20 resultados para Integral Membrane-protein


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The molecular complex of sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its transducer HtrI mediate color-sensitive phototaxis in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light causes a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of this molecular complex were explored: (i) We determined the stoichiometry of SRI and HtrI to be 2:2 by gene fusion analysis. A SRI-HtrI fusion protein was expressed in H. salinarum and shown to mediate 1-photon and 2-photon phototaxis responses comparable to wild-type complex. Disulfide crosslinking demonstrated that the fusion protein is a homodimer in the membrane. Measurement of photochemical reaction kinetics and pH titration of absorption spectra established that both SRI domains are complexed to HtrI in the fusion protein, and therefore the stoichiometry is 2:2. (ii) Cytoplasmic channel closure of SRI by HtrI, an important aspect of their interaction, was investigated by incremental HtrI truncation. We found that binding of the membrane-embedded portion of HtrI is insufficient for channel closure, whereas cytoplasmic extension of the second HtrI transmembrane helix by 13 residues blocks proton conduction through the channel as well as full-length HtrI. The closure activity is localized to 5 specific residues, each of which incrementally contributes to reduction of proton conductivity. Moreover, these same residues in the dark incrementally and proportionally increase the pKa of the Asp76 counterion to the protonated Schiff base chromophore. We conclude that this critical region of HtrI alters the dark conformation of SRI as well as light-induced channel opening. (iii) We developed a procedure for reconstituting HtrI-free SRI and the SRI/HtrI complex into liposomes, which exhibit photocycles with opened and closed cytoplasmic channels, respectively, as in the membrane. This opens the way for study of the light-induced conformational change and the interaction in vitro by fluorescence and spin-labeling. Single-cysteine mutations were introduced into helix F of SRI, labeled with a nitroxide spin probe and a fluorescence probe, reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and light-induced conformational changes detected in the complex. The probe signals can now be used as the readout of signaling to analyze mutants and the kinetics of signal relay. ^


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Transmembrane domain orientation within some membrane proteins is dependent on membrane lipid composition. Initial orientation occurs within the translocon, but final orientation is determined after membrane insertion by interactions within the protein and between lipid headgroups and protein extramembrane domains. Positively and negatively charged amino acids in extramembrane domains represent cytoplasmic retention and membrane translocation forces, respectively, which are determinants of protein orientation. Lipids with no net charge dampen the translocation potential of negative residues working in opposition to cytoplasmic retention of positive residues, thus allowing the functional presence of negative residues in cytoplasmic domains without affecting protein topology.


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A protocol is described using lipid mutants and thiol-specific chemical reagents to study lipid-dependent and host-specific membrane protein topogenesis by the substituted-cysteine accessibility method as applied to transmembrane domains (SCAM). SCAM is adapted to follow changes in membrane protein topology as a function of changes in membrane lipid composition. The strategy described can be adapted to any membrane system.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) has been widely used in place of naturally occurring phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in reconstitution of bacterial membrane proteins. However, PC does not support native structure or function for several reconstituted transport proteins. Lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli, when reconstituted in E. coli phospholipids, exhibits energy-dependent uphill and energy-independent downhill transport function and proper conformation of periplasmic domain P7, which is tightly linked to uphill transport function. LacY expressed in cells lacking PE and containing only anionic phospholipids exhibits only downhill transport and lacks native P7 conformation. Reconstitution of LacY in the presence of E. coli-derived PE, but not dioleoyl-PC, results in uphill transport. We now show that LacY exhibits uphill transport and native conformation of P7 when expressed in a mutant of E. coli in which PC completely replaces PE even though the structure is not completely native. E. coli-derived PC and synthetic PC species containing at least one saturated fatty acid also support the native conformation of P7 dependent on the presence of anionic phospholipids. Our results demonstrate that the different effects of PE and PC species on LacY structure and function cannot be explained by differences in the direct interaction of the lipid head groups with specific amino acid residues alone but are due to more complex effects of the physical and chemical properties of the lipid environment on protein structure. This conclusion is supported by the effect of different lipids on the proper folding of domain P7, which indirectly influences uphill transport function.


