Magnetic measurements on ODP holes 178-1095A, 178-1095B and 178-1101A

Autoria(s): Parés, Josep M; Hassold, Noralynn JC; Rea, David K; van der Pluijm, Ben A

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -66.114367 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -75.745437 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -66.985450 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -78.487820 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -64.372200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -70.261180 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-02-17T16:15:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-03-18T10:30:00




We have determined the azimuth of bottom-current flow in drift deposit sediments recovered at ODP Sites 1095 and 1101, Antarctic Peninsula, using paleomagnetic reorientation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) ellipsoids. A total of 38 cores from the two ODP sites have been measured, providing spatial and directional information on the physical record of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) in the Plio-Pleistocene. Declination and inclination of the paleomagnetic vector of each core segment were used to reorient the AMS principal axes to the geographic coordinates. The cores were reoriented using the measured direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with respect to a common reference line for the core, from which we are able to determine the orientation of the paleocurrent flow for Sites 1095 (Drift 7) and 1101 (Drift 4) relative to the geographic coordinates. Both sites have paleocurrent directions trending ~NW-SE, which in the former locality are parallel to a sediment wave field. Our study shows that a combination of magnetic fabric analysis and paleomagnetism allows deep-sea sedimentary fabric to be used as a long-term proxy of bottom-current flow history.


application/zip, 12 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Parés, Josep M; Hassold, Noralynn JC; Rea, David K; van der Pluijm, Ben A (2007): Paleocurrent directions from paleomagnetic reorientations of magnetic fabrics in deep-sea sediments at the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin (ODP Sites 1095, 1101). Marine Geology, 242(4), 261-269, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.04.002

Palavras-Chave #178-1095A; 178-1095B; 178-1101A; Age; AGE; Angle conf; Angle of 95% confidence; Angle of rotation; Angle rotated; Calculated, see reference(s); ChRM, Declination; ChRM, Inclination; Comment; Core; D(Kint); D(Kmax); D(Kmin); Decl (ChRM); Declination, rotated; Declination of principle axis K1; Declination of principle axis K2; Declination of principle axis K3; Decl rotated; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Eigenvalue 1; Eigenvalue 1, standard deviation; Eigenvalue 3; Eigenvalue 3, standard deviation; Eigenvector 1; Eigenvector 3; EVA1; EVA1 std dev; EVA3; EVA3 std dev; I(Kint); I(Kmax); I(Kmin); Incl (ChRM); Inclination of principle axis K1; Inclination of principle axis K2; Inclination of principle axis K3; Joides Resolution; kappa; Kappabridge; K-distr; K-distribution parameter; Label; Leg178; No; Number; Number od samples; Number of samples; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; ORDINAL NUMBER; Ord No; Sample code/label; see reference; South Pacific Ocean; Susceptibility, volume
