365 resultados para Flyvbjerg, Bent
Based on a radiocarbon and paleomagnetically dated sediment record from the northern Red Sea and the exceptional sensitivity of the regional changes in the oxygen isotope composition of sea water to the sea-level-dependent water exchange with the Indian Ocean, we provide a new global sea-level reconstruction spanning the last glacial period. The sea-level record has been extracted from the temperature-corrected benthic stable oxygen isotopes using coral-based sea-level data as constraints for the sea-level/oxygen isotope relationship. Although, the general features of this millennial-scale sea-level records have strong similarities to the rather symmetric and gradual Southern Hemisphere climate patterns, we observe, in constrast to previous findings, pronounced sea level rises of up to 25 m to generally correspond with Northern Hemisphere warmings as recorded in Greenland ice-core interstadial intervals whereas sea-level lowstands mostly occur during cold phases. Corroborated by CLIMBER-2 model results, the close connection of millennial-scale sea-level changes to Northern Hemisphere temperature variations indicates a primary climatic control on the mass balance of the major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and does not require a considerable Antarctic contribution.
Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses were performed on monospecific or mixed-species samples of benthic foraminifers, as well as on the planktonic species Globigerinoides ruber from a 24-m hydraulic piston core raised on the western flank of the Rio Grande Rise, at DSDP Site 517 (30°56.81'S and 38°02.47'W, water depth 2963 m) in the southwestern Atlantic. This site is presently located in the core of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). This is the first long isotopic record of Quaternary benthic foraminifers; it displays at least 30 isotopic stages, 25 of them readily correlated with the standard sequence of Pacific Core V28-239. The depths of both the Bruhnes/Matuyama boundary and the Jaramillo Event based on oxygen isotope stratigraphy agree well with paleomagnetic results. Quaternary faunal data from this part of the Atlantic are dated through isotopic stratigraphy and partially contradict data previously published by Williams and Ledbetter (1979). There was a substantial increase in the size of the earth's major ice sheets culminating at Stage 22 and corresponding to a l per mil progressive increase of d18O maximal values. Further, ice volume-induced isotopic changes were not identical for different glacial cycles. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of benthic foraminifers show that during Pleistocene glacial episodes, NADW was cooler than today and that Mediterranean outflow might still have contributed to the NADW sources. The comparison of coiling ratio changes of Globorotalia truncatulinoides with planktonic and benthic oxygen isotope records shows that there might have been southward excursions of the Brazil Current during the Pleistocene, perhaps related to Antarctic surface water surges. The question of the location of NADW sources during glacial maxima remains open.
Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil assemblages, as well as stable isotope data from the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary interval (~71.4 to ~70.7 Ma) of the Kronsmoor section (North German Basin), were investigated in order to characterize changes in surface-water productivity and oxygen content at the seafloor and their link to climatic and paleoceanographic changes. A nutrient index based on calcareous nannofossils is derived for the high-latitude, epicontinental North German Basin, reflecting changes in surface-water productivity. Oxygen isotopes of well-preserved planktic foraminiferal specimens of Heterohelix globulosa reflect warmer surface-water temperatures in the lower part of the studied succession and a cooling of up to 2°C (0.5 per mil) in the upper part (after 71.1 Ma). For the lower and warmer part of the investigated succession, benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the calcareous nannofossils indicate well-oxygenated bottom waters and low-surface water productivity. In contrast, the upper part of the succession is characterized by cooler conditions, lower oxygen content at the seafloor and increasing surface-water productivity. It is proposed that the cooling phase starting at 71.1 Ma was accompanied by increasing surface-water mixing caused by westerly winds. As a consequence of mixing, nutrients were advected from sub-surface waters into the mixed layer, resulting in increased surface-water productivity and enhanced organic matter flux to the seafloor. We hypothesize that global sea-level fall during the earliest Maastrichtian (~71.3 Ma), indicated by decreasing carbon isotope values, may have led to a weaker water mass exchange through narrower gateways between the Boreal Realm and the open North Atlantic and Tethys oceans. Both the weaker water mass exchange and enhanced surface-water productivity may have led to slightly less ventilated bottom waters of the upper part of the studied section. Our micro-paleontological and stable isotopic approach indicates short-term (<100 kyr) changes in oxygen consumption at the seafloor and surface-water productivity across the homogeneous Boreal White Chalk succession of the North German Basin.