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Membrane proteins are critical to every aspect of cell physiology, with their association mediating important biological functions. The transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are known to be important for their association. In order to characterize their role in detail, we have applied different biophysical techniques in detergent micelles to two model systems. The first study involves FcRγ, a single transmembrane domain protein existing as a disulfide linked homodimer. We investigated the role of a conserved transmembrane polar residue and the cytoplasmic tail in FcRγ homo-interactions. Our results by various biophysical techniques including SDS-PAGE, circular dichroism and sedimentation equilibrium in detergent micelles indicate importance of both the transmembrane polar residue and cytoplasmic tail in maintaining proper conformation for FcRγ homo-interactions. A contrasting second study was on L-selectin, another single transmembrane domain protein with a large extracellular domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. Previous cross-linking experiments indicate its possible dimerization. However, the purified fragment of L-selectin and corresponding mutants did not dimerize when analyzed by TOXCAT assay, sedimentation equilibrium and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. It was likely that the presence of juxtamembrane positively charged residues led to decreased migrational rates in SDS PAGE. In conclusion, complementary biophysical techniques should be used with care when studying membrane protein association in detergent micelles. As an extension to our study on L-selectin, we also investigated its interaction with Calmodulin (CaM) in detergent micelles. CaM was found to interact with different detergents. We applied fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy to characterize the interaction of both the apo and Ca 2+ bound form of CaM, with commonly used detergents, below and above their respective critical micelle concentrations. The interaction of apo-CaM with detergents was found to vary with the nature of the detergent head group, whereas Ca2+-CaM interacted with individual detergent molecules irrespective of the nature of their head group. NMR titration experiments of CaM with detergents indicated involvement of specific residues from the N-lobe, linker and C-lobe of CaM. ^


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is distributed almost entirely in the inner leaflet of the erythrocyte membrane bilayer, and appears to be maintained by a 32 kDa integral membrane protein (PS translocase). The expression of PS on the outer leaflet may serve as a recognition signal for macrophages, since insertion of PS into erythrocytes enhances their adherence to macrophages and clearance from the circulation. Therefore I have hypothesized that erythroid cells display PS on their outer leaflet early in differentiation and upon aging. Analysis of murine erythroleukemia cells (MELC, undifferentiated erythroid progenitor cells) showed high levels of PS on the outer leaflet that decreased during differentiation, correlating with the pattern of macrophage adherence. The activity of the PS translocase during differentiation appears to be unchanged although the equilibrium distribution of PS differs. This difference may be due to qualitative changes in the PS translocase. $\sp{125}$I-Bolton/Hunter-labeled-pyridyldithioethylamine ($\sp{125}$I-B/H-PDA), a radiolabeled probe for the PS translocase, labeled a 32 kDa protein in mature erythrocytes whereas in MELC a 45 kDa protein as well as a 32 kDa protein was identified. The abundance of the 45 kDa protein in relation to the 32 kDa protein declined during differentiation, possibly indicating this protein was a precursor of the 32 kDa protein. Analysis of the 45 kDa protein by N-glycosidase F and endoproteinase cleavage suggested this protein was not a glycosylated form of the 32 kDa protein but appeared to share some structural homology. Aged murine erythrocytes had elevated levels of PS on their outer leaflet, as well as decreased PS translocase activity. $\sp{125}$I-B/H-PDA labeled a 32 kDa protein in both normal and aged erythrocytes. However, the latter cells also contained a 28 kDa protein. Experimental evidence suggests that the appearance of the 28 kDa protein may be due to increased oxidation of aged erythrocytes. Examination of PS distribution showed that the levels of PS on the outer leaflet were elevated early in differentiation, decreased during the mature state, and returned to high levels as the erythrocyte aged. In conclusion,the levels of outer leaflet PS correlated with the differentiation status and macrophage recognition of erythroid cells. ^


