30 resultados para safety climate survey
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Safety climate measurements are a broadly used element of improvement initiatives. In order to provide a sound and easy-to-administer instrument for the use in Swiss hospitals, we translated the Safety Climate Survey into German and French. METHODS After translating the Safety Climate Survey into French and German, a cross-sectional survey study was conducted with health care professionals (HCPs) in operating room (OR) teams and on OR-related wards in 10 Swiss hospitals. Validity of the instrument was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and missing rates of the single items. Item-descriptive statistics group differences and percentage of 'problematic responses' (PPR) were calculated. RESULTS 3153 HCPs completed the survey (response rate: 63.4%). 1308 individuals were excluded from the analyses because of a profession other than doctor or nurse or invalid answers (n = 1845; nurses = 1321, doctors = 523). Internal consistency of the translated Safety Climate Survey was good (Cronbach's alpha G erman = 0.86; Cronbach's alpha F rench = 0.84). Missing rates at item level were rather low (0.23-4.3%). We found significant group differences in safety climate values regarding profession, managerial function, work area and time spent in direct patient care. At item level, 14 out of 21 items showed a PPR higher than 10%. CONCLUSIONS Results indicate that the French and German translations of the Safety Climate Survey might be a useful measurement instrument for safety climate in Swiss hospital units. Analyses at item level allow for differentiating facets of safety climate into more positive and critical safety climate aspects.
OBJECTIVE To assess differences in safety climate perceptions between occupational groups and types of office organization in primary care. METHODS Primary care physicians and nurses working in outpatient offices were surveyed about safety climate. Explorative factor analysis was performed to determine the factorial structure. Differences in mean climate scores between staff groups and types of office were tested. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine predictors for a 'favorable' safety climate. RESULTS 630 individuals returned the survey (response rate, 50%). Differences between occupational groups were observed in the means of the 'team-based error prevention'-scale (physician 4.0 vs. nurse 3.8, P < 0.001). Medical centers scored higher compared with single-handed offices and joint practices on the 'team-based error prevention'-scale (4.3 vs. 3.8 vs. 3.9, P < 0.001) but less favorable on the 'rules and risks'-scale (3.5 vs. 3.9 vs. 3.7, P < 0.001). Characteristics on the individual and office level predicted favorable 'team-based error prevention'-scores. Physicians (OR = 0.4, P = 0.01) and less experienced staff (OR 0.52, P = 0.04) were less likely to provide favorable scores. Individuals working at medical centers were more likely to provide positive scores compared with single-handed offices (OR 3.33, P = 0.001). The largest positive effect was associated with at least monthly team meetings (OR 6.2, P < 0.001) and participation in quality circles (OR 4.49, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Results indicate that frequent quality circle participation and team meetings involving all team members are effective ways to strengthen safety climate in terms of team-based strategies and activities in error prevention.
The Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture (NHSPSC) was specifically developed for nursing homes to assess a facility’s safety climate and it consists of 12 dimensions. After its pilot testing, however, no fur- ther psychometric analyses were performed on the instrument. For this study of safety climate in Swiss nursing home units, the NHSPSC was linguistically adapted to the Swiss context and to address the unit as well as facility level, with the aim of testing aspects of the validity and reliability of the Swiss version before its use in Swiss nursing home units. Psychometric analyses were performed on data from 367 nurs- ing personnel from nine nursing homes in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (response rate = 66%), and content validity (CVI) examined. The statistical influence of unit membership on respondents’ answers, and on their agreement concerning their units’ safety climate, was tested using intraclass corre- lation coefficients (ICCs) and the rWG(J) interrater agreement index. A multilevel exploratory factor analysis (MEFA) with oblimin rotation was applied to examine the questionnaire’s dimensionality. Cronbach’s alpha and Raykov’s rho were calculated to assess factor reliability. The relationship of safety climate dimensions with clinical outcomes was explored. Expert feedback confirmed the relevance of the instru- ment’s items (CVI = 0.93). Personnel showed strong agreement in their perceptions in three dimensions of the questionnaire. ICCs supported a multilevel analysis. MEFA produced nine factors at the within-level (in comparison to 12 in the original version) and two factors at the between-level with satisfactory fit statis- tics. Raykov’s Rho for the single level factors ranged between 0.67 and 0.86. Some safety climate dimen- sions show moderate, but non-significant correlations with the use of bedrails, physical restraint use, and fall-related injuries. The Swiss version of the NHSPSC needs further refinement and testing before its use can be recommended in Swiss nursing homes: its dimensionality needs further clarification, particularly to distinguish items addressing the unit-level safety climate from those at the facility level.
