19 resultados para Rhesus Monkey

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Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is the storage of visual information over a brief time period (usually a few seconds or less). Over the past decade, the most popular task for studying VSTM in humans has been the change detection task. In this task, subjects must remember several visual items per trial in order to identify a change following a brief delay interval. Results from change detection tasks have shown that VSTM is limited; humans are only able to accurately hold a few visual items in mind over a brief delay. However, there has been much debate in regard to the structure or cause of these limitations. The two most popular conceptualizations of VSTM limitations in recent years have been the fixed-capacity model and the continuous-resource model. The fixed-capacity model proposes a discrete limit on the total number of visual items that can be stored in VSTM. The continuous-resource model proposes a continuous-resource that can be allocated among many visual items in VSTM, with noise in item memory increasing as the number of items to be remembered increases. While VSTM is far from being completely understood in humans, even less is known about VSTM in non-human animals, including the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Given that rhesus monkeys are the premier medical model for humans, it is important to understand their VSTM if they are to contribute to understanding human memory. The primary goals of this study were to train and test rhesus monkeys and humans in change detection in order to directly compare VSTM between the two species and explore the possibility that direct species comparison might shed light on the fixed-capacity vs. continuous-resource models of VSTM. The comparative results suggest qualitatively similar VSTM for the two species through converging evidence supporting the continuous-resource model and thereby establish rhesus monkeys as a good system for exploring neurophysiological correlates of VSTM.


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Many mental disorders disrupt social skills, yet few studies have examined how the brain processes social information. Functional neuroimaging, neuroconnectivity and electrophysiological studies suggest that orbital frontal cortex plays important roles in social cognition, including the analysis of information from faces, which are important cues in social interactions. Studies in humans and non-human primates show that damage to orbital frontal cortex produces social behavior impairments, including abnormal aggression, but these studies have failed to determine whether damage to this area impairs face processing. In addition, it is not known whether damage early in life is more detrimental than damage in adulthood. This study examined whether orbital frontal cortex is necessary for the discrimination of face identity and facial expressions, and for appropriate behavioral responses to aggressive (threatening) facial expressions. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) received selective lesions of orbital frontal cortex as newborns or adults. As adults, these animals were compared with sham-operated controls on their ability to discriminate between faces of individual monkeys and between different facial expressions of emotion. A passive visual paired-comparison task with standardized rhesus monkey face stimuli was designed and used to assess discrimination. In addition, looking behavior toward aggressive expressions was assessed and compared with that of normal control animals. The results showed that lesion of orbital frontal cortex (1) may impair discrimination between faces of individual monkeys, (2) does not impair facial expression discrimination, and (3) changes the amount of time spent looking at aggressive (threatening) facial expressions depending on the context. The effects of early and late lesions did not differ. Thus, orbital frontal cortex appears to be part of the neural circuitry for recognizing individuals and for modulating the response to aggression in faces, and the plasticity of the immature brain does not allow for recovery of these functions when the damage occurs early in life. This study opens new avenues for the assessment of rhesus monkey face processing and the neural basis of social cognition, and allows a better understanding of the nature of the neuropathology in patients with mental disorders that disrupt social behavior, such as autism. ^


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Visual cortex of macaque monkeys consists of a large number of cortical areas that span the occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes and occupy more than half of cortical surface. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the contributions of many occipital areas to visual perceptual processing, much less is known concerning the specific functional contributions of higher areas in the temporal and frontal lobes. Previous behavioral and electrophysiological investigations have demonstrated that the inferotemporal cortex (IT) is essential to the animal's ability to recognize and remember visual objects. While it is generally recognized that IT consists of a number of anatomically and functionally distinct visual-processing areas, there remains considerable controversy concerning the precise number, size, and location of these areas. Therefore, the precise delineation of the cortical subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex is critical for any significant progress in the understanding of the specific contributions of inferotemporal areas to visual processing. In this study, anterograde and/or retrograde neuroanatomical tracers were injected into two visual areas in the ventral posterior and central portions of IT (areas PITv and CITvp) to elucidate the corticocortical connections of these areas with well known areas of occipital cortex and with less well understood regions of inferotemporal cortex. The locations of injection sites and the delineation of the borders of many occipital areas were aided by the pattern of interhemispheric connections, revealed following callosal transection and subsequent labeling with HRP. The resultant patterns of connections were represented on two-dimensional computational (CARET) and manual cortical maps and the laminar characteristics and density of the projection fields were quantified. The laminar and density features of these corticocortical connections demonstrate thirteen anatomically distinct subdivisions or areas distributed within the superior temporal sulcus and across the inferotemporal gyrus. These results serve to refine previous descriptions of inferotemporal areas, validate recently identified areas, and provide a new description of the hierarchical relationships among occipitotemporal cortical areas in macaques. ^


