Living benthic foraminifers from the central Arctic Ocean

Autoria(s): Wollenburg, Jutta E; Mackensen, Andreas

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 85.588009 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 59.133608 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 79.694800 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -14.368700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 90.000000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 159.167000 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-07-08T18:59:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1993-08-21T00:00:00




Fifty short sediment cores collected with a multiple corer and five box cores from the central Arctic Ocean were analysed to study the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers. To work out living faunal associations, standing stock and diversity, separate analyses of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminifers were carried out for the sediment surface. The size fractions between 63 and 125 µm and >125 µm were counted separately to allow comparison with former Arctic studies and with studies from the adjacent Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferal associations are mainly controlled by the availability of food, and competition for food, while water mass characteristics, bottom current activity, substrate composition, and water depth are of minor importance. Off Spitsbergen in seasonally ice-free areas, high primary production rates are reflected by high standing stocks, high diversities, and foraminiferal associations (>125 µm) that are similar to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Generally, in seasonally ice-free areas standing stock and diversity increase with increasing food supply. In the central Arctic Ocean, the oligotrophic permanently ice-covered areas are dominated by epibenthic species. The limited food availability is reflected by very low standing stocks and low diversities. Most of these foraminiferal associations do not correspond to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The dominant associations include simple agglutinated species such as Sorosphaerae, Placopsilinellae, Komokiacea and Aschemonellae, as well as small calcareous species such as Stetsonia horvathi and Epistominella arctica. Those of the foraminiferal species that usually thrive under seasonally ice-free conditions in middle bathyal to lower bathyal water depth are found under permanently ice-covered conditions in water depths about 1000 m shallower, if present at all.


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CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Wollenburg, Jutta E; Mackensen, Andreas (1998): Living benthic foraminifers from the central Arctic Ocean: faunal composition, standing stock and diversity. Marine Micropaleontology, 34(3-4), 153-185, doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(98)00007-3