OBJECTIVES To investigate predictors of healthcare professionals' (HCPs) attitudes towards family involvement in safety-relevant behaviours. DESIGN A cross-sectional fractional factorial survey that assessed HCPs' attitudes towards family involvement in two error scenarios relating to hand hygiene and medication safety. Each survey comprised two randomised vignettes that described the potential error, how the family member communicated with the HCP about the error and how the HCP responded to the family member's question. SETTING 5 teaching hospitals in London, the Midlands and York. HCPs were approached on a range of medical and surgical wards. PARTICIPANTS 160 HCPs (73 doctors; 87 nurses) aged between 21 and 65 years (mean 37) 102 were female. OUTCOME MEASURES HCP approval of family member's behaviour; HCP reaction to the family member; anticipated effects on the family member-HCP relationship; HCP support for being questioned about hand hygiene/medication; affective rating responses. RESULTS HCPs supported family member's intervening (88%) but only 41% agreed this would have positive effects on the family member/HCP relationship. Across vignettes and error scenarios the strongest predictors of attitudes were how the HCP (in the scenario) responded to the family member and whether an error actually occurred. Doctors (vs nurses) provided systematically more positive affective ratings to the vignettes. CONCLUSIONS Important predictors of HCPs' attitudes towards family members' involvement in patient safety have been highlighted. In particular, a discouraging response from HCP's decreased support for family members being involved and had strong perceived negative effects on the family member/HCP relationship.
Einleitung Aus der Schweizer Grundversorgung lagen bisher noch keine systematischen Daten zu kritischen Ereignissen und zum Sicherheitsklima vor. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine Befragung von Ärzten und Medizinischen Praxisassistentinnen (MPA) in Deutschschweizer Hausarztpraxen sowie ein Folgeprojekt spezifisch zur Telefon-Triage durchgeführt. Methoden Mit Hilfe eines standardisierten Fragebogens wurden Fachpersonen in Hausarztpraxen zu Sicherheitsrisiken und zum Sicherheitsklima in ihren Praxen befragt. Der Fragebogen enthielt neben Fragen zum Sicherheitsklima Beschreibungen von 23 kritischen Ereignissen in Hausarztpraxen, die bezüglich Häufigkeit des Auftretens in der Praxis in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten sowie der Schadensfolge beurteilt wurden, als das Ereignis zum letzten Mal in der Praxis aufgetreten ist. Zudem beantworteten Ärzte und MPA eine offene Frage, nach den für sie besonders relevanten Risiken für die Patientensicherheit in ihren Praxen. Im Folgeprojekt wurden Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen mit MPA und Ärzten geführt, um eine Prozessanalyse der Telefon-Triage durchzuführen und ein Hilfsmittel für Hausarztpraxen zur Stärkung einer sicheren Telefon-Triage zu entwickeln. Ergebnisse 630 Ärzte und MPA (50,2% Ärzte, 49,8% MPA) haben an der Studie teilgenommen. 30% der Ärzte und 17% der MPA gaben an, mindestens einen der untersuchten Ereignisse täglich oder wöchentlich in ihrer Praxis zu beobachten. Fehler bei der Dokumentation wurden am häufigsten beobachtet. Ereignisse, die sich aufgrund der Schadensfolge als besonders relevant erwiesen, waren Fehleinschätzungen bei Kontaktaufnahmen der Patienten mit der Praxis, Diagnosefehler, mangelnde Überwachung von Patienten nach therapeutischen Massnahmen und Fehler in Zusammenhang mit der Medikation. Die Medikation (28% der Nennungen), medizinische Verrichtungen in der Praxis (11%) und die Telefon-Triage (7%) wurden am häufigsten als die Risiken genannt, die die Studienteilnehmer in ihren Praxen gerne eliminieren würden. In Bezug auf das Sicherheitsklima erwiesen sich insbesondere Teamsitzungen und regelmässige Qualitätszirkel-Teilnahme als relevante Prädiktoren für die Dimension „Teambasierte Aktivitäten und Strategien zur Fehlerprävention“. Berufsgruppenunterschiede zwischen Ärzten und MPA konnten sowohl hinsichtlich der berichteten Sicherheitsrisiken, als auch beim Sicherheitsklima beobachtet werden. Fazit