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BACKGROUND: A key aspect of representations for object recognition and scene analysis in the ventral visual stream is the spatial frame of reference, be it a viewer-centered, object-centered, or scene-based coordinate system. Coordinate transforms from retinocentric space to other reference frames involve combining neural visual responses with extraretinal postural information. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined whether such spatial information is available to anterior inferotemporal (AIT) neurons in the macaque monkey by measuring the effect of eye position on responses to a set of simple 2D shapes. We report, for the first time, a significant eye position effect in over 40% of recorded neurons with small gaze angle shifts from central fixation. Although eye position modulates responses, it does not change shape selectivity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that spatial information is available in AIT for the representation of objects and scenes within a non-retinocentric frame of reference. More generally, the availability of spatial information in AIT calls into questions the classic dichotomy in visual processing that associates object shape processing with ventral structures such as AIT but places spatial processing in a separate anatomical stream projecting to dorsal structures.


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The predominant route of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission is infection across the vaginal mucosa. Epithelial cells, which form the primary barrier of protection against pathogens, are the first cell type at these mucosal tissues to encounter the virus but their role in HIV infection has not been clearly elucidated. Although mucosal epithelial cells express only low levels of the receptors required for successful HIV infection, productive infection does occur at these sites. The present work provides evidence to show that HIV exposure, without the need for productive infection, induces human cervical epithelial cells to produce Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP), an IL7-like cytokine, which potently activated human myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) to cause the homeostatic proliferation of autologous CD4+ T cells that serve as targets for HIV infection. Rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) by the vaginal, oral or rectal route exhibited dramatic increases in: TSLP expression, DC and CD4+ T cell numbers, and viral replication, in the vaginal, oral, and rectal tissues, respectively within the first 2 weeks after virus exposure. Evidence obtained showed that HIV-mediated TSLP production by cervical cells is dependent upon the expression of the cell surface salivary agglutinin (SAG) protein gp340. Epithelial cells expressing gp340 exhibited HIV endocytosis and TSLP expression and genetic knockdown of gp340 or use of a gp340-blocking antibody inhibited TSLP expression by HIV. On the other hand, gp340-null epithelial cells failed to endocytose HIV and produce TSLP, but transfection of gp340 resulted in HIV-induced TSLP expression. Finally, HIV-induced TSLP expression was found to be mediated by TLR7/8 signaling and NF-kB activity because silencing these pathways or use of specific inhibitors abrogated TSLP expression in gp340-postive but not in gp340-null epithelial cells. Overall these studies identify TSLP as a key player in the acute phase of HIV-1 infection in permitting HIV to successfully maneuver the hostile vaginal mucosal microenvironment by creating a conducive environment for sustaining the small amount of virus that initially crosses the mucosal barrier allowing it to successfully cause infection and spread to distal compartments of the body


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PURPOSE: To establish the identity of a prominent protein, approximately 70 kDa, that is markedly increased in the retina of monkeys with experimental glaucoma compared with the fellow control retina, the relationship to glaucoma severity, and its localization in the retina. METHODS: Retinal extracts were subjected to 2-D gel electrophoresis to identify differentially expressed proteins. Purified peptides from the abundant 70 kDa protein were analyzed and identified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) separation, and collision-induced dissociation sequencing. Protein identity was performed on MASCOT (Matrix Science, Boston, MA) and confirmed by Western blot. The relationship between the increase in this protein and glaucoma severity was investigated by regression analyses. Protein localization in retina was evaluated by immunohistochemistry with confocal imaging. RESULTS: The abundant protein was identified as Macaca mulatta serum albumin precursor (67 kDa) from eight non-overlapping proteolytic fragments, and the identity was confirmed by Western blot. The average increase in retinal albumin content was 2.3 fold (P = 0.015). In glaucoma eyes, albumin was localized to some neurons of the inner nuclear layer, in the inner plexiform layer, and along the vitreal surface, but it was only found in blood vessels in control retinas. CONCLUSIONS: Albumin is the abundant protein found in the glaucomatous monkey retinas. The increased albumin is primarily localized to the inner retina where oxidative damage associated with experimental glaucoma is known to be prominent. Since albumin is a major antioxidant, the increase of albumin in the retinas of eyes with experimental glaucoma may serve to protect the retina against oxidative damage.