The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre.
Detailed analysis of over 200 samples of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments from Atlantic Ocean DSDP Sites 384, 86, 95, 152, 144, 20C, 21, 356, 357, and 329 provides new information on the temperature stratification of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera, the temperature and carbon isotopic changes across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, and the fluctuating temperature and carbon isotopic records through the Paleocene ~64.5-54 m.y.). There was a significant temperature rise across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary both at the surface and in deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This temperature rise occurred before the basal Tertiary 'Globigerina' eugubina Zone, so that in the oldest Paleocene sample yet analyzed from the deep sea (Site 356) temperatures are already three degrees higher at the bottom and at the surface than in the Cretaceous. The temperature rise across the boundaryis more pronounced on the bottom and in samples from higher latitudes. Accompanying the temperature rise across the boundary there is a significant shift in the carbon isotope profile. In the basal Paleocene the foraminifera of the surface zone demonstrate very negative carbon isotope values (unlike in the Cretaceous of today's ocean), while deeper dwelling species have more positive values which then decrease to the bottom. The unusual carbon isotope gradients persist through the first three million years of the Paleocene until towards the top of planktonic foraminiferal Zone P.1 (G. trinidadensis Zone) the foraminifera record a profile more positive at the surface and decreasing towards the bottom (as in today's ocean). During the Paleocene there are two noteworthy rises in surface water temperature; the first around 62-61 m.y. (G. trinidadensis Zone), and the second near the base of the Globorotalia angulata Zone, 60-59 m.y. At this time surface temperatures at low to mid latitudes reached values near 25°C, while at mid-latitude Site 384 temperature highs near 22°C were registered. At a sample spacing of around one per million years, we have only produced some of the detail of these temperature fluctuations. The later Paleocene is generally cooler and there do not seem to be any large variations either through time or latitude. Middle-latitude sites average temperatures near 15°C at the surface, while high lower latitude site temperatures range near 18°C. The most salient feature of the bottom temperature record (based on multispecific samples) through the Paleocene is its lack of fluctuations. There is an overall temperature range of 5°C at these intermediate depth sites (paleodepth estimates between 1500 and 3000 m). Higher values near 13°C accompany the surface temperature peaks around 62 and 60 m.y., while low values near 8°C occur in Zone P.2 (61-60 m.y.). We detected no change in bottom temperature across the paleocene/Eocene boundary in the few samples studied so far. While there are several fluctuations in the carbon isotope values through the early Paleocene, the general trend is one of increasingly positive values at the surface and at depth. This trend culminates in the late Paleocene (upper Zone P.4, about 56-57 m.y.) with a major excursion in the carbon isotope values. At low latitudes the range between the surface and the deepest planktonic foraminifera is a delta13C of 4 per mil as compared with a range of 2 per mil today. The carbon values drop off slightly, but remain strongly positive through the remainder of the Paleocene at most sites. Accompanying the carbon isotope excursion at Site 384 is a productivity increase and a proposed rise in the CCD.
We investigated 88 surface sediment samples taken with a multiple corer from the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean for their live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal content. Using Q-Mode Principal Component Analysis six live and six dead associations are differentiated. Live and dead association distributions correspond fairly well; differences are mainly caused by downslope transport and selective test destruction. In addition, four potential fossil associations are calculated from the dead data set after removal of non-fossilizable species. These potential fossil associations are expected to be useful for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Environments are described in detail for the live and potential fossil associations and for selected species. Along the upper Argentine continental slope strong bottom currents control the occurrence of live, dead and potential fossil Angulogerina angulosa associations. Here, particles of a high organic carbon flux rate remain suspended. Below this high energy environment live, dead and potential fossil Uvigerina peregrina dominated associations correlate with enhanced sediment organic carbon content and still high organic carbon flux rates. The live A. angulosa and U. peregrina associations correlate with high standing crops. Furthermore, live and dead Epistominella exigua-Nuttallides umbonifer associations were separated. Dominance of a Nuttallides umbonifer potential fossil association relates to coverage by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW), above the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD). Three associations of mainly agglutinated foraminifera occur in sediments bathed mainly by AABW or CDW. A Reophax difflugiformis association was found in mud-rich and diatomaceous sediments. Below the CCD, a Psammosphaera fusca association occurs in coarse sediments poor in organic carbon while a Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Ammobaculites agglutinans association covers a more variable environmental range with mud contents exceeding 30%. One single Eggerella bradyi-Martinottiella communis association poor in both species and individuals remains from the agglutinated associations below the CCD if only preservable species are considered for calculation.
