37 resultados para Rotated lattices


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Detailed paleomagnetic investigations are reported for 283 specimens, sampled from three closely spaced Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 cores from the Lau Basin. These specimens cover three rather similar records of the reversed Cobb Mountain short polarity event, having an age of about 1.12 m.y. On the basis of a very detailed subsampling every 0.6 cm, we found that the transition times for the Cobb Mountain geomagnetic polarity event, as seen in the three Lau Basin sediment records, appear to have been as short as 0.6-1.0 k.y., although the duration of the normal-polarity event itself lasted only about 17 ± 4 k.y. The older (R to N) transition as well as the younger (N to R) transition show virtual geomagnetic paths roughly along the Americas, but shifted some 30° ± 10° to the east. These paths conflict with Cobb Mountain transition paths recorded in sediments from the Labrador Sea and the North Atlantic, but they are in fair accordance with sediment records from the Celebes and Sulu seas when corrected for differences in site longitude, suggesting that the transitional fields are dominated by nonaxial, high-order spherical harmonics.


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Shipboard laboratory index property data, shore-based consolidation tests, and in-situ stress and pore-pressure measurements are used in this study to constrain the stress conditions at ODP Site 808, Nankai Trough. Results of these tests are presented along with additional interpretations of porosity rebound and permeability. The sediment at Site 808 is highly affected by excess fluid pressures throughout the sediment column. Excess fluid pressure is severe below the major fault boundary, the décollement. The in-situ measurement of lateral stresses, which are shallow in the sediment section, confirms that the principal stress direction is rotated from a "normal" basin-type condition where the principal stress direction is vertical.


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Eight whole-core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia continental margin, were provided to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) for geotechnical characterization. The samples were collected from depths ranging from 5 to 136 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Seven of the eight whole-core samples were located within the gas hydrate stability zone, whereas the eighth sample was located in the free gas zone. Atterberg limits testing showed that the average liquid limit of the soil is 81% and the average plastic limit is 38%, giving an average plasticity index of 43%. The liquid limit is sensitive to oven drying, shown by a drop in liquid limit to 64% when tests were performed on an oven-dried sample. Loss on ignition averages 5.45 wt%. Constant rate of strain consolidation (CRSC) tests were performed to obtain the compression characteristics of the soil, as well as to determine the stress history of the site. CRSC tests also provided hydraulic conductivity and coefficient of consolidation characteristics for these sediments. The compression ratio (Cc) ranges from 0.340 to 0.704 (average = 0.568). Cc is fairly constant to a depth of 79 mbsf, after which Cc decreases downhole. The recompression ratio (Cr) ranges from 0.035 to 0.064 (average = 0.052). Cr is constant throughout the depth range. In situ hydraulic conductivity varies between 1.5 x 10**-7 and 3 x 10**-8 cm/s and shows no trend with depth. Ko-consolidated undrained compression/extension (CKoUC/E) tests were also performed to determine the peak undrained shear strength, stress-strain curve, and friction angle. The normalized undrained strength ranges from 0.29 to 0.35. The friction angle ranges from 27 to 37. Because of the limited amount of soil, CRSC and CKoUC/E tests were also conducted on resedimented specimens.


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Stable isotopes of sedimentary nitrogen and organic carbon are widely used as proxy variables for biogeochemical parameters and processes in the water column. In order to investigate alterations of the primary isotopic signal by sedimentary diagenetic processes, we determined concentrations and isotopic compositions of inorganic nitrogen (IN), organic nitrogen (ON), total nitrogen (TN), and total organic carbon (TOC) on one short core recovered from sediments of the eastern subtropical Atlantic, between the Canary Islands and the Moroccan coast. Changes with depth in concentration and isotopic composition of the different fractions were related to early diagenetic conditions indicated by pore water concentrations of oxygen, nitrate, and ammonium. Additionally, the nature of the organic matter was investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopic analysis. A decrease in ON during aerobic organic matter degradation is accompanied by an increase of the 15N/14N ratio. Changes in the isotopic composition of ON can be described by Rayleigh fractionation kinetics which are probably related to microbial metabolism. The influence of IN depleted in 15N on the bulk sedimentary (TN) isotope signal increases due to organic matter degradation, compensating partly the isotopic changes in ON. In anoxic sediments, fixation of ammonium between clay lattices results in a decrease of stable nitrogen isotope ratio of IN and TN. Changes in the carbon isotopic composition of TOC have to be explained by Rayleigh fractionation in combination with different remineralization kinetics of organic compounds with different isotopic composition. We have found no evidence for preferential preservation of terrestrial organic carbon. Instead, both TOC and refractory organic carbon are dominated by marine organic matter. Refractory organic carbon is depleted in 13C compared to TOC.