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogen with the unique ability to export oncogenic DNA-protein complexes (T-complexes) to susceptible plant cells and cause crown gall tumors. Delivery of the T-complexes across the bacterial membranes requires eleven VirB proteins and VirD4, which are postulated to form a transmembrane transporter. This thesis examines the subcellular localization and oligomeric structure of the 87-kDa VirB4 protein, which is one of three essential ATPases proposed to energize T-complex transport and/or assembly. Results of subcellular localization studies showed that VirB4 is tightly associated with the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting that it is a membrane-spanning protein. The membrane topology of VirB4 was determined by using a nested deletion strategy to generate random fusions between virB4 and the periplasmically-active alkaline phosphatase, $\sp\prime phoA$. Analysis of PhoA and complementary $\beta$-galactosidase reporter fusions identified two putative periplasmically-exposed regions in VirB4. A periplasmic exposure of one of these regions was further confirmed by protease susceptibility assays using A. tumefaciens spheroplasts. To gain insight into the structure of the transporter, the topological configurations of other VirB proteins were also examined. Results from hydropathy analyses, subcellular localization, protease susceptibility, and PhoA reporter fusion studies support a model that all of the VirB proteins localize at one or both of the bacterial membranes. Immunoprecipitation and Co$\sp{2+}$ affinity chromatography studies demonstrated that native VirB4 (87-kDa) and a functional N-terminally tagged HIS-VirB4 derivative (89-kDa) interact and that the interaction is independent of other VirB proteins. A $\lambda$ cI repressor fusion assay supplied further evidence for VirB4 dimer formation. A VirB4 dimerization domain was localized to the N-terminal third of the protein, as judged by: (i) transdominance of an allele that codes for this region of VirB4; (ii) co-retention of a His-tagged N-terminal truncation derivative and native VirB4 on Co$\sp{2+}$ affinity columns; and (iii) dimer formation of the N-terminal third of VirB4 fused to the cI repressor protein. Taken together, these findings are consistent with a model that VirB4 is topologically configured as an integral cytoplasmic membrane protein with two periplasmic domains and that VirB4 assembles as homodimers via an N-terminal dimerization domain. Dimer formation is postulated to be essential for stabilization of VirB4 monomers during T-complex transporter assembly. ^


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The length of time that integral membrane proteins reside on the plasma membrane is regulated by endocytosis, a process that can inactivate these proteins by removing them from the membrane and may ultimately result in their degradation. Proteins are internalized and pass through multiple distinct intracellular compartments where targeting decisions determine their fate. Membrane proteins initially enter early endosomes, and subsequently late endosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs), before being degraded in the lysosome. The MVB is a subset of late endosomes characterized by the appearance of small vesicles in its luminal compartment. These vesicles contain cargo proteins sorted from the limiting membrane of the MVB. Proteins not sorted into luminal vesicles remain on the MVB membrane, from where they may be recycled back to the plasma membrane. In the case of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, this important sorting step determines whether a protein returns to the surface to participate in signaling, or whether its signaling properties are inactivated through its degradation in the lysosome. Hrs is a protein that resides on endosomes and is known to recruit sorting complexes that are vital to this sorting step. These sorting complexes are believed to recognize ubiquitin as sorting signals. However, the link between MVB sorting machinery and the ubiquitination machinery is not known. Recently, Hrs was shown to recruit and bind an E3 ubiquitin ligase, UBE4B, to endosomes. In an assay that is able to measure cargo movement, the disruption of the Hrs-UBE4B interaction showed impaired sorting of EGF receptor into MVBs. My hypothesis is that UBE4B may be the connection between MVB sorting and ubiquitination. This study addresses the role of UBE4B in the trafficking and ubiquitination of EGF receptor. I created stable cell lines that either overexpresses UBE4B or expresses a UBE4B with no ligase activity. Levels of EGF receptor were analyzed after certain periods of ligand-induced receptor internalization. I observed that higher expression levels of UBE4B correspond to increased degradation of EGF receptor. In an in vitro ubiquitination assay, I also determined that UBE4B mediates the ubiquitination of EGF receptor. These data suggest that UBE4B is required for EGFR degradation specifically because it ubiquitinates the receptor allowing it to be sorted into the internal vesicles of MVBs and subsequently degraded in lysosomes.


