564 resultados para Carbonate reservoirs


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B/Ca ratios in Cibicides mundulus and Cibicides wuellerstorfi have been shown to correlate with the degree of calcite saturation in seawater (D[CO32-]). In the South Pacific, a region of high importance in the global carbon cycle, these species are not continuously present in down-core records. Small numbers of epibenthic foraminifera in samples present an additional challenge, which can be overcome by using laser ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We present a laser ablation based core-top calibration for Cibicides cf. wuellerstorfi, a C. wuellerstorfi morphotype that is abundant in the South Pacific and extend the existing global core top calibration for C. mundulus and C. wuellerstorfi to this region. B/Ca in C. cf. wuellerstorfi are linearly correlated with D[CO32-] and possibly display a higher sensitivity to calcite saturation changes than C. wuellerstorfi. Trace element profiles through C. wuellerstorfi and C. mundulus reveal an intra-shell B/Ca variation of ±36% around the mean shell value. Mg/Ca and B/Ca display opposite trends along the shell. Both phenomena likely result from ontogenetic effects. Intra-shell variability equals intra-sample variability, mean sample B/Ca values can thus be reliably calculated from averaged spot results of single specimen. In the global B/Ca-D[CO32-] range, we observe an inverse relationship between water mass age and D[CO32-].


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Interstitial waters and sediments from DSDP sites 288 and 289 contain information on the chemistry and diagenesis of carbonate in deep-sea sediments and on the role of volcanic matter alteration processes. Sr/Ca ratios are species dependent in unaltered foraminifera from site 289 and atom ratios (0.0012-0.0016) exceed those predicted by distribution coefficent data (~0.0004). During diagenesis Sr/Ca ratios of carbonates decrease and reach the theoretical distribution at a depth which is identical to the depth of Sr isotopic equilibration, where 87Sr/86Sr ratios of interstitial waters and carbonates converge. Mg/Ca ratios in the carbonates do not increase with depth as found in some other DSDP sites, possibly because of diagenetic re-equilibration with interstitial waters showing decreasing Mg(2+)/Ca(2+) ratios with depth due to Ca input and Mg removal by alteration of volcanic matter. Interstitial 18O/16O ratios increase with depth at site 289 to d18O = 0.67? (SMOW), reflecting carbonate recrystallization at elevated temperatures (>/= 20°C), the first recorded evidence of this effect in interstitial waters. Interstitial Sr2+ concentrations reach high levels, up to 1 mM, chiefly because of carbonate recrystallization. However, 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease from 0.7092 to less than 0.7078, lower than for contemporaneous sea water, showing that there is a volcanic input of strontium at depth. This volcanic component is recorded in the Sr isotopic composition of recrystallized calcites. Isotopic compositions of the unrecrystallized calcites suggests that the rate of increase of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of sea water with time has been faster since 3 my ago than in the preceding 13 my.


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We have performed U-Th isotope analyses on pure aragonite samples from the upper sections of Leg 166 cores to assign each aragonite-rich sediment package to the correct sea-level highstand. The uppermost sediment package from each of the four sites investigated (Sites 1003, 1005, 1006, and 1007) yielded a Holocene U-Th age. Sediment packages from deeper in the cores have suffered diagenesis. This diagenesis consists of significant U loss (up to 40%) in the site nearest the platform (Site 1005), slight U gain in sites further from the platform, and continuous loss of pure 234U caused by alpha recoil at all sites. The difference in diagenesis between the sites can be explained by the different fluid-flow histories they have experienced. Site 1005 is sufficiently close to the platform to have probably experienced a change in flow direction whenever the banks have flooded or become exposed. Other sites have probably experienced continuous flow into the sediment. Although diagenesis prevents assignment of accurate ages, it is sufficiently systematic that it can be corrected for and each aragonite-rich package assigned to a unique highstand interval. Site 1005 has sediment packages from highstands associated with marine isotope Stages 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Site 1006 is similar, except that the Stage 7 highstand is missing, at least in Hole 1006A. Site 1003 has sediment only from Stage 1 and 11 highstands within the U-Th age range. And Site 1007 has sediment only from the stage 1 highstand. This information will allow the construction of better age models for these sites. No high-aragonite sediments are seen for Stage 3 or Substages 5a and 5c. Unless rather unusual erosion has occurred, this indicates that the banks did not flood during these periods. If true, this would require the sea level for Substages 5a and 5c to have remained at least ~10 m lower than today.