We investigated Oligocene and early Miocene benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 105 µm in size) from Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 199) Site 1218 (4826 m water depth and ~3300 to ~4000 m paleo-water depth) and Site 1219 (5063 m water depth and ~4200 to ~4400 m paleo-water depth) to understand the response of abyssal benthic foraminifera to mid-Oligocene glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Two principal factor assemblages were recognized. The Factor 1 assemblage (common Nuttallides umbonifer) is related to either an influx of the Southern Component Water (SCW), possibly carbonate undersaturated, or a decrease in seasonality of the food supply from the surface ocean. The Factor 2 assemblage is characterized by typical deep-sea taxa living under variable trophic conditions, possibly with a seasonal component in food supply. The occurrence of abyssal benthic foraminifera faunas during the mid-Oligocene depends on either the effect of SCW or the seasonality of food resources. The Factor 1 assemblage was most common near 76Ol-C11r, 73Ol-C10rn and 67Ol-C9n (ca. 30.2, 29.1 and 26.8 Ma respectively by Pälike et al. (2006, doi:10.1126/science.1133822)). This indicates that the effect of SCW increased or the seasonal input of food from the surface ocean to benthic environments was weakened close to these glacial events. In contrast, the huge export flux of small biogenic carbonate particles close to these glacial events might be responsible for carbonate-rich sediments buffering carbonate undersaturation. Changes in deep-water masses or the periodicity of food supply from the surface ocean and variation in surface carbonate production affected by orbital forcing had an impact on the mid-Oligocene faunas of abyssal benthic foraminifera around the intervals of glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The Factor 1 assemblage decreased sharply at ? 30 Ma (29.8 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 30.0 Ma by CK95) and returned to dominance after ? 29 Ma (28.6 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 28.8 Ma by CK95). It is likely that the effect of SCW (possibly carbonate undersaturated) has intensified since the late Oligocene. The faunal transition of benthic foraminifera in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean at ~29 Ma might be attributable to the influence of Northern Component Water (NCW) input to the Southern Ocean and the subsequent formation of SCW at about that time.
Fifty short sediment cores collected with a multiple corer and five box cores from the central Arctic Ocean were analysed to study the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers. To work out living faunal associations, standing stock and diversity, separate analyses of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminifers were carried out for the sediment surface. The size fractions between 63 and 125 µm and >125 µm were counted separately to allow comparison with former Arctic studies and with studies from the adjacent Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferal associations are mainly controlled by the availability of food, and competition for food, while water mass characteristics, bottom current activity, substrate composition, and water depth are of minor importance. Off Spitsbergen in seasonally ice-free areas, high primary production rates are reflected by high standing stocks, high diversities, and foraminiferal associations (>125 µm) that are similar to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Generally, in seasonally ice-free areas standing stock and diversity increase with increasing food supply. In the central Arctic Ocean, the oligotrophic permanently ice-covered areas are dominated by epibenthic species. The limited food availability is reflected by very low standing stocks and low diversities. Most of these foraminiferal associations do not correspond to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The dominant associations include simple agglutinated species such as Sorosphaerae, Placopsilinellae, Komokiacea and Aschemonellae, as well as small calcareous species such as Stetsonia horvathi and Epistominella arctica. Those of the foraminiferal species that usually thrive under seasonally ice-free conditions in middle bathyal to lower bathyal water depth are found under permanently ice-covered conditions in water depths about 1000 m shallower, if present at all.