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In haloarchaea, light-driven ion transporters have been modified by evolution to produce sensory receptors that relay light signals to transducer proteins controlling motility behavior. The proton pump bacteriorhodopsin and the phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) differ by 74% of their residues, with nearly all conserved residues within the photoreactive retinal-binding pocket in the membrane-embedded center of the proteins. Here, we show that three residues in bacteriorhodopsin replaced by the corresponding residues in SRII enable bacteriorhodopsin to efficiently relay the retinal photoisomerization signal to the SRII integral membrane transducer (HtrII) and induce robust phototaxis responses. A single replacement (Ala-215-Thr), bridging the retinal and the membrane-embedded surface, confers weak phototaxis signaling activity, and the additional two (surface substitutions Pro-200-Thr and Val-210-Tyr), expected to align bacteriorhodopsin and HtrII in similar juxtaposition as SRII and HtrII, greatly enhance the signaling. In SRII, the three residues form a chain of hydrogen bonds from the retinal's photoisomerized C(13)=C(14) double bond to residues in the membrane-embedded alpha-helices of HtrII. The results suggest a chemical mechanism for signaling that entails initial storage of energy of photoisomerization in SRII's hydrogen bond between Tyr-174, which is in contact with the retinal, and Thr-204, which borders residues on the SRII surface in contact with HtrII, followed by transfer of this chemical energy to drive structural transitions in the transducer helices. The results demonstrate that evolution accomplished an elegant but simple conversion: The essential differences between transport and signaling proteins in the rhodopsin family are far less than previously imagined.


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Membranes are essential for the integrity and function of the cell. The collective property of the lipid bilayer is critical in providing an optimal functioning environment for membrane proteins. The simple yet well-characterized bacterium Escherichia coli serves an ideal model system to study the function of specific lipids since its lipid content can be easily manipulated. The most abundant lipid in E. coli membrane is phosphatidylethanolamine (PE, 70-80%). A PE-lacking E. coli mutant displays a complex mixture of deficient phenotypes, suggesting a profound role for PE in different aspects of cell function. A novel role of PE as a topological and functional determinant for membrane proteins has been established using lactose permease (LacY) as a model protein. PE is found to be required for energy-dependent uphill transport process of LacY. In PE-lacking membranes, LacY undergoes a dramatic conformational change, and the first half of the protein adopts an inverted topology with respect to the bilayer plane. ^ The work reported here was initiated to understand the molecular properties of lipids that enable their function as topological and functional determinants for membrane proteins. A glycolipid, monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGlcDAG) which shares physicochemical similarities with PE, was introduced to PE-lacking E. coli membranes. The introduction of MGlcDAG suppresses many of the PE-deficient phenotypes, and in particular supports the function and native topology of LacY. ^ The lipid-sensitive topogenic signals encoded in the amino acid sequence of LacY were also identified. Native LacY adopts an inverted topology when synthesized without PE, but mutation of specific acidic residues in the cytoplasmic extra-membrane domains can prevent this inversion and supports a native topological organization of LacY in PE-lacking membranes. These results suggest that it is the interplay between the collective charge properties of the lipid bilayer and extra-membrane loops of protein that determines the final orientation of transmembrane domains. By comparing the similarities as well as differences between these two lipids, we established how specific physical and chemical properties of lipids influence various cell functions and elucidated the molecular basis for the novel role of lipids in determining membrane protein topology. ^


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BACKGROUND: The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), indomethacin (Indo), has a large number of divergent biological effects, the molecular mechanism(s) for which have yet to be fully elucidated. Interestingly, Indo is highly amphiphilic and associates strongly with lipid membranes, which influence localization, structure and function of membrane-associating proteins and actively regulate cell signaling events. Thus, it is possible that Indo regulates diverse cell functions by altering micro-environments within the membrane. Here we explored the effect of Indo on the nature of the segregated domains in a mixed model membrane composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di16:0 PC, or DPPC) and dioleoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di18:1 PC or DOPC) and cholesterol that mimics biomembranes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a series of fluorescent probes in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) study, we found that Indo induced separation between gel domains and fluid domains in the mixed model membrane, possibly by enhancing the formation of gel-phase domains. This effect originated from the ability of Indo to specifically target the ordered domains in the mixed membrane. These findings were further confirmed by measuring the ability of Indo to affect the fluidity-dependent fluorescence quenching and the level of detergent resistance of membranes. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Because the tested lipids are the main lipid constituents in cell membranes, the observed formation of gel phase domains induced by Indo potentially occurs in biomembranes. This marked Indo-induced change in phase behavior potentially alters membrane protein functions, which contribute to the wide variety of biological activities of Indo and other NSAIDs.