Die Ergebnisse der Studie legen die Telefon-Triage als bislang wenig beachteten jedoch sehr relevanten Sicherheitsbereich in der Grundversorgung dar. Um die Sicherheit der Telefon-Triage zu stärken, wurde ein Anschlussprojekt durchgeführt, aus dem heraus ein Leitfaden für Hausarztpraxen entwickelt wurde. Dieser Leitfaden soll Ärzte und MPA in einer gemeinsamen und kritischen Auseinandersetzung von Strukturen und Prozessen rund um die Telefon-Triage sowie der Entwicklung von Verbesserungsschritten unterstützen. Die systematisch beobachteten Berufsgruppenunterschiede sind ein wichtiger Hinweis dafür, dass das gesamte Praxisteam in die Analyse von Sicherheitsrisiken und die Entwicklung von Massnahmen einbezogen werden sollte. Nur so können Risiken umfassend erfasst und für alle Fachpersonen relevante und getragene Verbesserungen initiiert werden. Dieser Ansatz der Team-Involvierung bildet die Basis für den Praxisleitfaden zur Telefon-Triage.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Critical incident reporting alone does not necessarily improve patient safety or even patient outcomes. Substantial improvement has been made by focusing on the further two steps of critical incident monitoring, that is, the analysis of critical incidents and implementation of system changes. The system approach to patient safety had an impact on the view about the patient's role in safety. This review aims to analyse recent advances in the technique of reporting, the analysis of reported incidents, and the implementation of actual system improvements. It also explores how families should be approached about safety issues. RECENT FINDINGS: It is essential to make as many critical incidents as possible known to the intensive care team. Several factors have been shown to increase the reporting rate: anonymity, regular feedback about the errors reported, and the existence of a safety climate. Risk scoring of critical incident reports and root cause analysis may help in the analysis of incidents. Research suggests that patients can be successfully involved in safety. SUMMARY: A persisting high number of reported incidents is anticipated and regarded as continuing good safety culture. However, only the implementation of system changes, based on incident reports, and also involving the expertise of patients and their families, has the potential to improve patient outcome. Hard outcome criteria, such as standardized mortality ratio, have not yet been shown to improve as a result of critical incident monitoring.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Hämodialysepatienten, die operativ mit einem Gefäßzugang versorgt werden müssen, sind eine vulnerable Patientengruppe, die aufgrund von Multimorbidität, der intensiven und oft fragmentierten Behandlung und vieler Schnittstellen ein erhöhtes Risiko für vermeidbare unerwünschte Ereignisse tragen. Fragestellung. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Patientensicherheit mit Fokus auf die Shuntchirurgie. Material und Methoden. Auswertung und Aufarbeitung aktueller Daten zur Patientensicherheit und Instrumenten zu ihrer Förderung. Ergebnisse. Fehler im nicht operativen Management verursachen einen wesentlichen Anteil der unerwünschten Ereignisse. Checklisten, präoperative Seitenmarkierung, Zählkontrollen und interprofessionelle Teamtrainings sind wichtige Instrumente der Patientensicherheit im OP. Standardisierungen von postoperativen Übergaben durch einfache Protokolle können erheblich zur Reduktion von Fehlern und Schädigungen beitragen. Die Sicherheitskultur einer Abteilung ist ein Umgebungsfaktor, der für die Effektivität dieser Sicherheitsbarrieren wesentlich ist. Schlussfolgerungen. Es existieren wirksame Instrumente, die die Patientensicherheit in der Shuntchirurgie fördern. Gerade an den Schnittstellen zur weiteren Versorgung können durch die konsequente Implementierung und Nutzung dieser Maßnahmen und ein aktives Sicherheitsmanagement unerwünschte Ereignisse vermieden werden. Die interprofessionelle und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und der Einbezug der Patienten sind wichtige Ressource für die Behandlungssicherheit, die stärker genutzt werden sollten.
Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia, CZP) was approved for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) patients in 2007 in Switzerland as the first country worldwide. This prospective phase IV study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CZP over 26 weeks in a multicenter cohort of practice-based patients.
Speaking up about patient safety is vital to avoid errors reaching the patient and to improve a culture of safety. This study investigated the prevalence of non-speaking up despite concerns for safety and aimed to identify predictors for withholding voice among healthcare professionals (HCPs) in oncology. A self-administered questionnaire assessed safety concerns, speaking up beliefs and behaviours among nurses and doctors from nine oncology departments. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify predictors for withholding safety concerns. A total of 1013 HCPs returned the completed survey (response rate 65%). Safety concerns were common among responders. Fifty-four per cent reported to recognise their colleagues making potentially harmful errors at least sometimes. A majority of responders reported at least some episodes of withholding concerns about patient safety. Thirty-seven per cent said they remained silent at least once when they had information that might have helped prevent an incident. Respondents believed that a high level of interpersonal, communication and coping skills are necessary to speak up about patient safety issues at their workplace. Higher levels of perceived advocacy for patient safety and psychological safety significantly decreased the frequency of withholding voice. Remaining silent about safety concerns is a common phenomenon in oncology. Improved strategies are needed to support staff in effective communication and make cancer care safer.
While a paediatric dosage has not been defined, posaconazole is occasionally being used in children. We conducted a multicentre retrospective survey and identified 15 patients (median age 10 years [range 3.6-17.5]) who received posaconazole salvage therapy for proven (9 patients) or probable (6 patients) invasive fungal infections. Posaconazole was administered for a median of 32 days (range 4-262) at a median dosage of 21 mg/kg (range 4.8-33.3). None of the patients discontinued therapy due to adverse events, which were mostly mild and observed in 11 patients. Complete or partial responses were observed in 4/7 patients with zygomycosis, 3/4 patients with invasive mould infection, 1/2 patients with invasive aspergillosis and 1/2 patients with chronic disseminated candidiasis. We conclude from the data that posaconazole displays favourable safety and tolerance and may be useful for management of individual paediatric patients with invasive infections.
Tajikistan is judged to be highly vulnerable to risk, including food insecurity risks and climate change risks. By some vulnerability measures it is the most vulnerable among all 28 countries in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region – ECA (World Bank 2009). The rural population, with its relatively high incidence of poverty, is particularly vulnerable. The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Tajikistan (2011) provided an opportunity to conduct a farm-level survey with the objective of assessing various dimensions of rural population’s vulnerability to risk and their perception of constraints to farming operations and livelihoods. The survey should be accordingly referred to as the 2011 PPCR survey. The rural population in Tajikistan is highly agrarian, with about 50% of family income deriving from agriculture (see Figure 4.1; also LSMS 2007 – own calculations). Tajikistan’s agriculture basically consists of two groups of producers: small household plots – the successors of Soviet “private agriculture” – and dehkan (or “peasant”) farms – new family farming structures that began to be created under relevant legislation passed after 1992 (Lerman and Sedik, 2008). The household plots manage 20% of arable land and produce 65% of gross agricultural output (GAO). Dehkan farms manage 65% of arable land and produce close to 30% of GAO. The remaining 15% of arable land is held in agricultural enterprises – the rapidly shrinking sector of corporate farms that succeeded the Soviet kolkhozes and sovkhozes and today produces less than 10% of GAO (TajStat 2011) The survey conducted in May 2011 focused on dehkan farms, as budgetary constraints precluded the inclusion of household plots. A total of 142 dehkan farms were surveyed in face-to-face interviews. They were sampled from 17 districts across all four regions – Sughd, Khatlon, RRP, and GBAO. The districts were selected so as to represent different agro-climatic zones, different vulnerability zones (based on the World Bank (2011) vulnerability assessment), and different food-insecurity zones (based on WFP/IPC assessments). Within each district, 3-4 jamoats were chosen at random and 2-3 farms were selected in each jamoat from lists provided by jamoat administration so as to maximize the variability by farm characteristics. The sample design by region/district is presented in Table A, which also shows the agro-climatic zone and the food security phase for each district. The sample districts are superimposed on a map of food security phases based on IPC April 2011.