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I studied the apolipoprotein (apo) B 3$\sp\prime$ variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and did computer simulations of the stepwise mutation model to address four questions: (1) How did the apo B VNTR originate? (2) What is the mutational mechanism of repeat number change at the apo B VNTR? (3) To what extent are population and molecular level events responsible for the determination of the contemporary apo B allele frequency distribution? (4) Can VNTR allele frequency distributions be explained by a simple and conservative mutation-drift model? I used three general approaches to address these questions: (1) I characterized the apo B VNTR region in non-human primate species; (2) I constructed haplotypes of polymorphic markers flanking the apo B VNTR in a sample of individuals from Lorrain, France and studied the associations between the flanking-marker haplotypes and apo B VNTR size; (3) I did computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model and compared the results to real data in terms of four allele frequency distribution characteristics.^ The results of this work have allowed me to conclude that the apo B VNTR originated after an initial duplication of a sequence which is still present as a single copy sequence in New World monkey species. I conclude that this locus did not originate by the transposition of an array of repeats from somewhere else in the genome. It is unlikely that recombination is the primary mutational mechanism. Furthermore, the clustered nature of these associations implicates a stepwise mutational mechanism. From the high frequencies of certain haplotype-allele size combinations, it is evident that population level events have also been important in the determination of the apo B VNTR allele frequency distribution. Results from computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model have allowed me to conclude that bimodal and multimodal allele frequency distributions are not unexpected at loci evolving via stepwise mutation mechanisms. Short tandem repeat loci fit the stepwise mutation model best, followed by microsatellite loci. I therefore conclude that there are differences in the mutational mechanisms of VNTR loci as classed by repeat unit size. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and four pigeons (Columba livia) were trained in a visual serial probe recognition (SPR) task. A list of visual stimuli (slides) was presented sequentially to the subjects. Following the list and after a delay interval, a probe stimulus was presented that could be either from the list (Same) or not from the list (Different). The monkeys readily acquired a variable list length SPR task, while pigeons showed acquisition only under constant list length condition. However, monkeys memorized the responses to the probes (absolute strategy) when overtrained with the same lists and probes, while pigeons compared the probe to the list in memory (relational strategy). Performance of the pigeon on 4-items constant list length was disrupted when blocks of trials of different list lengths were imbedded between the 4-items blocks. Serial position curves for recognition at variable probe delays showed better relative performance on the last items of the list at short delays (0-0.5 seconds) and better relative performance on the initial items of the list at long delays (6-10 seconds for the pigeons and 20-30 seconds for the monkeys and a human adolescent). The serial position curves also showed reliable primacy and recency effects at intermediate probe delays. The monkeys showed evidence of using a relational strategy in the variable probe delay task. The results are the first demonstration of relational serial probe recognition performance in an avian and suggest similar underlying dynamic recognition memory mechanisms in primates and avians. ^


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The viral specific precursor polyproteins of simian sarcoma/simian associated virus (SiSV/SiAV), baboon endogenous viruses (BaEV), and three human isolate retroviruses, have been analyzed by radioimmunoprecipitation and tryptic peptide mapping. Cells infected with the BaEV isolates are characterized by identical precursor polyproteins: gPr80-85('env), Pr70-71('gag), and Pr65-67('gag). By tryptic digest mapping, m7-BaEV and 455K-BaEV were shown to be highly related. By comparison, mapping studies showed that BILN-BaEV was less highly related to m7-BaEV than was 455K-BaEV. Chase-incubated cells infected with BaEV also contained a stable, p28-related polyprotein termed P72('gag). This polyprotein appeared to arise by posttranslational modification of Pr70-71('gag). Tryptic digest mapping of BaEV and HL23V precursor polyproteins suggested that the BaEV-like component of HL23V was more closely related to m7-BaEV than to 455K-BaEV or BILN-BaEV.^ The intracellular precursor polyproteins of SiSV(SiAV) and gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV) were compared to the intracellular proteins of the human retrovirus isolates, HL23V, HEL12V, and A1476V. Cells infected with SiSV(SiAV) were characterized by polyproteins Pr200('gag-pol), gPr80('env), Pr80('gag), pr60('gag), and Pr40('gag). We have found that the human isolates are identical to true SiAV with regard to the size and structure of their precursor polyproteins. Both gPr80('env) and Pr60('gag) of SiAV were identical by tryptic peptide mapping to the respective proteins from the three human retroviral isolates examined. We have also shown that these viruses differ significantly from each of the GaLV isolates studied. Since SiAV differs substantially from any known GaLV isolate, we feel that it is unlikely that SiAV is a subtype of GaLV which exists today in the gibbon gene pool. The experimental evidence suggests that SiAV may be an exogenous human retrovirus that was transmitted originally into the human gene pool in the distant past by cross-species infection with GaLV(,SF) or with the GaLV(,SF) progenitor virus. It is, therefore, quite possible that SiAV expression in the pet woolly monkey arose from a recent infection of that monkey with SiAV from humans.^