Benthic foraminiferal distribution patterns throughout the late Maastrichtian Tethyan deep sea are analyzed. Many species are ubiquitously distributed throughout this region and therefore it is hard to assess their ecological preferences. However, five species show distribution patterns, which suggest that they may have distinctive paleoenvironmental preferences. These preferences are interpreted from hypothesized surface circulation and upwelling patterns. Additional information comes from Recent benthic foraminiferal ecology and from responses to the Cretaceous/Paleogene (k/Pg) boundary event. This enables us to assess the ecological preferences of these late Maastrichtian taxa, and establish them as ecological-marker (ecomarker) species for paleoenvironmental interpretation of the late Maastrichtian bathyal-abyssal Tethyan realm. (1) Eouvigerina subsculpturu is suggested to be indicative of reasonably oxygenated upper-middle bathyal environments, though with high abundance of utilizable organic matter. (2) Sliteria varsoviensis is linked to areas of late Maastrichtian upwelling and seems to have been an epibenthic species with an opportunistic life mode. (3) Guvelinellu beccuriiformis and (4) Nuttullides truempyi are considered to be indicative of oligotrophic conditions unless they occur with a large proportion of endobenthic morphotypes. (5) Guvelinellu pertusu is proposed to indicate neritic-middle bathyal environments of the 'boreal' realm, which might be influenced by more seasonal food-fluxes and by higher oxygen levels than similar settings in the (sub)tropics. Finally, the anomalous high abundances of the buliminid species Sitella cf. plunu in deep open ocean environments is discussed in terms of possible mechanisms permitting such a (morphologically) opportunistic species to thrive in such an assumedly oligotrophic environment.
The influence of different primary productivity regimes on live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal distribution, as well as on the stable carbon isotopic composition of foraminiferal tests, was investigated in sediment surface samples (0-1 cm) from the upwelling region off Morocco between Cape Ghir (31°N) and Cape Yubi (27°N). A combination of factor analysis, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to the benthic foraminiferal data sets. Five major assemblages for both the live and dead fauna were revealed by factor analysis. In the cape regions organic matter fluxes are enhanced by high chlorophyll-a concentrations in the overlying surface waters. Here, benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by identical live and dead assemblages, high standing stocks, and low species delta13C values, indicating constant year-round high productivity. Bulimina marginata dominates the unique fauna at the shallowest station off Cape Ghir indicating highest chlorophyll-a concentrations. Off both capes, the succession of the Bulimina aculeata/Uvigerina mediterranea assemblage, the Sphaeroidina bulloides/Gavelinopsis translucens assemblage, and the Hoeglundina elegans assemblage from the shelf to the deep sea reflects the decrease in chlorophyll-a concentrations, hence the export flux. In contrast, the area between the capes is characterized by differently composed live and dead assemblages, low standing stocks, and less depleted delta13C values, thus reflecting low primary productivity. High foraminiferal numbers of Epistominella exigua, Eponides pusillus, and Globocassidulina subglobosa in the dead fauna indicate a seasonally varying primary productivity signal. Significantly lower mean delta13C values were recorded in Bulimina mexicana, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, H. elegans, U. mediterranea and Uvigerina peregrina. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi is a faithful recorder of bottom water delta13C in the Canary Islands regions. The mean delta13C signal of this species is not significantly influenced by constant high organic matter fluxes. The species-specific offset between live and dead specimens is the same.
Present day hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin are characterized by seasonal upwelling with filaments that can penetrate more than 200 km into the open ocean and constitute areas of cold and highly productive waters. In order to investigate spatial and temporal gradients in temperature and productivity conditions during the last 150 ky, high-resolution proxy records were generated in 3 cores (SU92-03, MD95-2040, MD95-2042), located along the Iberian coast between 43°12'N and 37°48'N and forming a N-S profile. In all cores, planktonic foraminifera census counts are used to reconstruct summer sea surface temperature (SSTsu) and export productivity (Pexpsu) using the modern analog technique SIMMAX 28. SSTsu and Pexpsu values similar to the present are observed throughout the Holocene and MIS 5e periods for each site, respectively, indicating fairly stable conditions equivalent to the modern ones. On glacial/interglacial timescales, SSTsu increases by 2-3 °C from the northern to southernmost site. Pexpsu, on the other hand, shows a decrease of 30-40 gC/m**2/yr from North to South at present time and during interglacial periods, and no significant variation (90-100 gC/m**2/yr) during glacial periods. The northernmost core SU92-03 reveals the coldest conditions with records more similar to MD95-2040 than to MD95-2042, the later of which is, as at present, more affected by subtropical waters. Core SU92-03 shows higher interglacial productivity similar to open ocean mid- to high latitude sites, while the other two cores monitor higher glacial productivity conform with other upwelling sites off NW Africa. A boundary between differences in glacial/interglacial productivity appears to be present in our study between 43°12'N and 40°35'N. Especially north of 40°N, coldest SSTsu and lowest Pexpsu are found during Heinrich events (H)1-H8 and H10-H11. In contrast, lowest Pexpsu do not coincide with these events at site MD95-2042, but appear to be related to the presence of relatively warm and nutrient-poor subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Central Water advected with the Azores Current.
