47 resultados para Effective radiative properties
Geotechnical properties of sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 164 are presented as: (1) normalized shipboard strength ratios from the Cape Fear Diapir, the Blake Ridge Diapir, and the Blake Ridge; and (2) Atterberg limit, vane shear strength, pocket-penetrometer strength, and constant-rate-of-strain consolidation results from Hole 995A, located on the Blake Ridge. This study was conducted to understand the stress history in a region characterized by high sedimentation rates and the presence of gas hydrates. Collectively, the results indicate that sediment from the Blake Ridge exhibits significant underconsolidated behavior, except near the seafloor. At least 10 m of additional overburden was removed by erosion or mass wasting at Hole 993A on the Cape Fear Diapir, compared to nearby sites.
Delineating the interrelationships between tectonics, sedimentation, and geotechnical properties is particularly important for areas subjected to the dynamic affects of convergence. DSDP Leg 66 drilling within the Middle America Trench complex provided a unique opportunity to investigate these interrelationships along a transect of eight drill sites beginning on the trench outer slope and traversing the trench, trench inner slope, and upper continental slope. Investigations of other convergent margins suggest that deformation occurs most rapidly along the lower trench inner slope and is reflected by the geotechnical properties (Carson, 1977; Seely, 1977; and von Huene, 1979). This study focuses on the geotechnical properties of Middle America Trench sediments and the possible affects of convergence on these properties.
Eight whole-core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1244, Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia continental margin, were provided to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) for geotechnical characterization. The samples were collected from depths ranging from 5 to 136 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Seven of the eight whole-core samples were located within the gas hydrate stability zone, whereas the eighth sample was located in the free gas zone. Atterberg limits testing showed that the average liquid limit of the soil is 81% and the average plastic limit is 38%, giving an average plasticity index of 43%. The liquid limit is sensitive to oven drying, shown by a drop in liquid limit to 64% when tests were performed on an oven-dried sample. Loss on ignition averages 5.45 wt%. Constant rate of strain consolidation (CRSC) tests were performed to obtain the compression characteristics of the soil, as well as to determine the stress history of the site. CRSC tests also provided hydraulic conductivity and coefficient of consolidation characteristics for these sediments. The compression ratio (Cc) ranges from 0.340 to 0.704 (average = 0.568). Cc is fairly constant to a depth of 79 mbsf, after which Cc decreases downhole. The recompression ratio (Cr) ranges from 0.035 to 0.064 (average = 0.052). Cr is constant throughout the depth range. In situ hydraulic conductivity varies between 1.5 x 10**-7 and 3 x 10**-8 cm/s and shows no trend with depth. Ko-consolidated undrained compression/extension (CKoUC/E) tests were also performed to determine the peak undrained shear strength, stress-strain curve, and friction angle. The normalized undrained strength ranges from 0.29 to 0.35. The friction angle ranges from 27 to 37. Because of the limited amount of soil, CRSC and CKoUC/E tests were also conducted on resedimented specimens.
Sediment cored within the Barbados subduction complex at Sites 541 and 542 are underconsolidated. Underconsolidation and changes in physical properties of the cored section can be related to excess pore water pressure that equals the lithostatic load at Site 542 and to major thrust faulting observed at Site 541. Apparently, the pore fluids within the subduction complex are absorbing the tectonic shock of underthrusting. Sediment sampled from the reference Site 543 on the adjacent Atlantic Plate are also underconsolidated. However, underconsolidation in Hole 543 is apparently due to the movement of excess nitrogen gas observed deeper in the hole. Excess gas was not observed at Sites 541 and 542.
Deformation features within the cores are studied with a view towards elucidating the structure of the Middle America Trench along the transect drilled during Leg 67. Where possible, inferences are made as to the physical environment of deformation. Extensional tectonics prevails in the area of the seaward slope and trench. Fracturing and one well-preserved normal fault are found mostly within the lower Miocene chalks, at the base of the sedimentary section. These chalks have high porosities (40%-60%) and water content (30%-190%, based on % dry wt.). Experimental triaxial compression tests conducted on both dry and water-saturated samples of chalk from Holes 495 and 499B show that only in the saturated samples is more brittle behavior observed. Brittle failure of the chalks is greatly facilitated by pore fluid pressures that lead to low effective pressures. Additional embrittlement (weakening) can take place as a result of the imposed extensional stress resulting from bending of a subducting elastic oceanic plate. The chalks exhibit, in a landward direction, an increase in density and mechanical strength and a decrease in water content. These changes are attributed to mechanical compaction that may have resulted from tectonic horizontal compression. The structure of the landward slope is not well understood because the slope sites had to be abandoned due to the presence of gas hydrate. The relationship of the chaotic, brittle deformation (observed in the cores from Hole 494A) at the base of the landward slope to tectonic processes remains unclear. The deformation observed on the slope sites (Holes 496 and 497) is mostly fracturing and near-vertical sigmoidal veinlets. These are interpreted as being the result of gas/fluid overpressurization due to the decomposition of the gas hydrate, and not due to tectonic loading of accreted sediments. Aside from four small displacement (less than 1cm) reverse faults observed in the lower Miocene chalks (which may be the product of soft-sediment deformation), there is a noticeable absence of structures reflecting a dominance of horizontal (tectonic) compression along the transect drilled. The absence of such features, the lack of continuity of sediment types across the trench-landward slope, and the normal stratigraphic sequence in Hole 494A do not support any known accretionary model.