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The family of membrane protein called glutamate receptors play an important role in the central nervous system in mediating signaling between neurons. Glutamate receptors are involved in the elaborate game that nerve cells play with each other in order to control movement, memory, and learning. Neurons achieve this communication by rapidly converting electrical signals into chemical signals and then converting them back into electrical signals. To propagate an electrical impulse, neurons in the brain launch bursts of neurotransmitter molecules like glutamate at the junction between neurons, called the synapse. Glutamate receptors are found lodged in the membranes of the post-synaptic neuron. They receive the burst of neurotransmitters and respond by fielding the neurotransmitters and opening ion channels. Glutamate receptors have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies like ischemia, stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Specifically, the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors has been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and the subsequent degeneration of neuronal cells. While crystal structures of AMPA and kainate subtypes of glutamate receptors have provided valuable information regarding the assembly and mechanism of activation; little is known about the NMDA receptors. Even the basic question of receptor assembly still remains unanswered. Therefore, to gain a clear understanding of how the receptors are assembled and how agonist binding gets translated to channel opening, I have used a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET). LRET offers the unique advantage of tracking large scale conformational changes associated with receptor activation and desensitization. In this dissertation, LRET, in combination with biochemical and electrophysiological studies, were performed on the NMDA receptors to draw a correlation between structure and function. NMDA receptor subtypes GluN1 and GluN2A were modified such that fluorophores could be introduced at specific sites to determine their pattern of assembly. The results indicated that the GluN1 subunits assembled across each other in a diagonal manner to form a functional receptor. Once the subunit arrangement was established, this was used as a model to further examine the mechanism of activation in this subtype of glutamate receptor. Using LRET, the correlation between cleft closure and activation was tested for both the GluN1 and GluN2A subunit of the NMDA receptor in response to agonists of varying efficacies. These investigations revealed that cleft closure plays a major role in the mechanism of activation in the NMDA receptor, similar to the AMPA and kainate subtypes. Therefore, suggesting that the mechanism of activation is conserved across the different subtypes of glutamate receptors.


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Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is localized in the Golgi, where it functions in oligosaccharide synthesis, as well as on the cell surface where it serves as a cell adhesion molecule. GalTase-specific adhesions are functional in a number of important biological events, including F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell adhesions. GalTase-based adhesions are formed by recognition and binding to terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on its glycoprotein counterpart on adjacent cell surfaces. The object of this work has been to investigate the formation and function of GalTase-specific adhesions during F9 cell growth and differentiation. We initially investigated GalTase synthesis during differentiation and found that the increase in GalTase activity was specific for the Golgi compartment; surface GalTase levels remained constant during differentiation. These data indicated that the increase in cell adhesions expected with increased cell-matrix interaction in differentiated F9 cells is not the consequence of increased surface GalTase expression and, more interestingly, that the two pools of GalTase are under differential regulation. Synthesis and recognition of the consociate glycoprotein component was next investigated. Surface GalTase recognized several surface glycoproteins in a pattern that changes with differentiation. Uvomorulin, lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), and laminin were recognized by surface GalTase and are, therefore, potential components in GalTase-specific adhesions. Furthermore, these interactions were aberrant in an adhesion-defective F9 cell line that results, at least in part, from abnormal oligosaccharide synthesis. The function played by surface GalTase in growth and induction of differentiation was examined. Inhibition of surface GalTase function by a panel of reagents inhibited F9 cell growth. GalTase expression at both the transcription and protein levels were differentially regulated during the cell cycle, with surface expression greatest in the G1 phase. Disruption of GalTase adhesion by exposure to anti-GalTase antibodies during this period resulted in extension of the G2 phase, a result similar to that seen with agents known to inhibit growth and induce differentiation. Finally, other studies have suggested that a subset of cell adhesion molecules have the capability to induce differentiation in EC cells systems. We have determined in F9 cells that dissociating GalTase adhesion by galactosylation of and release of the consociate glycoproteins induces differentiation, as defined by increased laminin synthesis. The ability to induce differentiation by surface galactosylation was greatest in cells grown in cultures promoting cell-cell adhesions, relative to cultures with minimal cell-cell interactions. ^


