1-B-640S-1; ANS1-B-640S-2; ANS1-CruS-1; ANS1-KruS-2; ANS1-KS-1; ANS1-MP-1; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; Area; Area/locality; Ba; BaO; Barium; Barium oxide; Bicarbonate; Bottle, Niskin; Br; Bromide; C; C32; Ca; Calcium; Calcium oxide; Calculated; CaO; Carb; Carbon; Carbon, organic, total; Carbonate; Carbonates; Carbon dioxide; Ce; Ce/Ce*; Ce/La; Ce/Sm; Central Atlantic; Cerium; Cerium/Lanthanum ratio; Cerium/Samarium ratio; Cerium anomaly; Chloride; Chlorine; Chromium; Chromium(III) oxide; Cl; Cl-; Co; CO2; Cobalt; Copper; Cr; Cr2O3; Cu; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth top; Depth water; Direct current plasma emission spectrometry (DCP); Dredge; DRG; Eh; Element analysis, neutron activation (NAA); Emission spectrometry; Eu; Eu/Sm; Europium; Europium/Samarium ratio; Event; expressed as CaCO3; F; Fe; Fe(II); Fe(III); Fe2O3; Fe2O3+FeO; FeO; Fluorine; Ga; Gallium; Gas diss; Gases, dissolved; GC; Grain size, sieving/settling tube; Gravity corer; H2O; H2O-; H2O+; Hafnium; Hf; I; Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA); Iodine; Iodometric chemical method; Ionometry; Iron; Iron II, ferrous iron; Iron III, ferric iron; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; Iron oxide, Fe2O3+FeO; Iron oxide, FeO; K; K2O; La; La/Sm; La/Yb; Label; Label 2; Lanthanum; Lanthanum/Samarium ratio; Lanthanum/Ytterbium ratio; Lead; LOI; Loss of ignition analysis; Loss on ignition; Lu; Lutetium; Magnesium; Magnesium oxide; Manganese; Manganese dioxide; Manganese oxide; Mg; MgO; Microprobe; Mn; Mn(II); Mn(IV); MnO; MnO2; Mo; Molybdenum; N2; N2/O2; Na; Na2O; n-Alkane C32 of total alkanes; Nb; Nd; Nd/La; Neodymium; Ni; Nickel; Nickel oxide; NiO; Niobium; NIS; Nitrogen, gas; normalized; Number of tests; O2; of the particle size analyser; Oxidation reduction (RedOx) potential; Oxygen; Oxygen, gas; P; P2O5; Particle size analyser; Pb; pH; Phosphorus; Phosphorus oxide; Potassium; Potassium oxide; psa; Rare-earth elements; Ratio; Rb; REE; Rubidium; Sal; Salinity; Samarium; Samarium/Ytterbium ratio; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Sample type; Samp type; Sc; Scandium; Si; Silicon; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Size fraction < 0.010 mm; Size fraction > 0.100 mm; Size fraction 0.100-0.010 mm; Sm; Sm/Yb; SO3**2-; Sodium; Sodium oxide; Sr; SrO; ss; Strontium; Strontium oxide; Sulfate; Sulfite; Sum; Sum(La-Sm)/Sum(Eu-Lu); Ta; Tantalum; Tb; Te; Tellurium; Temp; Temperature, water; Terbium; Tests; Th; Thorium; Ti; TiO2; Titanium; Titanium oxide; TOC; total; V; Vanadium; Water in rock; Wet chemistry; Y; Yb; Ytterbium; Yttrium; Zinc; Zirconium; Zn; Zr