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Dating of sediment cores from the Baltic Sea has proven to be difficult due to uncertainties surrounding the 14C reservoir age and a scarcity of macrofossils suitable for dating. Here we present the results of multiple dating methods carried out on cores in the Gotland Deep area of the Baltic Sea. Particular emphasis is placed on the Littorina stage (8 ka ago to the present) of the Baltic Sea and possible changes in the 14C reservoir age of our dated samples. Three geochronological methods are used. Firstly, palaeomagnetic secular variations (PSV) are reconstructed, whereby ages are transferred to PSV features through comparison with varved lake sediment based PSV records. Secondly, lead (Pb) content and stable isotope analysis are used to identify past peaks in anthropogenic atmospheric Pb pollution. Lastly, 14C determinations were carried out on benthic foraminifera (Elphidium spec.) samples from the brackish Littorina stage of the Baltic Sea. Determinations carried out on smaller samples (as low as 4 µg C) employed an experimental, state-of-the-art method involving the direct measurement of CO2 from samples by a gas ion source without the need for a graphitisation step - the first time this method has been performed on foraminifera in an applied study. The PSV chronology, based on the uppermost Littorina stage sediments, produced ten age constraints between 6.29 and 1.29 cal ka BP, and the Pb depositional analysis produced two age constraints associated with the Medieval pollution peak. Analysis of PSV data shows that adequate directional data can be derived from both the present Littorina saline phase muds and Baltic Ice Lake stage varved glacial sediments. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphides, most likely authigenic greigite (Fe3S4), present in the intermediate Ancylus Lake freshwater stage sediments acquire a gyroremanent magnetisation during static alternating field (AF) demagnetisation, preventing the identification of a primary natural remanent magnetisation for these sediments. An inferred marine reservoir age offset (deltaR) is calculated by comparing the foraminifera 14C determinations to a PSV & Pb age model. This deltaR is found to trend towards younger values upwards in the core, possibly due to a gradual change in hydrographic conditions brought about by a reduction in marine water exchange from the open sea due to continued isostatic rebound.


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We present a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy and relative paleointensity (RPI) record derived from the upper 85 meters of IODP Site U1336, an equatorial Pacific early to middle Miocene succession recovered during Expedition 320/321. The magnetostratigraphy is well resolved with reversals typically located to within a few centimeters resulting in a well-constrained age model. The lowest normal polarity interval, from 85 to 74.87 meters, is interpreted as the upper part of Chron C6n (18.614-19.599 Ma). Another 33 magnetozones occur from 74.87 to 0.85 m, which are interpret to represent the continuous sequence of chrons from Chron C5Er (18.431-18.614 Ma) up to the top of Chron C5An.1n (12.014 Ma). We identify three new possible subchrons within Chron C5Cn.1n, Chron 5Bn.1r, and C5ABn. Sedimentation rates vary from about 7 to 15 m/Myr with a mean of about 10 m/Myr. We observe rapid, apparent changes in the sedimentation rate at geomagnetic reversals between ~16 and 19 Ma that indicate a calibration error in geomagnetic polarity timescale (ATNTS2004). The remanence is carried mainly by non-interacting particles of fine-grained magnetite, which have FORC distributions characteristic of biogenic magnetite. Given the relative homogeneity of the remanence carriers throughout the 85-m-thick succession and the quality with which the remanence is recorded, we have constructed a relative paleointensity (RPI) record that provides new insights into middle Miocene geomagnetic field behavior. The RPI record indicates a gradual decline in field strength between 18.5 Ma and 14.5 Ma, and indicates no discernible link between RPI and either chron duration or polarity state.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198, Sites 1207, 1208, 1212, 1213, and 1214 were drilled on Shatsky Rise, coring Lower to mid-Cretaceous successions of nannofossil chalk, porcellanite, and chert. Although recovery was poor, these sites yielded an outstanding record of calcareous nannoplankton, providing valuable data concerning the evolutionary succession and paleobiogeography of the largest Cretaceous marine habitat. Mid-Cretaceous sections (Aptian-Cenomanian) were recovered at all sites, and Site 1213 includes an apparently complete Berriasian-Hauterivian section. Biostratigraphic dating is problematic in places because of the absence or rarity of zonal fossils of both Boreal and Tethyan affinity. The majority of nannofossil assemblages are relatively typical of this age, but there are clear differences that set them apart from coeval epicontinental assemblages: for example, Lithraphidites carniolensis is common to abundant throughout and was most likely an oceanic-adapted taxon; the cold- to temperate-water species Crucibiscutum salebrosum, Repagulum parvidentatum, and Seribiscutum primitivum are entirely absent, indicating the persistence of tropical, warm surface water temperatures; and the warm-water species Hayesites irregularis is common. Most striking, however, is the virtual absence of Nannoconus and Micrantholithus, both taxa that were conspicuous and often common components of many Tethyan and Atlantic nannofloras. These forms were almost certainly neritic adapted and usually absent in deep open-ocean settings away from guyots and platforms. Other Tethyan taxa are also absent or rare and sporadically distributed (e.g., Calcicalathina oblongata, Conusphaera spp., Tubodiscus verenae, and Lithraphidites bollii), and factors related to neritic environments presumably controlled their distribution. Site 1213 also records extended Early Cretaceous ranges for species previously thought to have become extinct during the Late Jurassic (e.g., Axopodorhabdus cylindratus, Hexapodorhabdus cuvillieri, and Biscutum dorsetensis), suggesting these species became Pacific-restricted prior to their extinction. Watznaueria britannica may also have been a species with Pacific affinities before reexpansion of its biogeography in the early Aptian. One new genus (Mattiolia) and thirteen new species (Zeugrhabdotus clarus, Zeugrhabdotus petrizzoae, Helicolithus leckiei, Rhagodiscus amplus, Rhagodiscus robustus, Rhagodiscus sageri, Rhagodiscus adinfinitus, Tubodiscus bellii, Tubodiscus frankiae, Gartnerago ponticula, Haqius peltatus, Mattiolia furva, and Kokia stellata) are described from the Shatsky Rise Lower Cretaceous section.