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Retinoic acid regulates cellular growth and differentiation by altering the expression of specific sets of genes, but the molecular mechanism by which this is achieved is unknown. We have used the rapid induction of a specific enzyme, tissue transglutaminase in mouse macrophages, human leukemia cells and a variety of other cell types to study the regulation of gene expression by retinoic acid. Soluble retinoic acid binding proteins, such as cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein (cRABP), have been proposed as specific mediators of retinoic acid regulation of gene expression. This thesis demonstrates the lack of cRABP in a number of cell lines which are sensitive to retinoic acid regulation of tissue transglutaminase expression. These cells are also devoid of other soluble retinoic acid binding activity. The level of retinoic acid binding activity that could have been detected (6 fmol) is far below that of most cells and tissues which are sensitive to the effects of retinoic acid on growth and differentiation. A mouse melanoma cell line, S91-C2, was found to contain an unusual retinoic acid binding protein which has a lower affinity for retinoic acid than mouse tissue cRABP and also behaves differently on gel filtration HPLC chromatography.^ The induction of tissue transglutaminase by retinoic acid in macrophages is specifically inhibited by pertussis toxin. Pertussis toxin ADP-riblosylates membrane GTP-binding proteins such as N(,i) and interferes with signalling from plasma membrane receptors to regulatory enzymes. Pertussis toxin inhibition of transglutaminase induction is due to inhibition of tissue transglutaminase mRNA accumulation and is paralleled by the ADP-ribosylation of a 41,000 dalton macrophage membrane protein. It is concluded that soluble retinoic acid binding proteins are not essential for retinoic acid induction of tissue transglutaminase and that a membrane GTP-binding protein is closely linked to the sensitive response of macrophages to retinoic acid. ^


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Transmembrane segments of polytopic membrane proteins once inserted are generally considered stably oriented due to the large free energy barrier for topological reorientation of adjacent extra-membrane domains. However, proper topology and function of the polytopic membrane protein lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli is dependent on the membrane phospholipid composition revealing topological dynamics of transmembrane domains (Bogdanov, M., Heacock, P. N., and Dowhan, W. (2002) EMBO J. 21, 2107–2116). The high affinity phenylalanine permease PheP shares many topological similarities with LacY. In this study, mutant E. coli cells lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) as a membrane component were used to evaluate the role of PE in the function and assembly of PheP. Active transport of phenylalanine by cells lacking PE was severely inhibited (both Vmax and Km were altered), whereas the PheP protein level in membranes was unaffected. Cysteine residues were introduced into predicted periplasmic or cytoplasmic segments of cysteine-less PheP, and the topology of the protein was explored using a membrane-impermeable thiol-specific biotinylated probe. Based on the biotinylation patterns of PheP in whole cells, the N-terminus and adjoining transmembrane hairpin of PheP adopted an inverted topological orientation in PE-lacking cells. Introduction of PE following the assembly of PheP triggered a reorientation of the N-terminus and adjacent hairpin to their native orientation associated with regain of wild type transport function. These results coupled with the results for LacY support a specific role for membrane lipid composition in determining topological organization and function of membrane proteins. Several other secondary symporters are compromised for activity in PE-lacking cells suggesting that lipid-assisted topogenesis is a general property of such transporters. The reversible orientation of these secondary transport proteins in response to a change of phospholipid composition might be a result of inherent conformational flexibility necessary for transport function or during protein assembly. ^