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In order to propose a role for internucleosomal high mobility group proteins (HMGs), and HI histone variants study of their levels and synthesis in a system of development and differentiation--rat spermatogenesis--was undertaken. HMG1, 2, 14, and 17 were isolated from rat testes and found to be very similar to calf thymus HMGs. Testis levels of HMGs, relative to DNA, were equivalent to other rat tissues for HMG1 (13 ug/mg DNA), HMG14 (2 ug/mg DNA), and HMG17 (5 ug/mg DNA). HMG2 levels were different among rat tissues, with three groups observed: (1) nonproliferating tissues (1-5 ug/mg DNA); (2) proliferating tissues (8-13 ug/mg DNA); and (3) the testis (32 ug/mg DNA). Other species (toad, opposum, mouse, dog, and monkey) showed the same testis-specific increase of HMG2. Populations of purified testis cell types were separated by centrifugal elutriation and density gradient centrifugation from adult and immature rat testes. Pachytene spermatocytes and early spermatids (56 and 47 ug/mg DNA, respectively) caused the testis-specific increase of HMG2 levels. Cell types preceding pachytenes (types A and B spermatogonia, mixtures of spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes, and early pachytenes contained HMG2 levels similar to proliferating tissues (12 ug/mg DNA). Late spermatids did not contain HMGs. Somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells (2 ug/mg DNA) exhibited HMG2 levels similar to nonproliferating tissues. HMGs synthesized in spermatogonia and spermatocytes had similar specific activities, but early spermatids did not synthesize HMGs. Germ cells also contained an HMG2 species (on acid-urea gels) not found in somatic tissues. Other investigators have shown that HMGs may be associated with transcriptional or replicative processes. Thus, it is proposed that HMG2 plays a role in modulatable gene expression, while HMG1 is associated with housekeeping functions.^ HI histone variants were also studied throughout spermatogenesis. The minor somatic variant, HIa, is the predominant variant in spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes. In early pachytenes, the testis-specific variant, HIt, is first synthesized and appears, largely replacing somatic variants HIbcd and e by late pachytene stage. Early spermatids contain the same HI composition as pachytenes, but do not synthesize HI histones. HI('0) is present in low amounts in all germ cells. These results suggest that expression of HI variants is developmentally controlled.^


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Mammalian retinas receive input from histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamus. These neurons are most active during the waking state of the animal, but their role in retinal information processing is not known. To determine the function of these retinopetal axons, their targets in the rat and monkey retina were identified. Using antibodies to three histamine receptors, HR1, HR2, and HR3, the immunolabeling was analyzed by confocal and electron microscopy. These experiments showed that mammalian retinas possess histamine receptors. In macaques and baboons, diurnal species, HR3 receptors were found at the apex of ON-bipolar cell dendrites in cone pedicles and rod spherules, sclerad to the other neurotransmitter receptors that have been localized there. In addition, HR1 histamine receptors were localized to large puncta in the inner plexiform layer, a subset of ganglion cells and retinal blood vessels. In rats, a nocturnal species, the localization of histamine receptors in the retina was markedly different. Most HR1 receptors were localized to dopaminergic amacrine cells and on elements in the rod spherule. To determine how histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to retinal information processing, responses of retinal ganglion cells to histamine were analyzed. The effects of histamine on the maintained and light-evoked activity of retinal ganglion cells were analyzed. In monkeys, histamine and the HR3 agonist, methylhistamine, increased or decreased the maintained activity of most ganglion cells, but a few did not respond. The responses of a subset of ganglion cells to light stimuli were decreased by histamine, a finding suggesting that histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to light adaptation during the day. In rats, histamine nearly always increased the maintained activity and produced both increases and decreases in the light responses. The effects of histamine on maintained activity of ganglion cells in the rat can be partially attributed to HR1-mediated changes in the activity of dopaminergic amacrine cells, at night. Together, these experiments provide the first indication of the function of retinopetal axons in mammalian retinas. ^