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The shape and morphology of the northern Barbados Ridge complex is largely controlled by the sediment yield and failure behavior in response to high lateral loads imposed by convergence. Loads in excess of sediment yield strength result in nonrecoverable deformations within the wedge, and failure strength acts as an upper limit beyond which stresses are released through thrust faults. Relatively high loading rates lead to delayed consolidation and in-situ pore pressures greater than hydrostatic. The sediment yield and failure behavior is described for any stress path by a generalized constitutive model. A yield locus delineates the onset of plastic (non-recoverable) deformation, as defined from the isotropic and anisotropic consolidation responses of high-quality 38-mm triaxial specimens; a failure envelope was obtained by shearing the same specimens in both triaxial compression and extension. The yield locus is shown to be rotated into extension space and is centered about a K-line greater than unity, suggesting that the in-situ major principal stress has rotated into the horizontal plane, and that the sediment wedge is being subjected to extensional effective stress paths.


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In basalts and volcanogenic sediments from the Indian Ocean, the successive stages of submarine alteration of volcanic rocks and glasses give rise to the incorporation or the relative increase of iron in smectite lattices. During the first stage, the Mg-smectites are the most abundant; they are occasionally associated with Al-smectites. Afterwards, they are gradually replaced by iron-rich smectites. The REE distribution follows the same trend as the mineralogical changes. During the f'trst stage of alteration, REE distribution in clay minerals is the same as in the fresh glasses but, when the iron-rich smectites increase, the Ce has a specific behaviour. The Ce shows a positive anomaly in iron-rich smectites formed early in palagonitized glasses, and a negative one in authigenic smectites formed later from solutions in equilibrium with seawater.


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We have determined the azimuth of bottom-current flow in drift deposit sediments recovered at ODP Sites 1095 and 1101, Antarctic Peninsula, using paleomagnetic reorientation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) ellipsoids. A total of 38 cores from the two ODP sites have been measured, providing spatial and directional information on the physical record of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) in the Plio-Pleistocene. Declination and inclination of the paleomagnetic vector of each core segment were used to reorient the AMS principal axes to the geographic coordinates. The cores were reoriented using the measured direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with respect to a common reference line for the core, from which we are able to determine the orientation of the paleocurrent flow for Sites 1095 (Drift 7) and 1101 (Drift 4) relative to the geographic coordinates. Both sites have paleocurrent directions trending ~NW-SE, which in the former locality are parallel to a sediment wave field. Our study shows that a combination of magnetic fabric analysis and paleomagnetism allows deep-sea sedimentary fabric to be used as a long-term proxy of bottom-current flow history.


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Sediments undergoing accretion in trench-forearc systems are subjected to conditions of large lateral thrusting. This stress regime controls the mechanism of faulting as well as the yield and strength properties of the sediment. Understanding them is therefore crucial for the construction of quantitative models of sediment dynamics in convergent margin settings. For this purpose triaxial and oedometer tests were performed on six whole-round core samples recovered from Site 808 from depths between 173 and 705 mbsf. Samples from five depth intervals were subjected to a triaxial test program that was primarily designed to define yield and strength behavior. Test specimens were cut parallel and normal to the core axis. Additional five oedometer tests with similarly prepared specimens were performed on samples from four depth intervals to evaluate the directional state and degree of sediment compaction. Test results show that the degree of sediment compaction is higher than expected from overburden. This overcompaction increases with depth. A well-developed mechanical anisotropy is evident in all samples tested, regardless of their depth and lithology. Values of yield limit, stiffness, and shear strength are up to 40% higher in the horizontal direction compared to the vertical direction. In addition the test data demonstrate that the axis of the volumetric yield loci have rotated into extensional stress field. This verifies that the mechanical state of sediment in the accretionary wedge is controlled by in-situ stress conditions of extensional nature. The coefficients of lateral stress inferred suggest that the extensional stress regime becomes increasingly effective with depth.