Palavras-Chave #A. atlantica; A. cassis; A. fluens; A. gallowayi; A. glomerata; A. ramulifera; A. scabra; A. subnodosus; Adercotryma glomerata; Ammotium cassis; Amundsen Basin; Angulogerina fluens; Archimerismus subnodosus; ARK-IX/4; ARK-VIII/2; ARK-VIII/3; Aschemonella composi; Aschemonella composita; Aschemonella ramulifera; Aschemonella scabra; Aschemonella sp.; Astrononion gallowayi; Atlantiella atlantica; AWI_Paleo; B. floriformis; B. frigida; B. pseudopunctata; B. tenerrima; Barents Sea; Bolivina pseudopunctata; Buccella floriformis; Buccella frigida; Buccella tenerrima; C. arctica; C. bartletti; C. cf. albiumbilicatulum; C. excavatum clavatum; C. incertum; C. pisum hispida; C. planorbis; C. reniforme; C. subglobosum; C. teretis; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated; Carbon, organic, total; Cassidulina reniforme; Cassidulina teretis; Ceratobulimina arctica; Commun; Communality; Cornuspira planorbis; Counting >125 µm fraction; Counting >63 µm fraction; Cribroelphidium bartletti; Cribroelphidium cf. albiumbilicatulum; Cribroelphidium excavatum clavatum; Cribroelphidium incertum; Cribrostomoides subglobosum; Crithionina pisum; Crithionina pisum hispida; Crithionina sp.; D. D. grahami; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Deuterammina D. grahami; E. arctica; E. exigua; E. nipponica; E. pulchella; Eilohedra nipponica; Element analyser CHN; Eoeponidella pulchella; Epistominella arctica; Epistominella exigua; Event; F. fusiformis; F. wuellerstorfi; Factor 1; Factor 2; Factor 3; Factor 4; Factor 5; Factor 6; Factor 7; Factor 8; Factor analysis; Fontbotia wuellerstorfi; Foram bent indet; Foram bent l; Foraminifera, benthic indeterminata; Foraminifera, benthic living; foraminiferal counts live (>125 µm) 0-15 cm subbottom depth; foraminiferal counts live (>125 µm) 0-1 cm subbottom depth; foraminiferal counts live (63-125 µm) 0-1 cm subbottom; Fursenkoina fusiformis; Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean; Giant box corer; GKG; Grain size, sieving/settling tube; H. elongata; H. flexibilis; H. hirudinea; H. orbiculare; Haynesina orbiculare; Hemisphaerammina hem; Hemisphaerammina hemisphaerica; Hippocrepina flexibilis; Hippocrepinella hirudinea; Hyperammina elongata; I. tumidula; Ioanella tumidula; J. obtusa; Jacullela acuta; Jacullela obtusa; Komokiacea spp.; L. difflugiformis arenulata; L. lobatula; L. tubulata; Lagenammina difflugiformis arenulata; Lagenammina tubulata; Latitude; LATITUDE; Lobatula lobatula; Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean; Longitude; LONGITUDE; M. zaandamae; Makarov Basin; Melonis zaandamae; MIC; Miliolinella chukchi; Miliolinella chukchiense; MiniCorer; Morris Jesup Rise; MUC; MultiCorer; N. irregularis; Nansen Basin; Nummoloculina irregularis; O. tener; Oridorsalis tener; P. antarctica; P. arborescens; P. aurantiaca; P. bulloides; P. confusa; P. groenlandica; P. karica; P. osloensis; P. sphaera; P. williamsoni; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Parafissurina groenlandica; PC1; PC2; PC3; PC4; PC5; PC6; PC7; PC8; Placopsilina confusa; Placopsilinella aurantiaca; Polarstern; Portatrochammina karica; PS19/091; PS19/094; PS19/100; PS19/111; PS19/113; PS19/114; PS19/117; PS19/150; PS19/152; PS19/153; PS19/154; PS19/157; PS19/158; PS19/159; PS19/160; PS19/161; PS19/164; PS19/165; PS19/166; PS19/167; PS19/172; PS19/173; PS19/175; PS19/176; PS19/178; PS19/181; PS19/182; PS19/183; PS19/184; PS19/185; PS19/186; PS19/189; PS19/190; PS19/194; PS19/196; PS19/198; PS19/200; PS19/214; PS19/216; PS19/218; PS19/222; PS19/224; PS19/226; PS19/228; PS19/234; PS19/241; PS19/245; PS19/246; PS19/249; PS19/252; PS19 ARCTIC91; PS19 EPOS II; PS2125-1; PS2125-2; PS2127-1; PS2129-2; PS2137-1; PS2139-1; PS2140-1; PS2143-1; PS2157-3; PS2159-3; PS2160-3; PS2161-1; PS2163-1; PS2164-1; PS2165-5; PS2166-1; PS2167-3; PS2168-3; PS2170-4; PS2171-2; PS2172-3; PS2175-4; PS2176-2; PS2177-3; PS2178-4; PS2179-3; PS2180-1; PS2181-4; PS2182-4; PS2183-3; PS2184-3; PS2185-4; PS2186-3; PS2187-5; PS2190-5; PS2191-1; PS2192-2; PS2193-3; PS2198-4; PS2199-4; PS2200-4; PS2202-4; PS2204-3; PS2205-1; PS2206-4; PS2208-1; PS2210-3; PS2212-6; PS2213-4; PS2214-1; PS2214-4; PS2215-1; PS2445-2; PS2446-2; PS2447-3; PS2448-3; PS27; PS27/019; PS27/020; PS27/024; PS27/025; Psammatodendron arborescens; Psammosphaera sp.; Pseudobolivina antarctica; Pullenia bulloides; Pullenia osloensis; Pyrgoella sphaera; Pyrgo williamsoni; Q. arkneriana; Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North; QUEEN; Quinqueloculina arkneriana; R. algaeformis; R. catella; R. cylindrica; R. fusiformis; R. guttifer; R. micaceus; R. rostrata; R. scorpiurus; R. turbinatus; Recurvoides turbinatus; Reophax catella; Reophax fusiformis; Reophax guttifer; Reophax micaceus; Reophax rostrata; Reophax scorpiurus; Reophax sp.; Rhabdaminella cylindrica; Rhabdammina sp.; Rhizammina algaeformis; S. aduncus; S. cf. depressa; S. horvathi; S. ramosa; Saccorhiza ramosa; Sand; Sorosphaera cf. depressa; Species; Standing stock; standing stock (>125 µm) 0-15 cm subbottom depth; standing stock (>125 µm) 0-1 cm subbottom; standing stock (63-125 µm) 0-1 cm subbottom; Stetsonia horvathi; Subreophax aduncus; Svalbard; T. compacta; T. frigida; T. japonica; T. papillata; T. pusillus; T. torquata; T. trigonula; Textularia torquata; Thurammina papillata; Thurammina sp.; TOC; Triloculina frigida; Triloculina trigonula; Tritaxis compacta; Trochammina japonica; Trochamminopsis pusillus; V. gaussi; Vanhoeffenella gaussi; Yermak Plateau