Background: Women worldwide use various vaginal practices to clean or modify their vulva and vagina. Additional population-level information is needed on prevalence and motivations for these practices, characteristics of users, and their adverse effects. Methods: This was a household survey using multistage cluster sampling in Tete, Mozambique; KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; and Chonburi, Thailand. In 2006–2007, vaginal practices and their motivations were examined using structured interviews with women 18–60 years of age (n=3610). Results: Prevalence, frequency, and motivations varied markedly. Two thirds of women in Yogyakarta and Chonburi reported one or more practices. In Yogyakarta, nearly half ingest substances with vaginal effects, and in Chonburi, external washing and application predominate. In Tete, half reported three or four current practices, and a quarter reported five or more practices. Labial elongation was near universal, and 92% of those surveyed cleanse internally. Two third's in KwaZulu-Natal practiced internal cleansing. Insertion of traditional solid products was rare in Chonburi and Yogyakarta, but one tenth of women in KwaZulu-Natal and nearly two thirds of women in Tete do so. Multivariate analysis of the most common practice in each site showed these were more common among less educated women in Africa and young urban women in Asia. Explicit sexual motivations were frequent in KwaZulu-Natal and Tete, intended for pleasure and maintaining partner commitment. Practices in Chonburi and Yogyakarta were largely motivated by femininity and health. Genital irritation was common at African sites. Conclusions: Vaginal practices are not as rare, exotic, or benign as sometimes assumed. Limited evidence of their biomedical consequences remains a concern; further investigation of their safety and sexual health implications is warranted.
Patients' reports of safety-related events and perceptions of safety can be a valuable source for hospitals. Patients of eight acute care hospitals in Switzerland were surveyed for safety-related events and concerns for safety. In workshops with hospitals areas for improvement were analyzed and priorities for change identified. To evaluate the benefit of the approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with hospital risk managers. 3,983 patients returned the survey (55% response rate). 21.4% reported at least one definite safety event, and the mean number of 'definite' incidents per patient was 0.31 (95% CI=0.29 to 0.34). 3.2% were very concerned and 14.7% were somewhat concerned about medical errors and safety. Having experienced a safety-related event, younger age, length of stay, poor health and a poor education increased the probability of reporting concerns. With some exceptions, results confirmed the hospitals' a priori expectations regarding the strengths and weaknesses of their institutions. Risk managers emphasized the usability of results for their work and the special value of referring to the patient's perspective at their home institutions. A considerable fraction of patients subjectively experiences safety-related events and is concerned about safety. Patient-generated data introduced a new quality into the discussion of safety issues within hospitals, and some expected that patients' experiences and concerns could affect patient volumes. Though the study is limited by the short time horizon and the lack of follow-up, the results suggest that the described approach is feasible and can serve as a supplemental tool for risk identification and management.
Mapping the relevant principles and norms of international law, the paper discusses scientific evidence and identifies current legal foundations of climate change mitigation adaptation and communication in international environmental law, human rights protection and international trade regulation in WTO law. It briefly discusses the evolution and architecture of relevant multilateral environmental agreements, in particular the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It discusses the potential role of human rights in identifying pertinent goals and values of mitigation and adaptation and eventually turns to principles and rules of international trade regulation and investment protection which are likely to be of crucial importance should the advent of a new multilateral agreement fail to materialize. The economic and legal relevance of rules on tariffs, border tax adjustment and subsidies, services and intellectual property and investment law are discussed in relation to the production, supply and use of energy. Moreover, lessons from trade negotiations may be drawn for negotiations of future environmental instruments. The paper offers a survey of the main interacting areas of public international law and discusses the intricate interaction of all these components informing climate change mitigation, adaptation and communication in international law in light of an emerging doctrine of multilayered governance. It seeks to contribute to greater coherence of what today is highly fragmented and rarely discussed in an overall context. The paper argues that trade regulation will be of critical importance in assessing domestic policies and potential trade remedies offer powerful incentives for all nations alike to participate in a multilateral framework defining appropriate goals and principles.
To assess frequency and severity of patient safety incidents in primary care. Study Design: Cross-sectional survey of health-care professionals in Swiss primary care offices.