Consolidation properties and strength characteristics of ODP Site 204-1244 sediments

Autoria(s): Tan, Brian; Germaine, John T; Flemings, Peter B

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 44.586231 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -125.119816 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 44.586160 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -125.119860 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 44.586300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -125.119750 * DATE/TIME START: 2002-07-12T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2002-08-22T00:00:00




Eight whole-core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia continental margin, were provided to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) for geotechnical characterization. The samples were collected from depths ranging from 5 to 136 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Seven of the eight whole-core samples were located within the gas hydrate stability zone, whereas the eighth sample was located in the free gas zone. Atterberg limits testing showed that the average liquid limit of the soil is 81% and the average plastic limit is 38%, giving an average plasticity index of 43%. The liquid limit is sensitive to oven drying, shown by a drop in liquid limit to 64% when tests were performed on an oven-dried sample. Loss on ignition averages 5.45 wt%. Constant rate of strain consolidation (CRSC) tests were performed to obtain the compression characteristics of the soil, as well as to determine the stress history of the site. CRSC tests also provided hydraulic conductivity and coefficient of consolidation characteristics for these sediments. The compression ratio (Cc) ranges from 0.340 to 0.704 (average = 0.568). Cc is fairly constant to a depth of 79 mbsf, after which Cc decreases downhole. The recompression ratio (Cr) ranges from 0.035 to 0.064 (average = 0.052). Cr is constant throughout the depth range. In situ hydraulic conductivity varies between 1.5 x 10**-7 and 3 x 10**-8 cm/s and shows no trend with depth. Ko-consolidated undrained compression/extension (CKoUC/E) tests were also performed to determine the peak undrained shear strength, stress-strain curve, and friction angle. The normalized undrained strength ranges from 0.29 to 0.35. The friction angle ranges from 27 to 37. Because of the limited amount of soil, CRSC and CKoUC/E tests were also conducted on resedimented specimens.


application/zip, 10 datasets








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Supplement to: Tan, Brian; Germaine, John T; Flemings, Peter B (2006): Data report: Consolidation and strength characteristics of sediments from ODP Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia continental margin. In: Tréhu, AM; Bohrmann, G; Torres, ME; Colwell, FS (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 204, 1-148, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #-; (excess pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); (excess pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum obliquity; (excess pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum shear; (mean stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); (mean stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum obliquity; (mean stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum shear; (shear induced pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); (shear induced pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum obliquity; (shear induced pore pressure)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum shear; (shear stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); (shear stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum obliquity; (shear stress)/(consolidation vertical effective stress); at maximum shear; (shear stress)/(maximum shear stress); in %; at maximum shear; (shear stress)/(mean stress); in %; at maximum obliquity; (shear stress)/(mean stress); in %; at maximum shear; % per sec; % per sec, test condition; 204-1244; 204-1244B; 204-1244C; 2 theta; Angle of rotation; Angle rotated; A-Parameter; A-Parameter, at maximum obliquity; A-Parameter, at maximum shear; approximate length of time maximum stress was held constant; approximate length of time preshear condition was held constant; Area; area of the specimen at midheight; at maximum obliquity; at maximum shear; at preshear condition; at the end of unloading; Atterberg limits test; at the end of unloading; Axial membrane; Axial strain; Backpressure; B-value in %; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated; Cc; Ce; Cell pressure; Coeff consolidation; Coefficient of consolidation; COMPCORE; Composite Core; Compression index; Conductivity, hydraulic; consolidation; consolidation sigmaV ef; at preshear condition; corr; Correction; Density, wet bulk; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; E'/consolidation vertical effective stress; Effective stress; Epsilon; Epsilon a; Epsilon vol; Event; excess; excess, normalized; f; Friction angle; H2O; Horizontal stress; in %; in %; at maximum obliquity; in %; at maximum shear; in %; at maximum stress; in %; at preshear condition; initial; in situ; Intensity; Internal friction angle; Joides Resolution; kf; Label; Label 2; lateral stress ratio (sigmaH ef/sigmaV ef); Leg204; LI; Liq limit; Liquidity index; Liquid limit; LOI; Loss on ignition; maximum lateral stress ratio (sigmaH ef/sigmaV ef); maximum lateral stress ratio (sigmaH ef/sigmaV ef); at maximum stress; maximum lateral stress ratio (sigmaH ef/sigmaV ef); at preshear condition; max SigmaV ef; at maximum stress;; mbsf; mean; natural water content; natural water content, #0 = oven dried; North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Overconsolidation ratio; Parameter; Pc; Pc/Po; phi; Plastic index; Plastic limit; Pore pressure; Preconsolidation pressure; Radial membrane; Ratio; Recompression/expansion index; Samp com; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Sample comment; Satur; Saturation; Shear stress; Sigma; SigmaCell; SigmaH ef; SigmaV; SigmaV ef; Specific gravity; Strain; Strain r; Strain rate; Tau; test condition; Time; Time in seconds; u2; Vertical effective stress; Vertical stress; Void Ratio; Void Ratio description; Volumetric strain; Water in rock; WBD; work = [(sigma (i) + sigma (i - 1))/2] x ln[(1 - epsilon (i - 1))/(1 - epsilon (i))]; X-ray diffraction, clay fraction; X-ray diffraction (XRD)