The Early Albian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b (OAE 1b) black shale is interrupted by one or more ventilation events that display significant changes in benthic and planktic populations. Within the OAE 1b sections studied, at ODP Site 1049, DSDP Site 545, and the Vocontian Basin, the benthic foraminiferal repopulation events last between ~500 and ~1,250 years and occur with a cyclicity of approximately 5.7 kyr. This period may represent an amplitude modulation of the precessional cycle. The OAE 1b sections from the marginal setting of the Vocontian Basin exhibit up to eight repopulation events. In contrast, there is only one repopulation event identified in the Atlantic OAE 1b sections from the Mazagan Plateau (DSDP 545) and Blake Nose (ODP 1049). Within the margin of dating uncertainties, this supraregional repopulation event occurred synchronously in the Vocontian Basin and the Atlantic Ocean. While the OAE 1b black shale formed under extremely warm and humid conditions, the repopulation events occurred during intervals of short-term cooling and reduced humidity at deep-water formation sites. The resulting increase in evaporation led to enhanced formation of low-latitude deep water, thus improving the ventilation of the sea floor.
Benthic and selected planktic foraminifera and stable isotope records were determined in a piston core from the Gulf of Aden, NW Arabian Sea that spans the last 530 ka. The benthic foraminifera were grouped into four principal assemblages using Q-mode Principal Component Analyses. Comparison of each of these assemblages with the fauna of the nearby regions enabled us to identify their specific environmental requirements as a function of variability in food supply and strength of the oxygen minimum zone and by that to use them as indicators of surface water productivity. The benthic foraminiferal productivity indicators coupled with the record of Globigerina bulloides, a planktic foraminifer known to be sensitive to productivity changes in the region, all indicate higher productivity during glacial intervals and productivity similar to present or even reduced during interglacial stages. This trend is opposite to the productivity pattern related to the SW summer monsoon of the Arabian Sea and indicates the role of the NE winter monsoon on the productivity of the Gulf of Aden. A period of exceptionally enhanced productivity is recognized in the Gulf of Aden region between ~60 and 13 kyr indicating the intensification of the NE winter monsoon to its maximal activity. Contemporaneous indication of increased productivity in other parts of the Arabian Sea, unexplained so far by the SW summer monsoon variability, might be related to the intensification of the NE winter monsoon. Another prominent event of high productivity, second in its extent to the last glacial productivity event is recognized between 430 and 460 kyr. These two events seem to correspond to periods of similar orbital positioning of rather low precession (and eccentricity) amplitude for a relatively long period. Glacial boundary conditions seem to control to a large extent the NE winter monsoon variability as also indicated by the dominance of the 100 ka cycle in the investigated time series. Secondary in their importance are the 23 and 41 ka cycles which seem also to contribute to the NE monsoonal variability. Following the identification of productivity events related to the NE winter monsoon in the Gulf of Aden, it is possible now to extend this observation to other parts of the Arabian Sea and consider the contribution of this monsoonal system to the productivity fluctuations preserved in the sedimentary records.
A series of cores from east of New Zealand have been examined to determine the paleoceanographic history of the late Quaternary in the SW Pacific using planktonic foraminiferal data. Distinct shifts of species can be seen between glacial and interglacial times especially south of Chatham Rise east of South Island. Foraminiferal fragmentation ratios and benthic/planktonic foraminiferal ratios both show increased dissolution during glacials, especially isotope stage 2 to the south of Chatham Rise. The present-day Subtropical Convergence appears to be tied to the Chatham Rise at 44°S, but during glacial times this rise separated cold water to the south from much warmer water to the north, with an associated strong thermal gradient across the rise. We estimate that this gradient could have presented as much as an 8°C temperature change across 4° of latitude during the maximum of the last ice age. There is only weak evidence of the Younger Dryas cool event, but there is a clear climatic optimum between 8 and 6.4 ka with temperatures 1°-2°C higher than the present day. The marine changes compare well with vegetational changes on both South and North Island.