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The concentration of dissolved Sr and the distribution of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in Leg 113 interstitial waters may be interpreted in terms of mixing of Sr from four different reservoirs: indigenous seawater, marine carbonate minerals, and basaltic and siliceous detrital material. The input to the pore water from these reservoirs is determined by the reactivity of the reservoir rather than its size. The presence of strontium derived from siliceous detrital material is unequivocally demonstrated in the pore waters of the hemipelagic deposits, and is also significant in the calcareous Maud Rise sediments due to the unusually low degree of carbonate recrystallization. Also, alteration of basic volcanic material is important at several sites.


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The Agulhas Leakage represents a significant portion of the warm, surface return flow of the global overturning circulation and thus may be an important feedback in the ocean climate system. Models indicate that reduced leakage could be caused by a stronger Agulhas Current and/or a more upstream (eastward) Agulhas Retroflection, while a weaker Agulhas Current would result in a more westward retroflection and increased leakage. However, data for the Last Glacial Maximum support both a weaker Agulhas Current and less leakage, implying a possible displacement of the retroflection. We present new 87Sr/86Sr results for modern sediments within this region, confirming that the modern pathway of the Agulhas Current, Retroflection, and Leakage can be traced by terrigenous sediment provenance using Sr isotopes. New 87Sr/86Sr data from sediments deposited during the Last Glacial Maximum suggest that the glacial Agulhas Current and Retroflection followed nearly their modern trajectory. The provenance data appear to rule out both a stronger Agulhas Current and a more upstream Agulhas Retroflection. We conclude that the reduced glacial leakage was caused by the weakened Agulhas Current, with no significant change in the retroflection position. This is inconsistent with the model predictions and thus emphasizes the need for further work in this region.


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This report presents mineralogic and geochemical data from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182 Site 1128 in the Great Australian Bight. Clay mineralogy is dominated by mixed-layer illite-smectite, followed by minor amounts of kaolinite and illite, with intervals of pure smectite. Carbonate mineralogy is exclusively low-Mg calcite, except for one interval of dolomite in lower Oligocene sediments. Carbonate increases significantly in upper Eocene sediments, decreases through the lower Oligocene, then increases again in the Neogene. Quartz is present as a minor component that covaries inversely with carbonate. High-resolution sampling associated with Chron 13 normal (early Oligocene) reveals high-frequency (~23 k.y.) fluctuations in clay mineralogy and carbonate abundance and a positive oxygen and carbon isotope excursion (in bulk carbonates) related to Antarctic glaciation.


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An intensive stable isotopic investigation was conducted on sediments recovered from the Great Australian Bight during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182 at Sites 1127, 1129, and 1131. The sites comprise a transect from the shelf edge to upper slope through a thick sequence of predominately Quaternary cool-water carbonate sediments. Detailed mineralogic and stable isotopic (d18O and d13C) analyses of sediments from a total of 306 samples are presented from all three sites.


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The atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) will almost certainly be double that of pre-industrial levels by 2100 and will be considerably higher than at any time during the past few million years1. The oceans are a principal sink for anthropogenic CO2 where it is estimated to have caused a 30% increase in the concentration of H+ in ocean surface waters since the early 1900s and may lead to a drop in seawater pH of up to 0.5 units by 2100. Our understanding of how increased ocean acidity may affect marine ecosystems is at present very limited as almost all studies have been in vitro, short-term, rapid perturbation experiments on isolated elements of the ecosystem4, 5. Here we show the effects of acidification on benthic ecosystems at shallow coastal sites where volcanic CO2 vents lower the pH of the water column. Along gradients of normal pH (8.1-8.2) to lowered pH (mean 7.8-7.9, minimum 7.4-7.5), typical rocky shore communities with abundant calcareous organisms shifted to communities lacking scleractinian corals with significant reductions in sea urchin and coralline algal abundance. To our knowledge, this is the first ecosystem-scale validation of predictions that these important groups of organisms are susceptible to elevated amounts of pCO2. Sea-grass production was highest in an area at mean pH 7.6 (1,827 µatm pCO2) where coralline algal biomass was significantly reduced and gastropod shells were dissolving due to periods of carbonate sub-saturation. The species populating the vent sites comprise a suite of organisms that are resilient to naturally high concentrations of pCO2 and indicate that ocean acidification may benefit highly invasive non-native algal species. Our results provide the first in situ insights into how shallow water marine communities might change when susceptible organisms are removed owing to ocean acidification.