This paper presents a geotechnical characterization of the glacigenic sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, based on the shipboard physical properties data obtained during Leg 119, combined with results of land-based analyses of 24 whole-round core samples. Main emphasis is placed on the land-based studies, which included oedometer consolidation tests, triaxial and simple shear tests for undrained shear strength, permeability tests in oedometer and triaxial cell, Atterberg limits, and grain-size analyses. The bulk of the tested sediments comprise overconsolidated diamictites of a relatively uniform lithology. The overconsolidation results from a combination of glacial loading and sediment overburden subsequently removed by extensive glacial erosion of the shelf. This leads to downhole profiles of physical properties that have been observed not to change as a function of the thickness of present overburden. A number of fluctuations in the parameters shows a relatively systematic trend and most likely results from changes in the proximity to the ice sheet grounding line in response to variations in the glacial regime. Very low permeabilities mainly result from high preconsolidation stresses (Pc'). Pc' values up to 10,000 kPa were estimated from the oedometer tests, and empirical estimates based on undrained shear strengths (up to 2500 kPa) indicate that the oedometer results are conservative. The diamictites generally classify as inactive, of low to medium plasticity, and they consolidate with little deformation, even when subjected to great stresses. This is the first report of geotechnical data from deep boreholes on the Antarctic continental shelf, but material of similar character can also be expected in other areas around the Antarctic.
The book presents results of comprehensive geological and geophysical studies, carried out in the Cape Verde fault zone in the 3-rd cruise of R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov (1986). Detailed characterization of bottom relief, thickness and structure of the sedimentary cover, magnetic field, crust structure, lithology and stratigraphy of sediments, petrography and geochemistry of magmatic rocks. Conclusions about tectonic layering of the crust and upper mantle in the fault zone, and about a concurrent structural section of large mantle inhomogeneities have been done. The book is the first monographic description of a major fault structure of the ocean floor.
The stress history, permeability, and compressibility of sediments from Demerara Rise recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 were determined using one-dimensional incremental load consolidation and low-gradient flow pump permeability tests. Relationships among void ratio, effective stress, and hydraulic conductivity are presented for sampled lithologic units and used to reconstruct effective stress, permeability, and in situ void ratio profiles for a transect of three sites across Demerara Rise. Results confirm that a significant erosional event occurred on the northeastern flank of the rise during the late Miocene, resulting in the removal of ~220 m of upper Oligocene-Miocene deposits. Although Neogene and Paleogene sediments tend to be overconsolidated, Cretaceous sediments are normally consolidated to underconsolidated, suggesting the presence of overpressure. A pronounced drop in permeability occurs at the transition from the Cretaceous black shales into the overlying Maastrichtian-upper Paleocene chalks and clays. The development of a hydraulic seal at this boundary may be responsible for overpressure in the Cretaceous deposits, leading to the lower overconsolidation ratios of these sediments. Coupled with large regional variations in sediment thickness (overburden stresses), the higher permeability overpressured Cretaceous sediments represent a regional lateral fluid conduit on Demerara Rise, possibly venting methane-rich fluids where it outcrops on the margin's northeastern flank.
How the micro-scale fabric of clay-rich mudstone evolves during consolidation in early burial is critical to how they are interpreted in the deeper portions of sedimentary basins. Core samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, covering seafloor to 600 meters below sea floor (mbsf) are ideal for studying the micro-scale fabric of mudstones. Mudstones of consistent composition and grain size decrease in porosity from 80% at the seafloor to 37% at 600 mbsf. Argon-ion milling produces flat surfaces to image this pore evolution over a vertical effective stress range of 0.25 (71 mbsf) to 4.05 MPa (597 mbsf). With increasing burial, pores become elongated, mean pore size decreases, and there is preferential loss of the largest pores. There is a small increase in clay mineral preferred orientation as recorded by high resolution X-ray goniometry with burial.