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Deficits in social cognition are prominent symptoms of many human psychiatric disorders, but the origin of such deficits remains largely unknown. To further current knowledge regarding the neural network mediating social cognition, the present research program investigated the individual contributions of two temporal lobe structures, the amygdala and hippocampal formation, and one frontal lobe region, the orbital frontal cortex (Areas 11 and 13), to primate social cognition. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that the amygdala, hippocampal formation and orbital frontal cortex contribute significantly to the formation of new social relationships, but less to the maintenance of familiar ones. ^ Thirty-six male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) served as subjects, and were divided into four experimental groups: Neurotoxic amygdala lesion (A-ibo, n = 9), neurotoxic or aspiration orbital frontal cortex lesion (O, n = 9), neurotoxic hippocampal formation lesion (H-ibo, n = 9) or sham-operated control (C, n = 9). Six social groups (tetrads) were created, each containing one member from each experimental group. The effect of lesion on established social relationships was assessed during pre- and post-surgical unrestrained social interactions, whereas the effect of lesion on the formation of new relationships was assessed during an additional phase of post-surgical testing with shuffled tetrad membership. Results indicated that these three neural structures each contribute significantly to both the formation and maintenance of social relationships. Furthermore, the amygdala appears to primarily mediate normal responses to threatening social signals, whereas the orbital frontal cortex plays a more global role in social cognition by mediating responses to both threatening and affiliative social signals. By contrast, the hippocampal formation seems to contribute to social cognition indirectly by providing access to previous experience during social judgments. ^ These conclusions were further investigated with three experiments that measured behavioral and physiological (stress hormone) reactivity to threatening stimuli, and three additional experiments that measured subjects' ability to flexibly alter behavioral responses depending on the incentive value of a food reinforcer. Data from these six experiments further confirmed and strengthened the three conclusions originating from the social behavior experiments and, when combined with the current literature, helped to formulate a simple, but testable, theoretical model of primate social cognition. ^


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Child overweight and obesity reaches across ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic and regional barriers. It must be assessed, diagnosed and treated to help families make sustainable behavior changes. Treatment recommendations have been made to address pediatric overweight and obesity. They include screening for risk factors, monitoring BMI trends and educating patients and families to make small sustainable changes. Health insurance companies can play a meaningful role in supporting and facilitating provider education and behavior change to diagnose, treat and prevent pediatric overweight and obesity.^ The aims of this thesis were: (1) Describe a disease management program that uses evidence-based practices to create provider behavior change related to pediatric obesity screening, diagnosis and treatment. (2) Identify ways to improve the implementation of the program based on the perceptions of participating clinicians.^ A literature review was completed to evaluate current recommendations for screening and treating pediatric obesity using the Ovid data base. The evidenced-based recommendations were compared against the practices of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The literature confirmed that HeLP is following evidence-based recommendations for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric obesity.^ A Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners focus group was convened to create a provider survey. The goals of the survey were to assess providers’ perception of the Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP). The survey was sent out through email using Survey Monkey. All survey responses were anonymous. The survey was sent to a total of 80 providers who had completed HeLP. Twenty-five percent responded. The survey results were evaluated to make recommendations for HeLP.^ Results of the survey included motivating factors for participation in HeLP. Concern about the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity was a frequent motivator for participation. Provider barriers to obesity diagnosis were evaluated. Lack of time during clinic visits a frequent barrier to obesity diagnosis. ^ In conclusion several recommendations for the HeLP were made based on survey results. It is recommended that the program evaluate methods and tools for facilitating effective weight management follow up visits. Promotional materials should highlight the increasing prevalence of pediatric obesity when advertising HeLP. These recommendations will be used to refine the current Healthy Lifestyles Program.^