Planktic foraminifera analyses of surface sediments and satellite data in the Canary Islands region

Autoria(s): Meggers, Helge; Freudenthal, Tim; Nave, Silvia Osorio; Targarona, Jordi; Abrantes, Fatima F; Helmke, Peer

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 29.432549 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -14.443884 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 27.471700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -17.933300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 32.703300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -10.083300 * DATE/TIME START: 1996-02-04T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1999-10-19T08:54:00




The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre.


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Supplement to: Meggers, Helge; Freudenthal, Tim; Nave, Silvia Osorio; Targarona, Jordi; Abrantes, Fatima F; Helmke, Peer (2002): Assessment of geochemical and micropaleontological sedimentary parameters as proxies of surface water properties in the Canary Islands region. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49(17), 3631-3654, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00103-0

Palavras-Chave #> 4.5 chambers; Agadir Canyon; C/N; C (carb); Calculated; Calculated, see reference(s); Canary Islands; Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations; CANIGO; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon/Nitrogen ratio; Carbon in carbonate; Chaetoceros spp.; Counting, diatoms; Counting >125 µm fraction; d13C Corg; d15N gas; delta 13C, organic carbon; delta 15N, gas; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Diatoms; Dinoflagellate cyst, marine species; Dinofl marine spec; Element analyser CHN; Event; Factor 1; Factor 2; Factor 3; Foram bent; Foraminifera, benthic; Foraminifera, planktic, fragments; Foraminifera, planktic indeterminata; Foram plankt fragm; Foram plankt indet; G. bulloides; G. calida; G. conglobatus; G. crassaformis; G. falconensis; G. glutinata; G. hirsuta; G. inflata; G. ruber p; G. ruber w; G. rubescens; G. sacculifer; G. scitula; G. siphonifera; G. tenellus; G. theyeri; G. truncatulinoides; GeoB; GeoB4024-3; GeoB4025-2; GeoB4026-1; GeoB4029-2; GeoB4031-1; GeoB4038-2; GeoB4040-2; GeoB4057-2; GeoB4060-2; GeoB4202-1; GeoB4204-1; GeoB4205-1; GeoB4206-2; GeoB4207-1; GeoB4208-1; GeoB4209-1; GeoB4210-2; GeoB4211-1; GeoB4212-3; GeoB4213-1; GeoB4214-3; GeoB4215-1; GeoB4216-2; GeoB4217-1; GeoB4220-2; GeoB4221-2; GeoB4223-1; GeoB4225-3; GeoB4226-1; GeoB4227-1; GeoB4228-1; GeoB4229-2; GeoB4230-1; GeoB4231-2; GeoB4232-1; GeoB4233-2; GeoB4234-1; GeoB4235-1; GeoB4236-2; GeoB4237-1; GeoB4238-2; GeoB4239-1; GeoB4241-5; GeoB4242-4; GeoB4301-1; GeoB5529-1; GeoB5530-3; GeoB5531-1; GeoB5532-2; GeoB5533-1; GeoB5534-2; GeoB5535-1; GeoB5536-3; GeoB5537-2; GeoB5538-2; GeoB5539-2; GeoB5540-3; GeoB5541-2; GeoB5542-3; GeoB5546-3; GeoB5547-2; GeoB5548-3; GeoB5549-2; GeoB5550-3; GeoB5551-2; GeoB5553-2; GeoB5555-2; GeoB5556-3; GeoB5557-2; GeoB5558-2; GeoB5559-1; GeoB5560-2; GeoB5561-1; GeoB6005-1; GeoB6006-2; GeoB6007-1; GeoB6008-2; GeoB6009-1; GeoB6010-1; GeoB6011-2; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Giant box corer; GKG; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina falconensis; Globigerinella calida; Globigerinella siphonifera; Globigerinita glutinata; Globigerinoides conglobatus; Globigerinoides ruber pink; Globigerinoides ruber white; Globigerinoides sacculifer; Globigerinoides tenellus; Globorotalia crassaformis; Globorotalia hirsuta; Globorotalia inflata; Globorotalia scitula; Globorotalia theyeri; Globorotalia truncatulinoides; Globoturborotalita rubescens; M37/1; M38/1; M42/4b; M45/5a; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; Meteor (1986); MUC; MultiCorer; N. dutertrei; N. incompta; N. pachyderma; Neogloboquadrina dutertrei; Neogloboquadrina incompta; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma; Nitrogen, total; Nitzschia spp.; O. universa; Orbulina universa; P. obliquiloculata; PC1; PC2; PC3; Pteropoda; Pulleniatina obliquiloculata; T. humilis; T. quinqueloba; TN; TOC; Turborotalita humilis; Turborotalita quinqueloba; Uniform resource locator/link to file; URL file; VH96/1-3; VH96/1-4; Victor Hensen
